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/*! Widget: scroller - updated 4/18/2017 (v2.28.8) *//*
Copyright (C) 2011 T. Connell & Associates, Inc.
Dual-licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses
Resizable scroller widget for the jQuery tablesorter plugin
Version 2.0 - modified by Rob Garrison 4/12/2013;
updated 3/5/2015 (v2.22.2) with lots of help from TheSin-
Requires jQuery v1.7+
Requires the tablesorter plugin, v2.8+, available at http://mottie.github.com/tablesorter/docs/
$(function() {
widgets: ['zebra', 'scroller'],
widgetOptions : {
scroller_height : 300, // height of scroll window
scroller_jumpToHeader : true, // header snap to browser top when scrolling the tbody
scroller_upAfterSort : true, // scroll tbody to top after sorting
scroller_fixedColumns : 0 // set number of fixed columns
Website: www.tconnell.com
/*jshint browser:true, jquery:true, unused:false */
;( function( $, window ) {
'use strict';
var ts = $.tablesorter,
tscss = ts.css;
$.extend( ts.css, {
scrollerWrap : 'tablesorter-scroller',
scrollerHeader : 'tablesorter-scroller-header',
scrollerTable : 'tablesorter-scroller-table',
scrollerFooter : 'tablesorter-scroller-footer',
scrollerFixed : 'tablesorter-scroller-fixed',
scrollerFixedPanel : 'tablesorter-scroller-fixed-panel',
scrollerHasFix : 'tablesorter-scroller-has-fixed-columns',
scrollerHideColumn : 'tablesorter-scroller-hidden-column',
scrollerHideElement : 'tablesorter-scroller-hidden',
scrollerSpacerRow : 'tablesorter-scroller-spacer',
scrollerBarSpacer : 'tablesorter-scroller-bar-spacer',
scrollerAddedHeight : 'tablesorter-scroller-added-height',
scrollerHack : 'tablesorter-scroller-scrollbar-hack',
// class name on table cannot start with 'tablesorter-' or the
// suffix 'scroller-rtl' will match as a theme name
scrollerRtl : 'ts-scroller-rtl'
id : 'scroller',
priority : 60, // run after the filter widget
options : {
scroller_height : 300,
// pop table header into view while scrolling up the page
scroller_jumpToHeader : true,
// scroll tbody to top after sorting
scroller_upAfterSort : true,
// set number of fixed columns
scroller_fixedColumns : 0,
// add hover highlighting to the fixed column (disable if it causes slowing)
scroller_rowHighlight : 'hover',
// add a fixed column overlay for styling
scroller_addFixedOverlay : false,
// In tablesorter v2.19.0 the scroll bar width is auto-detected
// add a value here to override the auto-detected setting
scroller_barWidth : null
format : function( table, c, wo ) {
if ( c.isScrolling ) {
ts.scroller.resize( c, wo );
} else {
// initialize here instead of in widget init to give the
// filter widget time to finish building the filter row
ts.scroller.setup( c, wo );
remove : function( table, c, wo ) {
ts.scroller.remove( c, wo );
/* Add window resizeEnd event (also used by columnSelector widget) */
ts.window_resize = function() {
if ( ts.timer_resize ) {
clearTimeout( ts.timer_resize );
ts.timer_resize = setTimeout( function() {
$( window ).trigger( 'resizeEnd' );
}, 250 );
// Add extra scroller css
$( function() {
var style = '<style>' +
/* overall wrapper & table section wrappers */
'.' + tscss.scrollerWrap + ' { position: relative; overflow: hidden; }' +
/* add border-box sizing to all scroller widget tables; see #135 */
'.' + tscss.scrollerWrap + ' * { box-sizing: border-box; }' +
'.' + tscss.scrollerHeader + ', .' + tscss.scrollerFooter + ' { position: relative; overflow: hidden; }' +
'.' + tscss.scrollerHeader + ' table.' + tscss.table + ' { margin-bottom: 0; }' +
/* always leave the scroll bar visible for tbody, or table overflows into the scrollbar
when height < max height (filtering) */
'.' + tscss.scrollerTable + ' { position: relative; overflow: auto; }' +
'.' + tscss.scrollerTable + ' table.' + tscss.table +
' { border-top: 0; margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0; overflow: hidden; max-width: initial; }' +
/* hide footer in original table */
'.' + tscss.scrollerTable + ' tfoot, .' + tscss.scrollerHideElement + ', .' + tscss.scrollerHideColumn +
' { display: none; }' +
/*** fixed column ***/
/* disable pointer-events on fixed column wrapper or the user can't interact with the horizontal scrollbar */
'.' + tscss.scrollerFixed + ', .' + tscss.scrollerFixed + ' .' + tscss.scrollerFixedPanel +
' { pointer-events: none; }' +
/* enable pointer-events for fixed column children; see #135 & #878 */
'.' + tscss.scrollerFixed + ' > div { pointer-events: all; }' +
'.' + tscss.scrollerWrap + ' .' + tscss.scrollerFixed + ' { position: absolute; top: 0; z-index: 1; left: 0 } ' +
'.' + tscss.scrollerWrap + ' .' + tscss.scrollerFixed + '.' + tscss.scrollerRtl + ' { left: auto; right: 0 } ' +
/* add horizontal scroll bar; set to 'auto', see #135 */
'.' + tscss.scrollerWrap + '.' + tscss.scrollerHasFix + ' > .' + tscss.scrollerTable + ' { overflow: auto; }' +
/* need to position the tbody & tfoot absolutely to hide the scrollbar & move the footer
below the horizontal scrollbar */
'.' + tscss.scrollerFixed + ' .' + tscss.scrollerFooter + ' { position: absolute; bottom: 0; }' +
/* hide fixed tbody scrollbar - see http://goo.gl/VsLe6n - set overflow to auto here for mousewheel scroll */
'.' + tscss.scrollerFixed + ' .' + tscss.scrollerTable +
' { position: relative; left: 0; overflow: auto; -ms-overflow-style: none; }' +
'.' + tscss.scrollerFixed + ' .' + tscss.scrollerTable + '::-webkit-scrollbar { display: none; }' +
/*** fixed column panel ***/
'.' + tscss.scrollerWrap + ' .' + tscss.scrollerFixedPanel +
' { position: absolute; top: 0; bottom: 0; z-index: 2; left: 0; right: 0; } ' +
$( 'head' ).append( style );
ts.scroller = {
// Ugh.. Firefox misbehaves, so it needs to be detected
isFirefox : navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf( 'firefox' ) > -1,
// old IE needs a wrap to hide the fixed column scrollbar; http://stackoverflow.com/a/24408672/145346
isOldIE : document.all && !window.atob,
isIE : ( document.all && !window.atob ) || navigator.appVersion.indexOf( 'Trident/' ) > 0,
// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7944460/detect-safari-browser - needed to position scrolling body
// when the table is set up in RTL direction
isSafari : navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf( 'safari' ) > -1 &&
navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf( 'chrome' ) === -1,
hasScrollBar : function( $target, checkWidth ) {
if ( checkWidth ) {
return $target.get(0).scrollWidth > $target.width();
} else {
return $target.get(0).scrollHeight > $target.height();
setWidth : function( $el, width ) {
'width' : width,
'min-width' : width,
'max-width' : width
// modified from http://davidwalsh.name/detect-scrollbar-width
getBarWidth : function() {
var $div = $( '<div>' ).css({
'position' : 'absolute',
'top' : '-9999px',
'left' : 0,
'width' : '100px',
'height' : '100px',
'overflow' : 'scroll',
'visibility' : 'hidden'
}).appendTo( 'body' ),
div = $div[0],
barWidth = div.offsetWidth - div.clientWidth;
return barWidth;
setup : function( c, wo ) {
var tbHt, $hdr, $t, $hCells, $fCells, $tableWrap, events, tmp, detectedWidth,
$win = $( window ),
tsScroller = ts.scroller,
namespace = c.namespace + 'tsscroller',
$foot = $(),
// c.namespace contains a unique tablesorter ID, per table
id = c.namespace.slice( 1 ) + 'tsscroller',
$table = c.$table;
// force config.widthFixed option - this helps maintain proper alignment across cloned tables
c.widthFixed = true;
wo.scroller_calcWidths = [];
wo.scroller_saved = [ 0, 0 ];
wo.scroller_isBusy = true;
// set scrollbar width to one of the following (1) explicitly set scroller_barWidth option,
// (2) detected scrollbar width or (3) fallback of 15px
if ( wo.scroller_barWidth !== null ) {
wo.scroller_barSetWidth = wo.scroller_barWidth;
} else {
detectedWidth = tsScroller.getBarWidth();
wo.scroller_barSetWidth = detectedWidth !== null ? detectedWidth : 15;
tmp = $table.children( 'caption' );
$hdr = $( '<table class="' + $table.attr( 'class' ) + '" cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>' +
( tmp.length ? tmp[ 0 ].outerHTML : '' ) +
$table.children( 'thead' )[ 0 ].outerHTML + '</table>' );
wo.scroller_$header = $hdr.addClass( c.namespace.slice( 1 ) + '_extra_table' );
$t = $table.children( 'tfoot' );
if ( $t.length ) {
$foot = $( '<table class="' + $table.attr( 'class' ) +
'" cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 style="margin-top:0"></table>' )
.addClass( c.namespace.slice( 1 ) + '_extra_table' )
// maintain any bindings on the tfoot cells
.append( $t.clone( true ) )
.wrap( '<div class="' + tscss.scrollerFooter + '"/>' );
$fCells = $foot.children( 'tfoot' ).eq( 0 ).children( 'tr' ).children();
wo.scroller_$footer = $foot;
.wrap( '<div id="' + id + '" class="' + tscss.scrollerWrap + '" />' )
.before( $hdr )
// shrink filter row but don't completely hide it because the inputs/selectors may distort the columns
.find( '.' + tscss.filterRow )
.addClass( tscss.filterRowHide );
wo.scroller_$container = $table.parent();
if ( $foot.length ) {
// $foot.parent() to include <div> wrapper
$table.after( $foot.parent() );
$hCells = $hdr
.wrap( '<div class="' + tscss.scrollerHeader + '" />' )
.find( '.' + tscss.header );
// if max-height is greater than 0 use max-height, so the height resizes dynamically while filtering
// else let the table not have a vertical scroll
$table.wrap( '<div class="' + tscss.scrollerTable +
( wo.scroller_height > 0 ? '" style="max-height:' + wo.scroller_height + 'px;">' : '">' ) );
$tableWrap = $table.parent();
// make scroller header sortable
ts.bindEvents( c.table, $hCells );
// look for filter widget
if ( $table.hasClass( 'hasFilters' ) ) {
ts.filter.bindSearch( $table, $hdr.find( '.' + tscss.filter ) );
.children( 'thead, caption' )
.addClass( tscss.scrollerHideElement );
tbHt = $tableWrap.parent().height();
// The header will always jump into view if scrolling the table body
.off( 'scroll' + namespace )
.on( 'scroll' + namespace, function() {
if ( wo.scroller_jumpToHeader ) {
var pos = $win.scrollTop() - $hdr.offset().top;
if ( $( this ).scrollTop() !== 0 && pos < tbHt && pos > 0 ) {
$win.scrollTop( $hdr.offset().top );
.add( $foot.parent() )
.scrollLeft( $( this ).scrollLeft() );
// resize/update events - filterEnd fires after "tablesorter-initialized" and "updateComplete"
events = ( ( ts.hasWidget( c.table, 'filter' ) ? 'filterEnd' : 'tablesorter-initialized updateComplete' ) +
' sortEnd pagerComplete columnUpdate ' ).split( ' ' ).join( namespace + ' ' );
.off( namespace )
.on( 'sortEnd filterEnd'.split( ' ' ).join( namespace + ' ' ), function( event ) {
// Sorting, so scroll to top
if ( event.type === 'sortEnd' && wo.scroller_upAfterSort ) {
scrollTop : 0
}, 'fast' );
} else if ( wo.scroller_fixedColumns ) {
setTimeout( function() {
// restore previous scroll position
.scrollTop( wo.scroller_saved[1] )
.scrollLeft( wo.scroller_saved[0] );
tsScroller.updateFixed( c, wo );
}, 0 );
.on( 'setFixedColumnSize' + namespace, function( event, size ) {
var $wrap = wo.scroller_$container;
if ( typeof size !== 'undefined' && !isNaN( size ) ) {
wo.scroller_fixedColumns = parseInt( size, 10 );
// remove fixed columns
tsScroller.removeFixed( c, wo );
size = wo.scroller_fixedColumns;
if ( size > 0 && size < c.columns - 1 ) {
tsScroller.updateFixed( c, wo );
} else if ( $wrap.hasClass( tscss.scrollerHasFix ) ) {
$wrap.removeClass( tscss.scrollerHasFix );
// resize needed to make tables full width
tsScroller.resize( c, wo );
.on( events, function( event ) {
// Stop from running twice with pager
if ( ts.hasWidget( 'pager' ) && event.type === 'updateComplete' ) {
if ( wo.scroller_fixedColumns > 0 ) {
tsScroller.updateFixed( c, wo );
// adjust column sizes after an update
tsScroller.resize( c, wo );
// Setup window.resizeEnd event
.off( 'resize resizeEnd '.split( ' ' ).join( namespace + ' ' ) )
.on( 'resize' + namespace, ts.window_resize )
.on( 'resizeEnd' + namespace, function() {
// IE calls resize when you modify content, so we have to unbind the resize event
// so we don't end up with an infinite loop. we can rebind after we're done.
$win.off( 'resize' + namespace, ts.window_resize );
tsScroller.resize( c, wo );
$win.on( 'resize' + namespace, ts.window_resize );
$tableWrap.trigger( 'scroll' + namespace );
// initialization flag
c.isScrolling = true;
tsScroller.updateFixed( c, wo );
// updateAll called - need to give the browser time to adjust the layout
// before calculating fix column widths
if ( c.table.hasInitialized && c.isScrolling ) {
ts.scroller.resize( c, wo );
}, 50);
resize : function( c, wo ) {
if ( wo.scroller_isBusy ) { return; }
var index, borderWidth, setWidth, $headers, $this,
tsScroller = ts.scroller,
$container = wo.scroller_$container,
$table = c.$table,
$tableWrap = $table.parent(),
$hdr = wo.scroller_$header,
$foot = wo.scroller_$footer,
$win = $(window),
position = [ $win.scrollLeft(), $win.scrollTop() ],
id = c.namespace.slice( 1 ) + 'tsscroller',
// Hide other scrollers so we can resize
$div = $( 'div.' + tscss.scrollerWrap + '[id!="' + id + '"]' )
.addClass( tscss.scrollerHideElement ),
temp = 'padding:0;margin:0;border:0;height:0;max-height:0;min-height:0;',
row = '<tr class="' + tscss.scrollerSpacerRow + ' ' + c.selectorRemove.slice(1) +
'" style="' + temp + '">';
wo.scroller_calcWidths = [];
// Remove fixed so we get proper widths and heights
tsScroller.removeFixed( c, wo );
$container.find( '.' + tscss.scrollerSpacerRow ).remove();
// remove ts added colgroups
$container.find( '.' + ts.css.colgroup ).remove();
// show original table elements to get proper alignment
.find( '.' + tscss.scrollerHideElement )
.removeClass( tscss.scrollerHideElement );
// include left & right border widths
borderWidth = parseInt( $table.css( 'border-left-width' ), 10 );
$headers = c.$headerIndexed;
for ( index = 0; index < c.columns; index++ ) {
$this = $headers[ index ];
// code from https://github.com/jmosbech/StickyTableHeaders
if ( $this.css( 'box-sizing' ) === 'border-box' ) {
setWidth = $this.outerWidth();
} else {
if ( $this.css( 'border-collapse' ) === 'collapse' ) {
if ( $this.length && window.getComputedStyle ) {
setWidth = parseFloat( window.getComputedStyle( $this[ 0 ], null ).width );
} else {
// ie8 only
setWidth = $this.outerWidth() - parseFloat( $this.css( 'padding-left' ) ) -
parseFloat( $this.css( 'padding-right' ) ) -
( parseFloat( $this.css( 'border-width' ) ) || 0 );
} else {
setWidth = $this.width();
row += '<td data-column="' + index + '" style="' + temp + 'width:' + setWidth +
'px;min-width:' + setWidth + 'px;max-width:' + setWidth + 'px"></td>';
// save current widths
wo.scroller_calcWidths[ index ] = setWidth;
row += '</tr>';
c.$tbodies.eq(0).append( row ); // tbody
$hdr.children( 'thead' ).append( row );
$foot.children( 'tfoot' ).append( row );
// include colgroup or alignment is off
ts.fixColumnWidth( c.table );
row = c.$table.children( 'colgroup' )[0].outerHTML;
$hdr.append( row );
$foot.append( row );
temp = $tableWrap.parent().innerWidth() -
( tsScroller.hasScrollBar( $tableWrap ) ? wo.scroller_barSetWidth : 0 );
$tableWrap.width( temp );
temp = ( tsScroller.hasScrollBar( $tableWrap ) ? wo.scroller_barSetWidth : 0 ) + borderWidth;
setWidth = $tableWrap.innerWidth() - temp;
.add( $foot.parent() )
.width( setWidth );
.width( setWidth + temp );
// hide original table thead
$table.children( 'thead, caption' ).addClass( tscss.scrollerHideElement );
// update fixed column sizes
tsScroller.updateFixed( c, wo );
$div.removeClass( tscss.scrollerHideElement );
// restore scrollTop - fixes #926
$tableWrap.scrollTop( wo.scroller_saved[1] );
.find( '.' + tscss.scrollerFixed )
.find( '.' + tscss.scrollerTable )
.scrollTop( wo.scroller_saved[1] );
$win.scrollLeft( position[0] );
$win.scrollTop( position[1] );
// update resizable widget handles
setTimeout( function() {
c.$table.triggerHandler( 'resizableUpdate' );
c.$table.triggerHandler( 'scrollerComplete' );
}, 100 );
// Add fixed (frozen) columns (Do not call directly, use updateFixed)
setupFixed : function( c, wo ) {
var index, index2, $el, len, temp, $fixedColumn, $fixedTbody,
$table = c.$table,
$wrapper = wo.scroller_$container,
fixedColumns = wo.scroller_fixedColumns;
$fixedColumn = $wrapper
.addClass( tscss.scrollerHasFix )
.addClass( tscss.scrollerFixed )
.removeClass( tscss.scrollerWrap )
.attr( 'id', '' );
$fixedColumn.find('caption').html(' ');
if ( wo.scroller_addFixedOverlay ) {
$fixedColumn.append( '<div class="' + tscss.scrollerFixedPanel + '">' );
$fixedTbody = $fixedColumn.find( '.' + tscss.scrollerTable );
.children( 'table' )
.addClass( c.namespace.slice( 1 ) + '_extra_table' )
.attr( 'id', '' )
.children( 'thead, tfoot' )
wo.scroller_$fixedColumns = $fixedColumn;
// RTL support (fixes column on right)
if ( $table.hasClass( tscss.scrollerRtl ) ) {
$fixedColumn.addClass( tscss.scrollerRtl );
$el = $fixedColumn.find( 'tr' );
len = $el.length;
for ( index = 0; index < len; index++ ) {
$el.eq( index ).children( ':gt(' + ( fixedColumns - 1 ) + ')' ).remove();
.addClass( tscss.scrollerHideElement )
.prependTo( $wrapper );
// look for filter widget
if ( c.$table.hasClass( 'hasFilters' ) ) {
// make sure fixed column filters aren't disabled
$el = $fixedColumn
.find( '.' + tscss.filter )
.not( '.' + tscss.filterDisabled )
.prop( 'disabled', false );
ts.filter.bindSearch( $table, $fixedColumn.find( '.' + tscss.filter ) );
// disable/enable filters behind fixed column
$el = $wrapper
.children( '.' + tscss.scrollerHeader )
.find( '.' + tscss.filter );
len = $el.length;
for ( index = 0; index < len; index++ ) {
// previously disabled filter; don't mess with it! filterDisabled class added by filter widget
if ( !$el.eq( index ).hasClass( tscss.filterDisabled || 'disabled' ) ) {
// disable filters behind fixed column; don't disable visible filters
$el.eq( index ).prop( 'disabled', index < fixedColumns );
// disable/enable tab indexes behind fixed column
.add( '.' + tscss.scrollerFooter + ' table' )
.children( 'thead' )
.children( 'tr.' + tscss.headerRow )
.attr( 'tabindex', -1 );
$el = wo.scroller_$header
.add( $fixedColumn.find( '.' + tscss.scrollerTable + ' table' ) )
.children( 'thead' )
.children( 'tr.' + tscss.headerRow );
len = $el.length;
for ( index = 0; index < len; index++ ) {
temp = $el.eq( index ).children();
for ( index2 = 0; index2 < temp.length; index2++ ) {
temp.eq( index2 ).attr( 'tabindex', index2 < fixedColumns ? -1 : 0 );
ts.bindEvents( c.table, $fixedColumn.find( '.' + tscss.header ) );
ts.scroller.bindFixedColumnEvents( c, wo );
/*** Scrollbar hack! Since we can't hide the scrollbar with css ***/
if ( ts.scroller.isFirefox || ts.scroller.isOldIE ) {
$fixedTbody.wrap( '<div class="' + tscss.scrollerHack + '" style="overflow:hidden;">' );
// https://remysharp.com/2010/07/21/throttling-function-calls
throttle : function(fn, threshhold, scope) {
threshhold = threshhold || 50;
var last, deferTimer;
return function() {
var context = scope || this,
now = +(new Date()),
args = arguments;
if (last && now < last + threshhold) {
// hold on to it
deferTimer = setTimeout(function() {
last = now;
fn.apply(context, args);
}, threshhold);
} else {
last = now;
fn.apply(context, args);
bindFixedColumnEvents : function( c, wo ) {
// update thead & tbody in fixed column
var tsScroller = ts.scroller,
namespace = c.namespace + 'tsscrollerFixed',
events = 'scroll' + namespace,
$fixedTbody = wo.scroller_$fixedColumns.find( '.' + tscss.scrollerTable ),
fixedScroll = true,
tableScroll = true;
// *** SCROLL *** scroll fixed column along with main
.off( events )
.on( events, tsScroller.throttle(function() {
// using flags to prevent firing the scroll event excessively leading to slow scrolling in Firefox
if ( !wo.scroller_isBusy && fixedScroll ) {
tableScroll = false;
var $this = $( this );
$fixedTbody[0].scrollTop = wo.scroller_saved[1] = $this.scrollTop();
wo.scroller_saved[0] = $this.scrollLeft();
setTimeout( function() {
tableScroll = true;
}, 20 );
// scroll main along with fixed column
.off( events )
.on( events, tsScroller.throttle(function() {
// using flags to prevent firing the scroll event excessively leading to slow scrolling in Firefox
if ( !wo.scroller_isBusy && tableScroll ) {
fixedScroll = false;
c.$table.parent()[0].scrollTop = wo.scroller_saved[1] = $( this ).scrollTop();
setTimeout( function() {
fixedScroll = true;
}, 20 );
// *** ROW HIGHLIGHT ***
if ( wo.scroller_rowHighlight !== '' ) {
events = 'mouseover mouseleave '.split( ' ' ).join( namespace + ' ' );
// can't use c.$tbodies because it doesn't include info-only tbodies
.off( events, 'tbody > tr' )
.on( events, 'tbody > tr', function( event ) {
var indx = c.$table.children( 'tbody' ).children( 'tr' ).index( this );
.children( 'table' )
.children( 'tbody' )
.children( 'tr' )
.eq( indx )
.add( this )
.toggleClass( wo.scroller_rowHighlight, event.type === 'mouseover' );
.find( 'table' )
.off( events, 'tbody > tr' )
.on( events, 'tbody > tr', function( event ) {
var $fixed = $fixedTbody.children( 'table' ).children( 'tbody' ).children( 'tr' ),
indx = $fixed.index( this );
.children( 'tbody' )
.children( 'tr' )
.eq( indx )
.add( this )
.toggleClass( wo.scroller_rowHighlight, event.type === 'mouseover' );
adjustWidth : function( c, wo, totalWidth, adj, dir ) {
var $wrapper = wo.scroller_$container;
// RTL support (fixes column on right)
.children( '.' + tscss.scrollerTable )
.css( dir ? 'right' : 'left', totalWidth );
.children( '.' + tscss.scrollerHeader + ', .' + tscss.scrollerFooter )
// Safari needs a scrollbar width of extra adjusment to align the fixed & scrolling columns
.css( dir ? 'right' : 'left', totalWidth + ( dir && ts.scroller.isSafari ? adj : 0 ) );
updateFixed : function( c, wo ) {
var temp, adj,
$wrapper = wo.scroller_$container,
$hdr = wo.scroller_$header,
$foot = wo.scroller_$footer,
$table = c.$table,
$tableWrap = $table.parent(),
scrollBarWidth = wo.scroller_barSetWidth,
dir = $table.hasClass( tscss.scrollerRtl );
if ( wo.scroller_fixedColumns === 0 ) {
wo.scroller_isBusy = false;
ts.scroller.removeFixed( c, wo );
temp = $wrapper.width();
$tableWrap.width( temp );
adj = ts.scroller.hasScrollBar( $tableWrap ) ? scrollBarWidth : 0;
.add( $foot.parent() )
.width( temp - adj );
if ( !c.isScrolling ) {
wo.scroller_isBusy = true;
// Make sure the wo.scroller_$fixedColumns container exists, if not build it
if ( !$wrapper.find( '.' + tscss.scrollerFixed ).length ) {
ts.scroller.setupFixed( c, wo );
// scroller_fixedColumns
var index, tbodyIndex, rowIndex, $tbody, $adjCol, $fb, totalRows,
// source cells for measurement
$mainTbodies = wo.scroller_$container
.children( '.' + tscss.scrollerTable )
.children( 'table' )
.children( 'tbody' ),
// variable gets redefined
$rows = wo.scroller_$header
.children( 'thead' )
.children( '.' + tscss.headerRow ),
// hide fixed column during resize, or we get a FOUC
$fixedColumn = wo.scroller_$fixedColumns
.addClass( tscss.scrollerHideElement ),
// target cells
$fixedTbodiesTable = $fixedColumn
.find( '.' + tscss.scrollerTable )
.children( 'table' ),
$fixedTbodies = $fixedTbodiesTable
.children( 'tbody' ),
// variables
tsScroller = ts.scroller,
fixedColumns = wo.scroller_fixedColumns,
// get dimensions
$temp = $table.find( 'tbody td' ),
borderRightWidth = parseInt( $temp.css( 'border-right-width' ), 10 ) || 1,
borderSpacing = parseInt( ( $temp.css( 'border-spacing' ) || '' ).split( /\s/ )[ 0 ], 10 ) / 2 || 0,
totalWidth = parseInt( $table.css( 'padding-left' ), 10 ) +
parseInt( $table.css( 'padding-right' ), 10 ) -
widths = wo.scroller_calcWidths;
ts.scroller.removeFixed( c, wo, false );
// calculate fixed column width
for ( index = 0; index < fixedColumns; index++ ) {
totalWidth += widths[ index ] + borderSpacing;
// set fixed column width
totalWidth = totalWidth + borderRightWidth * 2 - borderSpacing;
tsScroller.setWidth( $fixedColumn.add( $fixedColumn.children() ), totalWidth );
tsScroller.setWidth( $fixedColumn.children().children( 'table' ), totalWidth );
// update fixed column tbody content, set cell widths on hidden row
for ( tbodyIndex = 0; tbodyIndex < c.$tbodies.length; tbodyIndex++ ) {
$tbody = $mainTbodies.eq( tbodyIndex );
if ( $tbody.length ) {
// get tbody
$rows = $tbody.children();
totalRows = $rows.length;
$fb = ts.processTbody( $fixedTbodiesTable, $fixedTbodies.eq( tbodyIndex ), true );
// update tbody cells after sort/filtering
for ( rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < totalRows; rowIndex++ ) {
$adjCol = $( $rows[ rowIndex ].outerHTML );
.children( 'td, th' )
.slice( fixedColumns )
$fb.append( $adjCol );
// restore tbody
ts.processTbody( $fixedTbodiesTable, $fb, false );
adj = ts.scroller.hasScrollBar( $tableWrap ) ? scrollBarWidth : 0;
/*** scrollbar HACK! Since we can't hide the scrollbar with css ***/
if ( tsScroller.isFirefox || tsScroller.isOldIE ) {
.css( 'width', totalWidth )
.css( 'width', totalWidth + adj );
$fixedColumn.removeClass( tscss.scrollerHideElement );
for ( index = 0; index < fixedColumns; index++ ) {
temp = ':nth-child(' + ( index + 1 ) + ')';
.children( 'div' )
.children( 'table' )
.find( 'th' + temp + ', td' + temp + ', col' + temp )
.addClass( tscss.scrollerHideColumn );
totalWidth = totalWidth - borderRightWidth;
temp = $tableWrap.parent().innerWidth() - totalWidth;
$tableWrap.width( temp );
// RTL support (fixes column on right)
.children( '.' + tscss.scrollerTable )
.css( dir ? 'right' : 'left', totalWidth );
.children( '.' + tscss.scrollerHeader + ', .' + tscss.scrollerFooter )
// Safari needs a scrollbar width of extra adjusment to align the fixed & scrolling columns
.css( dir ? 'right' : 'left', totalWidth + ( dir && ts.scroller.isSafari ? adj : 0 ) );
.add( $foot.parent() )
.width( temp - adj );
// fix gap under the tbody for the horizontal scrollbar
temp = ts.scroller.hasScrollBar( $tableWrap, true );
adj = temp ? scrollBarWidth : 0;
if ( !$fixedColumn.find( '.' + tscss.scrollerBarSpacer ).length && temp ) {
$temp = $( '<div class="' + tscss.scrollerBarSpacer + '">' )
.css( 'height', adj + 'px' );
$fixedColumn.find( '.' + tscss.scrollerTable ).append( $temp );
} else if ( !temp ) {
$fixedColumn.find( '.' + tscss.scrollerBarSpacer ).remove();
ts.scroller.updateRowHeight( c, wo );
// set fixed column height (changes with filtering)
$fixedColumn.height( $wrapper.height() );
$fixedColumn.removeClass( tscss.scrollerHideElement );
// adjust caption height, see #1202
$fixedColumn.find('caption').height( wo.scroller_$header.find( 'caption' ).height() );
wo.scroller_isBusy = false;
fixHeight : function( $rows, $fixedRows ) {
var index, heightRow, heightFixed, $r, $f,
addedHt = tscss.scrollerAddedHeight,
len = $rows.length;
for ( index = 0; index < len; index++ ) {
$r = $rows.eq( index );
$f = $fixedRows.eq( index );
heightRow = $r.height();
heightFixed = $f.height();
if ( heightRow > heightFixed ) {
$f.addClass( addedHt ).height( heightRow );
} else if ( heightRow < heightFixed ) {
$r.addClass( addedHt ).height( heightFixed );
updateRowHeight : function( c, wo ) {
var $rows, $fixed,
$fixedColumns = wo.scroller_$fixedColumns;
.find( '.' + tscss.scrollerAddedHeight )
.removeClass( tscss.scrollerAddedHeight )
.height( '' );
$rows = wo.scroller_$header
.children( 'thead' )
.children( 'tr' );
$fixed = $fixedColumns
.children( '.' + tscss.scrollerHeader )
.children( 'table' )
.children( 'thead' )
.children( 'tr' );
ts.scroller.fixHeight( $rows, $fixed );
$rows = wo.scroller_$footer
.children( 'tfoot' )
.children( 'tr' );
$fixed = $fixedColumns
.children( '.' + tscss.scrollerFooter )
.children( 'table' )
.children( 'tfoot' )
.children( 'tr' );
ts.scroller.fixHeight( $rows, $fixed );
if ( ts.scroller.isFirefox || ts.scroller.isOldIE ) {
// Firefox/Old IE scrollbar hack (wraps table to hide the scrollbar)
$fixedColumns = $fixedColumns.find( '.' + tscss.scrollerHack );
$rows = c.$table
.children( 'tbody' )
.children( 'tr' );
$fixed = $fixedColumns
.children( '.' + tscss.scrollerTable )
.children( 'table' )
.children( 'tbody' )
.children( 'tr' );
ts.scroller.fixHeight( $rows, $fixed );
removeFixed : function( c, wo, removeIt ) {
var $table = c.$table,
$wrapper = wo.scroller_$container,
dir = $table.hasClass( tscss.scrollerRtl );
// remove fixed columns
if ( removeIt || typeof removeIt === 'undefined' ) {
$wrapper.find( '.' + tscss.scrollerFixed ).remove();
.find( '.' + tscss.scrollerHideColumn )
.removeClass( tscss.scrollerHideColumn );
// RTL support ( fixes column on right )
.children( ':not(.' + tscss.scrollerFixed + ')' )
.css( dir ? 'right' : 'left', 0 );
remove : function( c, wo ) {
var $wrap = wo.scroller_$container,
namespace = c.namespace + 'tsscroller';
c.$table.off( namespace );
$( window ).off( namespace );
if ( $wrap ) {
.insertBefore( $wrap )
.find( 'thead' )
.removeClass( tscss.scrollerHideElement )
.children( 'tr.' + tscss.headerRow )
.attr( 'tabindex', 0 )
.find( '.' + tscss.filterRow )
.removeClass( tscss.scrollerHideElement + ' ' + tscss.filterRowHide );
.find( '.' + tscss.filter )
.not( '.' + tscss.filterDisabled )
.prop( 'disabled', false );
c.isScrolling = false;
})( jQuery, window );