2015-02-07 00:46:44 -06:00

454 lines
14 KiB

/*! Build Table widget for tableSorter v2.16.0; updated 2/7/2015 (v2.19.0)
* by Rob Garrison
/*jshint browser:true, jquery:true, unused:false */
/*global jQuery: false */
"use strict";
var ts = $.tablesorter = $.tablesorter || {},
// build a table from data (requires existing <table> tag)
// data.header contains an array of header titles
// data.rows contains an array of rows which contains an array of cells
bt = ts.buildTable = function(tar, c){
// add table if one doesn't exist
var $tbl = tar.tagName === 'TABLE' ? $(tar) : $('<table>').appendTo(tar),
table = $tbl[0],
wo = c.widgetOptions = $.extend( true, {}, bt.defaults, c.widgetOptions ),
p = wo.build_processing,
typ = wo.build_type,
d = wo.build_source ||,
// determine type: html, json, array, csv, object
runType = function(d){
var t = $.type(d),
jq = d instanceof jQuery;
// run any processing if set
if ( typeof p === 'function' ) { d = p(d, wo); }
// store processed data in = d;
// String (html or unprocessed json) or jQuery object
if ( jq || t === 'string' ) {
// look for </tr> closing tag, then we have an HTML string
if ( jq || /<\s*\/tr\s*>/.test(d) ) {
return bt.html( table, d, wo );
try {
d = $.parseJSON(d || 'null');
if (d) {
// valid JSON!
return bt.object( table, d, wo );
} catch(ignore) {}
// fall through in case it's a csv string
// Array
if (t === 'array' || t === 'string' || typ === 'array' || typ === 'csv') {
// build table using an array (csv & array combined script)
return bt.csv( table, d, wo );
// if we got here, it's an object, or nothing
return bt.object( table, d, wo );
// store config
table.config = c;
// even if wo.build_type is undefined, we can try to figure out the type
if ( !ts.buildTable.hasOwnProperty(typ) && typ !== '' ) {
if (c.debug) { ts.log('aborting build table widget, incorrect build type'); }
return false;
if ( d instanceof jQuery ) {
// get data from within a jQuery object (csv)
runType( $.trim( d.html() ) );
} else if ( d && ( d.hasOwnProperty('url') || typ === 'json' ) ) {
// load data via ajax
$.ajax( wo.build_source )
.done(function(data) {
.fail(function( jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
if (c.debug) { ts.log('aborting build table widget, failed ajax load'); }
$tbl.html('<tr><td class="error">' + jqXHR.status + ' ' + textStatus + '</td></tr>');
} else {
bt.defaults = {
// *** build widget core ***
build_type : '', // array, csv, object, json, html
build_source : '', // array, object, jQuery Object or ajaxObject { url: '', dataType: 'json' },
build_processing : null, // function that returns a useable build_type (e.g. string to array)
build_complete : 'tablesorter-build-complete', // triggered event when build completes
// *** CSV & Array ***
build_headers : {
rows : 1, // Number of header rows from the csv
classes : [], // Header classes to apply to cells
text : [], // Header cell text
widths : [] // set header cell widths (set in colgroup)
build_footers : {
rows : 1, // Number of header rows from the csv
classes : [], // Footer classes to apply to cells
text : [] // Footer cell text
build_numbers : {
addColumn : false, // include row numbering column?
sortable : false // make column sortable?
// *** CSV only options ***
build_csvStartLine : 0, // line within the csv to start adding to table
build_csvSeparator : ",", // csv separator
// *** build object options ***
build_objectRowKey : 'rows', // object key containing table rows
build_objectCellKey : 'cells', // object key containing table cells (within the rows object)
build_objectHeaderKey : 'headers', // object key containing table headers
build_objectFooterKey : 'footers' // object key containing table footers
}; = {
colgroup : function(widths) {
var t = '';
// add colgroup if widths set
if (widths && widths.length) {
t += '<colgroup>';
$.each(widths, function(i, w){
t += '<col' + ( w ? ' style="width:' + w + '"' : '' ) + '>';
t += '</colgroup>';
return t;
// d = cell data; typ = 'th' or 'td'; first = save widths from first header row only
cell : function(d, wo, typ, col, first){
var j, $td,
$col = first ? $('<col>') : '',
cls = wo.build_headers.classes,
cw = wo.build_headers.widths;
// d is just an array
if (/string|number/.test(typeof d)) {
// add classes from options, but not text
$td = $('<' + typ + (cls && cls[col] ? ' class="' + cls[col] + '"' : '') + '>' + d + '</' + typ + '>');
// get widths from options (only from first row)
if (first && cw && cw[col]) {
$col.width(cw[col] || '');
} else {
// assume we have an object
$td = $('<' + typ + '>');
for (j in d) {
if (d.hasOwnProperty(j)){
if (j === 'text' || j === 'html') {
$td[j]( d[j] );
} else if (first && j === 'width') {
// set column width, but only from first row
$col.width(d[j] || '');
} else {
$td.attr(j, d[j]);
return [ $td, $col ];
// h1 = header text from data
header : function(h1, wo){
var h2 = wo.build_headers.text,
cls = wo.build_headers.classes,
t = '<tr>' + (wo.build_numbers.addColumn ? '<th' + (wo.build_numbers.sortable ? '' :
' class="sorter-false"') + '>' + wo.build_numbers.addColumn + '</th>' : '');
$.each(h1, function(i, h) {
if (/<\s*\/t(d|h)\s*>/.test(h)) {
t += h;
} else {
t += '<th' + (cls && cls[i] ? ' class="' + cls[i] + '"' : '') + '>' +
(h2 && h2[i] ? h2[i] : h) + '</th>';
return t + '</tr>';
rows : function(items, txt, c, wo, num, ftr){
var h = (ftr ? 'th' : 'td'),
t = '<tr>' + (wo.build_numbers.addColumn ? '<' + h + '>' + (ftr ? '' : num) + '</' + h + '>' : '');
$.each(items, function(i, item) {
// test if HTML is already included; look for closing </td>
if (/<\s*\/t(d|h)\s*>/.test(item)) {
t += item;
} else {
t += '<' + (ftr ? h + (c && c[i] ? ' class="' + c[i] + '"' : '') : h) + '>' +
(ftr && txt && txt.length && txt[i] ? txt[i] : item) + '</' + h + '>';
return t + '</tr>';
bt.buildComplete = function(table, wo){
ts.setup(table, table.config);
/* ==== Array example ====
[ "header1", "header2", ... "headerN" ],
[ "row1cell1", "row1cell2", ... "row1cellN" ],
[ "row2cell1", "row2cell2", ... "row2cellN" ],
[ "rowNcell1", "rowNcell2", ... "rowNcellN" ]
bt.array = function(table, data, wo) {
return bt.csv(table, data, wo);
/* ==== CSV example ====
ID, Name, Age, Date
A42b, Parker, 28, "Jul 6, 2006 8:14 AM"
A255, Hood, 33, "Dec 10, 2002 5:14 AM"
A33, Kent, 18, "Jan 12, 2003 11:14 AM"
A1, Franklin, 45, "Jan 18, 2001 9:12 AM"
A102, Evans, 22, "Jan 18, 2007 9:12 AM"
A42a, Everet, 22, "Jan 18, 2007 9:12 AM"
ID, Name, Age, Date
// Adapted & modified from csvToTable.js by Steve Sobel
// MIT license:
bt.csv = function(table, data, wo) {
var c, h,
csv = wo.build_type === 'csv' || typeof data === 'string',
$t = $(table),
lines = csv ? data.replace('\r','').split('\n') : data,
len = lines.length,
printedLines = 0,
infooter = false,
r = wo.build_headers.rows + (csv ? wo.build_csvStartLine : 0),
f = wo.build_footers.rows,
headerCount = 0,
error = '',
tableHTML = wo.build_headers.widths ) + '<thead>';
$.each(lines, function(n, line) {
if ( n >= len - f ) { infooter = true; }
// build header
if ( (csv ? n >= wo.build_csvStartLine : true) && ( n < r ) ) {
h = csv ? bt.splitCSV( line, wo.build_csvSeparator ) : line;
headerCount = h.length;
tableHTML +=, wo);
} else if ( n >= r ) {
// build tbody & tfoot rows
if (n === r) {
tableHTML += '</thead><tbody>';
items = csv ? bt.splitCSV( line, wo.build_csvSeparator ) : line;
if (infooter && f > 0) {
tableHTML += (n === len - f ? '</tbody><tfoot>' : '') +
(n === len ? '</tfoot>' : '');
if (items.length > 1) {
if ( items.length !== headerCount ) {
error += 'error on line ' + n + ': Item count (' + items.length +
') does not match header count (' + headerCount + ') \n';
c = infooter ? wo.build_footers.classes : '';
tableHTML +=, wo.build_footers.text, c, wo, printedLines, infooter);
tableHTML += (f > 0 ? '' : '</tbody>');
if (error) {
} else {
bt.buildComplete(table, wo);
// CSV Parser by Brian Huisman (
bt.splitCSV = function(str, sep) {
var x, tl,
thisCSV = $.trim(str).split(sep = sep || ",");
for ( x = thisCSV.length - 1; x >= 0; x-- ) {
if ( thisCSV[x].replace(/\"\s+$/, '"').charAt(thisCSV[x].length - 1) === '"' ) {
if ( (tl = thisCSV[x].replace(/^\s+\"/, '"')).length > 1 && tl.charAt(0) === '"' ) {
thisCSV[x] = thisCSV[x].replace(/^\s*"|"\s*$/g, '').replace(/""/g, '"');
} else if (x) {
thisCSV.splice(x - 1, 2, [thisCSV[x - 1], thisCSV[x]].join(sep));
} else {
thisCSV = thisCSV.shift().split(sep).concat(thisCSV);
} else {
thisCSV[x].replace(/""/g, '"');
return thisCSV;
// data may be a jQuery object after processing
bt.html = function(table, data, wo) {
var $t = $(table);
if ( data instanceof jQuery ) {
} else {
bt.buildComplete(table, wo);
/* ==== Object example ====
data : {
headers : [
{ text: 'First Name', class: 'fname', width: '20%' }, // row 1 cell 1
'Last Name',
{ text: 'Age', class: 'age', 'data-sorter' : false },
{ text: 'Discount', class : 'sorter-false' },
{ text: 'Date', class : 'date' } // row 1 cell 6
footers : 'clone', // clone headers or assign array like headers
rows : [
// TBODY 1
[ 'Peter', 'Parker', 28, '$9.99', '20%', 'Jul 6, 2006 8:14 AM' ], // row 1
[ 'John', 'Hood', 33, '$19.99', '25%', 'Dec 10, 2002 5:14 AM' ], // row 2
[ 'Clark', 'Kent', 18, '$15.89', '44%', 'Jan 12, 2003 11:14 AM' ], // row 3
// TBODY 2
{ newTbody: true, class: 'tablesorter-infoOnly' },
{ cells : [ { text: 'Info Row', colSpan: 6 } ] }, // row 4
// TBODY 3
{ newTbody: true },
[ 'Bruce', 'Evans', 22, '$13.19', '11%', 'Jan 18, 2007 9:12 AM' ], // row 5
[ 'Brice', 'Almighty', 45, '$153.19', '44%', 'Jan 18, 2001 9:12 AM' ], // row 6
{ class: 'specialRow', // row 7
cells: [
{ text: 'Fred', class: 'fname' },
{ text: 'Smith', class: 'lname' },
{ text: 18, class: 'age', 'data-info': 'fake ID!, he is really 16' },
{ text: '$22.44', class: 'total' },
{ text: '8%', class: 'discount' },
{ text: 'Aug 20, 2012 10:15 AM', class: 'date' }
'data-info' : 'This row likes turtles'
bt.object = function(table, data, wo) {
// "rows"
var j, l, t, $c, $t, $tb, $tr,
c = table.config,
kh = wo.build_objectHeaderKey,
kr = wo.build_objectRowKey,
h = data.hasOwnProperty(kh) && !$.isEmptyObject( ? : data.hasOwnProperty('headers') ? data.headers : false,
r = data.hasOwnProperty(kr) && !$.isEmptyObject( ? : data.hasOwnProperty('rows') ? data.rows : false;
if (!h || !r || h.length === 0 || r.length === 0) {
if (c.debug) { ts.log('aborting build table widget, missing data for object build'); }
return false;
$c = $('<colgroup>');
$t = $('<table><thead/></table>');
// Build thead
// h = [ ['headerRow1Cell1', 'headerRow1Cell2', ... 'headerRow1CellN' ], ['headerRow2Cell1', ... ] ]
// or h = [ [ { text: 'firstCell', class: 'fc', width: '20%' }, ..., { text: 'last Cell' } ], [ /* second row */ ] ]
$.each(h, function(i, d){
$tr = $('<tr>').appendTo( $t.find('thead') );
l = d.length; // header row
for ( j = 0; j < l; j++ ) {
// cell(cellData, widgetOptions, 'th', first row)
t =[j], wo, 'th', j, i === 0);
if (t[0] && t[0].length) { t[0].appendTo( $tr ); } // add cell
if (i === 0 && t[1]) { t[1].appendTo( $c ); } // add col to colgroup
if ($c.find('col[style]').length) {
// add colgroup if it contains col elements
$t.prepend( $c );
$tb = $('<tbody>');
// Build tbody
$.each(r, function(i, d){
var j;
t = $.type(d) === 'object';
// add new tbody
if (t && d.newTbody) {
$tb = $('<tbody>').appendTo( $t );
for (j in d) {
if (d.hasOwnProperty(j) && j !== 'newTbody'){
$tb.attr(j, d[j]);
} else {
if (i === 0) {
// add tbody, if the first item in the object isn't a call for a new tbody
$tb.appendTo( $t );
$tr = $('<tr>').appendTo( $tb );
if (t) {
// row defined by object
for (j in d) {
if (d.hasOwnProperty(j) && j !== wo.build_objectCellKey){
$tr.attr(j, d[j]);
if (d.hasOwnProperty(wo.build_objectCellKey)) {
// cells contains each cell info
d = d.cells;
l = d.length;
for ( j = 0; j < l; j++ ) {
// cell(cellData, widgetOptions, 'td')
$c =[j], wo, 'td', j);
if ($c[0] && $c[0].length) { $c[0].appendTo( $tr ); } // add cell
// add footer
if (data.hasOwnProperty(wo.build_objectFooterKey)) {
t = data[wo.build_objectFooterKey];
if (t === 'clone') {
$c = $t.find('thead').html();
$t.append('<tfoot>' + $c + '</tfoot>');
} else {
$c = $('<tfoot>').appendTo( $t );
$.each(t, function(i, d) {
$tr = $('<tr>').appendTo( $c );
l = d.length; // footer cells
for ( j = 0; j < l; j++ ) {
// cell(cellData, widgetOptions, 'th')
$tb =[j], wo, 'th', j);
if ($tb[0] && $tb[0].length) { $tb[0].appendTo( $tr ); } // add cell
$(table).html( $t.html() );
bt.buildComplete(table, wo);
bt.ajax = bt.json = function(table, data, wo) {
return bt.object(table, data, wo);