mirror of
synced 2025-01-12 15:24:21 +00:00
214 lines
6.3 KiB
214 lines
6.3 KiB
/*jshint browser:true, jquery:true, unused:false */
/*global prettyPrint:false */
var $t, t, v, animating, clicked,
cleanupCode = function(code){
return code.replace(/[<>\"\'\t\n]/g, function(m) { return {
'<' : '<',
'>' : '>',
"'" : ''',
'"' : '"',
'\t': ' ',
'\n': '<br/>' // needed for IE
$("a.external").each(function(){this.target = '_new';});
// get javascript source
if ($("#js").length) {
$("#javascript pre").addClass('mod').html( cleanupCode( $("#js").html() ) );
if ($("#css").length) {
$("pre.lang-css").addClass('mod').html( cleanupCode( $("#css").html() ) );
if ($("#demo").length && $("#html pre").length) {
$("#html pre").addClass('mod').html( cleanupCode( $("#demo").html() ) );
// apply to already pre-formatted blocks to add <br> for IE
$t = $(this);
$t.html( cleanupCode( $t.html() ) );
if (typeof prettyPrint !== 'undefined') { prettyPrint(); }
// hide child rows
$('#root .tablesorter-childRow').hide();
// toggle child row content, not hiding the row since we are using rowspan
$('#root .toggle').click(function(){
return false;
animating = false;
clicked = false;
var $el = $(this);
if (!animating && !clicked) {
animating = true;
setTimeout(function(){ animating = false; }, 200);
}, 200);
return false;
$('#root .permalink').dblclick(function(){
clicked = true;
window.location.hash = '#' + $(this).closest('tr')[0].id;
setTimeout(function(){ clicked = false; }, 500);
return false;
$('.toggleAll, .showAll, .hideAll').click(function(){
t = $.trim($(this).text());
// use nextAll to ignore any <br> or other elements between this link and the table
return false;
// update version number
$t = $('.current-version');
if ($t.length) {
// add high visibility tags for newest versions
t = $.tablesorter.version.replace(/(v|version|\+)/g, '').split('.');
v = [ parseInt(t[0], 10) || 1, parseInt(t[1], 10) || 0, parseInt(t[2], 10) || 0 ];
var i;
$t = $(this);
i = $t.text().replace(/(v|version|\+)/g, '').split('.');
t = [ parseInt(i[0], 10) || 1, parseInt(i[1], 10) || 0, parseInt(i[2], 10) || 0 ];
if (t[0] === v[0] && t[1] >= v[1] - 1 ) {
$t.prepend('<span class="label ' + ( t[0] === v[0] && t[1] < v[1] ? ' label-default' : ' label-success' ) +
'">'+ ($t.hasClass('updated') ? 'Updated' : 'New') + '</span> ');
// updates for current version are brighter
if (t[2] <= v[2] - 1) {
// new labels for revisions > 1 back are lighter
$t = $('.accordion');
if ($t.length) {
var id, hashId,
hash = window.location.hash;
// add accodion ids
var txt = $(this).find('a').text().toLowerCase().replace(/[-:()\"]/g,'').replace(/[\s+\/]/g,'_');
this.id = txt;
if (hash && txt === hash.slice(1)) {
hashId = i;
// set up accordions
var $this = $(this);
active: hashId,
animate: false,
heightStyle: 'content',
collapsible: true,
create: function() {
this.id = $(this).find('a').text().toLowerCase().replace(/[-:()\"]/g,'').replace(/[\s+\/]/g,'_');
$(this).before('<a class="accordion-link link" data-index="' + i + '" href="#' + this.id + '"></a>');
$this.accordion( "option", "active", $(this).data('index') );
activate: function(e, ui) {
// refresh zebra widget when rows are visible
// open parent accordion of nested accordion
if ( $this.find(hash).length && !$this.children(hash).length ) {
// div should have an id of ui-accordion-#-panel-#
id = $(hash).closest('.ui-accordion-content').attr('id').match(/\d+$/);
if (id && id.length) {
$this.accordion('option', 'active', Number(id[0]) - 1);
// open table row of nested accordion
} else if ( ($this.find(hash).closest('tr').attr('id') || '') !== '') {
t = $this.find(hash).closest('tr');
if (t.closest('table').hasClass('hasStickyHeaders')) {
window.scrollTo( 0, t.offset().top - 27 );
}, 200);
function showProperty(){
var prop, $t, wo, h = window.location.hash;
if (h) {
prop = $(h);
if (prop.length && !/h3|a|table/i.test(prop[0].tagName)) {
if (h === '#csschildrow') {
$('#root .tablesorter-childRow').show();
// move below sticky header; added delay as there could be some lag
$t = prop.closest('table');
if ($t.length) {
wo = $t[0].config.widgetOptions;
h = ( wo.$sticky ? wo.$sticky.height() : '' ) || $t.hasClass('hasStickHeaders') ? 27 : 0;
if ($t.hasClass('options') || $t.hasClass('api')) {
window.scrollTo( 0, prop.offset().top - h );
}, 200);
if ($('#root').length) {
$(window).bind('hashchange', function(){
// append hidden parsed value to cell
// used by feet-inch-fraction & metric parser demos
window.addParsedValues = function($t, cols, format){
var r,
$r = $t.find('tbody tr'),
c = $t[0].config.cache[0].normalized;
r = this;
$.each(cols, function(v,j){
r.cells[j].innerHTML += ' <span class="val hidden removeme">(<span class="results">' + (format ? format(c[i][j]) : c[i][j]) + '</span>)</span>';
$('.toggleparsedvalue').on('click', function(){
return false;