
986 lines
39 KiB

* TableSorter QUnit Testing
/*jshint unused: false */
/*global QUnit: false, jQuery: false, ipv6tests: false */
// Accepts a function with a single argument -- deferred object, which should be resolved at some point in a function.
// Returns a promise, wrapping this function call.
QUnit.deferredCallback = function(func) {
return function(){
var defer = $.Deferred();
return defer.promise();
// SequentialRunner is an object to build and run a list of asynchronous calls in a sequential way.
// It wraps a deferred object; initially it's resolved, but .next and .nextTask calls add runners to be invoked.
// Underlying promise can be obtained by .promise() call.
// Each runner should accept deferred object and resolve it at some point when it's safe to invoke the next runner.
// Its constructor has an optional argument runnerCreator -- function which accepts task arguments
// and returns a runner (i.e. another function). If runnerCreator supplied, SequentialRunner object gets
// an additional method #nextTask(<task arguments>...) that is useful when you run lots of similar tasks.
// Example:
// QUnit.SequentialRunner(function(buttonSelector){
// return function(defer){ // each task is to wait until specified button is clicked
// $(buttonSelector).click(function(){
// defer.resolve()
// })
// };
// })
// .nextTask('#login').nextTask('#demo').nextTask('button')
// .promise()
// .then(function(){ console.log('Login, demo and any other button were clicked in that order.') });
QUnit.SequentialRunner = function(runnerCreator){
var result = {
defer: $.Deferred().resolve(),
promise: function(){
return this.defer.promise();
next: function(runner) {
this.defer = this.defer.then( QUnit.deferredCallback(runner) );
return this;
if (runnerCreator) {
result.nextTask = function(args) { // any argument list
var deferredRunner = QUnit.deferredCallback( runnerCreator.apply(this, arguments) );
this.defer = this.defer.then(deferredRunner);
return this;
return result;
// Returns an runner which runs some actions and wait for an event to be triggered.
// When an event is triggered assertions block is called and defer is resolved (independent on assertion result).
// This runner is useful when you want to check some conditions which should be met after an event was triggered.
// Example:
// QUnit.test('tablesorter initialization', function(assert){
// return QUnit.SequentialRunner()
// .next(
// QUnit.assertOnEvent(
// $('table'),
// 'tablesorter-initialized',
// function() {
// $('table').tablesorter( {sortList: [[0,0]]} );
// },
// function() {
// QUnit.assert.deepEqual($('table')[0].config.sortList, [[0,0]], 'sortList should be present in config');
// }
// )
// ).promise();
// });
QUnit.assertOnEvent = function($element, eventType, actions, assertions) {
return function(defer){
.on(eventType, function() {
defer && defer.resolve();
QUnit.extend(QUnit.assert, {
test table data cache
cacheCompare : function(table, col, expected, txt, filtered){
var flat = [],
result = $.tablesorter.getColumnText( table, col, function( data ){
return !( filtered && data.$row.hasClass( table.config.widgetOptions.filter_filteredRow ) );
// flatten array
flat = flat.concat.apply( flat, result.parsed );
QUnit.assert.deepEqual( flat, expected, 'Comparing parser cache: ' + txt);
Core plugin tested
cssAsc, cssChildRow, cssDesc, cssHeader, cssHeaderRow, cssInfoBlock, dateFormat, emptyTo, headerList,
headers, ignoreCase, initialized, parsers, sortList, sortLocaleCompare, sortReset, stringTo, tableClass,
usNumberFormat, widgets (just zebra), sortAppend, sortForce, sortMultiSortKey, sortResetKey, numberSorter
addRows, applyWidgets, destroy, sorton, sortReset, update/updateRow, updateAll, updateCell
initialized, sortBegin, sortEnd, sortStart, updateComplete
Not yet tested
cancelSelection, cssIcon, cssProcessing, debug, delayInit, headerTemplate, initWidgets, onRenderHeader,
onRenderTemplate, selectorHeaders, selectorRemove, selectorSort, serverSideSorting, showProcessing,
sortInitialOrder, sortRestart, strings,
textExtraction, textSorter, theme, widthFixed, widgets (also need priority testing)
appendCache, applyWidgetId, sort, refreshWidgets
var ts = $.tablesorter,
$table1 = $('#table1'),
$table2 = $('#table2'),
$table3 = $('#table3'),
$table4 = $('#table4'),
$table5 = $('#table5'), // empty table
$table6 = $('#table6'), // colspan table
table1 = $table1[0],
table2 = $table2[0],
table3 = $table3[0],
table4 = $table4[0],
table5 = $table5[0],
table6 = $table6[0],
th0 = $table1.find('th')[0], // first table header cell
init = false,
sortIndx = 0,
updateIndx = 0,
updateCallback = 0,
events = ['sortStart', 'sortBegin', 'sortEnd', ' '],
returnTime = function(string){
return new Date(string).getTime();
undef, c1, c2, c3, c4, e, i, t;
.bind('tablesorter-initialized', function(){
init = true;
headers: {
0: { sorter: 'text' },
1: { sorter: 'text' },
2: { sorter: false }
emptyTo: 'bottom',
stringTo: 'max', // non-numeric content is treated as a MAX value
headers: {
0: { empty : 'top' }, // sort empty cells to the top
2: { string: 'min' }, // non-numeric content is treated as a MIN value
3: { sorter: 'digit', empty : 'zero', string : 'top' }
sortAppend : [[2,0],[3,0]],
sortForce : [[0,0],[1,0]],
textExtraction : {
'.te-test' : function(node){
return $(node).find('span').text();
2 : function(node){
return $(node).find('span').text();
initialized: function(table){
var e, c = table.config;
// trigger sort on 5th column
// this method is used because triggering a 'sorton' would ignore sortForce/sortAppend
e = $.Event('sort');
e.which = 1;
e.shiftKey = true;
numberSorter: function(a, b, dir){
return dir ? a-b : b-a;
QUnit.test( 'tablesorter loaded & initialized', function(assert) {
assert.equal( typeof ts, 'object', 'tablesorter loaded');
assert.equal( table1.hasInitialized, true, 'tablesorter initialized flag');
assert.equal( init, true, 'tablesorter initialized event');
c1 = table1.config;
c2 = table2.config;
c3 = table3.config;
c4 = table4.config;
Test column numbering
// later: include a table header with colspan & rowspan
QUnit.test( 'column numbering', function(assert) {
var internalColumn = true,
dataColumn = true;
$table4.find('thead th').each(function(i){
internalColumn = internalColumn && this.column === i;
dataColumn = dataColumn && $(this).attr('data-column') == i;
assert.equal( internalColumn, true, 'Correct internal column numbering' );
assert.equal( dataColumn, true, 'Correct data-column attribute numbering' );
check isDigit function
var d = ts.isDigit;
QUnit.test( 'isDigit', function(assert) {
assert.ok( d('-1'), 'allow negative (-1)');
assert.ok( d('+1'), 'allow plus (+1)');
assert.ok( d('(1)'), 'allow parenthesis (1)');
assert.ok( d('123'), "string has numbers ('123')");
assert.ok( d(123), 'has numbers (123)');
assert.ok( d('1.2'), 'remove decimal (1.2)');
assert.ok( d('1,234'),'remove commas (1,234)');
assert.ok( d("11'"), "remove apostrophe's (11')"); // 11 feet
assert.ok( d('3\'4"'),"remove quotes (3'4\")"); // 3 foot 4 inches
assert.ok( d(' 12 '), 'remove spaces ( 12 )');
assert.ok( !d('x'), 'non-digit alphabet');
assert.ok( !d('1x'), 'digit + alphabet');
assert.ok( !d('x1'), 'alphabet + digit');
assert.ok( !d('@'), 'non-digit symbols');
assert.ok( !d('1-'), 'negative after (1-) not allowed?');
assert.ok( !d('1+'), 'plus after (1+) not allowed?');
assert.ok( !d('$2'), 'no money; the currency parser will catch these');
assert.ok( !d(''), "empty string ('')");
check formatFloat function
var ff = function(str) {
return ts.formatFloat(str, table1);
QUnit.test( 'formatFloat', function(assert) {
assert.strictEqual( ff(''), '', 'returns empty string' );
assert.strictEqual( ff(5), 5, 'returns numerical values');
c1.usNumberFormat = false;
assert.strictEqual( ts.formatFloat('1,234,567.89'), 1234567.89, 'use format float without including table - defaults to US number format');
assert.strictEqual( ff('1 234,56'), 1234.56, 'parse non-U.S. (French) number format');
assert.strictEqual( ff('1.234,56'), 1234.56, 'parse non-U.S. (German) number format');
assert.strictEqual( ff('-32,32'), -32.32, 'negative non-U.S. signed numbers');
assert.strictEqual( ff('-1.234,56'), -1234.56, 'negative non-U.S. signed numbers');
assert.strictEqual( ff('(32,32)'), -32.32, 'parenthesis wrapped non-U.S. negative number');
assert.strictEqual( ff(' (32,32) '), -32.32, 'space + parenthesis wrapped non-U.S. negative number');
c1.usNumberFormat = true;
assert.strictEqual( ff('1,234.56'), 1234.56, 'parse U.S. number format');
assert.strictEqual( ff('-32.32'), -32.32, 'negative U.S. signed numbers');
assert.strictEqual( ff('(32.32)'), -32.32, 'parenthesis wrapped U.S. negative number');
assert.strictEqual( ff(' (32.32)'), -32.32, 'space + parenthesis wrapped U.S. negative number');
assert.strictEqual( ff('fred'), 'fred', 'return string if not a number');
assert.strictEqual( ff(' fred '), 'fred', 'return trimmed string if not a number');
assert.strictEqual( ff('fred 12'), 'fred 12', 'return string if number not at beginning');
assert.strictEqual( ff('12fred'), 12, 'parse number + string into number only');
assert.strictEqual( ff('(fred)'), '(fred)', 'leave parenthesis intact on strings');
get data function - jQuery data > meta > headers option > header class name
var gd = function(n){
return ts.getData( c2.$headers[n], c2.headers[n], 'sorter' );
QUnit.test( 'getData', function(assert) {
var txt = [ 'jQuery data', 'meta data', 'headers option', 'header class name' ];
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
assert.equal( gd(i), 'false', txt[i]); // all columns have sorter false set
QUnit.test( 'isValueInArray', function(assert) {
var v = ts.isValueInArray;
assert.ok( v( 0, null ) < 0, 'null' );
assert.ok( v( 0, [] ) < 0, 'Empty array' );
assert.ok( v( 1, [[ 1,0 ], [ 0,0 ]] ) === 0, 'Column found (first array)' );
assert.ok( v( 1, [[ 0,0 ], [ 1,0 ]] ) === 1, 'Column found (second array)' );
assert.ok( v( 4, [[ 0,0 ], [ 1,0 ], [ 4,0 ]] ) === 2, 'Column found (third array)' );
assert.ok( v( 3, [[ 0,0 ], [ 1,0 ], [ 4,0 ]] ) < 0 , 'Column not found' );
QUnit.test( 'isProcessing', function(assert) {
var p = ts.isProcessing,
findClasses = function( applied, columns ) {
var i, tmp,
headers = 0,
len = columns.length,
headers = 0,
// if processing applied, class is added to the table
result = applied && $table3.hasClass( ts.css.processing );
if ( len === 1 && columns[ 0 ] < 0 ) {
// processing class should not be found on headers
return ( !result || applied && result ) && c3.$headers.find( '.' + ts.css.processing ).length === 0;
for ( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) {
tmp = c3.$headers.eq( columns[ i ] ).hasClass( ts.css.processing );
if ( tmp ) { headers++; }
result = result && tmp;
return result && headers === len;
$table3.trigger('sorton', [[[0,0], [1,0]]]);
p( $table3, true );
assert.ok( findClasses( true, [ 0, 1 ] ), 'Processing 2 columns' );
p( $table3, false );
assert.ok( findClasses( false, [ -1 ] ), 'No sort' );
p( $table3, true, c3.$headers.eq(4) );
assert.ok( findClasses( true, [ -1 ] ), 'Processing specified column not in sortList' );
p( $table3, true, c3.$headers.eq(1) );
assert.ok( findClasses( true, [ 1 ] ), 'Processing specified column in sortList' );
assert.ok( findClasses( false, [ -1 ] ), 'No sort' );
character equivalent replacement
QUnit.test( 'replace accents', function(assert) {
assert.strictEqual( ts.replaceAccents('\u00e1\u00e0\u00e2\u00e3\u00e4\u0105\u00e5\u00c1\u00c0\u00c2\u00c3\u00c4\u0104\u00c5'), 'aaaaaaaAAAAAAA', "replaced a's");
assert.strictEqual( ts.replaceAccents('\u00e9\u00e8\u00ea\u00eb\u011b\u0119\u00c9\u00c8\u00ca\u00cb\u011a\u0118'), 'eeeeeeEEEEEE', "replaced e's");
assert.strictEqual( ts.replaceAccents('\u00ed\u00ec\u0130\u00ee\u00ef\u0131\u00cd\u00cc\u0130\u00ce\u00cf'), 'iiiiiiIIiII', "replaced i's");
assert.strictEqual( ts.replaceAccents('\u00f3\u00f2\u00f4\u00f5\u00f6\u00d3\u00d2\u00d4\u00d5\u00d6'), 'oooooOOOOO', "replaced o's");
assert.strictEqual( ts.replaceAccents('\u00fa\u00f9\u00fb\u00fc\u016f\u00da\u00d9\u00db\u00dc\u016e'), 'uuuuuUUUUU', "replaced u's");
assert.strictEqual( ts.replaceAccents('\u00e7\u0107\u010d\u00c7\u0106\u010c\u00df\u1e9e'), 'cccCCCssSS', 'replaced c & s sharp');
detect parsers
QUnit.test( 'detect parsers', function(assert) {
var done = assert.async();
$('#testblock2').html('<table class="tablesorter"><thead>' +
'<tr><th class="col-off" colspan="2">Info</th><th class="col-off" colspan="4">Details</th></tr>' +
'<tr>' +
'<th class="col-first">First Name</th>' +
'<th class="col-last">Last Name</th>' +
'<th class="col-age" id="age">Age</th>' +
'<th class="col-total">Total</th>' +
'<th class="col-discount">Discount</th>' +
'<th class="col-date">Date</th>' +
'</tr></thead>' +
'<tbody>' +
'<tr><td>Peter</td><td>Parker</td><td>28</td><td>$9.99</td><td>20%</td><td>Jul 6, 2006 8:14 AM</td></tr>' +
'<tr><td>John</td><td>Hood</td><td>33</td><td>$19.99</td><td>25%</td><td>Dec 10, 2002 5:14 AM</td></tr>' +
'<tr><td>Clark</td><td>Kent</td><td>18</td><td>$15.89</td><td>44%</td><td>Jan 12, 2003 11:14 AM</td></tr>' +
'<tr><td>Bruce</td><td>Almighty</td><td>45</td><td>$153.19</td><td>44%</td><td>Jan 18, 2001 9:12 AM</td></tr>' +
'<tr><td>Bruce</td><td>Evans</td><td>22</td><td>$13.19</td><td>11%</td><td>Jan 18, 2007 9:12 AM</td></tr>' +
headers : {
0 : { sorter: false },
1 : { sorter: false },
3 : { sorter: 'digit' } // 3 sets the 4th column, not the 3rd header cell now
initialized: function(table){
var i,
result = true,
parsers = [ 'text', 'digit', 'digit', 'currency', 'percent', 'usLongDate' ],
c = table.config;
for (i = 0; i < c.columns; i++){
result = result && c.parsers[i].id === parsers[i];
assert.equal( result, true, 'detect parsers by header index' );
// table inception!
headers : {
'.col-first' : { sorter: 'url' },
'.col-off' : { sorter: false },
'.col-total' : { sorter : 'percent' },
'#age, .col-last' : { sorter: 'currency' },
'.col-date' : { sorter : 'time' },
'.col-discount' : { sorter: 'digit' }
initialized: function(table){
var i,
result = true,
parsers = [ 'url', 'currency', 'currency', 'percent', 'digit', 'time' ],
c = table.config;
for (i = 0; i < c.columns; i++){
result = result && c.parsers[i].id === parsers[i];
assert.equal( result, true, 'detect parsers by class/id' );
check all default parsers
var p = ts.parsers,
// test by parser
parserTests = 86,
// skipping metadata parser
sample1 = {
'text' : { 'test': 'test', 'TesT': 'test', '\u00e1 test': '\u00e1 test' },
'currency' : { '\u00a31': 1, '($2.23)': -2.23, '5\u20ac': 5, '(11\u00a4)': -11, '500\u00a5': 500, '25\u00a2': 25, '$1,000.50': 1000.5 },
'ipAddress' : { '': 255255255255, '': 32032032032, '': 1001001001 },
'url' : { '': '', '': '', '': '' },
'isoDate' : { '2012/12/12': returnTime('2012/12/12'), '2012-12/12': returnTime('2012/12/12'), '2013-1-1': returnTime('2013/1/1'), '2013/1/1 12:34:56 AM': returnTime('2013/1/1 12:34:56 AM') },
'percent' : { '100%': 100, '22%': 22, '%2': 2, '2 %': 2, '(4%)': -4, '1,234.56 %': 1234.56 },
'usLongDate': { 'Feb 23, 1999': returnTime('Feb 23, 1999'), 'Feb 23, 1999 12:34': returnTime('Feb 23, 1999 12:34'), 'Feb 23, 1999 12:34 AM': returnTime('Feb 23, 1999 12:34 AM'), 'Feb 23, 1999 12:34:56 PM': returnTime('Feb 23, 1999 12:34:56 PM'), '01 Jan 2013': returnTime('01 Jan 2013') },
'shortDate' : { '1/2/2001': returnTime('1/2/2001'), '1 2 2001': returnTime('1/2/2001'), '1.2.2001': returnTime('1/2/2001'), '1-2-2001': returnTime('1/2/2001'), '1/2/2001 12:34 PM' : returnTime('1/2/2001 12:34 PM'), '1.2.2001 13:34' : returnTime('1/2/2001 13:34') },
'time' : { '12:34 AM': returnTime('2000/01/01 12:34 AM'), '1:00 pm': returnTime('2000/01/01 1:00 pm'), '09:54 PM': returnTime('2000/01/01 9:54 PM') },
'digit' : { '12': 12, '$23': 23, '&44^': 44, '#(33)': -33, '1,000': 1000, '12.34': 12.34 }
// switch ignoreCase, sortLocalCompare & shortDate 'ddmmyyyy'
sample2 = {
'text' : { 'TesT': 'TesT', '\u00e1 test': 'a test' },
'currency' : { '\u20ac 123 456,78': 123456.78, '\u20ac 123.456,78': 123456.78 },
'shortDate' : { '2/1/2001': returnTime('1/2/2001'), '2-1-2001': returnTime('1/2/2001'), '2 1,2001': returnTime('1/2/2001') }
// shortdate to 'yyyymmdd'
sample3 = {
'shortDate' : { '2001/1/2': returnTime('1/2/2001'), '2001-1/2': returnTime('1/2/2001'), '2001,1.2': returnTime('1/2/2001') }
report = function(assert, s) {
for (i = 0; i < p.length; i++) {
t = p[i].id;
if (s.hasOwnProperty(t)) {
/*jshint loopfunc:true */
$.each(s[t], function(k,v){
// check 'is' and 'format' functions
if (p[i].is(k)) {
assert.equal( p[i].format(k, table1, th0, 0), v, t + ' parser: "' + k + '" parsed to ' + v );
} else {
assert.equal( p[i].format(k, table1, th0, 0), v, t + ' parser **NOT DETECTED**: "' + k + '", but returns ' + v );
// test for undefined & null - probably overkill
assert.strictEqual( p[i].format(undef, table1, th0, 0), undef, t + ' parser: will return undefined values properly' );
assert.strictEqual( p[i].format(null, table1, th0, 0), null, t + ' parser: will return null values properly' );
QUnit.test( 'testing parsers', function(assert) {
report(assert, sample1);
var $t = $(th0);
c1.sortLocaleCompare = true;
c1.ignoreCase = false;
c1.usNumberFormat = false;
$'dateFormat', 'ddmmyyyy');
report(assert, sample2);
c1.usNumberFormat = true;
$'dateFormat', 'yyyymmdd');
report(assert, sample3);
// undocumented sortValue
assert.equal( ts.getParserById('metadata').format(null, table1, th0, 0), 'zzz', 'metadata parser found sortValue');
c1.parserMetadataName = 'poe';
assert.equal( ts.getParserById('metadata').format(null, table1, th0, 0), 'nevermore', 'metadata parser found poe');
QUnit.test( 'textExtraction Method', function(assert) {
$table1.trigger('sorton', [[[ 0,0 ]]]);
assert.cacheCompare( table1, 0, [ 'test1', 'test2', 'test3',
'testa', 'testb', 'testc', '' ], 'from data-attribute' );
$table3.trigger('sorton', [[[ 0,1 ]]]);
assert.cacheCompare( table3, 0, [ '', 'a255', 'a102', 'a87', 'a55', 'a43', 'a33', 'a10', 'a02', 'a1' ], 'ignore data-attribute' );
assert.cacheCompare( table4, 1, [ 'f11', 'f11', 'f12', 'f12', 'f12', 'f12', 'f12', 'f13', 'f13', 'f13' ], 'extract using class name' );
assert.cacheCompare( table4, 2, [ 'a21', 'a21', 'a23', 'a23', 'a23', 'a22', 'a22', 'a23', 'a24', 'a24' ], 'extract using column index' );
test parser cache
QUnit.test( 'parser cache; sorton methods; empty & string', function(assert) {
// lower case because table was parsed before c1.ignoreCase was changed
assert.cacheCompare( table1, 'all', [ 'test2', 'x2', 'test1', 'x3', 'test3', 'x1',
'', 'x0', 'testb', 'x5', 'testc', 'x4', 'testa', 'x6' ], 'unsorted' );
$table1.trigger('sorton', [[[ 0,0 ]]]);
assert.cacheCompare( table1, 'all', [ 'test1', 'x3', 'test2', 'x2', 'test3', 'x1',
'testa', 'x6', 'testb', 'x5', 'testc', 'x4', '', 'x0' ], 'ascending sort' );
$table1.trigger('sorton', [[[ 0,1 ]]]);
assert.cacheCompare( table1, 'all', [ 'test3', 'x1', 'test2', 'x2', 'test1', 'x3',
'testc', 'x4', 'testb', 'x5', 'testa', 'x6', '', 'x0' ], 'descending sort' );
// empty cell position
$table3.trigger('sorton', [[[ 0,0 ]]]);
assert.cacheCompare( table3, 0, [ '', 'a1', 'a02', 'a10', 'a33', 'a43', 'a55', 'a87', 'a102', 'a255' ], 'asc sort; empty to top' );
$table3.trigger('sorton', [[[ 0,1 ]]]);
assert.cacheCompare( table3, 0, [ '', 'a255', 'a102', 'a87', 'a55', 'a43', 'a33', 'a10', 'a02', 'a1' ], 'desc sort; empty to top' );
// string position within number column
$table3.trigger('sorton', [[[ 1,0 ]]]);
assert.cacheCompare( table3, 1, [ -35, -5, -1, 1, 2, 4, 33, 44, 'nr', '' ], 'asc sort; empty to bottom; string to max' );
$table3.trigger('sorton', [[[ 1,1 ]]]);
assert.cacheCompare( table3, 1, [ 'nr', 44, 33, 4, 2, 1, -1, -5, -35, '' ], 'desc sort; empty to bottom; string to max' );
$table3.trigger('sorton', [[[ 2,0 ]]]);
assert.cacheCompare( table3, 2, [ 'nr', 'nr', 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, '' ], 'asc sort; empty to bottom; string to min' );
$table3.trigger('sorton', [[[ 2,1 ]]]);
assert.cacheCompare( table3, 2, [ 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 'nr', 'nr', '' ], 'desc sort; empty to bottom; string to min' );
$table3.trigger('sorton', [[[ 3,0 ]]]);
assert.cacheCompare( table3, 3, [ 'n/a #2', 'n/a #1', -8.4, -2.2, -0.1, '', 5.2, 11.4, 23.6, 97.4 ], 'asc sort; empty to zero; string to top' );
$table3.trigger('sorton', [[[ 3,1 ]]]);
assert.cacheCompare( table3, 3, [ 'n/a #2', 'n/a #1', 97.4, 23.6, 11.4, 5.2, '', -0.1, -2.2, -8.4 ], 'desc sort; empty to zero; string to top' );
$table3.find('th:eq(3)').data('string', 'bottom');
assert.cacheCompare( table3, 3, [ 97.4, 23.6, 11.4, 5.2, '', -0.1, -2.2, -8.4, 'n/a #1', 'n/a #2' ], 'desc sort; empty to zero; string to bottom' );
$table3.trigger('sorton', [[[ 3,0 ]]]);
assert.cacheCompare( table3, 3, [ -8.4, -2.2, -0.1, '', 5.2, 11.4, 23.6, 97.4, 'n/a #1', 'n/a #2' ], 'asc sort; empty to zero; string to bottom' );
$table3.find('th:eq(3)').data('string', 'none');
c3.headers[3].empty = 'bottom';
c3.sortList = [[ 3, 1 ]]; // added to test sortList
assert.cacheCompare( table3, 3, [ 97.4, 23.6, 11.4, 5.2, 'n/a #1', 'n/a #2', -0.1, -2.2, -8.4, '' ], 'desc sort; empty to zero; string to none/zero' );
$table3.trigger('sorton', [[[ 3,0 ]]]);
assert.cacheCompare( table3, 3, [ -8.4, -2.2, -0.1, 'n/a #1', 'n/a #2', 5.2, 11.4, 23.6, 97.4, '' ], 'asc sort; empty to zero; string to none/zero' );
t = [ 'x', 'X', 'y', 'Y', 'z', 'Z', 'a', 'A', 'b', 'B', 'c', 'C' ];
assert.deepEqual( t.sort($.tablesorter.sortText), [ 'A', 'B', 'C', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'x', 'y', 'z' ], 'test sortText function directly' );
t = [ 'a02', 'a10', 'a43', 'a255', 'a102', 'a33', '', 'a1', 'a55', 'a87' ];
assert.deepEqual( t.sort($.tablesorter.sortNatural), [ '', 'a1', 'a02', 'a10', 'a33', 'a43', 'a55', 'a87', 'a102', 'a255' ], 'test sortNatural function directly' );
assert.cacheCompare( table4, 6, [ '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '' ], 'parser-false does not extract text' );
QUnit.test( 'colspan parsing', function(assert) {
t = [
'g1', '6', 'a9', 155, 'l', 'nytimes',
'g1', '2', 'z1 957 K mit', 'z1 957 K mit', 'z1 957 K mit', 'z1 957 K mit', // colspan 4
'g3', '0', 'a13', '17 K', '17 K', 'google',
'g2', '8', 'z9', 10, 'g', 'facebook',
'g1', '3', 'z24 67', 'z24 67', 'b', 'whitehouse',
'g4', '7 A10', '7 A10', 87, 'z', 'google',
'g3', '9', 'z12', 0, 'K nasa', 'K nasa'
assert.cacheCompare( table6,'all', t, 'colspans in tbody (duplicateSpan:true)' );
$('#testblock').html('<table class="tablesorter">' +
'<thead><tr><th>1</th><th>2</th><th>3</th><th>4</th></tr></thead>' +
'<tbody>' +
'<tr><td>1</td><td colspan="2">2</td><td>3</td></tr>' +
'<tr><td colspan="3">y</td><td>z</td></tr>' +
'<tr><td>a</td><td>b</td><td colspan="2">c</td></tr>' +
headers : { '*' : { sorter: 'text' } },
duplicateSpan: false
t = [
'1', '2', '', '3',
'y', '', '', 'z',
'a', 'b', 'c', ''
assert.cacheCompare( $('#testblock table')[0], 'all', t, 'colspans not duplicated in cache (duplicateSpan:false)' );
// See
$('#testblock').html('<table class="tablesorter">' +
'<thead><tr><th>1</th><th>2</th><th>3</th><th>4</th></tr></thead>' +
'<tbody>' +
'<tr><td>1</td><td colspan="2">2</td><td>3</td></tr>' +
'<tr><td colspan="3"><span class="col0">y0</span><span class="col1">y1</span><span class="col2">y2</span></td><td>z</td></tr>' +
'<tr><td>a</td><td>b</td><td colspan="2"><span class="col2">c1</span><span class="col3">c2</span></td></tr>' +
headers : { '*' : { sorter: 'text' } },
textExtraction: function(node, table, cellIndex) {
var $span = $(node).find('.col' + cellIndex);
if ($span.length) {
return $span.text();
return node.textContent;
duplicateSpan: false
t = [
'1', '2', '2', '3',
'y0', 'y1', 'y2', 'z',
'a', 'b', 'c1', 'c2'
assert.cacheCompare( $('#testblock table')[0], 'all', t, 'colspans not duplicated but textExtraction defined' );
QUnit.test( 'sorton methods', function(assert) {
$table3.trigger('sorton', [[[ 0,'d' ]]]);
assert.equal( c3.sortList + '', '0,1', 'sorton desc [0,"d"]' );
$table3.trigger('sorton', [[[ 0,'a' ]]]);
assert.equal( c3.sortList + '', '0,0', 'sorton asc [0,"a"]' );
$table3.trigger('sorton', [[[ 0,'n' ]]]);
assert.equal( c3.sortList + '', '0,1', 'sorton next [0,"n"]' );
$table3.trigger('sorton', [[[ 0,'n' ]]]);
assert.equal( c3.sortList + '', '0,0', 'sorton next [0,"n"]' );
$table3.trigger('sorton', [[ [ 0,'n'], [1,'o'], [2,'s'] ]]);
assert.equal( c3.sortList + '', '0,1,1,0,2,1', 'sorton next/opposite/same [0,"n"],[1,"o"],[2,"s"]' );
$table3.trigger('sorton', [[ [ 0,'n'], [1,'o'], [2,'s'] ]]);
assert.equal( c3.sortList + '', '0,0,1,1,2,0', 'sorton next/opposite/same [0,"n"],[1,"o"],[2,"s"]' );
QUnit.test( 'sort Restart', function(assert) {
var done = assert.async();
c1.sortRestart = true;
$.tablesorter.sortReset( c1, function(){
// 1) click on header one
$'sortEnd', function(){
// 2) click on header zero
$'sortEnd', function(){
// 3) click on header one, sortRestart should have set it back to ascending sort
// see #1072
$'sortEnd', function(){
assert.equal( c1.$headers[1].className.indexOf( ts.css.sortAsc ) > -1, true );
c1.sortRestart = false;
QUnit.test( 'sort Events', function(assert) {
$table1.add($table5).bind( events.join('.testing '), function(e){
if (e.type === events[sortIndx%3]) {
$table1.trigger('sorton', [[[ 0,0 ]]]);
$table1.trigger('sorton', [[[ 1,0 ]]]);
// ensure all sort events fire on an empty table
$table5.trigger('sorton', [ [[0,0]] ]);
$table1.add($table5).unbind( events.join('.testing ') );
// table1 sorted twice in the above test; sortIndx = 9 then empty table5 x1 (total = 3 events x 3)
assert.equal( sortIndx, 9, 'sortStart, sortBegin & sortEnd fired in order x2; including empty table' );
test update methods
QUnit.test( 'parser cache; update methods & callbacks', function(assert) {
var oldColMax;
c1.ignoreCase = true;
// updateAll
.trigger('sorton', [ [[0,1]] ])
.bind('updateComplete.testing', function(){ updateIndx++; })
return h.substring(1);
.trigger('updateAll', [false, function(){
var nw = $table1.find('th:eq(1)')[0],
ht = c1.$headers.eq(1).text() === 'num'
hc = c1.headerContent[1] === 'num',
hd = c1.$headers[1] === nw,
hl = c1.headerList[1] === nw,
p1 = c1.parsers[1].id === 'digit';
assert.equal(ht && hc && hd && hl && p1, true, 'testing header cache: updateAll - thead');
assert.cacheCompare( table1, 'all', [ 'test3', 1, 'test2', 2, 'test1', 3,
'testc', 4, 'testb', 5, 'testa', 6, '', 0 ], 'updateAll - tbody' );
// updateHeader v2.23.0
.trigger('updateHeaders', function(){
var nw = $table1.find('th:eq(1)')[0],
ht = c1.$headers.eq(1).text() === 'x-num',
hc = c1.headerContent[1] === 'x-num',
hd = c1.$headers[1] === nw,
hl = c1.headerList[1] === nw;
assert.equal(ht && hc && hd && hl, true, 'testing header cache: updateHeaders');
// addRows
t = $('<tr class="temp"><td>testd</td><td>7</td></tr>');
oldColMax = c1.cache[1].colMax[1];
$table1.trigger('addRows', [t, true, function(){
assert.equal( oldColMax === 6 && c1.cache[1].colMax[1] === 7, true, 'addRows includes updating colMax value');
assert.cacheCompare( table1, 'all', [ 'test3', 1, 'test2', 2, 'test1', 3,
'testd', 7, 'testc', 4, 'testb', 5, 'testa', 6, '', 0 ], 'addRows method' );
// the next two methods shouldn't do anything; especially not cause a javascript error!
$table1.trigger('addRows', [null, true]);
$table1.trigger('addRows', [$('<tr>'), true]);
// addRows as string to table with only one tbody
t = '<tr class="temp"><td>g</td><td>h</td><td>i</td><td>j</td></tr>';
$table2.trigger('addRows', [t, true, function(){
assert.cacheCompare( table2, 'all', [ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd',
'z', 'y', 'x', 'w',
'g', 'h', 'i', 'j' ], 'addRows as string method' );
// updateCell
t = $table1.find('td:contains("7")');
oldColMax = c1.cache[1].colMax[1];
$table1.trigger('updateCell', [t[0], true, function(){
assert.equal( oldColMax === 7 && c1.cache[1].colMax[1] === 8, true, 'updateCell includes updating colMax value');
assert.cacheCompare( table1, 'all', [ 'test3', 1, 'test2', 2, 'test1', 3,
'testd', -8, 'testc', 4, 'testb', 5, 'testa', 6, '', 0 ], 'updateCell method' );
// update
oldColMax = c1.cache[1].colMax[1];
$table1.trigger('update', [true, function(){
assert.equal( oldColMax === 8 && c1.cache[1].colMax[1] === 6, true, 'update includes updating colMax value');
assert.cacheCompare( table1, 'all', [ 'test3', 1, 'test2', 2, 'test1', 3,
'testc', 4, 'testb', 5, 'testa', 6, '', 0 ], 'update method' );
.bind('updateComplete.testing', function(){ updateIndx++; })
.trigger('update', [true, function(){
assert.cacheCompare( table5, 'all', [], 'update method on empty table' );
// table1 updated 4x in the above test
// table5 updated 1x
assert.equal( updateIndx, updateCallback, 'updatedComplete and update callback functions working properly' );
test sortForce, sortAppend, sortMultiSortKey and sortResetKey options
QUnit.test( 'sortForce, sortAppend, sortMultiSortKey & sortResetKey; and numberSorter option', function(assert){
assert.cacheCompare( table4, 3, [ 2, 1, 7, 6, 5, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10 ], 'force x2 + sorted x2 + append x2, ascending' );
return QUnit.SequentialRunner(
function(actions, assertions){
return QUnit.assertOnEvent($table4, 'sortEnd', actions, assertions);
c4.sortMultiSortKey = 'altKey';
c4.$headers.eq(5).trigger( $.Event('sort', { which: 1, altKey: true }) );
assert.cacheCompare( table4, 3, [ 2, 1, 6, 7, 5, 4, 3, 8, 10, 9 ], 'force x2 + sorted x2 + append x2, descending' );
function() {
c4.sortResetKey = 'shiftKey';
c4.$headers.eq(0).trigger( $.Event('sort', {which: 1, shiftKey: true}) );
function() {
assert.cacheCompare( table4, 3, [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ], 'sortResetKey' );
check header css
QUnit.test( 'testing header css & sortReset method', function(assert) {
t = $(th0);
assert.equal( $table1.hasClass(ts.css.table), true, 'table class applied');
assert.equal( t.hasClass(ts.css.header), true, 'Header class present' );
assert.equal( t.parent().hasClass(ts.css.headerRow), true, 'Header row class present' );
assert.equal( $table1.find('tbody:eq(1)').hasClass(c1.cssInfoBlock), true, 'Tbody info block class present' );
$table1.trigger('sorton', [[[ 0,1 ]]] );
assert.equal( t.hasClass(ts.css.sortDesc), true, 'Descending class present' );
$table1.trigger('sorton', [[[ 0,0 ]]] );
assert.equal( t.hasClass(ts.css.sortAsc), true, 'Ascending class present' );
assert.equal( t.hasClass(ts.css.sortAsc) || t.hasClass(ts.css.sortDesc), false, 'Testing sortReset' );
test apply widgets function using zebra widget
var zebra = function(){
t = true;
var classes = ['odd','even'];
$table2.find('tbody tr').each(function(i){
t = t ? $(this).hasClass( classes[i%2] ) : false;
return t;
QUnit.test( 'apply zebra widget', function(assert) {
assert.equal( zebra(), false, 'zebra not applied' );
c2.widgets = [ 'zebra' ];
assert.equal( zebra(), true, 'zebra is applied' );
assert.equal( zebra(), true, 'zebra is applied after update' );
test has widget function
QUnit.test( 'has & remove zebra widget', function(assert) {
c2.widgets = [ 'zebra' ];
assert.equal( ts.hasWidget( table2, 'zebra'), true, 'table has zebra widget (using table element object)' );
assert.equal( ts.hasWidget( $table2, 'zebra'), true, 'table has zebra widget (using jQuery table object)' );
ts.removeWidget( table2, 'zebra' );
assert.equal( zebra() && c2.widgets.length === 0, false, 'zebra removed' );
check destroy method
QUnit.test('testing destroy method', function(assert) {
$table2.trigger('sorton', [[[ 0,1 ]]] );
t = $table2.find('th:first');
e = jQuery._data(table2, 'events'); // get a list of all bound events
assert.equal( $.isEmptyObject(e), true, 'no events applied' );
assert.equal( $'tablesorter'), false, 'Data removed' );
assert.equal( $table2.attr('class'), 'tester', 'All table classes removed' );
assert.equal( $table2.find('tr:first').attr('class'), '', 'Header row class removed' );
assert.equal( t.attr('class').match('tablesorter'), null, 'Header classes removed' );
assert.equal( t.children().length, 0, 'Inner wrapper removed' );
assert.equal( typeof ( , 'undefined', 'data-column removed');
extract widgets from table class
QUnit.test('extract widget names from table class', function(assert) {
var widgets,
t = {
className: 'widget-filter widget-stickyHeaders ui-widget-content widget-test-2',
config: {
widgetClass: 'widget-{name}',
widgets: []
ts.addWidgetFromClass( t );
assert.deepEqual( t.config.widgets, [ 'filter', 'stickyHeaders', 'test-2' ], 'Ignored "ui-widget-content"' );
t.className = 'stickyHeaders-widgey ui-widgey-content filter-widgey test-2-widgey';
t.config.widgetClass = '{name}-widgey';
t.config.widgets = [];
ts.addWidgetFromClass( t );
assert.deepEqual( t.config.widgets, [ 'stickyHeaders', 'filter', 'test-2' ], 'Modified widgetClass option' );
ipv6 parser testing