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<title>jQuery tablesorter 2.0 - Using a Custom Sort Script</title>
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<script src="js/sugar-1.4.1.min.js"></script>
<script id="js">$(function() {
// define sugar.js v1.4.1 Icelandic sort order
Array.AlphanumericSortOrder = 'AaÁáBbCcDdÐðEeÉéĘęFfGgHhIiÍíJjKkLlMmNnOoÓóPpQqRrSsTtUuÚúVvWwXxYyÝýZzÞþÆæÖö';
Array.AlphanumericSortIgnoreCase = true;
Array.AlphanumericSortEquivalents = {};
/* Sugar v2.0.0 not currently working
// The following setting is IMPORTANT!
// see
Sugar.Array.setOption('sortEquivalents', {});
// define sugar.js Icelandic sort order (Sugar namespace needed for v2.0+)
Sugar.Array.setOption('sortOrder', 'AaÁáBbCcDdÐðEeÉéĘęFfGgHhIiÍíJjKkLlMmNnOoÓóPpQqRrSsTtUuÚúVvWwXxYyÝýZzÞþÆæÖö');
Sugar.Array.setOption('sortIgnoreCase', true);
theme : 'blue',
// table = table object; get config options from table.config
// column is the column index (zero-based)
ignoreCase : false,
textSorter : {
// 1 : Sugar.Array.sortCollate, // alphanumeric sort from sugar v2.0+ (
1 : Array.AlphanumericSort, // alphanumeric sort from sugar v1.4.1 (
// function parameters were previously (a, b, table, column) - *** THEY HAVE CHANGED!!! ***
2 : function(a, b, direction, column, table){
// this is the original sort method from tablesorter 2.0.3
if (table.config.sortLocaleCompare) { return a.localeCompare(b); }
return ((a < b) ? -1 : ((a > b) ? 1 : 0));
// no need to set this as it is the default sorter
// renamed v2.12 from $.tablesorter.sortText - performs natural sort
3 : $.tablesorter.sortNatural,
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<h2>Using a Custom Sort Script</h2>
<h3>Flexible client-side table sorting</h3>
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<p class="tip">
<li>Modified the <code>textSorter</code> option to allow setting the sorter per column <span class="version">v2.12</span>:
<li><span class="label alert">*NOTE*</span> The <code>textSorter</code> function parameters have changed! It is now <code>function(a, b, direction, column, table)</code> (previously <code>function(a, b, table, column)</code>).</li>
<li>The &quot;Icelandic Alphabet&quot; column is using the <a href="">Sugar</a> library v1.4.1 to sort:
<li><span class="label alert">*NOTE*</span> This demo is <strong>not yet using Sugar v2.0+</strong> due to issues with <code>Sugar.Array.sortCollate</code> (<a href="">ref</a>).</li>
<li>Solved (4/28/2014)! <del>please note that at the time of this writing, there is an issue with it not sorting properly (<a href="">ref</a>)</del></li>
<li>You can tell it is working properly when you sort the Icelandic Alphabet column and the numeric column numbers are sequential (<span class="lookhere">see row #37</span>).</li>
<li>The &quot;Plain Text Sort&quot; column is using a basic alphabetical sort (with localeCompare if set). Sort that column, then the last column to see how it differs from an alphanumeric sort.</li>
<li>The sorting of empty cells still occurs regardless of the custom <code>textSorter</code> setting.</li>
<li>One custom sort used here is from the original tablesorter plugin v2.0.3. Sort the <del>first</del> "Plain Text Sort" column to see how it sorts alphanumeric data.</li>
<li>This option is not part of the original plugin (v2.2).</li>
<div id="demo"><table class="tablesorter">
<th>Icelandic Alphabet</th>
<th>Plain Text Sort</th>
<th>Alphanumeric Sort</th>
<tr><td>37</td><td class="lookhere">Ö</td><td>b80</td><td>b80</td></tr>
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Next up: <a href="example-locale-sort.html">Sorting Accented Characters &rsaquo;&rsaquo;</a>