tschilling 4cb15889d7 Check that the filter is not undefined before encoding/decoding it.
If we include undefined filter values in the encoding/decoding,
then we store 'undefined' as the value in the cookie. When this
gets parsed out, it's treated as an actual value. This will likely
not match anything resulting in the initial filtering to filter out
all results.
2016-01-19 15:10:22 -05:00

5630 lines
212 KiB

/*! tablesorter (FORK) - updated 01-19-2016 (v2.25.2)*/
/* Includes widgets ( storage,uitheme,columns,filter,stickyHeaders,resizable,saveSort ) */
(function(factory) {
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
define(['jquery'], factory);
} else if (typeof module === 'object' && typeof module.exports === 'object') {
module.exports = factory(require('jquery'));
} else {
}(function($) {
/*! TableSorter (FORK) v2.25.2 *//*
* Client-side table sorting with ease!
* @requires jQuery v1.2.6+
* Copyright (c) 2007 Christian Bach
* fork maintained by Rob Garrison
* Examples and docs at:
* Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:
* @type jQuery
* @name tablesorter (FORK)
* @cat Plugins/Tablesorter
* @author Christian Bach -
* @contributor Rob Garrison -
/*jshint browser:true, jquery:true, unused:false, expr: true */
;( function( $ ) {
'use strict';
var ts = $.tablesorter = {
version : '2.25.2',
parsers : [],
widgets : [],
defaults : {
// *** appearance
theme : 'default', // adds tablesorter-{theme} to the table for styling
widthFixed : false, // adds colgroup to fix widths of columns
showProcessing : false, // show an indeterminate timer icon in the header when the table is sorted or filtered.
headerTemplate : '{content}',// header layout template (HTML ok); {content} = innerHTML, {icon} = <i/> // class from cssIcon
onRenderTemplate : null, // function( index, template ){ return template; }, // template is a string
onRenderHeader : null, // function( index ){}, // nothing to return
// *** functionality
cancelSelection : true, // prevent text selection in the header
tabIndex : true, // add tabindex to header for keyboard accessibility
dateFormat : 'mmddyyyy', // other options: 'ddmmyyy' or 'yyyymmdd'
sortMultiSortKey : 'shiftKey', // key used to select additional columns
sortResetKey : 'ctrlKey', // key used to remove sorting on a column
usNumberFormat : true, // false for German '1.234.567,89' or French '1 234 567,89'
delayInit : false, // if false, the parsed table contents will not update until the first sort
serverSideSorting: false, // if true, server-side sorting should be performed because client-side sorting will be disabled, but the ui and events will still be used.
resort : true, // default setting to trigger a resort after an 'update', 'addRows', 'updateCell', etc has completed
// *** sort options
headers : {}, // set sorter, string, empty, locked order, sortInitialOrder, filter, etc.
ignoreCase : true, // ignore case while sorting
sortForce : null, // column(s) first sorted; always applied
sortList : [], // Initial sort order; applied initially; updated when manually sorted
sortAppend : null, // column(s) sorted last; always applied
sortStable : false, // when sorting two rows with exactly the same content, the original sort order is maintained
sortInitialOrder : 'asc', // sort direction on first click
sortLocaleCompare: false, // replace equivalent character (accented characters)
sortReset : false, // third click on the header will reset column to default - unsorted
sortRestart : false, // restart sort to 'sortInitialOrder' when clicking on previously unsorted columns
emptyTo : 'bottom', // sort empty cell to bottom, top, none, zero, emptyMax, emptyMin
stringTo : 'max', // sort strings in numerical column as max, min, top, bottom, zero
duplicateSpan : true, // colspan cells in the tbody will have duplicated content in the cache for each spanned column
textExtraction : 'basic', // text extraction method/function - function( node, table, cellIndex ){}
textAttribute : 'data-text',// data-attribute that contains alternate cell text (used in default textExtraction function)
textSorter : null, // choose overall or specific column sorter function( a, b, direction, table, columnIndex ) [alt: ts.sortText]
numberSorter : null, // choose overall numeric sorter function( a, b, direction, maxColumnValue )
// *** widget options
widgets: [], // method to add widgets, e.g. widgets: ['zebra']
widgetOptions : {
zebra : [ 'even', 'odd' ] // zebra widget alternating row class names
initWidgets : true, // apply widgets on tablesorter initialization
widgetClass : 'widget-{name}', // table class name template to match to include a widget
// *** callbacks
initialized : null, // function( table ){},
// *** extra css class names
tableClass : '',
cssAsc : '',
cssDesc : '',
cssNone : '',
cssHeader : '',
cssHeaderRow : '',
cssProcessing : '', // processing icon applied to header during sort/filter
cssChildRow : 'tablesorter-childRow', // class name indiciating that a row is to be attached to the its parent
cssInfoBlock : 'tablesorter-infoOnly', // don't sort tbody with this class name (only one class name allowed here!)
cssNoSort : 'tablesorter-noSort', // class name added to element inside header; clicking on it won't cause a sort
cssIgnoreRow : 'tablesorter-ignoreRow', // header row to ignore; cells within this row will not be added to c.$headers
cssIcon : 'tablesorter-icon', // if this class does not exist, the {icon} will not be added from the headerTemplate
cssIconNone : '', // class name added to the icon when there is no column sort
cssIconAsc : '', // class name added to the icon when the column has an ascending sort
cssIconDesc : '', // class name added to the icon when the column has a descending sort
// *** events
pointerClick : 'click',
pointerDown : 'mousedown',
pointerUp : 'mouseup',
// *** selectors
selectorHeaders : '> thead th, > thead td',
selectorSort : 'th, td', // jQuery selector of content within selectorHeaders that is clickable to trigger a sort
selectorRemove : '.remove-me',
// *** advanced
debug : false,
// *** Internal variables
headerList: [],
empties: {},
strings: {},
parsers: []
// removed: widgetZebra: { css: ['even', 'odd'] }
// internal css classes - these will ALWAYS be added to
// the table and MUST only contain one class name - fixes #381
css : {
table : 'tablesorter',
cssHasChild: 'tablesorter-hasChildRow',
childRow : 'tablesorter-childRow',
colgroup : 'tablesorter-colgroup',
header : 'tablesorter-header',
headerRow : 'tablesorter-headerRow',
headerIn : 'tablesorter-header-inner',
icon : 'tablesorter-icon',
processing : 'tablesorter-processing',
sortAsc : 'tablesorter-headerAsc',
sortDesc : 'tablesorter-headerDesc',
sortNone : 'tablesorter-headerUnSorted'
// labels applied to sortable headers for accessibility (aria) support
language : {
sortAsc : 'Ascending sort applied, ',
sortDesc : 'Descending sort applied, ',
sortNone : 'No sort applied, ',
sortDisabled : 'sorting is disabled',
nextAsc : 'activate to apply an ascending sort',
nextDesc : 'activate to apply a descending sort',
nextNone : 'activate to remove the sort'
regex : {
templateContent : /\{content\}/g,
templateIcon : /\{icon\}/g,
templateName : /\{name\}/i,
spaces : /\s+/g,
nonWord : /\W/g,
formElements : /(input|select|button|textarea)/i,
// *** sort functions ***
// regex used in natural sort
// chunk/tokenize numbers & letters
chunk : /(^([+\-]?(?:\d*)(?:\.\d*)?(?:[eE][+\-]?\d+)?)?$|^0x[0-9a-f]+$|\d+)/gi,
// replace chunks @ ends
chunks : /(^\\0|\\0$)/,
hex : /^0x[0-9a-f]+$/i,
// *** formatFloat ***
comma : /,/g,
digitNonUS : /[\s|\.]/g,
digitNegativeTest : /^\s*\([.\d]+\)/,
digitNegativeReplace : /^\s*\(([.\d]+)\)/,
// *** isDigit ***
digitTest : /^[\-+(]?\d+[)]?$/,
digitReplace : /[,.'"\s]/g
// digit sort text location; keeping max+/- for backwards compatibility
string : {
max : 1,
min : -1,
emptymin : 1,
emptymax : -1,
zero : 0,
none : 0,
'null' : 0,
top : true,
bottom : false
keyCodes : {
enter : 13
// placeholder date parser data (globalize)
dates : {},
// These methods can be applied on table.config instance
instanceMethods : {},
▄█████ ██████ ██████ ██ ██ █████▄
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▀█▄ ██▀▀ ██ ██ ██ ██▀▀▀
█████▀ ██████ ██ ▀████▀ ██
setup : function( table, c ) {
// if no thead or tbody, or tablesorter is already present, quit
if ( !table || !table.tHead || table.tBodies.length === 0 || table.hasInitialized === true ) {
if ( c.debug ) {
if ( table.hasInitialized ) {
console.warn( 'Stopping initialization. Tablesorter has already been initialized' );
} else {
console.error( 'Stopping initialization! No table, thead or tbody', table );
var tmp = '',
$table = $( table ),
meta = $.metadata;
// initialization flag
table.hasInitialized = false;
// table is being processed flag
table.isProcessing = true;
// make sure to store the config object
table.config = c;
// save the settings where they read
$.data( table, 'tablesorter', c );
if ( c.debug ) {
console[ ? 'group' : 'log' ]( 'Initializing tablesorter' );
$.data( table, 'startoveralltimer', new Date() );
// removing this in version 3 (only supports jQuery 1.7+)
c.supportsDataObject = ( function( version ) {
version[ 0 ] = parseInt( version[ 0 ], 10 );
return ( version[ 0 ] > 1 ) || ( version[ 0 ] === 1 && parseInt( version[ 1 ], 10 ) >= 4 );
})( $.fn.jquery.split( '.' ) );
// ensure case insensitivity
c.emptyTo = c.emptyTo.toLowerCase();
c.stringTo = c.stringTo.toLowerCase();
c.last = { sortList : [], clickedIndex : -1 };
// add table theme class only if there isn't already one there
if ( !/tablesorter\-/.test( $table.attr( 'class' ) ) ) {
tmp = ( c.theme !== '' ? ' tablesorter-' + c.theme : '' );
c.table = table;
c.$table = $table
.addClass( ts.css.table + ' ' + c.tableClass + tmp )
.attr( 'role', 'grid' );
c.$headers = $table.find( c.selectorHeaders );
// give the table a unique id, which will be used in namespace binding
if ( !c.namespace ) {
c.namespace = '.tablesorter' + Math.random().toString( 16 ).slice( 2 );
} else {
// make sure namespace starts with a period & doesn't have weird characters
c.namespace = '.' + c.namespace.replace( ts.regex.nonWord, '' );
c.$table.children().children( 'tr' ).attr( 'role', 'row' );
c.$tbodies = $table.children( 'tbody:not(.' + c.cssInfoBlock + ')' ).attr({
'aria-live' : 'polite',
'aria-relevant' : 'all'
if ( c.$table.children( 'caption' ).length ) {
tmp = c.$table.children( 'caption' )[ 0 ];
if ( ! ) { = c.namespace.slice( 1 ) + 'caption'; }
c.$table.attr( 'aria-labelledby', );
c.widgetInit = {}; // keep a list of initialized widgets
// change textExtraction via data-attribute
c.textExtraction = c.$table.attr( 'data-text-extraction' ) || c.textExtraction || 'basic';
// build headers
ts.buildHeaders( c );
// fixate columns if the users supplies the fixedWidth option
// do this after theme has been applied
ts.fixColumnWidth( table );
// add widgets from class name
ts.addWidgetFromClass( table );
// add widget options before parsing (e.g. grouping widget has parser settings)
ts.applyWidgetOptions( table );
// try to auto detect column type, and store in tables config
ts.setupParsers( c );
// start total row count at zero
c.totalRows = 0;
// build the cache for the tbody cells
// delayInit will delay building the cache until the user starts a sort
if ( !c.delayInit ) { ts.buildCache( c ); }
// bind all header events and methods
ts.bindEvents( table, c.$headers, true );
ts.bindMethods( c );
// get sort list from jQuery data or metadata
// in jQuery < 1.4, an error occurs when calling $
if ( c.supportsDataObject && typeof $ !== 'undefined' ) {
c.sortList = $;
} else if ( meta && ( $table.metadata() && $table.metadata().sortlist ) ) {
c.sortList = $table.metadata().sortlist;
// apply widget init code
ts.applyWidget( table, true );
// if user has supplied a sort list to constructor
if ( c.sortList.length > 0 ) {
ts.sortOn( c, c.sortList, {}, !c.initWidgets );
} else {
ts.setHeadersCss( c );
if ( c.initWidgets ) {
// apply widget format
ts.applyWidget( table, false );
// show processesing icon
if ( c.showProcessing ) {
.unbind( 'sortBegin' + c.namespace + ' sortEnd' + c.namespace )
.bind( 'sortBegin' + c.namespace + ' sortEnd' + c.namespace, function( e ) {
clearTimeout( c.timerProcessing );
ts.isProcessing( table );
if ( e.type === 'sortBegin' ) {
c.timerProcessing = setTimeout( function() {
ts.isProcessing( table, true );
}, 500 );
// initialized
table.hasInitialized = true;
table.isProcessing = false;
if ( c.debug ) {
console.log( 'Overall initialization time: ' + ts.benchmark( $.data( table, 'startoveralltimer' ) ) );
if ( c.debug && console.groupEnd ) { console.groupEnd(); }
$table.triggerHandler( 'tablesorter-initialized', table );
if ( typeof c.initialized === 'function' ) {
c.initialized( table );
bindMethods : function( c ) {
var $table = c.$table,
namespace = c.namespace,
events = ( 'sortReset update updateRows updateAll updateHeaders addRows updateCell updateComplete ' +
'sorton appendCache updateCache applyWidgetId applyWidgets refreshWidgets destroy mouseup ' +
'mouseleave ' ).split( ' ' )
.join( namespace + ' ' );
// apply easy methods that trigger bound events
.unbind( events.replace( ts.regex.spaces, ' ' ) )
.bind( 'sortReset' + namespace, function( e, callback ) {
// using this.config to ensure functions are getting a non-cached version of the config
ts.sortReset( this.config, callback );
.bind( 'updateAll' + namespace, function( e, resort, callback ) {
ts.updateAll( this.config, resort, callback );
.bind( 'update' + namespace + ' updateRows' + namespace, function( e, resort, callback ) {
ts.update( this.config, resort, callback );
.bind( 'updateHeaders' + namespace, function( e, callback ) {
ts.updateHeaders( this.config, callback );
.bind( 'updateCell' + namespace, function( e, cell, resort, callback ) {
ts.updateCell( this.config, cell, resort, callback );
.bind( 'addRows' + namespace, function( e, $row, resort, callback ) {
ts.addRows( this.config, $row, resort, callback );
.bind( 'updateComplete' + namespace, function() {
this.isUpdating = false;
.bind( 'sorton' + namespace, function( e, list, callback, init ) {
ts.sortOn( this.config, list, callback, init );
.bind( 'appendCache' + namespace, function( e, callback, init ) {
ts.appendCache( this.config, init );
if ( $.isFunction( callback ) ) {
callback( this );
// $tbodies variable is used by the tbody sorting widget
.bind( 'updateCache' + namespace, function( e, callback, $tbodies ) {
ts.updateCache( this.config, callback, $tbodies );
.bind( 'applyWidgetId' + namespace, function( e, id ) {
ts.applyWidgetId( this, id );
.bind( 'applyWidgets' + namespace, function( e, init ) {
// apply widgets
ts.applyWidget( this, init );
.bind( 'refreshWidgets' + namespace, function( e, all, dontapply ) {
ts.refreshWidgets( this, all, dontapply );
.bind( 'removeWidget' + namespace, function( e, name, refreshing ) {
ts.removeWidget( this, name, refreshing );
.bind( 'destroy' + namespace, function( e, removeClasses, callback ) {
ts.destroy( this, removeClasses, callback );
.bind( 'resetToLoadState' + namespace, function( e ) {
// remove all widgets
ts.removeWidget( this, true, false );
// restore original settings; this clears out current settings, but does not clear
// values saved to storage.
c = $.extend( true, ts.defaults, c.originalSettings );
this.hasInitialized = false;
// setup the entire table again
ts.setup( this, c );
bindEvents : function( table, $headers, core ) {
table = $( table )[ 0 ];
var tmp,
c = table.config,
namespace = c.namespace,
downTarget = null;
if ( core !== true ) {
$headers.addClass( namespace.slice( 1 ) + '_extra_headers' );
tmp = $.fn.closest ? $headers.closest( 'table' )[ 0 ] : $headers.parents( 'table' )[ 0 ];
if ( tmp && tmp.nodeName === 'TABLE' && tmp !== table ) {
$( tmp ).addClass( namespace.slice( 1 ) + '_extra_table' );
tmp = ( c.pointerDown + ' ' + c.pointerUp + ' ' + c.pointerClick + ' sort keyup ' )
.replace( ts.regex.spaces, ' ' )
.split( ' ' )
.join( namespace + ' ' );
// apply event handling to headers and/or additional headers (stickyheaders, scroller, etc)
.find( c.selectorSort )
.add( $headers.filter( c.selectorSort ) )
.unbind( tmp )
.bind( tmp, function( e, external ) {
var $cell, cell, temp,
$target = $( ),
// wrap event type in spaces, so the match doesn't trigger on inner words
type = ' ' + e.type + ' ';
// only recognize left clicks
if ( ( ( e.which || e.button ) !== 1 && !type.match( ' ' + c.pointerClick + ' | sort | keyup ' ) ) ||
// allow pressing enter
( type === ' keyup ' && e.which !== ts.keyCodes.enter ) ||
// allow triggering a click event (e.which is undefined) & ignore physical clicks
( type.match( ' ' + c.pointerClick + ' ' ) && typeof e.which !== 'undefined' ) ) {
// ignore mouseup if mousedown wasn't on the same target
if ( type.match( ' ' + c.pointerUp + ' ' ) && downTarget !== && external !== true ) {
// set target on mousedown
if ( type.match( ' ' + c.pointerDown + ' ' ) ) {
downTarget =;
// preventDefault needed or jQuery v1.3.2 and older throws an
// "Uncaught TypeError: handler.apply is not a function" error
temp = $target.jquery.split( '.' );
if ( temp[ 0 ] === '1' && temp[ 1 ] < 4 ) { e.preventDefault(); }
downTarget = null;
// prevent sort being triggered on form elements
if ( ts.regex.formElements.test( ) ||
// nosort class name, or elements within a nosort container
$target.hasClass( c.cssNoSort ) || $target.parents( '.' + c.cssNoSort ).length > 0 ||
// elements within a button
$target.parents( 'button' ).length > 0 ) {
return !c.cancelSelection;
if ( c.delayInit && ts.isEmptyObject( c.cache ) ) {
ts.buildCache( c );
// jQuery v1.2.6 doesn't have closest()
$cell = $.fn.closest ? $( this ).closest( 'th, td' ) :
/TH|TD/.test( this.nodeName ) ? $( this ) : $( this ).parents( 'th, td' );
// reference original table headers and find the same cell
// don't use $headers or IE8 throws an error - see #987
temp = $headers.index( $cell );
c.last.clickedIndex = ( temp < 0 ) ? $cell.attr( 'data-column' ) : temp;
// use column index if $headers is undefined
cell = c.$headers[ c.last.clickedIndex ];
if ( cell && !cell.sortDisabled ) {
ts.initSort( c, cell, e );
if ( c.cancelSelection ) {
// cancel selection
.attr( 'unselectable', 'on' )
.bind( 'selectstart', false )
'user-select' : 'none',
'MozUserSelect' : 'none' // not needed for jQuery 1.8+
buildHeaders : function( c ) {
var $temp, icon, timer, indx;
c.headerList = [];
c.headerContent = [];
c.sortVars = [];
if ( c.debug ) {
timer = new Date();
// children tr in tfoot - see issue #196 & #547
// don't pass table.config to computeColumnIndex here - widgets (math) pass it to "quickly" index tbody cells
c.columns = ts.computeColumnIndex( c.$table.children( 'thead, tfoot' ).children( 'tr' ) );
// add icon if cssIcon option exists
icon = c.cssIcon ?
'<i class="' + ( c.cssIcon === ts.css.icon ? ts.css.icon : c.cssIcon + ' ' + ts.css.icon ) + '"></i>' :
// redefine c.$headers here in case of an updateAll that replaces or adds an entire header cell - see #683
c.$headers = $( $.map( c.$table.find( c.selectorHeaders ), function( elem, index ) {
var configHeaders, header, column, template, tmp,
$elem = $( elem );
// ignore cell (don't add it to c.$headers) if row has ignoreRow class
if ( $elem.parent().hasClass( c.cssIgnoreRow ) ) { return; }
// make sure to get header cell & not column indexed cell
configHeaders = ts.getColumnData( c.table, c.headers, index, true );
// save original header content
c.headerContent[ index ] = $elem.html();
// if headerTemplate is empty, don't reformat the header cell
if ( c.headerTemplate !== '' && !$elem.find( '.' + ts.css.headerIn ).length ) {
// set up header template
template = c.headerTemplate
.replace( ts.regex.templateContent, $elem.html() )
.replace( ts.regex.templateIcon, $elem.find( '.' + ts.css.icon ).length ? '' : icon );
if ( c.onRenderTemplate ) {
header = c.onRenderTemplate.apply( $elem, [ index, template ] );
// only change t if something is returned
if ( header && typeof header === 'string' ) {
template = header;
$elem.html( '<div class="' + ts.css.headerIn + '">' + template + '</div>' ); // faster than wrapInner
if ( c.onRenderHeader ) {
c.onRenderHeader.apply( $elem, [ index, c, c.$table ] );
column = parseInt( $elem.attr( 'data-column' ), 10 );
elem.column = column;
tmp = ts.getData( $elem, configHeaders, 'sortInitialOrder' ) || c.sortInitialOrder;
// this may get updated numerous times if there are multiple rows
c.sortVars[ column ] = {
count : -1, // set to -1 because clicking on the header automatically adds one
order: ts.getOrder( tmp ) ?
[ 1, 0, 2 ] : // desc, asc, unsorted
[ 0, 1, 2 ], // asc, desc, unsorted
lockedOrder : false
tmp = ts.getData( $elem, configHeaders, 'lockedOrder' ) || false;
if ( typeof tmp !== 'undefined' && tmp !== false ) {
c.sortVars[ column ].lockedOrder = true;
c.sortVars[ column ].order = ts.getOrder( tmp ) ? [ 1, 1, 1 ] : [ 0, 0, 0 ];
// add cell to headerList
c.headerList[ index ] = elem;
// add to parent in case there are multiple rows
.addClass( ts.css.header + ' ' + c.cssHeader )
.addClass( ts.css.headerRow + ' ' + c.cssHeaderRow )
.attr( 'role', 'row' );
// allow keyboard cursor to focus on element
if ( c.tabIndex ) {
$elem.attr( 'tabindex', 0 );
return elem;
}) );
// cache headers per column
c.$headerIndexed = [];
for ( indx = 0; indx < c.columns; indx++ ) {
// colspan in header making a column undefined
if ( ts.isEmptyObject( c.sortVars[ indx ] ) ) {
c.sortVars[ indx ] = {};
$temp = c.$headers.filter( '[data-column="' + indx + '"]' );
// target sortable column cells, unless there are none, then use non-sortable cells
// .last() added in jQuery 1.4; use .filter(':last') to maintain compatibility with jQuery v1.2.6
c.$headerIndexed[ indx ] = $temp.length ?
$temp.not( '.sorter-false' ).length ?
$temp.not( '.sorter-false' ).filter( ':last' ) :
$temp.filter( ':last' ) :
c.$table.find( c.selectorHeaders ).attr({
scope: 'col',
role : 'columnheader'
// enable/disable sorting
ts.updateHeader( c );
if ( c.debug ) {
console.log( 'Built headers:' + ts.benchmark( timer ) );
console.log( c.$headers );
// Use it to add a set of methods to table.config which will be available for all tables.
// This should be done before table initialization
addInstanceMethods : function( methods ) {
$.extend( ts.instanceMethods, methods );
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setupParsers : function( c, $tbodies ) {
var rows, list, span, max, colIndex, indx, header, configHeaders,
noParser, parser, extractor, time, tbody, len,
table = c.table,
tbodyIndex = 0,
debug = {};
// update table bodies in case we start with an empty table
c.$tbodies = c.$table.children( 'tbody:not(.' + c.cssInfoBlock + ')' );
tbody = typeof $tbodies === 'undefined' ? c.$tbodies : $tbodies;
len = tbody.length;
if ( len === 0 ) {
return c.debug ? console.warn( 'Warning: *Empty table!* Not building a parser cache' ) : '';
} else if ( c.debug ) {
time = new Date();
console[ ? 'group' : 'log' ]( 'Detecting parsers for each column' );
list = {
extractors: [],
parsers: []
while ( tbodyIndex < len ) {
rows = tbody[ tbodyIndex ].rows;
if ( rows.length ) {
colIndex = 0;
max = c.columns;
for ( indx = 0; indx < max; indx++ ) {
header = c.$headerIndexed[ colIndex ];
if ( header && header.length ) {
// get column indexed table cell
configHeaders = ts.getColumnData( table, c.headers, colIndex );
// get column parser/extractor
extractor = ts.getParserById( ts.getData( header, configHeaders, 'extractor' ) );
parser = ts.getParserById( ts.getData( header, configHeaders, 'sorter' ) );
noParser = ts.getData( header, configHeaders, 'parser' ) === 'false';
// empty cells behaviour - keeping emptyToBottom for backwards compatibility
c.empties[colIndex] = (
ts.getData( header, configHeaders, 'empty' ) ||
c.emptyTo || ( c.emptyToBottom ? 'bottom' : 'top' ) ).toLowerCase();
// text strings behaviour in numerical sorts
c.strings[colIndex] = (
ts.getData( header, configHeaders, 'string' ) ||
c.stringTo ||
'max' ).toLowerCase();
if ( noParser ) {
parser = ts.getParserById( 'no-parser' );
if ( !extractor ) {
// For now, maybe detect someday
extractor = false;
if ( !parser ) {
parser = ts.detectParserForColumn( c, rows, -1, colIndex );
if ( c.debug ) {
debug[ '(' + colIndex + ') ' + header.text() ] = {
parser :,
extractor : extractor ? : 'none',
string : c.strings[ colIndex ],
empty : c.empties[ colIndex ]
list.parsers[ colIndex ] = parser;
list.extractors[ colIndex ] = extractor;
span = header[ 0 ].colSpan - 1;
if ( span > 0 ) {
colIndex += span;
max += span;
while ( span + 1 > 0 ) {
// set colspan columns to use the same parsers & extractors
list.parsers[ colIndex - span ] = parser;
list.extractors[ colIndex - span ] = extractor;
tbodyIndex += ( list.parsers.length ) ? len : 1;
if ( c.debug ) {
if ( !ts.isEmptyObject( debug ) ) {
console[ console.table ? 'table' : 'log' ]( debug );
} else {
console.warn( ' No parsers detected!' );
console.log( 'Completed detecting parsers' + ts.benchmark( time ) );
if ( console.groupEnd ) { console.groupEnd(); }
c.parsers = list.parsers;
c.extractors = list.extractors;
addParser : function( parser ) {
var indx,
len = ts.parsers.length,
add = true;
for ( indx = 0; indx < len; indx++ ) {
if ( ts.parsers[ indx ].id.toLowerCase() === ) {
add = false;
if ( add ) {
ts.parsers.push( parser );
getParserById : function( name ) {
/*jshint eqeqeq:false */
if ( name == 'false' ) { return false; }
var indx,
len = ts.parsers.length;
for ( indx = 0; indx < len; indx++ ) {
if ( ts.parsers[ indx ].id.toLowerCase() === ( name.toString() ).toLowerCase() ) {
return ts.parsers[ indx ];
return false;
detectParserForColumn : function( c, rows, rowIndex, cellIndex ) {
var cur, $node, row,
indx = ts.parsers.length,
node = false,
nodeValue = '',
keepLooking = true;
while ( nodeValue === '' && keepLooking ) {
row = rows[ rowIndex ];
// stop looking after 50 empty rows
if ( row && rowIndex < 50 ) {
if ( row.className.indexOf( ts.cssIgnoreRow ) < 0 ) {
node = rows[ rowIndex ].cells[ cellIndex ];
nodeValue = ts.getElementText( c, node, cellIndex );
$node = $( node );
if ( c.debug ) {
console.log( 'Checking if value was empty on row ' + rowIndex + ', column: ' +
cellIndex + ': "' + nodeValue + '"' );
} else {
keepLooking = false;
while ( --indx >= 0 ) {
cur = ts.parsers[ indx ];
// ignore the default text parser because it will always be true
if ( cur && !== 'text' && && nodeValue, c.table, node, $node ) ) {
return cur;
// nothing found, return the generic parser (text)
return ts.getParserById( 'text' );
getElementText : function( c, node, cellIndex ) {
if ( !node ) { return ''; }
var tmp,
extract = c.textExtraction || '',
// node could be a jquery object
$node = node.jquery ? node : $( node );
if ( typeof extract === 'string' ) {
// check data-attribute first when set to 'basic'; don't use node.innerText - it's really slow!
if ( extract === 'basic' && typeof ( tmp = $node.attr( c.textAttribute ) ) !== 'undefined' ) {
return $.trim( tmp );
return $.trim( node.textContent || $node.text() );
} else {
if ( typeof extract === 'function' ) {
return $.trim( extract( $node[ 0 ], c.table, cellIndex ) );
} else if ( typeof ( tmp = ts.getColumnData( c.table, extract, cellIndex ) ) === 'function' ) {
return $.trim( tmp( $node[ 0 ], c.table, cellIndex ) );
// fallback
return $.trim( $node[ 0 ].textContent || $node.text() );
// centralized function to extract/parse cell contents
getParsedText : function( c, cell, colIndex, txt ) {
if ( typeof txt === 'undefined' ) {
txt = ts.getElementText( c, cell, colIndex );
// if no parser, make sure to return the txt
var val = '' + txt,
parser = c.parsers[ colIndex ],
extractor = c.extractors[ colIndex ];
if ( parser ) {
// do extract before parsing, if there is one
if ( extractor && typeof extractor.format === 'function' ) {
txt = extractor.format( txt, c.table, cell, colIndex );
// allow parsing if the string is empty, previously parsing would change it to zero,
// in case the parser needs to extract data from the table cell attributes
val = === 'no-parser' ? '' :
// make sure txt is a string (extractor may have converted it)
parser.format( '' + txt, c.table, cell, colIndex );
if ( c.ignoreCase && typeof val === 'string' ) {
val = val.toLowerCase();
return val;
▄████▄ ▄████▄ ▄████▄ ██ ██ ██████
██ ▀▀ ██▄▄██ ██ ▀▀ ██▄▄██ ██▄▄
██ ▄▄ ██▀▀██ ██ ▄▄ ██▀▀██ ██▀▀
▀████▀ ██ ██ ▀████▀ ██ ██ ██████
buildCache : function( c, callback, $tbodies ) {
var cache, val, txt, rowIndex, colIndex, tbodyIndex, $tbody, $row,
cols, $cells, cell, cacheTime, totalRows, rowData, prevRowData,
colMax, span, cacheIndex, hasParser, max, len, index,
table = c.table,
parsers = c.parsers;
// update tbody variable
c.$tbodies = c.$table.children( 'tbody:not(.' + c.cssInfoBlock + ')' );
$tbody = typeof $tbodies === 'undefined' ? c.$tbodies : $tbodies,
c.cache = {};
c.totalRows = 0;
// if no parsers found, return - it's an empty table.
if ( !parsers ) {
return c.debug ? console.warn( 'Warning: *Empty table!* Not building a cache' ) : '';
if ( c.debug ) {
cacheTime = new Date();
// processing icon
if ( c.showProcessing ) {
ts.isProcessing( table, true );
for ( tbodyIndex = 0; tbodyIndex < $tbody.length; tbodyIndex++ ) {
colMax = []; // column max value per tbody
cache = c.cache[ tbodyIndex ] = {
normalized: [] // array of normalized row data; last entry contains 'rowData' above
// colMax: # // added at the end
totalRows = ( $tbody[ tbodyIndex ] && $tbody[ tbodyIndex ].rows.length ) || 0;
for ( rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < totalRows; ++rowIndex ) {
rowData = {
// order: original row order #
// $row : jQuery Object[]
child: [], // child row text (filter widget)
raw: [] // original row text
/** Add the table data to main data array */
$row = $( $tbody[ tbodyIndex ].rows[ rowIndex ] );
cols = [];
// if this is a child row, add it to the last row's children and continue to the next row
// ignore child row class, if it is the first row
if ( $row.hasClass( c.cssChildRow ) && rowIndex !== 0 ) {
len = cache.normalized.length - 1;
prevRowData = cache.normalized[ len ][ c.columns ];
prevRowData.$row = prevRowData.$row.add( $row );
// add 'hasChild' class name to parent row
if ( !$row.prev().hasClass( c.cssChildRow ) ) {
$row.prev().addClass( ts.css.cssHasChild );
// save child row content (un-parsed!)
$cells = $row.children( 'th, td' );
len = prevRowData.child.length;
prevRowData.child[ len ] = [];
// child row content does not account for colspans/rowspans; so indexing may be off
cacheIndex = 0;
max = c.columns;
for ( colIndex = 0; colIndex < max; colIndex++ ) {
cell = $cells[ colIndex ];
if ( cell ) {
prevRowData.child[ len ][ colIndex ] = ts.getParsedText( c, cell, colIndex );
span = $cells[ colIndex ].colSpan - 1;
if ( span > 0 ) {
cacheIndex += span;
max += span;
// go to the next for loop
rowData.$row = $row;
rowData.order = rowIndex; // add original row position to rowCache
cacheIndex = 0;
max = c.columns;
for ( colIndex = 0; colIndex < max; ++colIndex ) {
cell = $row[ 0 ].cells[ colIndex ];
if ( cell && cacheIndex < c.columns ) {
hasParser = typeof parsers[ cacheIndex ] !== 'undefined';
if ( !hasParser && c.debug ) {
console.warn( 'No parser found for row: ' + rowIndex + ', column: ' + colIndex +
'; cell containing: "' + $(cell).text() + '"; does it have a header?' );
val = ts.getElementText( c, cell, cacheIndex );
rowData.raw[ cacheIndex ] = val; // save original row text
// save raw column text even if there is no parser set
txt = ts.getParsedText( c, cell, cacheIndex, val );
cols[ cacheIndex ] = txt;
if ( hasParser && ( parsers[ cacheIndex ].type || '' ).toLowerCase() === 'numeric' ) {
// determine column max value (ignore sign)
colMax[ cacheIndex ] = Math.max( Math.abs( txt ) || 0, colMax[ cacheIndex ] || 0 );
// allow colSpan in tbody
span = cell.colSpan - 1;
if ( span > 0 ) {
index = 0;
while ( index <= span ) {
// duplicate text (or not) to spanned columns
rowData.raw[ cacheIndex + index ] = c.duplicateSpan || index === 0 ? val : '';
cols[ cacheIndex + index ] = c.duplicateSpan || index === 0 ? val : '';
cacheIndex += span;
max += span;
// ensure rowData is always in the same location (after the last column)
cols[ c.columns ] = rowData;
cache.normalized.push( cols );
cache.colMax = colMax;
// total up rows, not including child rows
c.totalRows += cache.normalized.length;
if ( c.showProcessing ) {
ts.isProcessing( table ); // remove processing icon
if ( c.debug ) {
len = Math.min( 5, c.cache[ 0 ].normalized.length );
console[ ? 'group' : 'log' ]( 'Building cache for ' + c.totalRows +
' rows (showing ' + len + ' rows in log)' + ts.benchmark( cacheTime ) );
val = {};
for ( colIndex = 0; colIndex < c.columns; colIndex++ ) {
for ( cacheIndex = 0; cacheIndex < len; cacheIndex++ ) {
if ( !val[ 'row: ' + cacheIndex ] ) {
val[ 'row: ' + cacheIndex ] = {};
val[ 'row: ' + cacheIndex ][ c.$headerIndexed[ colIndex ].text() ] =
c.cache[ 0 ].normalized[ cacheIndex ][ colIndex ];
console[ console.table ? 'table' : 'log' ]( val );
if ( console.groupEnd ) { console.groupEnd(); }
if ( $.isFunction( callback ) ) {
callback( table );
getColumnText : function( table, column, callback, rowFilter ) {
table = $( table )[0];
var tbodyIndex, rowIndex, cache, row, tbodyLen, rowLen, raw, parsed, $cell, result,
hasCallback = typeof callback === 'function',
allColumns = column === 'all',
data = { raw : [], parsed: [], $cell: [] },
c = table.config;
if ( ts.isEmptyObject( c ) ) {
if ( c.debug ) {
console.warn( 'No cache found - aborting getColumnText function!' );
} else {
tbodyLen = c.$tbodies.length;
for ( tbodyIndex = 0; tbodyIndex < tbodyLen; tbodyIndex++ ) {
cache = c.cache[ tbodyIndex ].normalized;
rowLen = cache.length;
for ( rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < rowLen; rowIndex++ ) {
row = cache[ rowIndex ];
if ( rowFilter && !row[ c.columns ].$ rowFilter ) ) {
result = true;
parsed = ( allColumns ) ? row.slice( 0, c.columns ) : row[ column ];
row = row[ c.columns ];
raw = ( allColumns ) ? row.raw : row.raw[ column ];
$cell = ( allColumns ) ? row.$row.children() : row.$row.children().eq( column );
if ( hasCallback ) {
result = callback({
tbodyIndex : tbodyIndex,
rowIndex : rowIndex,
parsed : parsed,
raw : raw,
$row : row.$row,
$cell : $cell
if ( result !== false ) {
data.parsed.push( parsed );
data.raw.push( raw );
data.$cell.push( $cell );
// return everything
return data;
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██ ██ ██▄▄██ ██ ██ ██▄▄██ ██ ██▄▄
██ ██ ██▀▀▀ ██ ██ ██▀▀██ ██ ██▀▀
▀████▀ ██ █████▀ ██ ██ ██ ██████
setHeadersCss : function( c ) {
var $sorted, indx, column,
list = c.sortList,
len = list.length,
none = ts.css.sortNone + ' ' + c.cssNone,
css = [ ts.css.sortAsc + ' ' + c.cssAsc, ts.css.sortDesc + ' ' + c.cssDesc ],
cssIcon = [ c.cssIconAsc, c.cssIconDesc, c.cssIconNone ],
aria = [ 'ascending', 'descending' ],
// find the footer
$headers = c.$table
.find( 'tfoot tr' )
.children( 'td, th' )
.add( $( c.namespace + '_extra_headers' ) )
.removeClass( css.join( ' ' ) );
// remove all header information
.removeClass( css.join( ' ' ) )
.addClass( none )
.attr( 'aria-sort', 'none' )
.find( '.' + ts.css.icon )
.removeClass( cssIcon.join( ' ' ) )
.addClass( cssIcon[ 2 ] );
for ( indx = 0; indx < len; indx++ ) {
// direction = 2 means reset!
if ( list[ indx ][ 1 ] !== 2 ) {
// multicolumn sorting updating - see #1005
// .not(function(){}) needs jQuery 1.4
// filter(function(i, el){}) <- el is undefined in jQuery v1.2.6
$sorted = c.$headers.filter( function( i ) {
// only include headers that are in the sortList (this includes colspans)
var include = true,
$el = c.$headers.eq( i ),
col = parseInt( $el.attr( 'data-column' ), 10 ),
end = col + c.$headers[ i ].colSpan;
for ( ; col < end; col++ ) {
include = include ? include || ts.isValueInArray( col, c.sortList ) > -1 : false;
return include;
// choose the :last in case there are nested columns
$sorted = $sorted
.not( '.sorter-false' )
.filter( '[data-column="' + list[ indx ][ 0 ] + '"]' + ( len === 1 ? ':last' : '' ) );
if ( $sorted.length ) {
for ( column = 0; column < $sorted.length; column++ ) {
if ( !$sorted[ column ].sortDisabled ) {
.eq( column )
.removeClass( none )
.addClass( css[ list[ indx ][ 1 ] ] )
.attr( 'aria-sort', aria[ list[ indx ][ 1 ] ] )
.find( '.' + ts.css.icon )
.removeClass( cssIcon[ 2 ] )
.addClass( cssIcon[ list[ indx ][ 1 ] ] );
// add sorted class to footer & extra headers, if they exist
if ( $headers.length ) {
.filter( '[data-column="' + list[ indx ][ 0 ] + '"]' )
.removeClass( none )
.addClass( css[ list[ indx ][ 1 ] ] );
// add verbose aria labels
len = c.$headers.length;
for ( indx = 0; indx < len; indx++ ) {
ts.setColumnAriaLabel( c, c.$headers.eq( indx ) );
// nextSort (optional), lets you disable next sort text
setColumnAriaLabel : function( c, $header, nextSort ) {
if ( $header.length ) {
var column = parseInt( $header.attr( 'data-column' ), 10 ),
tmp = $header.hasClass( ts.css.sortAsc ) ?
'sortAsc' :
$header.hasClass( ts.css.sortDesc ) ? 'sortDesc' : 'sortNone',
txt = $.trim( $header.text() ) + ': ' + ts.language[ tmp ];
if ( $header.hasClass( 'sorter-false' ) || nextSort === false ) {
txt += ts.language.sortDisabled;
} else {
nextSort = c.sortVars[ column ].order[ ( c.sortVars[ column ].count + 1 ) % ( c.sortReset ? 3 : 2 ) ];
// if nextSort
txt += ts.language[ nextSort === 0 ? 'nextAsc' : nextSort === 1 ? 'nextDesc' : 'nextNone' ];
$header.attr( 'aria-label', txt );
updateHeader : function( c ) {
var index, isDisabled, $header, col,
table = c.table,
len = c.$headers.length;
for ( index = 0; index < len; index++ ) {
$header = c.$headers.eq( index );
col = ts.getColumnData( table, c.headers, index, true );
// add 'sorter-false' class if 'parser-false' is set
isDisabled = ts.getData( $header, col, 'sorter' ) === 'false' || ts.getData( $header, col, 'parser' ) === 'false';
ts.setColumnSort( c, $header, isDisabled );
setColumnSort : function( c, $header, isDisabled ) {
var id =;
$header[ 0 ].sortDisabled = isDisabled;
$header[ isDisabled ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass' ]( 'sorter-false' )
.attr( 'aria-disabled', '' + isDisabled );
// disable tab index on disabled cells
if ( c.tabIndex ) {
if ( isDisabled ) {
$header.removeAttr( 'tabindex' );
} else {
$header.attr( 'tabindex', '0' );
// aria-controls - requires table ID
if ( id ) {
if ( isDisabled ) {
$header.removeAttr( 'aria-controls' );
} else {
$header.attr( 'aria-controls', id );
updateHeaderSortCount : function( c, list ) {
var col, dir, group, indx, primary, temp, val, order,
sortList = list || c.sortList,
len = sortList.length;
c.sortList = [];
for ( indx = 0; indx < len; indx++ ) {
val = sortList[ indx ];
// ensure all sortList values are numeric - fixes #127
col = parseInt( val[ 0 ], 10 );
// prevents error if sorton array is wrong
if ( col < c.columns ) {
// set order if not already defined - due to colspan header without associated header cell
// adding this check prevents a javascript error
if ( !c.sortVars[ col ].order ) {
order = c.sortVars[ col ].order = ts.getOrder( c.sortInitialOrder ) ? [ 1, 0, 2 ] : [ 0, 1, 2 ];
c.sortVars[ col ].count = 0;
order = c.sortVars[ col ].order;
dir = ( '' + val[ 1 ] ).match( /^(1|d|s|o|n)/ );
dir = dir ? dir[ 0 ] : '';
// 0/(a)sc (default), 1/(d)esc, (s)ame, (o)pposite, (n)ext
switch ( dir ) {
case '1' : case 'd' : // descending
dir = 1;
case 's' : // same direction (as primary column)
// if primary sort is set to 's', make it ascending
dir = primary || 0;
case 'o' :
temp = order[ ( primary || 0 ) % ( c.sortReset ? 3 : 2 ) ];
// opposite of primary column; but resets if primary resets
dir = temp === 0 ? 1 : temp === 1 ? 0 : 2;
case 'n' :
dir = order[ ( ++c.sortVars[ col ].count ) % ( c.sortReset ? 3 : 2 ) ];
default : // ascending
dir = 0;
primary = indx === 0 ? dir : primary;
group = [ col, parseInt( dir, 10 ) || 0 ];
c.sortList.push( group );
dir = $.inArray( group[ 1 ], order ); // fixes issue #167
c.sortVars[ col ].count = dir >= 0 ? dir : group[ 1 ] % ( c.sortReset ? 3 : 2 );
updateAll : function( c, resort, callback ) {
var table = c.table;
table.isUpdating = true;
ts.refreshWidgets( table, true, true );
ts.buildHeaders( c );
ts.bindEvents( table, c.$headers, true );
ts.bindMethods( c );
ts.commonUpdate( c, resort, callback );
update : function( c, resort, callback ) {
var table = c.table;
table.isUpdating = true;
// update sorting (if enabled/disabled)
ts.updateHeader( c );
ts.commonUpdate( c, resort, callback );
// simple header update - see #989
updateHeaders : function( c, callback ) {
c.table.isUpdating = true;
ts.buildHeaders( c );
ts.bindEvents( c.table, c.$headers, true );
ts.resortComplete( c, callback );
updateCell : function( c, cell, resort, callback ) {
if ( ts.isEmptyObject( c.cache ) ) {
// empty table, do an update instead - fixes #1099
ts.updateHeader( c );
ts.commonUpdate( c, resort, callback );
c.table.isUpdating = true;
c.$table.find( c.selectorRemove ).remove();
// get position from the dom
var tmp, indx, row, icell, cache, len,
$tbodies = c.$tbodies,
$cell = $( cell ),
// update cache - format: function( s, table, cell, cellIndex )
// no closest in jQuery v1.2.6
tbodyIndex = $tbodies
.index( $.fn.closest ? $cell.closest( 'tbody' ) : $cell.parents( 'tbody' ).filter( ':first' ) ),
tbcache = c.cache[ tbodyIndex ],
$row = $.fn.closest ? $cell.closest( 'tr' ) : $cell.parents( 'tr' ).filter( ':first' );
cell = $cell[ 0 ]; // in case cell is a jQuery object
// tbody may not exist if update is initialized while tbody is removed for processing
if ( $tbodies.length && tbodyIndex >= 0 ) {
row = $tbodies.eq( tbodyIndex ).find( 'tr' ).index( $row );
cache = tbcache.normalized[ row ];
len = $row[ 0 ].cells.length;
if ( len !== c.columns ) {
// colspan in here somewhere!
icell = 0;
tmp = false;
for ( indx = 0; indx < len; indx++ ) {
if ( !tmp && $row[ 0 ].cells[ indx ] !== cell ) {
icell += $row[ 0 ].cells[ indx ].colSpan;
} else {
tmp = true;
} else {
icell = $cell.index();
tmp = ts.getElementText( c, cell, icell ); // raw
cache[ c.columns ].raw[ icell ] = tmp;
tmp = ts.getParsedText( c, cell, icell, tmp );
cache[ icell ] = tmp; // parsed
cache[ c.columns ].$row = $row;
if ( ( c.parsers[ icell ].type || '' ).toLowerCase() === 'numeric' ) {
// update column max value (ignore sign)
tbcache.colMax[ icell ] = Math.max( Math.abs( tmp ) || 0, tbcache.colMax[ icell ] || 0 );
tmp = resort !== 'undefined' ? resort : c.resort;
if ( tmp !== false ) {
// widgets will be reapplied
ts.checkResort( c, tmp, callback );
} else {
// don't reapply widgets is resort is false, just in case it causes
// problems with element focus
ts.resortComplete( c, callback );
} else {
if ( c.debug ) {
console.error( 'updateCell aborted, tbody missing or not within the indicated table' );
c.table.isUpdating = false;
addRows : function( c, $row, resort, callback ) {
var txt, val, tbodyIndex, rowIndex, rows, cellIndex, len,
cacheIndex, rowData, cells, cell, span,
// allow passing a row string if only one non-info tbody exists in the table
valid = typeof $row === 'string' && c.$tbodies.length === 1 && /<tr/.test( $row || '' ),
table = c.table;
if ( valid ) {
$row = $( $row );
c.$tbodies.append( $row );
} else if ( !$row ||
// row is a jQuery object?
!( $row instanceof jQuery ) ||
// row contained in the table?
( $.fn.closest ? $row.closest( 'table' )[ 0 ] : $row.parents( 'table' )[ 0 ] ) !== c.table ) {
if ( c.debug ) {
console.error( 'addRows method requires (1) a jQuery selector reference to rows that have already ' +
'been added to the table, or (2) row HTML string to be added to a table with only one tbody' );
return false;
table.isUpdating = true;
if ( ts.isEmptyObject( c.cache ) ) {
// empty table, do an update instead - fixes #450
ts.updateHeader( c );
ts.commonUpdate( c, resort, callback );
} else {
rows = $row.filter( 'tr' ).attr( 'role', 'row' ).length;
tbodyIndex = c.$tbodies.index( $row.parents( 'tbody' ).filter( ':first' ) );
// fixes adding rows to an empty table - see issue #179
if ( !( c.parsers && c.parsers.length ) ) {
ts.setupParsers( c );
// add each row
for ( rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < rows; rowIndex++ ) {
cacheIndex = 0;
len = $row[ rowIndex ].cells.length;
cells = [];
rowData = {
child : [],
raw : [],
$row : $row.eq( rowIndex ),
order : c.cache[ tbodyIndex ].normalized.length
// add each cell
for ( cellIndex = 0; cellIndex < len; cellIndex++ ) {
cell = $row[ rowIndex ].cells[ cellIndex ];
txt = ts.getElementText( c, cell, cacheIndex );
rowData.raw[ cacheIndex ] = txt;
val = ts.getParsedText( c, cell, cacheIndex, txt );
cells[ cacheIndex ] = val;
if ( ( c.parsers[ cacheIndex ].type || '' ).toLowerCase() === 'numeric' ) {
// update column max value (ignore sign)
c.cache[ tbodyIndex ].colMax[ cacheIndex ] =
Math.max( Math.abs( val ) || 0, c.cache[ tbodyIndex ].colMax[ cacheIndex ] || 0 );
span = cell.colSpan - 1;
if ( span > 0 ) {
cacheIndex += span;
// add the row data to the end
cells[ c.columns ] = rowData;
// update cache
c.cache[ tbodyIndex ].normalized.push( cells );
// resort using current settings
ts.checkResort( c, resort, callback );
updateCache : function( c, callback, $tbodies ) {
// rebuild parsers
if ( !( c.parsers && c.parsers.length ) ) {
ts.setupParsers( c, $tbodies );
// rebuild the cache map
ts.buildCache( c, callback, $tbodies );
// init flag (true) used by pager plugin to prevent widget application
// renamed from appendToTable
appendCache : function( c, init ) {
var parsed, totalRows, $tbody, $curTbody, rowIndex, tbodyIndex, appendTime,
table = c.table,
wo = c.widgetOptions,
$tbodies = c.$tbodies,
rows = [],
cache = c.cache;
// empty table - fixes #206/#346
if ( ts.isEmptyObject( cache ) ) {
// run pager appender in case the table was just emptied
return c.appender ? c.appender( table, rows ) :
table.isUpdating ? c.$table.triggerHandler( 'updateComplete', table ) : ''; // Fixes #532
if ( c.debug ) {
appendTime = new Date();
for ( tbodyIndex = 0; tbodyIndex < $tbodies.length; tbodyIndex++ ) {
$tbody = $tbodies.eq( tbodyIndex );
if ( $tbody.length ) {
// detach tbody for manipulation
$curTbody = ts.processTbody( table, $tbody, true );
parsed = cache[ tbodyIndex ].normalized;
totalRows = parsed.length;
for ( rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < totalRows; rowIndex++ ) {
rows.push( parsed[ rowIndex ][ c.columns ].$row );
// removeRows used by the pager plugin; don't render if using ajax - fixes #411
if ( !c.appender || ( c.pager && ( !c.pager.removeRows || !wo.pager_removeRows ) && !c.pager.ajax ) ) {
$curTbody.append( parsed[ rowIndex ][ c.columns ].$row );
// restore tbody
ts.processTbody( table, $curTbody, false );
if ( c.appender ) {
c.appender( table, rows );
if ( c.debug ) {
console.log( 'Rebuilt table' + ts.benchmark( appendTime ) );
// apply table widgets; but not before ajax completes
if ( !init && !c.appender ) {
ts.applyWidget( table );
if ( table.isUpdating ) {
c.$table.triggerHandler( 'updateComplete', table );
commonUpdate : function( c, resort, callback ) {
// remove rows/elements before update
c.$table.find( c.selectorRemove ).remove();
// rebuild parsers
ts.setupParsers( c );
// rebuild the cache map
ts.buildCache( c );
ts.checkResort( c, resort, callback );
▄█████ ▄████▄ █████▄ ██████ ██ █████▄ ▄████▄
▀█▄ ██ ██ ██▄▄██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ▄▄▄
▀█▄ ██ ██ ██▀██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ▀██
█████▀ ▀████▀ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ▀████▀
initSort : function( c, cell, event ) {
if ( c.table.isUpdating ) {
// let any updates complete before initializing a sort
return setTimeout( function(){
ts.initSort( c, cell, event );
}, 50 );
var arry, indx, headerIndx, dir, temp, tmp, $header,
notMultiSort = !event[ c.sortMultiSortKey ],
table = c.table,
len = c.$headers.length,
// get current column index
col = parseInt( $( cell ).attr( 'data-column' ), 10 ),
order = c.sortVars[ col ].order;
// Only call sortStart if sorting is enabled
c.$table.triggerHandler( 'sortStart', table );
// get current column sort order
c.sortVars[ col ].count =
event[ c.sortResetKey ] ? 2 : ( c.sortVars[ col ].count + 1 ) % ( c.sortReset ? 3 : 2 );
// reset all sorts on non-current column - issue #30
if ( c.sortRestart ) {
for ( headerIndx = 0; headerIndx < len; headerIndx++ ) {
$header = c.$headers.eq( headerIndx );
tmp = parseInt( $header.attr( 'data-column' ), 10 );
// only reset counts on columns that weren't just clicked on and if not included in a multisort
if ( col !== tmp && ( notMultiSort || $header.hasClass( ts.css.sortNone ) ) ) {
c.sortVars[ tmp ].count = -1;
// user only wants to sort on one column
if ( notMultiSort ) {
// flush the sort list
c.sortList = [];
c.last.sortList = [];
if ( c.sortForce !== null ) {
arry = c.sortForce;
for ( indx = 0; indx < arry.length; indx++ ) {
if ( arry[ indx ][ 0 ] !== col ) {
c.sortList.push( arry[ indx ] );
// add column to sort list
dir = order[ c.sortVars[ col ].count ];
if ( dir < 2 ) {
c.sortList.push( [ col, dir ] );
// add other columns if header spans across multiple
if ( cell.colSpan > 1 ) {
for ( indx = 1; indx < cell.colSpan; indx++ ) {
c.sortList.push( [ col + indx, dir ] );
// update count on columns in colSpan
c.sortVars[ col + indx ].count = $.inArray( dir, order );
// multi column sorting
} else {
// get rid of the sortAppend before adding more - fixes issue #115 & #523
c.sortList = $.extend( [], c.last.sortList );
// the user has clicked on an already sorted column
if ( ts.isValueInArray( col, c.sortList ) >= 0 ) {
// reverse the sorting direction
for ( indx = 0; indx < c.sortList.length; indx++ ) {
tmp = c.sortList[ indx ];
if ( tmp[ 0 ] === col ) {
// order.count seems to be incorrect when compared to cell.count
tmp[ 1 ] = order[ c.sortVars[ col ].count ];
if ( tmp[1] === 2 ) {
c.sortList.splice( indx, 1 );
c.sortVars[ col ].count = -1;
} else {
// add column to sort list array
dir = order[ c.sortVars[ col ].count ];
if ( dir < 2 ) {
c.sortList.push( [ col, dir ] );
// add other columns if header spans across multiple
if ( cell.colSpan > 1 ) {
for ( indx = 1; indx < cell.colSpan; indx++ ) {
c.sortList.push( [ col + indx, dir ] );
// update count on columns in colSpan
c.sortVars[ col + indx ].count = $.inArray( dir, order );
// save sort before applying sortAppend
c.last.sortList = $.extend( [], c.sortList );
if ( c.sortList.length && c.sortAppend ) {
arry = $.isArray( c.sortAppend ) ? c.sortAppend : c.sortAppend[ c.sortList[ 0 ][ 0 ] ];
if ( !ts.isEmptyObject( arry ) ) {
for ( indx = 0; indx < arry.length; indx++ ) {
if ( arry[ indx ][ 0 ] !== col && ts.isValueInArray( arry[ indx ][ 0 ], c.sortList ) < 0 ) {
dir = arry[ indx ][ 1 ];
temp = ( '' + dir ).match( /^(a|d|s|o|n)/ );
if ( temp ) {
tmp = c.sortList[ 0 ][ 1 ];
switch ( temp[ 0 ] ) {
case 'd' :
dir = 1;
case 's' :
dir = tmp;
case 'o' :
dir = tmp === 0 ? 1 : 0;
case 'n' :
dir = ( tmp + 1 ) % ( c.sortReset ? 3 : 2 );
dir = 0;
c.sortList.push( [ arry[ indx ][ 0 ], dir ] );
// sortBegin event triggered immediately before the sort
c.$table.triggerHandler( 'sortBegin', table );
// setTimeout needed so the processing icon shows up
setTimeout( function() {
// set css for headers
ts.setHeadersCss( c );
ts.multisort( c );
ts.appendCache( c );
c.$table.triggerHandler( 'sortBeforeEnd', table );
c.$table.triggerHandler( 'sortEnd', table );
}, 1 );
// sort multiple columns
multisort : function( c ) { /*jshint loopfunc:true */
var tbodyIndex, sortTime, colMax, rows,
table = c.table,
dir = 0,
textSorter = c.textSorter || '',
sortList = c.sortList,
sortLen = sortList.length,
len = c.$tbodies.length;
if ( c.serverSideSorting || ts.isEmptyObject( c.cache ) ) {
// empty table - fixes #206/#346
if ( c.debug ) { sortTime = new Date(); }
for ( tbodyIndex = 0; tbodyIndex < len; tbodyIndex++ ) {
colMax = c.cache[ tbodyIndex ].colMax;
rows = c.cache[ tbodyIndex ].normalized;
rows.sort( function( a, b ) {
var sortIndex, num, col, order, sort, x, y;
// rows is undefined here in IE, so don't use it!
for ( sortIndex = 0; sortIndex < sortLen; sortIndex++ ) {
col = sortList[ sortIndex ][ 0 ];
order = sortList[ sortIndex ][ 1 ];
// sort direction, true = asc, false = desc
dir = order === 0;
if ( c.sortStable && a[ col ] === b[ col ] && sortLen === 1 ) {
return a[ c.columns ].order - b[ c.columns ].order;
// fallback to natural sort since it is more robust
num = /n/i.test( ts.getSortType( c.parsers, col ) );
if ( num && c.strings[ col ] ) {
// sort strings in numerical columns
if ( typeof ( ts.string[ c.strings[ col ] ] ) === 'boolean' ) {
num = ( dir ? 1 : -1 ) * ( ts.string[ c.strings[ col ] ] ? -1 : 1 );
} else {
num = ( c.strings[ col ] ) ? ts.string[ c.strings[ col ] ] || 0 : 0;
// fall back to built-in numeric sort
// var sort = $.tablesorter['sort' + s]( a[col], b[col], dir, colMax[col], table );
sort = c.numberSorter ? c.numberSorter( a[ col ], b[ col ], dir, colMax[ col ], table ) :
ts[ 'sortNumeric' + ( dir ? 'Asc' : 'Desc' ) ]( a[ col ], b[ col ], num, colMax[ col ], col, c );
} else {
// set a & b depending on sort direction
x = dir ? a : b;
y = dir ? b : a;
// text sort function
if ( typeof textSorter === 'function' ) {
// custom OVERALL text sorter
sort = textSorter( x[ col ], y[ col ], dir, col, table );
} else if ( typeof textSorter === 'object' && textSorter.hasOwnProperty( col ) ) {
// custom text sorter for a SPECIFIC COLUMN
sort = textSorter[ col ]( x[ col ], y[ col ], dir, col, table );
} else {
// fall back to natural sort
sort = ts[ 'sortNatural' + ( dir ? 'Asc' : 'Desc' ) ]( a[ col ], b[ col ], col, c );
if ( sort ) { return sort; }
return a[ c.columns ].order - b[ c.columns ].order;
if ( c.debug ) {
console.log( 'Applying sort ' + sortList.toString() + ts.benchmark( sortTime ) );
resortComplete : function( c, callback ) {
if ( c.table.isUpdating ) {
c.$table.triggerHandler( 'updateComplete', c.table );
if ( $.isFunction( callback ) ) {
callback( c.table );
checkResort : function( c, resort, callback ) {
var sortList = $.isArray( resort ) ? resort : c.sortList,
// if no resort parameter is passed, fallback to config.resort (true by default)
resrt = typeof resort === 'undefined' ? c.resort : resort;
// don't try to resort if the table is still processing
// this will catch spamming of the updateCell method
if ( resrt !== false && !c.serverSideSorting && !c.table.isProcessing ) {
if ( sortList.length ) {
ts.sortOn( c, sortList, function() {
ts.resortComplete( c, callback );
}, true );
} else {
ts.sortReset( c, function() {
ts.resortComplete( c, callback );
ts.applyWidget( c.table, false );
} );
} else {
ts.resortComplete( c, callback );
ts.applyWidget( c.table, false );
sortOn : function( c, list, callback, init ) {
var table = c.table;
c.$table.triggerHandler( 'sortStart', table );
// update header count index
ts.updateHeaderSortCount( c, list );
// set css for headers
ts.setHeadersCss( c );
// fixes #346
if ( c.delayInit && ts.isEmptyObject( c.cache ) ) {
ts.buildCache( c );
c.$table.triggerHandler( 'sortBegin', table );
// sort the table and append it to the dom
ts.multisort( c );
ts.appendCache( c, init );
c.$table.triggerHandler( 'sortBeforeEnd', table );
c.$table.triggerHandler( 'sortEnd', table );
ts.applyWidget( table );
if ( $.isFunction( callback ) ) {
callback( table );
sortReset : function( c, callback ) {
c.sortList = [];
ts.setHeadersCss( c );
ts.multisort( c );
ts.appendCache( c );
if ( $.isFunction( callback ) ) {
callback( c.table );
getSortType : function( parsers, column ) {
return ( parsers && parsers[ column ] ) ? parsers[ column ].type || '' : '';
getOrder : function( val ) {
// look for 'd' in 'desc' order; return true
return ( /^d/i.test( val ) || val === 1 );
// Natural sort - (date sorting removed)
// this function will only accept strings, or you'll see 'TypeError: undefined is not a function'
// I could add a = a.toString(); b = b.toString(); but it'll slow down the sort overall
sortNatural : function( a, b ) {
if ( a === b ) { return 0; }
var aNum, bNum, aFloat, bFloat, indx, max,
regex = ts.regex;
// first try and sort Hex codes
if ( regex.hex.test( b ) ) {
aNum = parseInt( a.match( regex.hex ), 16 );
bNum = parseInt( b.match( regex.hex ), 16 );
if ( aNum < bNum ) { return -1; }
if ( aNum > bNum ) { return 1; }
// chunk/tokenize
aNum = a.replace( regex.chunk, '\\0$1\\0' ).replace( regex.chunks, '' ).split( '\\0' );
bNum = b.replace( regex.chunk, '\\0$1\\0' ).replace( regex.chunks, '' ).split( '\\0' );
max = Math.max( aNum.length, bNum.length );
// natural sorting through split numeric strings and default strings
for ( indx = 0; indx < max; indx++ ) {
// find floats not starting with '0', string or 0 if not defined
aFloat = isNaN( aNum[ indx ] ) ? aNum[ indx ] || 0 : parseFloat( aNum[ indx ] ) || 0;
bFloat = isNaN( bNum[ indx ] ) ? bNum[ indx ] || 0 : parseFloat( bNum[ indx ] ) || 0;
// handle numeric vs string comparison - number < string - (Kyle Adams)
if ( isNaN( aFloat ) !== isNaN( bFloat ) ) { return isNaN( aFloat ) ? 1 : -1; }
// rely on string comparison if different types - i.e. '02' < 2 != '02' < '2'
if ( typeof aFloat !== typeof bFloat ) {
aFloat += '';
bFloat += '';
if ( aFloat < bFloat ) { return -1; }
if ( aFloat > bFloat ) { return 1; }
return 0;
sortNaturalAsc : function( a, b, col, c ) {
if ( a === b ) { return 0; }
var empty = ts.string[ ( c.empties[ col ] || c.emptyTo ) ];
if ( a === '' && empty !== 0 ) { return typeof empty === 'boolean' ? ( empty ? -1 : 1 ) : -empty || -1; }
if ( b === '' && empty !== 0 ) { return typeof empty === 'boolean' ? ( empty ? 1 : -1 ) : empty || 1; }
return ts.sortNatural( a, b );
sortNaturalDesc : function( a, b, col, c ) {
if ( a === b ) { return 0; }
var empty = ts.string[ ( c.empties[ col ] || c.emptyTo ) ];
if ( a === '' && empty !== 0 ) { return typeof empty === 'boolean' ? ( empty ? -1 : 1 ) : empty || 1; }
if ( b === '' && empty !== 0 ) { return typeof empty === 'boolean' ? ( empty ? 1 : -1 ) : -empty || -1; }
return ts.sortNatural( b, a );
// basic alphabetical sort
sortText : function( a, b ) {
return a > b ? 1 : ( a < b ? -1 : 0 );
// return text string value by adding up ascii value
// so the text is somewhat sorted when using a digital sort
// this is NOT an alphanumeric sort
getTextValue : function( val, num, max ) {
if ( max ) {
// make sure the text value is greater than the max numerical value (max)
var indx,
len = val ? val.length : 0,
n = max + num;
for ( indx = 0; indx < len; indx++ ) {
n += val.charCodeAt( indx );
return num * n;
return 0;
sortNumericAsc : function( a, b, num, max, col, c ) {
if ( a === b ) { return 0; }
var empty = ts.string[ ( c.empties[ col ] || c.emptyTo ) ];
if ( a === '' && empty !== 0 ) { return typeof empty === 'boolean' ? ( empty ? -1 : 1 ) : -empty || -1; }
if ( b === '' && empty !== 0 ) { return typeof empty === 'boolean' ? ( empty ? 1 : -1 ) : empty || 1; }
if ( isNaN( a ) ) { a = ts.getTextValue( a, num, max ); }
if ( isNaN( b ) ) { b = ts.getTextValue( b, num, max ); }
return a - b;
sortNumericDesc : function( a, b, num, max, col, c ) {
if ( a === b ) { return 0; }
var empty = ts.string[ ( c.empties[ col ] || c.emptyTo ) ];
if ( a === '' && empty !== 0 ) { return typeof empty === 'boolean' ? ( empty ? -1 : 1 ) : empty || 1; }
if ( b === '' && empty !== 0 ) { return typeof empty === 'boolean' ? ( empty ? 1 : -1 ) : -empty || -1; }
if ( isNaN( a ) ) { a = ts.getTextValue( a, num, max ); }
if ( isNaN( b ) ) { b = ts.getTextValue( b, num, max ); }
return b - a;
sortNumeric : function( a, b ) {
return a - b;
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addWidget : function( widget ) {
ts.widgets.push( widget );
hasWidget : function( $table, name ) {
$table = $( $table );
return $table.length && $table[ 0 ].config && $table[ 0 ].config.widgetInit[ name ] || false;
getWidgetById : function( name ) {
var indx, widget,
len = ts.widgets.length;
for ( indx = 0; indx < len; indx++ ) {
widget = ts.widgets[ indx ];
if ( widget && && === name.toLowerCase() ) {
return widget;
applyWidgetOptions : function( table ) {
var indx, widget,
c = table.config,
len = c.widgets.length;
if ( len ) {
for ( indx = 0; indx < len; indx++ ) {
widget = ts.getWidgetById( c.widgets[ indx ] );
if ( widget && widget.options ) {
c.widgetOptions = $.extend( true, {}, widget.options, c.widgetOptions );
addWidgetFromClass : function( table ) {
var len, indx,
c = table.config,
// look for widgets to apply from table class
// don't match from 'ui-widget-content'; use \S instead of \w to include widgets
// with dashes in the name, e.g. "widget-test-2" extracts out "test-2"
regex = '^' + c.widgetClass.replace( ts.regex.templateName, '(\\S+)+' ) + '$',
widgetClass = new RegExp( regex, 'g' ),
// split up table class (widget id's can include dashes) - stop using match
// otherwise only one widget gets extracted, see #1109
widgets = ( table.className || '' ).split( ts.regex.spaces );
if ( widgets.length ) {
len = widgets.length;
for ( indx = 0; indx < len; indx++ ) {
if ( widgets[ indx ].match( widgetClass ) ) {
c.widgets.push( widgets[ indx ].replace( widgetClass, '$1' ) );
applyWidgetId : function( table, id, init ) {
var applied, time, name,
c = table.config,
wo = c.widgetOptions,
widget = ts.getWidgetById( id );
if ( widget ) {
name =;
applied = false;
// add widget name to option list so it gets reapplied after sorting, filtering, etc
if ( $.inArray( name, c.widgets ) < 0 ) {
c.widgets.push( name );
if ( c.debug ) { time = new Date(); }
if ( init || !( c.widgetInit[ name ] ) ) {
// set init flag first to prevent calling init more than once (e.g. pager)
c.widgetInit[ name ] = true;
if ( table.hasInitialized ) {
// don't reapply widget options on tablesorter init
ts.applyWidgetOptions( table );
if ( typeof widget.init === 'function' ) {
applied = true;
if ( c.debug ) {
console[ ? 'group' : 'log' ]( 'Initializing ' + name + ' widget' );
widget.init( table, widget, c, wo );
if ( !init && typeof widget.format === 'function' ) {
applied = true;
if ( c.debug ) {
console[ ? 'group' : 'log' ]( 'Updating ' + name + ' widget' );
widget.format( table, c, wo, false );
if ( c.debug ) {
if ( applied ) {
console.log( 'Completed ' + ( init ? 'initializing ' : 'applying ' ) + name + ' widget' + ts.benchmark( time ) );
if ( console.groupEnd ) { console.groupEnd(); }
applyWidget : function( table, init, callback ) {
table = $( table )[ 0 ]; // in case this is called externally
var indx, len, names, widget, time,
c = table.config,
widgets = [];
// prevent numerous consecutive widget applications
if ( init !== false && table.hasInitialized && ( table.isApplyingWidgets || table.isUpdating ) ) {
if ( c.debug ) { time = new Date(); }
ts.addWidgetFromClass( table );
// prevent "tablesorter-ready" from firing multiple times in a row
clearTimeout( c.timerReady );
if ( c.widgets.length ) {
table.isApplyingWidgets = true;
// ensure unique widget ids
c.widgets = $.grep( c.widgets, function( val, index ) {
return $.inArray( val, c.widgets ) === index;
names = c.widgets || [];
len = names.length;
// build widget array & add priority as needed
for ( indx = 0; indx < len; indx++ ) {
widget = ts.getWidgetById( names[ indx ] );
if ( widget && ) {
// set priority to 10 if not defined
if ( !widget.priority ) { widget.priority = 10; }
widgets[ indx ] = widget;
// sort widgets by priority
widgets.sort( function( a, b ) {
return a.priority < b.priority ? -1 : a.priority === b.priority ? 0 : 1;
// add/update selected widgets
len = widgets.length;
if ( c.debug ) {
console[ ? 'group' : 'log' ]( 'Start ' + ( init ? 'initializing' : 'applying' ) + ' widgets' );
for ( indx = 0; indx < len; indx++ ) {
widget = widgets[ indx ];
if ( widget && ) {
ts.applyWidgetId( table,, init );
if ( c.debug && console.groupEnd ) { console.groupEnd(); }
// callback executed on init only
if ( !init && typeof callback === 'function' ) {
callback( table );
c.timerReady = setTimeout( function() {
table.isApplyingWidgets = false;
$.data( table, 'lastWidgetApplication', new Date() );
c.$table.triggerHandler( 'tablesorter-ready' );
}, 10 );
if ( c.debug ) {
widget = c.widgets.length;
console.log( 'Completed ' +
( init === true ? 'initializing ' : 'applying ' ) + widget +
' widget' + ( widget !== 1 ? 's' : '' ) + ts.benchmark( time ) );
removeWidget : function( table, name, refreshing ) {
table = $( table )[ 0 ];
var index, widget, indx, len,
c = table.config;
// if name === true, add all widgets from $.tablesorter.widgets
if ( name === true ) {
name = [];
len = ts.widgets.length;
for ( indx = 0; indx < len; indx++ ) {
widget = ts.widgets[ indx ];
if ( widget && ) {
name.push( );
} else {
// name can be either an array of widgets names,
// or a space/comma separated list of widget names
name = ( $.isArray( name ) ? name.join( ',' ) : name || '' ).toLowerCase().split( /[\s,]+/ );
len = name.length;
for ( index = 0; index < len; index++ ) {
widget = ts.getWidgetById( name[ index ] );
indx = $.inArray( name[ index ], c.widgets );
if ( widget && widget.remove ) {
if ( c.debug ) {
console.log( ( refreshing ? 'Refreshing' : 'Removing' ) + ' "' + name[ index ] + '" widget' );
widget.remove( table, c, c.widgetOptions, refreshing );
c.widgetInit[ name[ index ] ] = false;
// don't remove the widget from config.widget if refreshing
if ( indx >= 0 && refreshing !== true ) {
c.widgets.splice( indx, 1 );
refreshWidgets : function( table, doAll, dontapply ) {
table = $( table )[ 0 ]; // see issue #243
var indx, widget,
c = table.config,
curWidgets = c.widgets,
widgets = ts.widgets,
len = widgets.length,
list = [],
callback = function( table ) {
$( table ).triggerHandler( 'refreshComplete' );
// remove widgets not defined in config.widgets, unless doAll is true
for ( indx = 0; indx < len; indx++ ) {
widget = widgets[ indx ];
if ( widget && && ( doAll || $.inArray(, curWidgets ) < 0 ) ) {
list.push( );
ts.removeWidget( table, list.join( ',' ), true );
if ( dontapply !== true ) {
// call widget init if
ts.applyWidget( table, doAll || false, callback );
if ( doAll ) {
// apply widget format
ts.applyWidget( table, false, callback );
} else {
callback( table );
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▀████▀ ██ ██ ██████ ██ ██ ██ ██████ █████▀
benchmark : function( diff ) {
return ( ' ( ' + ( new Date().getTime() - diff.getTime() ) + 'ms )' );
// deprecated ts.log
log : function() {
console.log( arguments );
// $.isEmptyObject from jQuery v1.4
isEmptyObject : function( obj ) {
/*jshint forin: false */
for ( var name in obj ) {
return false;
return true;
isValueInArray : function( column, arry ) {
var indx,
len = arry && arry.length || 0;
for ( indx = 0; indx < len; indx++ ) {
if ( arry[ indx ][ 0 ] === column ) {
return indx;
return -1;
formatFloat : function( str, table ) {
if ( typeof str !== 'string' || str === '' ) { return str; }
// allow using formatFloat without a table; defaults to US number format
var num,
usFormat = table && table.config ? table.config.usNumberFormat !== false :
typeof table !== 'undefined' ? table : true;
if ( usFormat ) {
// US Format - 1,234,567.89 -> 1234567.89
str = str.replace( ts.regex.comma, '' );
} else {
// German Format = 1.234.567,89 -> 1234567.89
// French Format = 1 234 567,89 -> 1234567.89
str = str.replace( ts.regex.digitNonUS, '' ).replace( ts.regex.comma, '.' );
if ( ts.regex.digitNegativeTest.test( str ) ) {
// make (#) into a negative number -> (10) = -10
str = str.replace( ts.regex.digitNegativeReplace, '-$1' );
num = parseFloat( str );
// return the text instead of zero
return isNaN( num ) ? $.trim( str ) : num;
isDigit : function( str ) {
// replace all unwanted chars and match
return isNaN( str ) ?
ts.regex.digitTest.test( str.toString().replace( ts.regex.digitReplace, '' ) ) :
str !== '';
// computeTableHeaderCellIndexes from:
computeColumnIndex : function( $rows, c ) {
var i, j, k, l, cell, cells, rowIndex, rowSpan, colSpan, firstAvailCol,
// total columns has been calculated, use it to set the matrixrow
columns = c && c.columns || 0,
matrix = [],
matrixrow = new Array( columns );
for ( i = 0; i < $rows.length; i++ ) {
cells = $rows[ i ].cells;
for ( j = 0; j < cells.length; j++ ) {
cell = cells[ j ];
rowIndex = cell.parentNode.rowIndex;
rowSpan = cell.rowSpan || 1;
colSpan = cell.colSpan || 1;
if ( typeof matrix[ rowIndex ] === 'undefined' ) {
matrix[ rowIndex ] = [];
// Find first available column in the first row
for ( k = 0; k < matrix[ rowIndex ].length + 1; k++ ) {
if ( typeof matrix[ rowIndex ][ k ] === 'undefined' ) {
firstAvailCol = k;
// jscs:disable disallowEmptyBlocks
if ( columns && cell.cellIndex === firstAvailCol ) {
// don't to anything
} else if ( cell.setAttribute ) {
// jscs:enable disallowEmptyBlocks
// add data-column (setAttribute = IE8+)
cell.setAttribute( 'data-column', firstAvailCol );
} else {
// remove once we drop support for IE7 - 1/12/2016
$( cell ).attr( 'data-column', firstAvailCol );
for ( k = rowIndex; k < rowIndex + rowSpan; k++ ) {
if ( typeof matrix[ k ] === 'undefined' ) {
matrix[ k ] = [];
matrixrow = matrix[ k ];
for ( l = firstAvailCol; l < firstAvailCol + colSpan; l++ ) {
matrixrow[ l ] = 'x';
return matrixrow.length;
// automatically add a colgroup with col elements set to a percentage width
fixColumnWidth : function( table ) {
table = $( table )[ 0 ];
var overallWidth, percent, $tbodies, len, index,
c = table.config,
$colgroup = c.$table.children( 'colgroup' );
// remove plugin-added colgroup, in case we need to refresh the widths
if ( $colgroup.length && $colgroup.hasClass( ts.css.colgroup ) ) {
if ( c.widthFixed && c.$table.children( 'colgroup' ).length === 0 ) {
$colgroup = $( '<colgroup class="' + ts.css.colgroup + '">' );
overallWidth = c.$table.width();
// only add col for visible columns - fixes #371
$tbodies = c.$tbodies.find( 'tr:first' ).children( ':visible' );
len = $tbodies.length;
for ( index = 0; index < len; index++ ) {
percent = parseInt( ( $tbodies.eq( index ).width() / overallWidth ) * 1000, 10 ) / 10 + '%';
$colgroup.append( $( '<col>' ).css( 'width', percent ) );
c.$table.prepend( $colgroup );
// get sorter, string, empty, etc options for each column from
// jQuery data, metadata, header option or header class name ('sorter-false')
// priority = jQuery data > meta > headers option > header class name
getData : function( header, configHeader, key ) {
var meta, cl4ss,
val = '',
$header = $( header );
if ( !$header.length ) { return ''; }
meta = $.metadata ? $header.metadata() : false;
cl4ss = ' ' + ( $header.attr( 'class' ) || '' );
if ( typeof $ key ) !== 'undefined' ||
typeof $ key.toLowerCase() ) !== 'undefined' ) {
// 'data-lockedOrder' is assigned to 'lockedorder'; but 'data-locked-order' is assigned to 'lockedOrder'
// 'data-sort-initial-order' is assigned to 'sortInitialOrder'
val += $ key ) || $ key.toLowerCase() );
} else if ( meta && typeof meta[ key ] !== 'undefined' ) {
val += meta[ key ];
} else if ( configHeader && typeof configHeader[ key ] !== 'undefined' ) {
val += configHeader[ key ];
} else if ( cl4ss !== ' ' && cl4ss.match( ' ' + key + '-' ) ) {
// include sorter class name 'sorter-text', etc; now works with 'sorter-my-custom-parser'
val = cl4ss.match( new RegExp( '\\s' + key + '-([\\w-]+)' ) )[ 1 ] || '';
return $.trim( val );
getColumnData : function( table, obj, indx, getCell, $headers ) {
if ( typeof obj === 'undefined' || obj === null ) { return; }
table = $( table )[ 0 ];
var $header, key,
c = table.config,
$cells = ( $headers || c.$headers ),
// c.$headerIndexed is not defined initially
$cell = c.$headerIndexed && c.$headerIndexed[ indx ] ||
$cells.filter( '[data-column="' + indx + '"]:last' );
if ( obj[ indx ] ) {
return getCell ? obj[ indx ] : obj[ $cells.index( $cell ) ];
for ( key in obj ) {
if ( typeof key === 'string' ) {
$header = $cell
// header cell with class/id
.filter( key )
// find elements within the header cell with cell/id
.add( $cell.find( key ) );
if ( $header.length ) {
return obj[ key ];
// *** Process table ***
// add processing indicator
isProcessing : function( $table, toggle, $headers ) {
$table = $( $table );
var c = $table[ 0 ].config,
// default to all headers
$header = $headers || $table.find( '.' + ts.css.header );
if ( toggle ) {
// don't use sortList if custom $headers used
if ( typeof $headers !== 'undefined' && c.sortList.length > 0 ) {
// get headers from the sortList
$header = $header.filter( function() {
// get data-column from attr to keep compatibility with jQuery 1.2.6
return this.sortDisabled ?
false :
ts.isValueInArray( parseFloat( $( this ).attr( 'data-column' ) ), c.sortList ) >= 0;
$table.add( $header ).addClass( ts.css.processing + ' ' + c.cssProcessing );
} else {
$table.add( $header ).removeClass( ts.css.processing + ' ' + c.cssProcessing );
// detach tbody but save the position
// don't use tbody because there are portions that look for a tbody index (updateCell)
processTbody : function( table, $tb, getIt ) {
table = $( table )[ 0 ];
if ( getIt ) {
table.isProcessing = true;
$tb.before( '<colgroup class="tablesorter-savemyplace"/>' );
return $.fn.detach ? $tb.detach() : $tb.remove();
var holdr = $( table ).find( 'colgroup.tablesorter-savemyplace' );
$tb.insertAfter( holdr );
table.isProcessing = false;
clearTableBody : function( table ) {
$( table )[ 0 ].config.$tbodies.children().detach();
// used when replacing accented characters during sorting
characterEquivalents : {
'a' : '\u00e1\u00e0\u00e2\u00e3\u00e4\u0105\u00e5', // áàâãäąå
'A' : '\u00c1\u00c0\u00c2\u00c3\u00c4\u0104\u00c5', // ÁÀÂÃÄĄÅ
'c' : '\u00e7\u0107\u010d', // çćč
'C' : '\u00c7\u0106\u010c', // ÇĆČ
'e' : '\u00e9\u00e8\u00ea\u00eb\u011b\u0119', // éèêëěę
'E' : '\u00c9\u00c8\u00ca\u00cb\u011a\u0118', // ÉÈÊËĚĘ
'i' : '\u00ed\u00ec\u0130\u00ee\u00ef\u0131', // íìİîïı
'I' : '\u00cd\u00cc\u0130\u00ce\u00cf', // ÍÌİÎÏ
'o' : '\u00f3\u00f2\u00f4\u00f5\u00f6\u014d', // óòôõöō
'O' : '\u00d3\u00d2\u00d4\u00d5\u00d6\u014c', // ÓÒÔÕÖŌ
'ss': '\u00df', // ß (s sharp)
'SS': '\u1e9e', // ẞ (Capital sharp s)
'u' : '\u00fa\u00f9\u00fb\u00fc\u016f', // úùûüů
'U' : '\u00da\u00d9\u00db\u00dc\u016e' // ÚÙÛÜŮ
replaceAccents : function( str ) {
var chr,
acc = '[',
eq = ts.characterEquivalents;
if ( !ts.characterRegex ) {
ts.characterRegexArray = {};
for ( chr in eq ) {
if ( typeof chr === 'string' ) {
acc += eq[ chr ];
ts.characterRegexArray[ chr ] = new RegExp( '[' + eq[ chr ] + ']', 'g' );
ts.characterRegex = new RegExp( acc + ']' );
if ( ts.characterRegex.test( str ) ) {
for ( chr in eq ) {
if ( typeof chr === 'string' ) {
str = str.replace( ts.characterRegexArray[ chr ], chr );
return str;
// restore headers
restoreHeaders : function( table ) {
var index, $cell,
c = $( table )[ 0 ].config,
$headers = c.$table.find( c.selectorHeaders ),
len = $headers.length;
// don't use c.$headers here in case header cells were swapped
for ( index = 0; index < len; index++ ) {
$cell = $headers.eq( index );
// only restore header cells if it is wrapped
// because this is also used by the updateAll method
if ( $cell.find( '.' + ts.css.headerIn ).length ) {
$cell.html( c.headerContent[ index ] );
destroy : function( table, removeClasses, callback ) {
table = $( table )[ 0 ];
if ( !table.hasInitialized ) { return; }
// remove all widgets
ts.removeWidget( table, true, false );
var events,
$t = $( table ),
c = table.config,
debug = c.debug,
$h = $t.find( 'thead:first' ),
$r = $h.find( 'tr.' + ts.css.headerRow ).removeClass( ts.css.headerRow + ' ' + c.cssHeaderRow ),
$f = $t.find( 'tfoot:first > tr' ).children( 'th, td' );
if ( removeClasses === false && $.inArray( 'uitheme', c.widgets ) >= 0 ) {
// reapply uitheme classes, in case we want to maintain appearance
$t.triggerHandler( 'applyWidgetId', [ 'uitheme' ] );
$t.triggerHandler( 'applyWidgetId', [ 'zebra' ] );
// remove widget added rows, just in case
$h.find( 'tr' ).not( $r ).remove();
// disable tablesorter - not using .unbind( namespace ) because namespacing was
// added in jQuery v1.4.3 - see
events = 'sortReset update updateRows updateAll updateHeaders updateCell addRows updateComplete sorton ' +
'appendCache updateCache applyWidgetId applyWidgets refreshWidgets removeWidget destroy mouseup mouseleave ' +
'keypress sortBegin sortEnd resetToLoadState '.split( ' ' )
.join( c.namespace + ' ' );
.removeData( 'tablesorter' )
.unbind( events.replace( ts.regex.spaces, ' ' ) );
.add( $f )
.removeClass( [ ts.css.header, c.cssHeader, c.cssAsc, c.cssDesc, ts.css.sortAsc, ts.css.sortDesc, ts.css.sortNone ].join( ' ' ) )
.removeAttr( 'data-column' )
.removeAttr( 'aria-label' )
.attr( 'aria-disabled', 'true' );
.find( c.selectorSort )
.unbind( ( 'mousedown mouseup keypress '.split( ' ' ).join( c.namespace + ' ' ) ).replace( ts.regex.spaces, ' ' ) );
ts.restoreHeaders( table );
$t.toggleClass( ts.css.table + ' ' + c.tableClass + ' tablesorter-' + c.theme, removeClasses === false );
// clear flag in case the plugin is initialized again
table.hasInitialized = false;
delete table.config.cache;
if ( typeof callback === 'function' ) {
callback( table );
if ( debug ) {
console.log( 'tablesorter has been removed' );
$.fn.tablesorter = function( settings ) {
return this.each( function() {
var table = this,
// merge & extend config options
c = $.extend( true, {}, ts.defaults, settings, ts.instanceMethods );
// save initial settings
c.originalSettings = settings;
// create a table from data (build table widget)
if ( !table.hasInitialized && ts.buildTable && this.nodeName !== 'TABLE' ) {
// return the table (in case the original target is the table's container)
ts.buildTable( table, c );
} else {
ts.setup( table, c );
// set up debug logs
if ( !( window.console && window.console.log ) ) {
// access $.tablesorter.logs for browsers that don't have a console...
ts.logs = [];
/*jshint -W020 */
console = {};
console.log = console.warn = console.error = console.table = function() {
var arg = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments : arguments[0];
ts.logs.push({ date:, log: arg });
// add default parsers
id : 'no-parser',
is : function() {
return false;
format : function() {
return '';
type : 'text'
id : 'text',
is : function() {
return true;
format : function( str, table ) {
var c = table.config;
if ( str ) {
str = $.trim( c.ignoreCase ? str.toLocaleLowerCase() : str );
str = c.sortLocaleCompare ? ts.replaceAccents( str ) : str;
return str;
type : 'text'
ts.regex.nondigit = /[^\w,. \-()]/g;
id : 'digit',
is : function( str ) {
return ts.isDigit( str );
format : function( str, table ) {
var num = ts.formatFloat( ( str || '' ).replace( ts.regex.nondigit, '' ), table );
return str && typeof num === 'number' ? num :
str ? $.trim( str && table.config.ignoreCase ? str.toLocaleLowerCase() : str ) : str;
type : 'numeric'
ts.regex.currencyReplace = /[+\-,. ]/g;
ts.regex.currencyTest = /^\(?\d+[\u00a3$\u20ac\u00a4\u00a5\u00a2?.]|[\u00a3$\u20ac\u00a4\u00a5\u00a2?.]\d+\)?$/;
id : 'currency',
is : function( str ) {
str = ( str || '' ).replace( ts.regex.currencyReplace, '' );
// test for £$€¤¥¢
return ts.regex.currencyTest.test( str );
format : function( str, table ) {
var num = ts.formatFloat( ( str || '' ).replace( ts.regex.nondigit, '' ), table );
return str && typeof num === 'number' ? num :
str ? $.trim( str && table.config.ignoreCase ? str.toLocaleLowerCase() : str ) : str;
type : 'numeric'
// too many protocols to add them all
// now, this regex can be updated before initialization
ts.regex.urlProtocolTest = /^(https?|ftp|file):\/\//;
ts.regex.urlProtocolReplace = /(https?|ftp|file):\/\//;
id : 'url',
is : function( str ) {
return ts.regex.urlProtocolTest.test( str );
format : function( str ) {
return str ? $.trim( str.replace( ts.regex.urlProtocolReplace, '' ) ) : str;
parsed : true, // filter widget flag
type : 'text'
ts.regex.dash = /-/g;
ts.regex.isoDate = /^\d{4}[\/\-]\d{1,2}[\/\-]\d{1,2}/;
id : 'isoDate',
is : function( str ) {
return ts.regex.isoDate.test( str );
format : function( str, table ) {
var date = str ? new Date( str.replace( ts.regex.dash, '/' ) ) : str;
return date instanceof Date && isFinite( date ) ? date.getTime() : str;
type : 'numeric'
ts.regex.percent = /%/g;
ts.regex.percentTest = /(\d\s*?%|%\s*?\d)/;
id : 'percent',
is : function( str ) {
return ts.regex.percentTest.test( str ) && str.length < 15;
format : function( str, table ) {
return str ? ts.formatFloat( str.replace( ts.regex.percent, '' ), table ) : str;
type : 'numeric'
// added image parser to core v2.17.9
id : 'image',
is : function( str, table, node, $node ) {
return $node.find( 'img' ).length > 0;
format : function( str, table, cell ) {
return $( cell ).find( 'img' ).attr( table.config.imgAttr || 'alt' ) || str;
parsed : true, // filter widget flag
type : 'text'
ts.regex.dateReplace = /(\S)([AP]M)$/i; // used by usLongDate & time parser
ts.regex.usLongDateTest1 = /^[A-Z]{3,10}\.?\s+\d{1,2},?\s+(\d{4})(\s+\d{1,2}:\d{2}(:\d{2})?(\s+[AP]M)?)?$/i;
ts.regex.usLongDateTest2 = /^\d{1,2}\s+[A-Z]{3,10}\s+\d{4}/i;
id : 'usLongDate',
is : function( str ) {
// two digit years are not allowed cross-browser
// Jan 01, 2013 12:34:56 PM or 01 Jan 2013
return ts.regex.usLongDateTest1.test( str ) || ts.regex.usLongDateTest2.test( str );
format : function( str, table ) {
var date = str ? new Date( str.replace( ts.regex.dateReplace, '$1 $2' ) ) : str;
return date instanceof Date && isFinite( date ) ? date.getTime() : str;
type : 'numeric'
// testing for ##-##-#### or ####-##-##, so it's not perfect; time can be included
ts.regex.shortDateTest = /(^\d{1,2}[\/\s]\d{1,2}[\/\s]\d{4})|(^\d{4}[\/\s]\d{1,2}[\/\s]\d{1,2})/;
// escaped "-" because JSHint in Firefox was showing it as an error
ts.regex.shortDateReplace = /[\-.,]/g;
// XXY covers MDY & DMY formats
ts.regex.shortDateXXY = /(\d{1,2})[\/\s](\d{1,2})[\/\s](\d{4})/;
ts.regex.shortDateYMD = /(\d{4})[\/\s](\d{1,2})[\/\s](\d{1,2})/;
ts.convertFormat = function( dateString, format ) {
dateString = ( dateString || '' )
.replace( ts.regex.spaces, ' ' )
.replace( ts.regex.shortDateReplace, '/' );
if ( format === 'mmddyyyy' ) {
dateString = dateString.replace( ts.regex.shortDateXXY, '$3/$1/$2' );
} else if ( format === 'ddmmyyyy' ) {
dateString = dateString.replace( ts.regex.shortDateXXY, '$3/$2/$1' );
} else if ( format === 'yyyymmdd' ) {
dateString = dateString.replace( ts.regex.shortDateYMD, '$1/$2/$3' );
var date = new Date( dateString );
return date instanceof Date && isFinite( date ) ? date.getTime() : '';
id : 'shortDate', // 'mmddyyyy', 'ddmmyyyy' or 'yyyymmdd'
is : function( str ) {
str = ( str || '' ).replace( ts.regex.spaces, ' ' ).replace( ts.regex.shortDateReplace, '/' );
return ts.regex.shortDateTest.test( str );
format : function( str, table, cell, cellIndex ) {
if ( str ) {
var c = table.config,
$header = c.$headerIndexed[ cellIndex ],
format = $header.length && $ 'dateFormat' ) ||
ts.getData( $header, ts.getColumnData( table, c.headers, cellIndex ), 'dateFormat' ) ||
// save format because getData can be slow...
if ( $header.length ) {
$ 'dateFormat', format );
return ts.convertFormat( str, format ) || str;
return str;
type : 'numeric'
// match 24 hour time & 12 hours time + am/pm - see
ts.regex.timeTest = /^([1-9]|1[0-2]):([0-5]\d)(\s[AP]M)$|^((?:[01]\d|[2][0-4]):[0-5]\d)$/i;
ts.regex.timeMatch = /([1-9]|1[0-2]):([0-5]\d)(\s[AP]M)|((?:[01]\d|[2][0-4]):[0-5]\d)/i;
id : 'time',
is : function( str ) {
return ts.regex.timeTest.test( str );
format : function( str, table ) {
// isolate time... ignore month, day and year
var temp,
timePart = ( str || '' ).match( ts.regex.timeMatch ),
orig = new Date( str ),
// no time component? default to 00:00 by leaving it out, but only if str is defined
time = str && ( timePart !== null ? timePart[ 0 ] : '00:00 AM' ),
date = time ? new Date( '2000/01/01 ' + time.replace( ts.regex.dateReplace, '$1 $2' ) ) : time;
if ( date instanceof Date && isFinite( date ) ) {
temp = orig instanceof Date && isFinite( orig ) ? orig.getTime() : 0;
// if original string was a valid date, add it to the decimal so the column sorts in some kind of order
// luckily new Date() ignores the decimals
return temp ? parseFloat( date.getTime() + '.' + orig.getTime() ) : date.getTime();
return str;
type : 'numeric'
id : 'metadata',
is : function() {
return false;
format : function( str, table, cell ) {
var c = table.config,
p = ( !c.parserMetadataName ) ? 'sortValue' : c.parserMetadataName;
return $( cell ).metadata()[ p ];
type : 'numeric'
██████ ██████ █████▄ █████▄ ▄████▄
▄█▀ ██▄▄ ██▄▄██ ██▄▄██ ██▄▄██
▄█▀ ██▀▀ ██▀▀██ ██▀▀█ ██▀▀██
██████ ██████ █████▀ ██ ██ ██ ██
// add default widgets
id : 'zebra',
priority : 90,
format : function( table, c, wo ) {
var $visibleRows, $row, count, isEven, tbodyIndex, rowIndex, len,
child = new RegExp( c.cssChildRow, 'i' ),
$tbodies = c.$tbodies.add( $( c.namespace + '_extra_table' ).children( 'tbody:not(.' + c.cssInfoBlock + ')' ) );
for ( tbodyIndex = 0; tbodyIndex < $tbodies.length; tbodyIndex++ ) {
// loop through the visible rows
count = 0;
$visibleRows = $tbodies.eq( tbodyIndex ).children( 'tr:visible' ).not( c.selectorRemove );
len = $visibleRows.length;
for ( rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < len; rowIndex++ ) {
$row = $visibleRows.eq( rowIndex );
// style child rows the same way the parent row was styled
if ( !child.test( $row[ 0 ].className ) ) { count++; }
isEven = ( count % 2 === 0 );
.removeClass( wo.zebra[ isEven ? 1 : 0 ] )
.addClass( wo.zebra[ isEven ? 0 : 1 ] );
remove : function( table, c, wo, refreshing ) {
if ( refreshing ) { return; }
var tbodyIndex, $tbody,
$tbodies = c.$tbodies,
toRemove = ( wo.zebra || [ 'even', 'odd' ] ).join( ' ' );
for ( tbodyIndex = 0; tbodyIndex < $tbodies.length; tbodyIndex++ ){
$tbody = ts.processTbody( table, $tbodies.eq( tbodyIndex ), true ); // remove tbody
$tbody.children().removeClass( toRemove );
ts.processTbody( table, $tbody, false ); // restore tbody
})( jQuery );
/*! Widget: storage - updated 3/26/2015 (v2.21.3) */
/*global JSON:false */
;(function ($, window, document) {
'use strict';
var ts = $.tablesorter || {};
// *** Store data in local storage, with a cookie fallback ***
/* IE7 needs JSON library for JSON.stringify - (
if you need it, then include
$.parseJSON is not available is jQuery versions older than 1.4.1, using older
versions will only allow storing information for one page at a time
// *** Save data (JSON format only) ***
// val must be valid JSON... use to ensure it is valid
var val = { "mywidget" : "data1" }; // valid JSON uses double quotes
// $, key, val);
$, 'tablesorter-mywidget', val);
// *** Get data: $, key); ***
v = $, 'tablesorter-mywidget');
// val may be empty, so also check for your data
val = (v && v.hasOwnProperty('mywidget')) ? v.mywidget : '';
alert(val); // 'data1' if saved, or '' if not
*/ = function(table, key, value, options) {
table = $(table)[0];
var cookieIndex, cookies, date,
hasStorage = false,
values = {},
c = table.config,
wo = c && c.widgetOptions,
storageType = ( options && options.useSessionStorage ) || ( wo && wo.storage_useSessionStorage ) ?
'sessionStorage' : 'localStorage',
$table = $(table),
// id from (1) options ID, (2) table 'data-table-group' attribute, (3) widgetOptions.storage_tableId,
// (4) table ID, then (5) table index
id = options && ||
$table.attr( options && || wo && wo.storage_group || 'data-table-group') ||
wo && wo.storage_tableId || || $('.tablesorter').index( $table ),
// url from (1) options url, (2) table 'data-table-page' attribute, (3) widgetOptions.storage_fixedUrl,
// (4) table.config.fixedUrl (deprecated), then (5) window location path
url = options && options.url ||
$table.attr(options && || wo && wo.storage_page || 'data-table-page') ||
wo && wo.storage_fixedUrl || c && c.fixedUrl || window.location.pathname;
if (storageType in window) {
try {
window[storageType].setItem('_tmptest', 'temp');
hasStorage = true;
} catch (error) {
if (c && c.debug) {
console.warn( storageType + ' is not supported in this browser' );
// *** get value ***
if ($.parseJSON) {
if (hasStorage) {
values = $.parseJSON( window[storageType][key] || 'null' ) || {};
} else {
// old browser, using cookies
cookies = document.cookie.split(/[;\s|=]/);
// add one to get from the key to the value
cookieIndex = $.inArray(key, cookies) + 1;
values = (cookieIndex !== 0) ? $.parseJSON(cookies[cookieIndex] || 'null') || {} : {};
// allow value to be an empty string too
if ((value || value === '') && window.JSON && JSON.hasOwnProperty('stringify')) {
// add unique identifiers = url pathname > table ID/index on page > data
if (!values[url]) {
values[url] = {};
values[url][id] = value;
// *** set value ***
if (hasStorage) {
window[storageType][key] = JSON.stringify(values);
} else {
date = new Date();
date.setTime(date.getTime() + (31536e+6)); // 365 days
document.cookie = key + '=' + (JSON.stringify(values)).replace(/\"/g, '\"') + '; expires=' + date.toGMTString() + '; path=/';
} else {
return values && values[url] ? values[url][id] : '';
})(jQuery, window, document);
/*! Widget: uitheme - updated 3/26/2015 (v2.21.3) */
;(function ($) {
'use strict';
var ts = $.tablesorter || {};
ts.themes = {
'bootstrap' : {
table : 'table table-bordered table-striped',
caption : 'caption',
// header class names
header : 'bootstrap-header', // give the header a gradient background (theme.bootstrap_2.css)
sortNone : '',
sortAsc : '',
sortDesc : '',
active : '', // applied when column is sorted
hover : '', // custom css required - a defined bootstrap style may not override other classes
// icon class names
icons : '', // add 'icon-white' to make them white; this icon class is added to the <i> in the header
iconSortNone : 'bootstrap-icon-unsorted', // class name added to icon when column is not sorted
iconSortAsc : 'icon-chevron-up glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-up', // class name added to icon when column has ascending sort
iconSortDesc : 'icon-chevron-down glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-down', // class name added to icon when column has descending sort
filterRow : '', // filter row class
footerRow : '',
footerCells : '',
even : '', // even row zebra striping
odd : '' // odd row zebra striping
'jui' : {
table : 'ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all', // table classes
caption : 'ui-widget-content',
// header class names
header : 'ui-widget-header ui-corner-all ui-state-default', // header classes
sortNone : '',
sortAsc : '',
sortDesc : '',
active : 'ui-state-active', // applied when column is sorted
hover : 'ui-state-hover', // hover class
// icon class names
icons : 'ui-icon', // icon class added to the <i> in the header
iconSortNone : 'ui-icon-carat-2-n-s', // class name added to icon when column is not sorted
iconSortAsc : 'ui-icon-carat-1-n', // class name added to icon when column has ascending sort
iconSortDesc : 'ui-icon-carat-1-s', // class name added to icon when column has descending sort
filterRow : '',
footerRow : '',
footerCells : '',
even : 'ui-widget-content', // even row zebra striping
odd : 'ui-state-default' // odd row zebra striping
$.extend(ts.css, {
wrapper : 'tablesorter-wrapper' // ui theme & resizable
id: 'uitheme',
priority: 10,
format: function(table, c, wo) {
var i, hdr, icon, time, $header, $icon, $tfoot, $h, oldtheme, oldremove, oldIconRmv, hasOldTheme,
themesAll = ts.themes,
$table = c.$table.add( $( c.namespace + '_extra_table' ) ),
$headers = c.$headers.add( $( c.namespace + '_extra_headers' ) ),
theme = c.theme || 'jui',
themes = themesAll[theme] || {},
remove = $.trim( [ themes.sortNone, themes.sortDesc, themes.sortAsc, ].join( ' ' ) ),
iconRmv = $.trim( [ themes.iconSortNone, themes.iconSortDesc, themes.iconSortAsc ].join( ' ' ) );
if (c.debug) { time = new Date(); }
// initialization code - run once
if (!$table.hasClass('tablesorter-' + theme) || c.theme !== c.appliedTheme || !wo.uitheme_applied) {
wo.uitheme_applied = true;
oldtheme = themesAll[c.appliedTheme] || {};
hasOldTheme = !$.isEmptyObject(oldtheme);
oldremove = hasOldTheme ? [ oldtheme.sortNone, oldtheme.sortDesc, oldtheme.sortAsc, ].join( ' ' ) : '';
oldIconRmv = hasOldTheme ? [ oldtheme.iconSortNone, oldtheme.iconSortDesc, oldtheme.iconSortAsc ].join( ' ' ) : '';
if (hasOldTheme) {
wo.zebra[0] = $.trim( ' ' + wo.zebra[0].replace(' ' + oldtheme.even, '') );
wo.zebra[1] = $.trim( ' ' + wo.zebra[1].replace(' ' + oldtheme.odd, '') );
c.$tbodies.children().removeClass( [ oldtheme.even, oldtheme.odd ].join(' ') );
// update zebra stripes
if (themes.even) { wo.zebra[0] += ' ' + themes.even; }
if (themes.odd) { wo.zebra[1] += ' ' + themes.odd; }
// add caption style
.removeClass(oldtheme.caption || '')
// add table/footer class names
$tfoot = $table
// remove other selected themes
.removeClass( (c.appliedTheme ? 'tablesorter-' + (c.appliedTheme || '') : '') + ' ' + (oldtheme.table || '') )
.addClass('tablesorter-' + theme + ' ' + (themes.table || '')) // add theme widget class name
c.appliedTheme = c.theme;
if ($tfoot.length) {
// if oldtheme.footerRow or oldtheme.footerCells are undefined, all class names are removed
.children('tr').removeClass(oldtheme.footerRow || '').addClass(themes.footerRow)
.children('th, td').removeClass(oldtheme.footerCells || '').addClass(themes.footerCells);
// update header classes
.removeClass( (hasOldTheme ? [ oldtheme.header, oldtheme.hover, oldremove ].join(' ') : '') || '' )
.unbind('mouseenter.tsuitheme mouseleave.tsuitheme')
.bind('mouseenter.tsuitheme mouseleave.tsuitheme', function(event) {
// toggleClass with switch added in jQuery 1.3
$(this)[ event.type === 'mouseenter' ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass' ](themes.hover || '');
var $this = $(this);
if (!$this.find('.' + ts.css.wrapper).length) {
// Firefox needs this inner div to position the icon & resizer correctly
$this.wrapInner('<div class="' + ts.css.wrapper + '" style="position:relative;height:100%;width:100%"></div>');
if (c.cssIcon) {
// if c.cssIcon is '', then no <i> is added to the header
.find('.' + ts.css.icon)
.removeClass(hasOldTheme ? [ oldtheme.icons, oldIconRmv ].join(' ') : '')
.addClass(themes.icons || '');
if ($table.hasClass('hasFilters')) {
$table.children('thead').children('.' + ts.css.filterRow)
.removeClass(hasOldTheme ? oldtheme.filterRow || '' : '')
.addClass(themes.filterRow || '');
for (i = 0; i < c.columns; i++) {
$header = c.$headers
.add($(c.namespace + '_extra_headers'))
.filter('[data-column="' + i + '"]');
$icon = (ts.css.icon) ? $header.find('.' + ts.css.icon) : $();
$h = $headers.not('.sorter-false').filter('[data-column="' + i + '"]:last');
if ($h.length) {
if ($h[0].sortDisabled) {
// no sort arrows for disabled columns!
$icon.removeClass(themes.icons || '');
} else {
hdr = themes.sortNone;
icon = themes.iconSortNone;
if ($h.hasClass(ts.css.sortAsc)) {
hdr = [ themes.sortAsc, ].join(' ');
icon = themes.iconSortAsc;
} else if ($h.hasClass(ts.css.sortDesc)) {
hdr = [ themes.sortDesc, ].join(' ');
icon = themes.iconSortDesc;
$icon.addClass(icon || '');
if (c.debug) {
console.log('Applying ' + theme + ' theme' + ts.benchmark(time));
remove: function(table, c, wo, refreshing) {
if (!wo.uitheme_applied) { return; }
var $table = c.$table,
theme = c.appliedTheme || 'jui',
themes = ts.themes[ theme ] || ts.themes.jui,
$headers = $table.children('thead').children(),
remove = themes.sortNone + ' ' + themes.sortDesc + ' ' + themes.sortAsc,
iconRmv = themes.iconSortNone + ' ' + themes.iconSortDesc + ' ' + themes.iconSortAsc;
$table.removeClass('tablesorter-' + theme + ' ' + themes.table);
wo.uitheme_applied = false;
if (refreshing) { return; }
.unbind('mouseenter.tsuitheme mouseleave.tsuitheme') // remove hover
.removeClass(themes.hover + ' ' + remove + ' ' +
.filter('.' + ts.css.filterRow)
$headers.find('.' + ts.css.icon).removeClass(themes.icons + ' ' + iconRmv);
/*! Widget: columns */
;(function ($) {
'use strict';
var ts = $.tablesorter || {};
id: 'columns',
priority: 30,
options : {
columns : [ 'primary', 'secondary', 'tertiary' ]
format: function(table, c, wo) {
var $tbody, tbodyIndex, $rows, rows, $row, $cells, remove, indx,
$table = c.$table,
$tbodies = c.$tbodies,
sortList = c.sortList,
len = sortList.length,
// removed c.widgetColumns support
css = wo && wo.columns || [ 'primary', 'secondary', 'tertiary' ],
last = css.length - 1;
remove = css.join(' ');
// check if there is a sort (on initialization there may not be one)
for (tbodyIndex = 0; tbodyIndex < $tbodies.length; tbodyIndex++ ) {
$tbody = ts.processTbody(table, $tbodies.eq(tbodyIndex), true); // detach tbody
$rows = $tbody.children('tr');
// loop through the visible rows
$rows.each(function() {
$row = $(this);
if ( !== 'none') {
// remove all columns class names
$cells = $row.children().removeClass(remove);
// add appropriate column class names
if (sortList && sortList[0]) {
// primary sort column class
if (len > 1) {
for (indx = 1; indx < len; indx++) {
// secondary, tertiary, etc sort column classes
$cells.eq(sortList[indx][0]).addClass( css[indx] || css[last] );
ts.processTbody(table, $tbody, false);
// add classes to thead and tfoot
rows = wo.columns_thead !== false ? [ 'thead tr' ] : [];
if (wo.columns_tfoot !== false) {
rows.push('tfoot tr');
if (rows.length) {
$rows = $table.find( rows.join(',') ).children().removeClass(remove);
if (len) {
for (indx = 0; indx < len; indx++) {
// add primary. secondary, tertiary, etc sort column classes
$rows.filter('[data-column="' + sortList[indx][0] + '"]').addClass(css[indx] || css[last]);
remove: function(table, c, wo) {
var tbodyIndex, $tbody,
$tbodies = c.$tbodies,
remove = (wo.columns || [ 'primary', 'secondary', 'tertiary' ]).join(' ');
c.$table.children('tfoot').children('tr').children('th, td').removeClass(remove);
for (tbodyIndex = 0; tbodyIndex < $tbodies.length; tbodyIndex++ ) {
$tbody = ts.processTbody(table, $tbodies.eq(tbodyIndex), true); // remove tbody
$tbody.children('tr').each(function() {
ts.processTbody(table, $tbody, false); // restore tbody
/*! Widget: filter - updated 1/15/2016 (v2.25.2) *//*
* Requires tablesorter v2.8+ and jQuery 1.7+
* by Rob Garrison
;( function ( $ ) {
'use strict';
var tsf, tsfRegex,
ts = $.tablesorter || {},
tscss = ts.css,
tskeyCodes = ts.keyCodes;
$.extend( tscss, {
filterRow : 'tablesorter-filter-row',
filter : 'tablesorter-filter',
filterDisabled : 'disabled',
filterRowHide : 'hideme'
$.extend( tskeyCodes, {
backSpace : 8,
escape : 27,
space : 32,
left : 37,
down : 40
id: 'filter',
priority: 50,
options : {
filter_childRows : false, // if true, filter includes child row content in the search
filter_childByColumn : false, // ( filter_childRows must be true ) if true = search child rows by column; false = search all child row text grouped
filter_childWithSibs : true, // if true, include matching child row siblings
filter_columnFilters : true, // if true, a filter will be added to the top of each table column
filter_columnAnyMatch: true, // if true, allows using '#:{query}' in AnyMatch searches ( column:query )
filter_cellFilter : '', // css class name added to the filter cell ( string or array )
filter_cssFilter : '', // css class name added to the filter row & each input in the row ( tablesorter-filter is ALWAYS added )
filter_defaultFilter : {}, // add a default column filter type '~{query}' to make fuzzy searches default; '{q1} AND {q2}' to make all searches use a logical AND.
filter_excludeFilter : {}, // filters to exclude, per column
filter_external : '', // jQuery selector string ( or jQuery object ) of external filters
filter_filteredRow : 'filtered', // class added to filtered rows; needed by pager plugin
filter_formatter : null, // add custom filter elements to the filter row
filter_functions : null, // add custom filter functions using this option
filter_hideEmpty : true, // hide filter row when table is empty
filter_hideFilters : false, // collapse filter row when mouse leaves the area
filter_ignoreCase : true, // if true, make all searches case-insensitive
filter_liveSearch : true, // if true, search column content while the user types ( with a delay )
filter_onlyAvail : 'filter-onlyAvail', // a header with a select dropdown & this class name will only show available ( visible ) options within the drop down
filter_placeholder : { search : '', select : '' }, // default placeholder text ( overridden by any header 'data-placeholder' setting )
filter_reset : null, // jQuery selector string of an element used to reset the filters
filter_resetOnEsc : true, // Reset filter input when the user presses escape - normalized across browsers
filter_saveFilters : false, // Use the $ utility to save the most recent filters
filter_searchDelay : 300, // typing delay in milliseconds before starting a search
filter_searchFiltered: true, // allow searching through already filtered rows in special circumstances; will speed up searching in large tables if true
filter_selectSource : null, // include a function to return an array of values to be added to the column filter select
filter_startsWith : false, // if true, filter start from the beginning of the cell contents
filter_useParsedData : false, // filter all data using parsed content
filter_serversideFiltering : false, // if true, must perform server-side filtering b/c client-side filtering is disabled, but the ui and events will still be used.
filter_defaultAttrib : 'data-value', // data attribute in the header cell that contains the default filter value
filter_selectSourceSeparator : '|' // filter_selectSource array text left of the separator is added to the option value, right into the option text
format: function( table, c, wo ) {
if ( !c.$table.hasClass( 'hasFilters' ) ) {
tsf.init( table, c, wo );
remove: function( table, c, wo, refreshing ) {
var tbodyIndex, $tbody,
$table = c.$table,
$tbodies = c.$tbodies,
events = 'addRows updateCell update updateRows updateComplete appendCache filterReset filterEnd search '
.split( ' ' ).join( c.namespace + 'filter ' );
.removeClass( 'hasFilters' )
// add filter namespace to all BUT search
.unbind( events.replace( ts.regex.spaces, ' ' ) )
// remove the filter row even if refreshing, because the column might have been moved
.find( '.' + tscss.filterRow ).remove();
if ( refreshing ) { return; }
for ( tbodyIndex = 0; tbodyIndex < $tbodies.length; tbodyIndex++ ) {
$tbody = ts.processTbody( table, $tbodies.eq( tbodyIndex ), true ); // remove tbody
$tbody.children().removeClass( wo.filter_filteredRow ).show();
ts.processTbody( table, $tbody, false ); // restore tbody
if ( wo.filter_reset ) {
$( document ).undelegate( wo.filter_reset, 'click' + c.namespace + 'filter' );
tsf = ts.filter = {
// regex used in filter 'check' functions - not for general use and not documented
regex: {
regex : /^\/((?:\\\/|[^\/])+)\/([mig]{0,3})?$/, // regex to test for regex
child : /tablesorter-childRow/, // child row class name; this gets updated in the script
filtered : /filtered/, // filtered (hidden) row class name; updated in the script
type : /undefined|number/, // check type
exact : /(^[\"\'=]+)|([\"\'=]+$)/g, // exact match (allow '==')
operators : /[<>=]/g, // replace operators
query : '(q|query)', // replace filter queries
wild01 : /\?/g, // wild card match 0 or 1
wild0More : /\*/g, // wild care match 0 or more
quote : /\"/g,
isNeg1 : /(>=?\s*-\d)/,
isNeg2 : /(<=?\s*\d)/
// function( c, data ) { }
// c = table.config
// data.$row = jQuery object of the row currently being processed
// data.$cells = jQuery object of all cells within the current row
// data.filters = array of filters for all columns ( some may be undefined )
// data.filter = filter for the current column
// data.iFilter = same as data.filter, except lowercase ( if wo.filter_ignoreCase is true )
// data.exact = table cell text ( or parsed data if column parser enabled; may be a number & not a string )
// data.iExact = same as data.exact, except lowercase ( if wo.filter_ignoreCase is true; may be a number & not a string )
// data.cache = table cell text from cache, so it has been parsed ( & in all lower case if c.ignoreCase is true )
// data.cacheArray = An array of parsed content from each table cell in the row being processed
// data.index = column index; table = table element ( DOM )
// data.parsed = array ( by column ) of boolean values ( from filter_useParsedData or 'filter-parsed' class )
types: {
or : function( c, data, vars ) {
// look for "|", but not if it is inside of a regular expression
if ( ( tsfRegex.orTest.test( data.iFilter ) || tsfRegex.orSplit.test( data.filter ) ) &&
// this test for regex has potential to slow down the overall search
!tsfRegex.regex.test( data.filter ) ) {
var indx, filterMatched, query, regex,
// duplicate data but split filter
data2 = $.extend( {}, data ),
filter = data.filter.split( tsfRegex.orSplit ),
iFilter = data.iFilter.split( tsfRegex.orSplit ),
len = filter.length;
for ( indx = 0; indx < len; indx++ ) {
data2.nestedFilters = true;
data2.filter = '' + ( tsf.parseFilter( c, filter[ indx ], data ) || '' );
data2.iFilter = '' + ( tsf.parseFilter( c, iFilter[ indx ], data ) || '' );
query = '(' + ( tsf.parseFilter( c, data2.filter, data ) || '' ) + ')';
try {
// use try/catch, because query may not be a valid regex if "|" is contained within a partial regex search,
// e.g "/(Alex|Aar" -> Uncaught SyntaxError: Invalid regular expression: /(/(Alex)/: Unterminated group
regex = new RegExp( data.isMatch ? query : '^' + query + '$', c.widgetOptions.filter_ignoreCase ? 'i' : '' );
// filterMatched = data2.filter === '' && indx > 0 ? true
// look for an exact match with the 'or' unless the 'filter-match' class is found
filterMatched = regex.test( data2.exact ) || tsf.processTypes( c, data2, vars );
if ( filterMatched ) {
return filterMatched;
} catch ( error ) {
return null;
// may be null from processing types
return filterMatched || false;
return null;
// Look for an AND or && operator ( logical and )
and : function( c, data, vars ) {
if ( tsfRegex.andTest.test( data.filter ) ) {
var indx, filterMatched, result, query, regex,
// duplicate data but split filter
data2 = $.extend( {}, data ),
filter = data.filter.split( tsfRegex.andSplit ),
iFilter = data.iFilter.split( tsfRegex.andSplit ),
len = filter.length;
for ( indx = 0; indx < len; indx++ ) {
data2.nestedFilters = true;
data2.filter = '' + ( tsf.parseFilter( c, filter[ indx ], data ) || '' );
data2.iFilter = '' + ( tsf.parseFilter( c, iFilter[ indx ], data ) || '' );
query = ( '(' + ( tsf.parseFilter( c, data2.filter, data ) || '' ) + ')' )
// replace wild cards since /(a*)/i will match anything
.replace( tsfRegex.wild01, '\\S{1}' ).replace( tsfRegex.wild0More, '\\S*' );
try {
// use try/catch just in case RegExp is invalid
regex = new RegExp( data.isMatch ? query : '^' + query + '$', c.widgetOptions.filter_ignoreCase ? 'i' : '' );
// look for an exact match with the 'and' unless the 'filter-match' class is found
result = ( regex.test( data2.exact ) || tsf.processTypes( c, data2, vars ) );
if ( indx === 0 ) {
filterMatched = result;
} else {
filterMatched = filterMatched && result;
} catch ( error ) {
return null;
// may be null from processing types
return filterMatched || false;
return null;
// Look for regex
regex: function( c, data ) {
if ( tsfRegex.regex.test( data.filter ) ) {
var matches,
// cache regex per column for optimal speed
regex = data.filter_regexCache[ data.index ] || tsfRegex.regex.exec( data.filter ),
isRegex = regex instanceof RegExp;
try {
if ( !isRegex ) {
// force case insensitive search if ignoreCase option set?
// if ( c.ignoreCase && !regex[2] ) { regex[2] = 'i'; }
data.filter_regexCache[ data.index ] = regex = new RegExp( regex[1], regex[2] );
matches = regex.test( data.exact );
} catch ( error ) {
matches = false;
return matches;
return null;
// Look for operators >, >=, < or <=
operators: function( c, data ) {
// ignore empty strings... because '' < 10 is true
if ( tsfRegex.operTest.test( data.iFilter ) && data.iExact !== '' ) {
var cachedValue, result, txt,
table = c.table,
parsed = data.parsed[ data.index ],
query = ts.formatFloat( data.iFilter.replace( tsfRegex.operators, '' ), table ),
parser = c.parsers[ data.index ] || {},
savedSearch = query;
// parse filter value in case we're comparing numbers ( dates )
if ( parsed || parser.type === 'numeric' ) {
txt = $.trim( '' + data.iFilter.replace( tsfRegex.operators, '' ) );
result = tsf.parseFilter( c, txt, data, true );
query = ( typeof result === 'number' && result !== '' && !isNaN( result ) ) ? result : query;
// iExact may be numeric - see issue #149;
// check if cached is defined, because sometimes j goes out of range? ( numeric columns )
if ( ( parsed || parser.type === 'numeric' ) && !isNaN( query ) &&
typeof data.cache !== 'undefined' ) {
cachedValue = data.cache;
} else {
txt = isNaN( data.iExact ) ? data.iExact.replace( ts.regex.nondigit, '' ) : data.iExact;
cachedValue = ts.formatFloat( txt, table );
if ( tsfRegex.gtTest.test( data.iFilter ) ) {
result = tsfRegex.gteTest.test( data.iFilter ) ? cachedValue >= query : cachedValue > query;
} else if ( tsfRegex.ltTest.test( data.iFilter ) ) {
result = tsfRegex.lteTest.test( data.iFilter ) ? cachedValue <= query : cachedValue < query;
// keep showing all rows if nothing follows the operator
if ( !result && savedSearch === '' ) {
result = true;
return result;
return null;
// Look for a not match
notMatch: function( c, data ) {
if ( tsfRegex.notTest.test( data.iFilter ) ) {
var indx,
txt = data.iFilter.replace( '!', '' ),
filter = tsf.parseFilter( c, txt, data ) || '';
if ( tsfRegex.exact.test( filter ) ) {
// look for exact not matches - see #628
filter = filter.replace( tsfRegex.exact, '' );
return filter === '' ? true : $.trim( filter ) !== data.iExact;
} else {
indx = $.trim( filter ) );
return filter === '' ? true : !( c.widgetOptions.filter_startsWith ? indx === 0 : indx >= 0 );
return null;
// Look for quotes or equals to get an exact match; ignore type since iExact could be numeric
exact: function( c, data ) {
/*jshint eqeqeq:false */
if ( tsfRegex.exact.test( data.iFilter ) ) {
var txt = data.iFilter.replace( tsfRegex.exact, '' ),
filter = tsf.parseFilter( c, txt, data ) || '';
return data.anyMatch ? $.inArray( filter, data.rowArray ) >= 0 : filter == data.iExact;
return null;
// Look for a range ( using ' to ' or ' - ' ) - see issue #166; thanks matzhu!
range : function( c, data ) {
if ( tsfRegex.toTest.test( data.iFilter ) ) {
var result, tmp, range1, range2,
table = c.table,
index = data.index,
parsed = data.parsed[index],
// make sure the dash is for a range and not indicating a negative number
query = data.iFilter.split( tsfRegex.toSplit );
tmp = query[0].replace( ts.regex.nondigit, '' ) || '';
range1 = ts.formatFloat( tsf.parseFilter( c, tmp, data ), table );
tmp = query[1].replace( ts.regex.nondigit, '' ) || '';
range2 = ts.formatFloat( tsf.parseFilter( c, tmp, data ), table );
// parse filter value in case we're comparing numbers ( dates )
if ( parsed || c.parsers[ index ].type === 'numeric' ) {
result = c.parsers[ index ].format( '' + query[0], table, c.$headers.eq( index ), index );
range1 = ( result !== '' && !isNaN( result ) ) ? result : range1;
result = c.parsers[ index ].format( '' + query[1], table, c.$headers.eq( index ), index );
range2 = ( result !== '' && !isNaN( result ) ) ? result : range2;
if ( ( parsed || c.parsers[ index ].type === 'numeric' ) && !isNaN( range1 ) && !isNaN( range2 ) ) {
result = data.cache;
} else {
tmp = isNaN( data.iExact ) ? data.iExact.replace( ts.regex.nondigit, '' ) : data.iExact;
result = ts.formatFloat( tmp, table );
if ( range1 > range2 ) {
tmp = range1; range1 = range2; range2 = tmp; // swap
return ( result >= range1 && result <= range2 ) || ( range1 === '' || range2 === '' );
return null;
// Look for wild card: ? = single, * = multiple, or | = logical OR
wild : function( c, data ) {
if ( tsfRegex.wildOrTest.test( data.iFilter ) ) {
var query = '' + ( tsf.parseFilter( c, data.iFilter, data ) || '' );
// look for an exact match with the 'or' unless the 'filter-match' class is found
if ( !tsfRegex.wildTest.test( query ) && data.nestedFilters ) {
query = data.isMatch ? query : '^(' + query + ')$';
// parsing the filter may not work properly when using wildcards =/
try {
return new RegExp(
query.replace( tsfRegex.wild01, '\\S{1}' ).replace( tsfRegex.wild0More, '\\S*' ),
c.widgetOptions.filter_ignoreCase ? 'i' : ''
.test( data.exact );
} catch ( error ) {
return null;
return null;
// fuzzy text search; modified from ( MIT license )
fuzzy: function( c, data ) {
if ( tsfRegex.fuzzyTest.test( data.iFilter ) ) {
var indx,
patternIndx = 0,
len = data.iExact.length,
txt = data.iFilter.slice( 1 ),
pattern = tsf.parseFilter( c, txt, data ) || '';
for ( indx = 0; indx < len; indx++ ) {
if ( data.iExact[ indx ] === pattern[ patternIndx ] ) {
patternIndx += 1;
return patternIndx === pattern.length;
return null;
init: function( table, c, wo ) {
// filter language options
ts.language = $.extend( true, {}, {
to : 'to',
or : 'or',
and : 'and'
}, ts.language );
var options, string, txt, $header, column, filters, val, fxn, noSelect;
c.$table.addClass( 'hasFilters' );
c.lastSearch = [];
// define timers so using clearTimeout won't cause an undefined error
wo.filter_searchTimer = null;
wo.filter_initTimer = null;
wo.filter_formatterCount = 0;
wo.filter_formatterInit = [];
wo.filter_anyColumnSelector = '[data-column="all"],[data-column="any"]';
wo.filter_multipleColumnSelector = '[data-column*="-"],[data-column*=","]';
val = '\\{' + tsfRegex.query + '\\}';
$.extend( tsfRegex, {
child : new RegExp( c.cssChildRow ),
filtered : new RegExp( wo.filter_filteredRow ),
alreadyFiltered : new RegExp( '(\\s+(' + ts.language.or + '|-|' + + ')\\s+)', 'i' ),
toTest : new RegExp( '\\s+(-|' + + ')\\s+', 'i' ),
toSplit : new RegExp( '(?:\\s+(?:-|' + + ')\\s+)', 'gi' ),
andTest : new RegExp( '\\s+(' + ts.language.and + '|&&)\\s+', 'i' ),
andSplit : new RegExp( '(?:\\s+(?:' + ts.language.and + '|&&)\\s+)', 'gi' ),
orTest : new RegExp( '(\\||\\s+' + ts.language.or + '\\s+)', 'i' ),
orSplit : new RegExp( '(?:\\s+(?:' + ts.language.or + ')\\s+|\\|)', 'gi' ),
iQuery : new RegExp( val, 'i' ),
igQuery : new RegExp( val, 'ig' ),
operTest : /^[<>]=?/,
gtTest : />/,
gteTest : />=/,
ltTest : /</,
lteTest : /<=/,
notTest : /^\!/,
wildOrTest : /[\?\*\|]/,
wildTest : /\?\*/,
fuzzyTest : /^~/,
exactTest : /[=\"\|!]/
// don't build filter row if columnFilters is false or all columns are set to 'filter-false'
// see issue #156
val = c.$headers.filter( '.filter-false, .parser-false' ).length;
if ( wo.filter_columnFilters !== false && val !== c.$headers.length ) {
// build filter row
tsf.buildRow( table, c, wo );
txt = 'addRows updateCell update updateRows updateComplete appendCache filterReset filterEnd search '
.split( ' ' ).join( c.namespace + 'filter ' );
c.$table.bind( txt, function( event, filter ) {
val = wo.filter_hideEmpty &&
$.isEmptyObject( c.cache ) &&
!( c.delayInit && event.type === 'appendCache' );
// hide filter row using the 'filtered' class name
c.$table.find( '.' + tscss.filterRow ).toggleClass( wo.filter_filteredRow, val ); // fixes #450
if ( !/(search|filter)/.test( event.type ) ) {
tsf.buildDefault( table, true );
if ( event.type === 'filterReset' ) {
c.$table.find( '.' + tscss.filter ).add( wo.filter_$externalFilters ).val( '' );
tsf.searching( table, [] );
} else if ( event.type === 'filterEnd' ) {
tsf.buildDefault( table, true );
} else {
// send false argument to force a new search; otherwise if the filter hasn't changed,
// it will return
filter = event.type === 'search' ? filter :
event.type === 'updateComplete' ? c.$ 'lastSearch' ) : '';
if ( /(update|add)/.test( event.type ) && event.type !== 'updateComplete' ) {
// force a new search since content has changed
c.lastCombinedFilter = null;
c.lastSearch = [];
// pass true ( skipFirst ) to prevent the tablesorter.setFilters function from skipping the first
// input ensures all inputs are updated when a search is triggered on the table
// $( 'table' ).trigger( 'search', [...] );
tsf.searching( table, filter, true );
return false;
// reset button/link
if ( wo.filter_reset ) {
if ( wo.filter_reset instanceof $ ) {
// reset contains a jQuery object, bind to it function() {
c.$table.triggerHandler( 'filterReset' );
} else if ( $( wo.filter_reset ).length ) {
// reset is a jQuery selector, use event delegation
$( document )
.undelegate( wo.filter_reset, 'click' + c.namespace + 'filter' )
.delegate( wo.filter_reset, 'click' + c.namespace + 'filter', function() {
// trigger a reset event, so other functions ( filter_formatter ) know when to reset
c.$table.triggerHandler( 'filterReset' );
if ( wo.filter_functions ) {
for ( column = 0; column < c.columns; column++ ) {
fxn = ts.getColumnData( table, wo.filter_functions, column );
if ( fxn ) {
// remove 'filter-select' from header otherwise the options added here are replaced with
// all options
$header = c.$headerIndexed[ column ].removeClass( 'filter-select' );
// don't build select if 'filter-false' or 'parser-false' set
noSelect = !( $header.hasClass( 'filter-false' ) || $header.hasClass( 'parser-false' ) );
options = '';
if ( fxn === true && noSelect ) {
tsf.buildSelect( table, column );
} else if ( typeof fxn === 'object' && noSelect ) {
// add custom drop down list
for ( string in fxn ) {
if ( typeof string === 'string' ) {
options += options === '' ?
'<option value="">' +
( $ 'placeholder' ) ||
$header.attr( 'data-placeholder' ) || ||
) +
'</option>' : '';
val = string;
txt = string;
if ( string.indexOf( wo.filter_selectSourceSeparator ) >= 0 ) {
val = string.split( wo.filter_selectSourceSeparator );
txt = val[1];
val = val[0];
options += '<option ' +
( txt === val ? '' : 'data-function-name="' + string + '" ' ) +
'value="' + val + '">' + txt + '</option>';
.find( 'thead' )
.find( 'select.' + tscss.filter + '[data-column="' + column + '"]' )
.append( options );
txt = wo.filter_selectSource;
fxn = typeof txt === 'function' ? true : ts.getColumnData( table, txt, column );
if ( fxn ) {
// updating so the extra options are appended
tsf.buildSelect( c.table, column, '', true, $header.hasClass( wo.filter_onlyAvail ) );
// not really updating, but if the column has both the 'filter-select' class &
// filter_functions set to true, it would append the same options twice.
tsf.buildDefault( table, true );
tsf.bindSearch( table, c.$table.find( '.' + tscss.filter ), true );
if ( wo.filter_external ) {
tsf.bindSearch( table, wo.filter_external );
if ( wo.filter_hideFilters ) {
tsf.hideFilters( c );
// show processing icon
if ( c.showProcessing ) {
txt = 'filterStart filterEnd '.split( ' ' ).join( c.namespace + 'filter ' );
.unbind( txt.replace( ts.regex.spaces, ' ' ) )
.bind( txt, function( event, columns ) {
// only add processing to certain columns to all columns
$header = ( columns ) ?
.find( '.' + tscss.header )
.filter( '[data-column]' )
.filter( function() {
return columns[ $( this ).data( 'column' ) ] !== '';
}) : '';
ts.isProcessing( table, event.type === 'filterStart', columns ? $header : '' );
// set filtered rows count ( intially unfiltered )
c.filteredRows = c.totalRows;
// add default values
txt = 'tablesorter-initialized pagerBeforeInitialized '.split( ' ' ).join( c.namespace + 'filter ' );
.unbind( txt.replace( ts.regex.spaces, ' ' ) )
.bind( txt, function() {
// redefine 'wo' as it does not update properly inside this callback
var wo = this.config.widgetOptions;
filters = tsf.setDefaults( table, c, wo ) || [];
if ( filters.length ) {
// prevent delayInit from triggering a cache build if filters are empty
if ( !( c.delayInit && filters.join( '' ) === '' ) ) {
ts.setFilters( table, filters, true );
c.$table.triggerHandler( 'filterFomatterUpdate' );
// trigger init after setTimeout to prevent multiple filterStart/End/Init triggers
setTimeout( function() {
if ( !wo.filter_initialized ) {
tsf.filterInitComplete( c );
}, 100 );
// if filter widget is added after pager has initialized; then set filter init flag
if ( c.pager && c.pager.initialized && !wo.filter_initialized ) {
c.$table.triggerHandler( 'filterFomatterUpdate' );
setTimeout( function() {
tsf.filterInitComplete( c );
}, 100 );
// $cell parameter, but not the config, is passed to the filter_formatters,
// so we have to work with it instead
formatterUpdated: function( $cell, column ) {
// prevent error if $cell is undefined - see #1056
var wo = $cell && $cell.closest( 'table' )[0].config.widgetOptions;
if ( wo && !wo.filter_initialized ) {
// add updates by column since this function
// may be called numerous times before initialization
wo.filter_formatterInit[ column ] = 1;
filterInitComplete: function( c ) {
var indx, len,
wo = c.widgetOptions,
count = 0,
completed = function() {
wo.filter_initialized = true;
c.$table.triggerHandler( 'filterInit', c );
tsf.findRows( c.table, c.$ 'lastSearch' ) || [] );
if ( $.isEmptyObject( wo.filter_formatter ) ) {
} else {
len = wo.filter_formatterInit.length;
for ( indx = 0; indx < len; indx++ ) {
if ( wo.filter_formatterInit[ indx ] === 1 ) {
clearTimeout( wo.filter_initTimer );
if ( !wo.filter_initialized && count === wo.filter_formatterCount ) {
// filter widget initialized
} else if ( !wo.filter_initialized ) {
// fall back in case a filter_formatter doesn't call
// $.tablesorter.filter.formatterUpdated( $cell, column ), and the count is off
wo.filter_initTimer = setTimeout( function() {
}, 500 );
// encode or decode filters for storage; see #1026
processFilters: function( filters, encode ) {
var indx,
mode = encode ? encodeURIComponent : decodeURIComponent,
len = filters.length;
for ( indx = 0; indx < len; indx++ ) {
if ( typeof filters[ indx ] !== 'undefined' ) {
filters[ indx ] = mode( filters[ indx ] );
return filters;
setDefaults: function( table, c, wo ) {
var isArray, saved, indx, col, $filters,
// get current ( default ) filters
filters = ts.getFilters( table ) || [];
if ( wo.filter_saveFilters && ) {
saved = table, 'tablesorter-filters' ) || [];
isArray = $.isArray( saved );
// make sure we're not just getting an empty array
if ( !( isArray && saved.join( '' ) === '' || !isArray ) ) {
filters = tsf.processFilters( saved );
// if no filters saved, then check default settings
if ( filters.join( '' ) === '' ) {
// allow adding default setting to external filters
$filters = c.$headers.add( wo.filter_$externalFilters )
.filter( '[' + wo.filter_defaultAttrib + ']' );
for ( indx = 0; indx <= c.columns; indx++ ) {
// include data-column='all' external filters
col = indx === c.columns ? 'all' : indx;
filters[ indx ] = $filters
.filter( '[data-column="' + col + '"]' )
.attr( wo.filter_defaultAttrib ) || filters[indx] || '';
c.$ 'lastSearch', filters );
return filters;
parseFilter: function( c, filter, data, parsed ) {
return parsed || data.parsed[ data.index ] ?
c.parsers[ data.index ].format( filter, c.table, [], data.index ) :
buildRow: function( table, c, wo ) {
var $filter, col, column, $header, makeSelect, disabled, name, ffxn, tmp,
// c.columns defined in computeThIndexes()
cellFilter = wo.filter_cellFilter,
columns = c.columns,
arry = $.isArray( cellFilter ),
buildFilter = '<tr role="row" class="' + tscss.filterRow + ' ' + c.cssIgnoreRow + '">';
for ( column = 0; column < columns; column++ ) {
if ( c.$headerIndexed[ column ].length ) {
// account for entire column set with colspan. See #1047
tmp = c.$headerIndexed[ column ] && c.$headerIndexed[ column ][0].colSpan || 0;
if ( tmp > 1 ) {
buildFilter += '<td data-column="' + column + '-' + ( column + tmp - 1 ) + '" colspan="' + tmp + '"';
} else {
buildFilter += '<td data-column="' + column + '"';
if ( arry ) {
buildFilter += ( cellFilter[ column ] ? ' class="' + cellFilter[ column ] + '"' : '' );
} else {
buildFilter += ( cellFilter !== '' ? ' class="' + cellFilter + '"' : '' );
buildFilter += '></td>';
c.$filters = $( buildFilter += '</tr>' )
.appendTo( c.$table.children( 'thead' ).eq( 0 ) )
.children( 'td' );
// build each filter input
for ( column = 0; column < columns; column++ ) {
disabled = false;
// assuming last cell of a column is the main column
$header = c.$headerIndexed[ column ];
if ( $header && $header.length ) {
// $filter = c.$filters.filter( '[data-column="' + column + '"]' );
$filter = tsf.getColumnElm( c, c.$filters, column );
ffxn = ts.getColumnData( table, wo.filter_functions, column );
makeSelect = ( wo.filter_functions && ffxn && typeof ffxn !== 'function' ) ||
$header.hasClass( 'filter-select' );
// get data from jQuery data, metadata, headers option or header class name
col = ts.getColumnData( table, c.headers, column );
disabled = ts.getData( $header[0], col, 'filter' ) === 'false' ||
ts.getData( $header[0], col, 'parser' ) === 'false';
if ( makeSelect ) {
buildFilter = $( '<select>' ).appendTo( $filter );
} else {
ffxn = ts.getColumnData( table, wo.filter_formatter, column );
if ( ffxn ) {
buildFilter = ffxn( $filter, column );
// no element returned, so lets go find it
if ( buildFilter && buildFilter.length === 0 ) {
buildFilter = $filter.children( 'input' );
// element not in DOM, so lets attach it
if ( buildFilter && ( buildFilter.parent().length === 0 ||
( buildFilter.parent().length && buildFilter.parent()[0] !== $filter[0] ) ) ) {
$filter.append( buildFilter );
} else {
buildFilter = $( '<input type="search">' ).appendTo( $filter );
if ( buildFilter ) {
tmp = $ 'placeholder' ) ||
$header.attr( 'data-placeholder' ) || || '';
buildFilter.attr( 'placeholder', tmp );
if ( buildFilter ) {
// add filter class name
name = ( $.isArray( wo.filter_cssFilter ) ?
( typeof wo.filter_cssFilter[column] !== 'undefined' ? wo.filter_cssFilter[column] || '' : '' ) :
wo.filter_cssFilter ) || '';
// copy data-column from table cell (it will include colspan)
buildFilter.addClass( tscss.filter + ' ' + name ).attr( 'data-column', $filter.attr( 'data-column' ) );
if ( disabled ) {
buildFilter.attr( 'placeholder', '' ).addClass( tscss.filterDisabled )[0].disabled = true;
bindSearch: function( table, $el, internal ) {
table = $( table )[0];
$el = $( $el ); // allow passing a selector string
if ( !$el.length ) { return; }
var tmp,
c = table.config,
wo = c.widgetOptions,
namespace = c.namespace + 'filter',
$ext = wo.filter_$externalFilters;
if ( internal !== true ) {
// save anyMatch element
tmp = wo.filter_anyColumnSelector + ',' + wo.filter_multipleColumnSelector;
wo.filter_$anyMatch = $el.filter( tmp );
if ( $ext && $ext.length ) {
wo.filter_$externalFilters = wo.filter_$externalFilters.add( $el );
} else {
wo.filter_$externalFilters = $el;
// update values ( external filters added after table initialization )
ts.setFilters( table, c.$ 'lastSearch' ) || [], internal === false );
// unbind events
tmp = ( 'keypress keyup keydown search change input '.split( ' ' ).join( namespace + ' ' ) );
// use data attribute instead of jQuery data since the head is cloned without including
// the data/binding
.attr( 'data-lastSearchTime', new Date().getTime() )
.unbind( tmp.replace( ts.regex.spaces, ' ' ) )
.bind( 'keydown' + namespace, function( event ) {
if ( event.which === tskeyCodes.escape && !wo.filter_resetOnEsc ) {
// prevent keypress event
return false;
.bind( 'keyup' + namespace, function( event ) {
var column = parseInt( $( this ).attr( 'data-column' ), 10 );
$( this ).attr( 'data-lastSearchTime', new Date().getTime() );
// emulate what webkit does.... escape clears the filter
if ( event.which === tskeyCodes.escape ) {
// make sure to restore the last value on escape
this.value = wo.filter_resetOnEsc ? '' : c.lastSearch[column];
// live search
} else if ( wo.filter_liveSearch === false ) {
// don't return if the search value is empty ( all rows need to be revealed )
} else if ( this.value !== '' && (
// liveSearch can contain a min value length; ignore arrow and meta keys, but allow backspace
( typeof wo.filter_liveSearch === 'number' && this.value.length < wo.filter_liveSearch ) ||
// let return & backspace continue on, but ignore arrows & non-valid characters
( event.which !== tskeyCodes.enter && event.which !== tskeyCodes.backSpace &&
( event.which < || ( event.which >= tskeyCodes.left && event.which <= tskeyCodes.down ) ) ) ) ) {
// change event = no delay; last true flag tells getFilters to skip newest timed input
tsf.searching( table, true, true );
// include change for select - fixes #473
.bind( 'search change keypress input '.split( ' ' ).join( namespace + ' ' ), function( event ) {
// don't get cached data, in case data-column changes dynamically
var column = parseInt( $( this ).attr( 'data-column' ), 10 );
// don't allow 'change' event to process if the input value is the same - fixes #685
if ( wo.filter_initialized && ( event.which === tskeyCodes.enter || event.type === 'search' ||
// only "input" event fires in MS Edge when clicking the "x" to clear the search
( event.type === 'change' || event.type === 'input' ) && this.value !== c.lastSearch[column] ) ) {
// init search with no delay
$( this ).attr( 'data-lastSearchTime', new Date().getTime() );
tsf.searching( table, false, true );
searching: function( table, filter, skipFirst ) {
var wo = table.config.widgetOptions;
clearTimeout( wo.filter_searchTimer );
if ( typeof filter === 'undefined' || filter === true ) {
// delay filtering
wo.filter_searchTimer = setTimeout( function() {
tsf.checkFilters( table, filter, skipFirst );
}, wo.filter_liveSearch ? wo.filter_searchDelay : 10 );
} else {
// skip delay
tsf.checkFilters( table, filter, skipFirst );
checkFilters: function( table, filter, skipFirst ) {
var c = table.config,
wo = c.widgetOptions,
filterArray = $.isArray( filter ),
filters = ( filterArray ) ? filter : ts.getFilters( table, true ),
combinedFilters = ( filters || [] ).join( '' ); // combined filter values
// prevent errors if delay init is set
if ( $.isEmptyObject( c.cache ) ) {
// update cache if delayInit set & pager has initialized ( after user initiates a search )
if ( c.delayInit && c.pager && c.pager.initialized ) {
ts.updateCache( c, function() {
tsf.checkFilters( table, false, skipFirst );
// add filter array back into inputs
if ( filterArray ) {
ts.setFilters( table, filters, false, skipFirst !== true );
if ( !wo.filter_initialized ) { c.lastCombinedFilter = ''; }
if ( wo.filter_hideFilters ) {
// show/hide filter row as needed
.find( '.' + tscss.filterRow )
.triggerHandler( combinedFilters === '' ? 'mouseleave' : 'mouseenter' );
// return if the last search is the same; but filter === false when updating the search
// see example-widget-filter.html filter toggle buttons
if ( c.lastCombinedFilter === combinedFilters && filter !== false ) {
} else if ( filter === false ) {
// force filter refresh
c.lastCombinedFilter = null;
c.lastSearch = [];
// define filter inside it is false
filters = filters || [];
// convert filters to strings - see #1070
filters = ? String ) :
// for IE8 & older browsers - maybe not the best method
filters.join( '\ufffd' ).split( '\ufffd' );
if ( wo.filter_initialized ) {
c.$table.triggerHandler( 'filterStart', [ filters ] );
if ( c.showProcessing ) {
// give it time for the processing icon to kick in
setTimeout( function() {
tsf.findRows( table, filters, combinedFilters );
return false;
}, 30 );
} else {
tsf.findRows( table, filters, combinedFilters );
return false;
hideFilters: function( c, $table ) {
var timer,
$row = ( $table || c.$table ).find( '.' + tscss.filterRow ).addClass( tscss.filterRowHide );
.bind( 'mouseenter mouseleave', function( e ) {
// save event object -
var event = e,
$filterRow = $( this );
clearTimeout( timer );
timer = setTimeout( function() {
if ( /enter|over/.test( event.type ) ) {
$filterRow.removeClass( tscss.filterRowHide );
} else {
// don't hide if input has focus
// $( ':focus' ) needs jQuery 1.6+
if ( $( document.activeElement ).closest( 'tr' )[0] !== $filterRow[0] ) {
// don't hide row if any filter has a value
if ( c.lastCombinedFilter === '' ) {
$filterRow.addClass( tscss.filterRowHide );
}, 200 );
.find( 'input, select' ).bind( 'focus blur', function( e ) {
var event = e,
$row = $( this ).closest( 'tr' );
clearTimeout( timer );
timer = setTimeout( function() {
clearTimeout( timer );
// don't hide row if any filter has a value
if ( ts.getFilters( c.$table ).join( '' ) === '' ) {
$row.toggleClass( tscss.filterRowHide, event.type !== 'focus' );
}, 200 );
defaultFilter: function( filter, mask ) {
if ( filter === '' ) { return filter; }
var regex = tsfRegex.iQuery,
maskLen = mask.match( tsfRegex.igQuery ).length,
query = maskLen > 1 ? $.trim( filter ).split( /\s/ ) : [ $.trim( filter ) ],
len = query.length - 1,
indx = 0,
val = mask;
if ( len < 1 && maskLen > 1 ) {
// only one 'word' in query but mask has >1 slots
query[1] = query[0];
// replace all {query} with query words...
// if query = 'Bob', then convert mask from '!{query}' to '!Bob'
// if query = 'Bob Joe Frank', then convert mask '{q} OR {q}' to 'Bob OR Joe OR Frank'
while ( regex.test( val ) ) {
val = val.replace( regex, query[indx++] || '' );
if ( regex.test( val ) && indx < len && ( query[indx] || '' ) !== '' ) {
val = mask.replace( regex, val );
return val;
getLatestSearch: function( $input ) {
if ( $input ) {
return $input.sort( function( a, b ) {
return $( b ).attr( 'data-lastSearchTime' ) - $( a ).attr( 'data-lastSearchTime' );
return $input || $();
findRange: function( c, val, ignoreRanges ) {
// look for multiple columns '1-3,4-6,8' in data-column
var temp, ranges, range, start, end, singles, i, indx, len,
columns = [];
if ( /^[0-9]+$/.test( val ) ) {
// always return an array
return [ parseInt( val, 10 ) ];
// process column range
if ( !ignoreRanges && /-/.test( val ) ) {
ranges = val.match( /(\d+)\s*-\s*(\d+)/g );
len = ranges ? ranges.length : 0;
for ( indx = 0; indx < len; indx++ ) {
range = ranges[indx].split( /\s*-\s*/ );
start = parseInt( range[0], 10 ) || 0;
end = parseInt( range[1], 10 ) || ( c.columns - 1 );
if ( start > end ) {
temp = start; start = end; end = temp; // swap
if ( end >= c.columns ) {
end = c.columns - 1;
for ( ; start <= end; start++ ) {
columns.push( start );
// remove processed range from val
val = val.replace( ranges[ indx ], '' );
// process single columns
if ( !ignoreRanges && /,/.test( val ) ) {
singles = val.split( /\s*,\s*/ );
len = singles.length;
for ( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) {
if ( singles[ i ] !== '' ) {
indx = parseInt( singles[ i ], 10 );
if ( indx < c.columns ) {
columns.push( indx );
// return all columns
if ( !columns.length ) {
for ( indx = 0; indx < c.columns; indx++ ) {
columns.push( indx );
return columns;
getColumnElm: function( c, $elements, column ) {
// data-column may contain multiple columns '1-3,5-6,8'
// replaces: c.$filters.filter( '[data-column="' + column + '"]' );
return $elements.filter( function() {
var cols = tsf.findRange( c, $( this ).attr( 'data-column' ) );
return $.inArray( column, cols ) > -1;
multipleColumns: function( c, $input ) {
// look for multiple columns '1-3,4-6,8' in data-column
var wo = c.widgetOptions,
// only target 'all' column inputs on initialization
// & don't target 'all' column inputs if they don't exist
targets = wo.filter_initialized || !$input.filter( wo.filter_anyColumnSelector ).length,
val = $.trim( tsf.getLatestSearch( $input ).attr( 'data-column' ) || '' );
return tsf.findRange( c, val, !targets );
processTypes: function( c, data, vars ) {
var ffxn,
filterMatched = null,
matches = null;
for ( ffxn in tsf.types ) {
if ( $.inArray( ffxn, vars.excludeMatch ) < 0 && matches === null ) {
matches = tsf.types[ffxn]( c, data, vars );
if ( matches !== null ) {
filterMatched = matches;
return filterMatched;
processRow: function( c, data, vars ) {
var result, filterMatched,
fxn, ffxn, txt,
wo = c.widgetOptions,
showRow = true,
// if wo.filter_$anyMatch data-column attribute is changed dynamically
// we don't want to do an "anyMatch" search on one column using data
// for the entire row - see #998
columnIndex = wo.filter_$anyMatch && wo.filter_$anyMatch.length ?
// look for multiple columns '1-3,4-6,8'
tsf.multipleColumns( c, wo.filter_$anyMatch ) :
data.$cells = data.$row.children();
if ( data.anyMatchFlag && columnIndex.length > 1 ) {
data.anyMatch = true;
data.isMatch = true;
data.rowArray = data.$ function( i ) {
if ( $.inArray( i, columnIndex ) > -1 ) {
if ( data.parsed[ i ] ) {
txt = data.cacheArray[ i ];
} else {
txt = data.rawArray[ i ];
txt = $.trim( wo.filter_ignoreCase ? txt.toLowerCase() : txt );
if ( c.sortLocaleCompare ) {
txt = ts.replaceAccents( txt );
return txt;
data.filter = data.anyMatchFilter;
data.iFilter = data.iAnyMatchFilter;
data.exact = data.rowArray.join( ' ' );
data.iExact = wo.filter_ignoreCase ? data.exact.toLowerCase() : data.exact;
data.cache = data.cacheArray.slice( 0, -1 ).join( ' ' );
vars.excludeMatch = vars.noAnyMatch;
filterMatched = tsf.processTypes( c, data, vars );
if ( filterMatched !== null ) {
showRow = filterMatched;
} else {
if ( wo.filter_startsWith ) {
showRow = false;
// data.rowArray may not contain all columns
columnIndex = Math.min( c.columns, data.rowArray.length );
while ( !showRow && columnIndex > 0 ) {
showRow = showRow || data.rowArray[ columnIndex ].indexOf( data.iFilter ) === 0;
} else {
showRow = ( data.iExact + data.childRowText ).indexOf( data.iFilter ) >= 0;
data.anyMatch = false;
// no other filters to process
if ( data.filters.join( '' ) === data.filter ) {
return showRow;
for ( columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < c.columns; columnIndex++ ) {
data.filter = data.filters[ columnIndex ];
data.index = columnIndex;
// filter types to exclude, per column
vars.excludeMatch = vars.excludeFilter[ columnIndex ];
// ignore if filter is empty or disabled
if ( data.filter ) {
data.cache = data.cacheArray[ columnIndex ];
result = data.rawArray[ columnIndex ] || '';
data.exact = c.sortLocaleCompare ? ts.replaceAccents( result ) : result; // issue #405
data.iExact = !tsfRegex.type.test( typeof data.exact ) && wo.filter_ignoreCase ?
data.exact.toLowerCase() : data.exact;
data.isMatch = c.$headerIndexed[ data.index ].hasClass( 'filter-match' );
result = showRow; // if showRow is true, show that row
// in case select filter option has a different value vs text 'a - z|A through Z'
ffxn = wo.filter_columnFilters ?
c.$filters.add( c.$externalFilters )
.filter( '[data-column="' + columnIndex + '"]' )
.find( 'select option:selected' )
.attr( 'data-function-name' ) || '' : '';
// replace accents - see #357
if ( c.sortLocaleCompare ) {
data.filter = ts.replaceAccents( data.filter );
// replace column specific default filters - see #1088
if ( wo.filter_defaultFilter && tsfRegex.iQuery.test( vars.defaultColFilter[ columnIndex ] ) ) {
data.filter = tsf.defaultFilter( data.filter, vars.defaultColFilter[ columnIndex ] );
// data.iFilter = case insensitive ( if wo.filter_ignoreCase is true ),
// data.filter = case sensitive
data.iFilter = wo.filter_ignoreCase ? ( data.filter || '' ).toLowerCase() : data.filter;
fxn = vars.functions[ columnIndex ];
filterMatched = null;
if ( fxn ) {
if ( fxn === true ) {
// default selector uses exact match unless 'filter-match' class is found
filterMatched = data.isMatch ?
// data.iExact may be a number
( '' + data.iExact ).search( data.iFilter ) >= 0 :
data.filter === data.exact;
} else if ( typeof fxn === 'function' ) {
// filter callback( exact cell content, parser normalized content,
// filter input value, column index, jQuery row object )
filterMatched = fxn( data.exact, data.cache, data.filter, columnIndex, data.$row, c, data );
} else if ( typeof fxn[ ffxn || data.filter ] === 'function' ) {
// selector option function
txt = ffxn || data.filter;
filterMatched =
fxn[ txt ]( data.exact, data.cache, data.filter, columnIndex, data.$row, c, data );
if ( filterMatched === null ) {
// cycle through the different filters
// filters return a boolean or null if nothing matches
filterMatched = tsf.processTypes( c, data, vars );
if ( filterMatched !== null ) {
result = filterMatched;
// Look for match, and add child row data for matching
} else {
txt = ( data.iExact + data.childRowText ).indexOf( tsf.parseFilter( c, data.iFilter, data ) );
result = ( ( !wo.filter_startsWith && txt >= 0 ) || ( wo.filter_startsWith && txt === 0 ) );
} else {
result = filterMatched;
showRow = ( result ) ? showRow : false;
return showRow;
findRows: function( table, filters, combinedFilters ) {
if ( table.config.lastCombinedFilter === combinedFilters ||
!table.config.widgetOptions.filter_initialized ) {
var len, norm_rows, rowData, $rows, $row, rowIndex, tbodyIndex, $tbody, columnIndex,
isChild, childRow, lastSearch, showRow, showParent, time, val, indx,
notFiltered, searchFiltered, query, injected, res, id, txt,
storedFilters = $.extend( [], filters ),
c = table.config,
wo = c.widgetOptions,
// data object passed to filters; anyMatch is a flag for the filters
data = {
anyMatch: false,
filters: filters,
// regex filter type cache
filter_regexCache : []
vars = {
// anyMatch really screws up with these types of filters
noAnyMatch: [ 'range', 'notMatch', 'operators' ],
// cache filter variables that use ts.getColumnData in the main loop
functions : [],
excludeFilter : [],
defaultColFilter : [],
defaultAnyFilter : ts.getColumnData( table, wo.filter_defaultFilter, c.columns, true ) || ''
// parse columns after formatter, in case the class is added at that point
data.parsed = [];
for ( columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < c.columns; columnIndex++ ) {
data.parsed[ columnIndex ] = wo.filter_useParsedData ||
// parser has a "parsed" parameter
( c.parsers && c.parsers[ columnIndex ] && c.parsers[ columnIndex ].parsed ||
// getData may not return 'parsed' if other 'filter-' class names exist
// ( e.g. <th class="filter-select filter-parsed"> )
ts.getData && ts.getData( c.$headerIndexed[ columnIndex ],
ts.getColumnData( table, c.headers, columnIndex ), 'filter' ) === 'parsed' ||
c.$headerIndexed[ columnIndex ].hasClass( 'filter-parsed' ) );
vars.functions[ columnIndex ] =
ts.getColumnData( table, wo.filter_functions, columnIndex );
vars.defaultColFilter[ columnIndex ] =
ts.getColumnData( table, wo.filter_defaultFilter, columnIndex ) || '';
vars.excludeFilter[ columnIndex ] =
( ts.getColumnData( table, wo.filter_excludeFilter, columnIndex, true ) || '' ).split( /\s+/ );
if ( c.debug ) {
console.log( 'Filter: Starting filter widget search', filters );
time = new Date();
// filtered rows count
c.filteredRows = 0;
c.totalRows = 0;
// combindedFilters are undefined on init
combinedFilters = ( storedFilters || [] ).join( '' );
for ( tbodyIndex = 0; tbodyIndex < c.$tbodies.length; tbodyIndex++ ) {
$tbody = ts.processTbody( table, c.$tbodies.eq( tbodyIndex ), true );
// skip child rows & widget added ( removable ) rows - fixes #448 thanks to @hempel!
// $rows = $tbody.children( 'tr' ).not( c.selectorRemove );
columnIndex = c.columns;
// convert stored rows into a jQuery object
norm_rows = c.cache[ tbodyIndex ].normalized;
$rows = $( $.map( norm_rows, function( el ) {
return el[ columnIndex ].$row.get();
}) );
if ( combinedFilters === '' || wo.filter_serversideFiltering ) {
.removeClass( wo.filter_filteredRow )
.not( '.' + c.cssChildRow )
.css( 'display', '' );
} else {
// filter out child rows
$rows = $rows.not( '.' + c.cssChildRow );
len = $rows.length;
if ( ( wo.filter_$anyMatch && wo.filter_$anyMatch.length ) ||
typeof filters[c.columns] !== 'undefined' ) {
data.anyMatchFlag = true;
data.anyMatchFilter = '' + (
filters[ c.columns ] ||
wo.filter_$anyMatch && tsf.getLatestSearch( wo.filter_$anyMatch ).val() ||
if ( wo.filter_columnAnyMatch ) {
// specific columns search
query = data.anyMatchFilter.split( tsfRegex.andSplit );
injected = false;
for ( indx = 0; indx < query.length; indx++ ) {
res = query[ indx ].split( ':' );
if ( res.length > 1 ) {
// make the column a one-based index ( non-developers start counting from one :P )
id = parseInt( res[0], 10 ) - 1;
if ( id >= 0 && id < c.columns ) { // if id is an integer
filters[ id ] = res[1];
query.splice( indx, 1 );
injected = true;
if ( injected ) {
data.anyMatchFilter = query.join( ' && ' );
// optimize searching only through already filtered rows - see #313
searchFiltered = wo.filter_searchFiltered;
lastSearch = c.lastSearch || c.$ 'lastSearch' ) || [];
if ( searchFiltered ) {
// cycle through all filters; include last ( columnIndex + 1 = match any column ). Fixes #669
for ( indx = 0; indx < columnIndex + 1; indx++ ) {
val = filters[indx] || '';
// break out of loop if we've already determined not to search filtered rows
if ( !searchFiltered ) { indx = columnIndex; }
// search already filtered rows if...
searchFiltered = searchFiltered && lastSearch.length &&
// there are no changes from beginning of filter
val.indexOf( lastSearch[indx] || '' ) === 0 &&
// if there is NOT a logical 'or', or range ( 'to' or '-' ) in the string
!tsfRegex.alreadyFiltered.test( val ) &&
// if we are not doing exact matches, using '|' ( logical or ) or not '!'
!tsfRegex.exactTest.test( val ) &&
// don't search only filtered if the value is negative
// ( '> -10' => '> -100' will ignore hidden rows )
!( tsfRegex.isNeg1.test( val ) || tsfRegex.isNeg2.test( val ) ) &&
// if filtering using a select without a 'filter-match' class ( exact match ) - fixes #593
!( val !== '' && c.$filters && c.$filters.filter( '[data-column="' + indx + '"]' ).find( 'select' ).length &&
!c.$headerIndexed[indx].hasClass( 'filter-match' ) );
notFiltered = $rows.not( '.' + wo.filter_filteredRow ).length;
// can't search when all rows are hidden - this happens when looking for exact matches
if ( searchFiltered && notFiltered === 0 ) { searchFiltered = false; }
if ( c.debug ) {
console.log( 'Filter: Searching through ' +
( searchFiltered && notFiltered < len ? notFiltered : 'all' ) + ' rows' );
if ( data.anyMatchFlag ) {
if ( c.sortLocaleCompare ) {
// replace accents
data.anyMatchFilter = ts.replaceAccents( data.anyMatchFilter );
if ( wo.filter_defaultFilter && tsfRegex.iQuery.test( vars.defaultAnyFilter ) ) {
data.anyMatchFilter = tsf.defaultFilter( data.anyMatchFilter, vars.defaultAnyFilter );
// clear search filtered flag because default filters are not saved to the last search
searchFiltered = false;
// make iAnyMatchFilter lowercase unless both filter widget & core ignoreCase options are true
// when c.ignoreCase is true, the cache contains all lower case data
data.iAnyMatchFilter = !( wo.filter_ignoreCase && c.ignoreCase ) ?
data.anyMatchFilter :
// loop through the rows
for ( rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < len; rowIndex++ ) {
txt = $rows[ rowIndex ].className;
// the first row can never be a child row
isChild = rowIndex && tsfRegex.child.test( txt );
// skip child rows & already filtered rows
if ( isChild || ( searchFiltered && tsfRegex.filtered.test( txt ) ) ) {
data.$row = $rows.eq( rowIndex );
data.cacheArray = norm_rows[ rowIndex ];
rowData = data.cacheArray[ c.columns ];
data.rawArray = rowData.raw;
data.childRowText = '';
if ( !wo.filter_childByColumn ) {
txt = '';
// child row cached text
childRow = rowData.child;
// so, if 'table.config.widgetOptions.filter_childRows' is true and there is
// a match anywhere in the child row, then it will make the row visible
// checked here so the option can be changed dynamically
for ( indx = 0; indx < childRow.length; indx++ ) {
txt += ' ' + childRow[indx].join( ' ' ) || '';
data.childRowText = wo.filter_childRows ?
( wo.filter_ignoreCase ? txt.toLowerCase() : txt ) :
showRow = false;
showParent = tsf.processRow( c, data, vars );
$row = rowData.$row;
// don't pass reference to val
val = showParent ? true : false;
childRow = rowData.$row.filter( ':gt(0)' );
if ( wo.filter_childRows && childRow.length ) {
if ( wo.filter_childByColumn ) {
if ( !wo.filter_childWithSibs ) {
// hide all child rows
childRow.addClass( wo.filter_filteredRow );
// if only showing resulting child row, only include parent
$row = $row.eq( 0 );
// cycle through each child row
for ( indx = 0; indx < childRow.length; indx++ ) {
data.$row = childRow.eq( indx );
data.cacheArray = rowData.child[ indx ];
data.rawArray = data.cacheArray;
val = tsf.processRow( c, data, vars );
// use OR comparison on child rows
showRow = showRow || val;
if ( !wo.filter_childWithSibs && val ) {
childRow.eq( indx ).removeClass( wo.filter_filteredRow );
// keep parent row match even if no child matches... see #1020
showRow = showRow || showParent;
} else {
showRow = val;
.toggleClass( wo.filter_filteredRow, !showRow )[0]
.display = showRow ? '' : 'none';
c.filteredRows += $rows.not( '.' + wo.filter_filteredRow ).length;
c.totalRows += $rows.length;
ts.processTbody( table, $tbody, false );
c.lastCombinedFilter = combinedFilters; // save last search
// don't save 'filters' directly since it may have altered ( AnyMatch column searches )
c.lastSearch = storedFilters;
c.$ 'lastSearch', storedFilters );
if ( wo.filter_saveFilters && ) { table, 'tablesorter-filters', tsf.processFilters( storedFilters, true ) );
if ( c.debug ) {
console.log( 'Completed filter widget search' + ts.benchmark(time) );
if ( wo.filter_initialized ) {
c.$table.triggerHandler( 'filterBeforeEnd', c );
c.$table.triggerHandler( 'filterEnd', c );
setTimeout( function() {
ts.applyWidget( c.table ); // make sure zebra widget is applied
}, 0 );
getOptionSource: function( table, column, onlyAvail ) {
table = $( table )[0];
var c = table.config,
wo = c.widgetOptions,
arry = false,
source = wo.filter_selectSource,
last = c.$ 'lastSearch' ) || [],
fxn = typeof source === 'function' ? true : ts.getColumnData( table, source, column );
if ( onlyAvail && last[column] !== '' ) {
onlyAvail = false;
// filter select source option
if ( fxn === true ) {
// OVERALL source
arry = source( table, column, onlyAvail );
} else if ( fxn instanceof $ || ( $.type( fxn ) === 'string' && fxn.indexOf( '</option>' ) >= 0 ) ) {
// selectSource is a jQuery object or string of options
return fxn;
} else if ( $.isArray( fxn ) ) {
arry = fxn;
} else if ( $.type( source ) === 'object' && fxn ) {
// custom select source function for a SPECIFIC COLUMN
arry = fxn( table, column, onlyAvail );
if ( arry === false ) {
// fall back to original method
arry = tsf.getOptions( table, column, onlyAvail );
return tsf.processOptions( table, column, arry );
processOptions: function( table, column, arry ) {
if ( !$.isArray( arry ) ) {
return false;
table = $( table )[0];
var cts, txt, indx, len, parsedTxt, str,
c = table.config,
validColumn = typeof column !== 'undefined' && column !== null && column >= 0 && column < c.columns,
parsed = [];
// get unique elements and sort the list
// if $.tablesorter.sortText exists ( not in the original tablesorter ),
// then natural sort the list otherwise use a basic sort
arry = $.grep( arry, function( value, indx ) {
if ( value.text ) {
return true;
return $.inArray( value, arry ) === indx;
if ( validColumn && c.$headerIndexed[ column ].hasClass( 'filter-select-nosort' ) ) {
// unsorted select options
return arry;
} else {
len = arry.length;
// parse select option values
for ( indx = 0; indx < len; indx++ ) {
txt = arry[ indx ];
// check for object
str = txt.text ? txt.text : txt;
// sortNatural breaks if you don't pass it strings
parsedTxt = ( validColumn && c.parsers && c.parsers.length &&
c.parsers[ column ].format( str, table, [], column ) || str ).toString();
parsedTxt = c.widgetOptions.filter_ignoreCase ? parsedTxt.toLowerCase() : parsedTxt;
// parse array data using set column parser; this DOES NOT pass the original
// table cell to the parser format function
if ( txt.text ) {
txt.parsed = parsedTxt;
parsed.push( txt );
} else {
text : txt,
// check parser length - fixes #934
parsed : parsedTxt
// sort parsed select options
cts = c.textSorter || '';
parsed.sort( function( a, b ) {
var x = a.parsed,
y = b.parsed;
if ( validColumn && typeof cts === 'function' ) {
// custom OVERALL text sorter
return cts( x, y, true, column, table );
} else if ( validColumn && typeof cts === 'object' && cts.hasOwnProperty( column ) ) {
// custom text sorter for a SPECIFIC COLUMN
return cts[column]( x, y, true, column, table );
} else if ( ts.sortNatural ) {
// fall back to natural sort
return ts.sortNatural( x, y );
// using an older version! do a basic sort
return true;
// rebuild arry from sorted parsed data
arry = [];
len = parsed.length;
for ( indx = 0; indx < len; indx++ ) {
arry.push( parsed[indx] );
return arry;
getOptions: function( table, column, onlyAvail ) {
table = $( table )[0];
var rowIndex, tbodyIndex, len, row, cache, indx, child, childLen,
c = table.config,
wo = c.widgetOptions,
arry = [];
for ( tbodyIndex = 0; tbodyIndex < c.$tbodies.length; tbodyIndex++ ) {
cache = c.cache[tbodyIndex];
len = c.cache[tbodyIndex].normalized.length;
// loop through the rows
for ( rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < len; rowIndex++ ) {
// get cached row from cache.row ( old ) or row data object
// ( new; last item in normalized array )
row = cache.row ?
cache.row[ rowIndex ] :
cache.normalized[ rowIndex ][ c.columns ].$row[0];
// check if has class filtered
if ( onlyAvail && row.className.match( wo.filter_filteredRow ) ) {
// get non-normalized cell content
if ( wo.filter_useParsedData ||
c.parsers[column].parsed ||
c.$headerIndexed[column].hasClass( 'filter-parsed' ) ) {
arry.push( '' + cache.normalized[ rowIndex ][ column ] );
// child row parsed data
if ( wo.filter_childRows && wo.filter_childByColumn ) {
childLen = cache.normalized[ rowIndex ][ c.columns ].$row.length - 1;
for ( indx = 0; indx < childLen; indx++ ) {
arry.push( '' + cache.normalized[ rowIndex ][ c.columns ].child[ indx ][ column ] );
} else {
// get raw cached data instead of content directly from the cells
arry.push( cache.normalized[ rowIndex ][ c.columns ].raw[ column ] );
// child row unparsed data
if ( wo.filter_childRows && wo.filter_childByColumn ) {
childLen = cache.normalized[ rowIndex ][ c.columns ].$row.length;
for ( indx = 1; indx < childLen; indx++ ) {
child = cache.normalized[ rowIndex ][ c.columns ].$row.eq( indx ).children().eq( column );
arry.push( '' + ts.getElementText( c, child, column ) );
return arry;
buildSelect: function( table, column, arry, updating, onlyAvail ) {
table = $( table )[0];
column = parseInt( column, 10 );
if ( !table.config.cache || $.isEmptyObject( table.config.cache ) ) {
var indx, val, txt, t, $filters, $filter, option,
c = table.config,
wo = c.widgetOptions,
node = c.$headerIndexed[ column ],
// 'placeholder' ) won't work in jQuery older than 1.4.3
options = '<option value="">' +
( 'placeholder' ) ||
node.attr( 'data-placeholder' ) || || ''
) + '</option>',
// Get curent filter value
currentValue = c.$table
.find( 'thead' )
.find( 'select.' + tscss.filter + '[data-column="' + column + '"]' )
// nothing included in arry ( external source ), so get the options from
// filter_selectSource or column data
if ( typeof arry === 'undefined' || arry === '' ) {
arry = tsf.getOptionSource( table, column, onlyAvail );
if ( $.isArray( arry ) ) {
// build option list
for ( indx = 0; indx < arry.length; indx++ ) {
option = arry[ indx ];
if ( option.text ) {
// OBJECT!! add data-function-name in case the value is set in filter_functions
option['data-function-name'] = typeof option.value === 'undefined' ? option.text : option.value;
// support jQuery < v1.8, otherwise the below code could be shortened to
// options += $( '<option>', option )[ 0 ].outerHTML;
options += '<option';
for ( val in option ) {
if ( option.hasOwnProperty( val ) && val !== 'text' ) {
options += ' ' + val + '="' + option[ val ] + '"';
if ( !option.value ) {
options += ' value="' + option.text + '"';
options += '>' + option.text + '</option>';
// above code is needed in jQuery < v1.8
// make sure we don't turn an object into a string (objects without a "text" property)
} else if ( '' + option !== '[object Object]' ) {
txt = option = ( '' + option ).replace( tsfRegex.quote, '&quot;' );
val = txt;
// allow including a symbol in the selectSource array
// 'a-z|A through Z' so that 'a-z' becomes the option value
// and 'A through Z' becomes the option text
if ( txt.indexOf( wo.filter_selectSourceSeparator ) >= 0 ) {
t = txt.split( wo.filter_selectSourceSeparator );
val = t[0];
txt = t[1];
// replace quotes - fixes #242 & ignore empty strings
// see
options += option !== '' ?
'<option ' +
( val === txt ? '' : 'data-function-name="' + option + '" ' ) +
'value="' + val + '">' + txt +
'</option>' : '';
// clear arry so it doesn't get appended twice
arry = [];
// update all selects in the same column ( clone thead in sticky headers &
// any external selects ) - fixes 473
$filters = ( c.$filters ? c.$filters : c.$table.children( 'thead' ) )
.find( '.' + tscss.filter );
if ( wo.filter_$externalFilters ) {
$filters = $filters && $filters.length ?
$filters.add( wo.filter_$externalFilters ) :
$filter = $filters.filter( 'select[data-column="' + column + '"]' );
// make sure there is a select there!
if ( $filter.length ) {
$filter[ updating ? 'html' : 'append' ]( options );
if ( !$.isArray( arry ) ) {
// append options if arry is provided externally as a string or jQuery object
// options ( default value ) was already added
$filter.append( arry ).val( currentValue );
$filter.val( currentValue );
buildDefault: function( table, updating ) {
var columnIndex, $header, noSelect,
c = table.config,
wo = c.widgetOptions,
columns = c.columns;
// build default select dropdown
for ( columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < columns; columnIndex++ ) {
$header = c.$headerIndexed[columnIndex];
noSelect = !( $header.hasClass( 'filter-false' ) || $header.hasClass( 'parser-false' ) );
// look for the filter-select class; build/update it if found
if ( ( $header.hasClass( 'filter-select' ) ||
ts.getColumnData( table, wo.filter_functions, columnIndex ) === true ) && noSelect ) {
tsf.buildSelect( table, columnIndex, '', updating, $header.hasClass( wo.filter_onlyAvail ) );
// filter regex variable
tsfRegex = tsf.regex;
ts.getFilters = function( table, getRaw, setFilters, skipFirst ) {
var i, $filters, $column, cols,
filters = false,
c = table ? $( table )[0].config : '',
wo = c ? c.widgetOptions : '';
if ( ( getRaw !== true && wo && !wo.filter_columnFilters ) ||
// setFilters called, but last search is exactly the same as the current
// fixes issue #733 & #903 where calling update causes the input values to reset
( $.isArray(setFilters) && setFilters.join('') === c.lastCombinedFilter ) ) {
return $( table ).data( 'lastSearch' );
if ( c ) {
if ( c.$filters ) {
$filters = c.$filters.find( '.' + tscss.filter );
if ( wo.filter_$externalFilters ) {
$filters = $filters && $filters.length ?
$filters.add( wo.filter_$externalFilters ) :
if ( $filters && $filters.length ) {
filters = setFilters || [];
for ( i = 0; i < c.columns + 1; i++ ) {
cols = ( i === c.columns ?
// 'all' columns can now include a range or set of columms ( data-column='0-2,4,6-7' )
wo.filter_anyColumnSelector + ',' + wo.filter_multipleColumnSelector :
'[data-column="' + i + '"]' );
$column = $filters.filter( cols );
if ( $column.length ) {
// move the latest search to the first slot in the array
$column = tsf.getLatestSearch( $column );
if ( $.isArray( setFilters ) ) {
// skip first ( latest input ) to maintain cursor position while typing
if ( skipFirst && $column.length > 1 ) {
$column = $column.slice( 1 );
if ( i === c.columns ) {
// prevent data-column='all' from filling data-column='0,1' ( etc )
cols = $column.filter( wo.filter_anyColumnSelector );
$column = cols.length ? cols : $column;
.val( setFilters[ i ] )
// must include a namespace here; but not c.namespace + 'filter'?
.trigger( 'change' + c.namespace );
} else {
filters[i] = $column.val() || '';
// don't change the first... it will move the cursor
if ( i === c.columns ) {
// don't update range columns from 'all' setting
.slice( 1 )
.filter( '[data-column*="' + $column.attr( 'data-column' ) + '"]' )
.val( filters[ i ] );
} else {
.slice( 1 )
.val( filters[ i ] );
// save any match input dynamically
if ( i === c.columns && $column.length ) {
wo.filter_$anyMatch = $column;
if ( filters.length === 0 ) {
filters = false;
return filters;
ts.setFilters = function( table, filter, apply, skipFirst ) {
var c = table ? $( table )[0].config : '',
valid = ts.getFilters( table, true, filter, skipFirst );
// default apply to "true"
if ( typeof apply === 'undefined' ) {
apply = true;
if ( c && apply ) {
// ensure new set filters are applied, even if the search is the same
c.lastCombinedFilter = null;
c.lastSearch = [];
tsf.searching( c.table, filter, skipFirst );
c.$table.triggerHandler( 'filterFomatterUpdate' );
return !!valid;
})( jQuery );
/*! Widget: stickyHeaders - updated 10/31/2015 (v2.24.0) *//*
* Requires tablesorter v2.8+ and jQuery 1.4.3+
* by Rob Garrison
;(function ($, window) {
'use strict';
var ts = $.tablesorter || {};
$.extend(ts.css, {
sticky : 'tablesorter-stickyHeader', // stickyHeader
stickyVis : 'tablesorter-sticky-visible',
stickyHide: 'tablesorter-sticky-hidden',
stickyWrap: 'tablesorter-sticky-wrapper'
// Add a resize event to table headers
ts.addHeaderResizeEvent = function(table, disable, settings) {
table = $(table)[0]; // make sure we're using a dom element
if ( !table.config ) { return; }
var defaults = {
timer : 250
options = $.extend({}, defaults, settings),
c = table.config,
wo = c.widgetOptions,
checkSizes = function( triggerEvent ) {
var index, headers, $header, sizes, width, height,
len = c.$headers.length;
wo.resize_flag = true;
headers = [];
for ( index = 0; index < len; index++ ) {
$header = c.$headers.eq( index );
sizes = $ 'savedSizes' ) || [ 0, 0 ]; // fixes #394
width = $header[0].offsetWidth;
height = $header[0].offsetHeight;
if ( width !== sizes[0] || height !== sizes[1] ) {
$ 'savedSizes', [ width, height ] );
headers.push( $header[0] );
if ( headers.length && triggerEvent !== false ) {
c.$table.triggerHandler( 'resize', [ headers ] );
wo.resize_flag = false;
checkSizes( false );
if (disable) {
wo.resize_flag = false;
return false;
wo.resize_timer = setInterval(function() {
if (wo.resize_flag) { return; }
}, options.timer);
// Sticky headers based on this awesome article:
// and by Jonas Mosbech
// **************************
id: 'stickyHeaders',
priority: 60, // sticky widget must be initialized after the filter widget!
options: {
stickyHeaders : '', // extra class name added to the sticky header row
stickyHeaders_attachTo : null, // jQuery selector or object to attach sticky header to
stickyHeaders_xScroll : null, // jQuery selector or object to monitor horizontal scroll position (defaults: xScroll > attachTo > window)
stickyHeaders_yScroll : null, // jQuery selector or object to monitor vertical scroll position (defaults: yScroll > attachTo > window)
stickyHeaders_offset : 0, // number or jquery selector targeting the position:fixed element
stickyHeaders_filteredToTop: true, // scroll table top into view after filtering
stickyHeaders_cloneId : '-sticky', // added to table ID, if it exists
stickyHeaders_addResizeEvent : true, // trigger 'resize' event on headers
stickyHeaders_includeCaption : true, // if false and a caption exist, it won't be included in the sticky header
stickyHeaders_zIndex : 2 // The zIndex of the stickyHeaders, allows the user to adjust this to their needs
format: function(table, c, wo) {
// filter widget doesn't initialize on an empty table. Fixes #449
if ( c.$table.hasClass('hasStickyHeaders') || ($.inArray('filter', c.widgets) >= 0 && !c.$table.hasClass('hasFilters')) ) {
var index, len, $t,
$table = c.$table,
// add position: relative to attach element, hopefully it won't cause trouble.
$attach = $(wo.stickyHeaders_attachTo),
namespace = c.namespace + 'stickyheaders ',
// element to watch for the scroll event
$yScroll = $(wo.stickyHeaders_yScroll || wo.stickyHeaders_attachTo || window),
$xScroll = $(wo.stickyHeaders_xScroll || wo.stickyHeaders_attachTo || window),
$thead = $table.children('thead:first'),
$header = $thead.children('tr').not('.sticky-false').children(),
$tfoot = $table.children('tfoot'),
$stickyOffset = isNaN(wo.stickyHeaders_offset) ? $(wo.stickyHeaders_offset) : '',
stickyOffset = $stickyOffset.length ? $stickyOffset.height() || 0 : parseInt(wo.stickyHeaders_offset, 10) || 0,
// is this table nested? If so, find parent sticky header wrapper (div, not table)
$nestedSticky = $table.parent().closest('.' + ts.css.table).hasClass('hasStickyHeaders') ?
$table.parent().closest('table.tablesorter')[0].config.widgetOptions.$sticky.parent() : [],
nestedStickyTop = $nestedSticky.length ? $nestedSticky.height() : 0,
// clone table, then wrap to make sticky header
$stickyTable = wo.$sticky = $table.clone()
.addClass('containsStickyHeaders ' + ts.css.sticky + ' ' + wo.stickyHeaders + ' ' + c.namespace.slice(1) + '_extra_table' )
.wrap('<div class="' + ts.css.stickyWrap + '">'),
$stickyWrap = $stickyTable.parent()
position : $attach.length ? 'absolute' : 'fixed',
padding : parseInt( $stickyTable.parent().parent().css('padding-left'), 10 ),
top : stickyOffset + nestedStickyTop,
left : 0,
visibility : 'hidden',
zIndex : wo.stickyHeaders_zIndex || 2
$stickyThead = $stickyTable.children('thead:first'),
laststate = '',
spacing = 0,
setWidth = function($orig, $clone){
var index, width, border, $cell, $this,
$cells = $orig.filter(':visible'),
len = $cells.length;
for ( index = 0; index < len; index++ ) {
$cell = $clone.filter(':visible').eq(index);
$this = $cells.eq(index);
// code from
if ($this.css('box-sizing') === 'border-box') {
width = $this.outerWidth();
} else {
if ($cell.css('border-collapse') === 'collapse') {
if (window.getComputedStyle) {
width = parseFloat( window.getComputedStyle($this[0], null).width );
} else {
// ie8 only
border = parseFloat( $this.css('border-width') );
width = $this.outerWidth() - parseFloat( $this.css('padding-left') ) - parseFloat( $this.css('padding-right') ) - border;
} else {
width = $this.width();
'width': width,
'min-width': width,
'max-width': width
resizeHeader = function() {
stickyOffset = $stickyOffset.length ? $stickyOffset.height() || 0 : parseInt(wo.stickyHeaders_offset, 10) || 0;
spacing = 0;
left : $attach.length ? parseInt($attach.css('padding-left'), 10) || 0 :
$table.offset().left - parseInt($table.css('margin-left'), 10) - $xScroll.scrollLeft() - spacing,
width: $table.outerWidth()
setWidth( $table, $stickyTable );
setWidth( $header, $stickyCells );
scrollSticky = function( resizing ) {
if (!$':visible')) { return; } // fixes #278
// Detect nested tables - fixes #724
nestedStickyTop = $nestedSticky.length ? $nestedSticky.offset().top - $yScroll.scrollTop() + $nestedSticky.height() : 0;
var offset = $table.offset(),
yWindow = $.isWindow( $yScroll[0] ), // $.isWindow needs jQuery 1.4.3
xWindow = $.isWindow( $xScroll[0] ),
// scrollTop = ( $attach.length ? $attach.offset().top : $yScroll.scrollTop() ) + stickyOffset + nestedStickyTop,
scrollTop = ( $attach.length ? ( yWindow ? $yScroll.scrollTop() : $yScroll.offset().top ) : $yScroll.scrollTop() ) + stickyOffset + nestedStickyTop,
tableHeight = $table.height() - ($stickyWrap.height() + ($tfoot.height() || 0)),
isVisible = ( scrollTop > ) && ( scrollTop < + tableHeight ) ? 'visible' : 'hidden',
cssSettings = { visibility : isVisible };
if ($attach.length) { = yWindow ? scrollTop - $attach.offset().top : $attach.scrollTop();
if (xWindow) {
// adjust when scrolling horizontally - fixes issue #143
cssSettings.left = $table.offset().left - parseInt($table.css('margin-left'), 10) - $xScroll.scrollLeft() - spacing;
if ($nestedSticky.length) { = ( || 0 ) + stickyOffset + nestedStickyTop;
.removeClass( ts.css.stickyVis + ' ' + ts.css.stickyHide )
.addClass( isVisible === 'visible' ? ts.css.stickyVis : ts.css.stickyHide )
if (isVisible !== laststate || resizing) {
// make sure the column widths match
laststate = isVisible;
// only add a position relative if a position isn't already defined
if ($attach.length && !$attach.css('position')) {
$attach.css('position', 'relative');
// fix clone ID, if it exists - fixes #271
if ($stickyTable.attr('id')) { $stickyTable[0].id += wo.stickyHeaders_cloneId; }
// clear out cloned table, except for sticky header
// include caption & filter row (fixes #126 & #249) - don't remove cells to get correct cell indexing
$stickyTable.find('thead:gt(0), tr.sticky-false').hide();
$stickyTable.find('tbody, tfoot').remove();
// issue #172 - find td/th in sticky header
$stickyCells = $stickyThead.children().children();
$stickyTable.css({ height:0, width:0, margin: 0 });
// remove resizable block
$stickyCells.find('.' + ts.css.resizer).remove();
// update sticky header class names to match real header after sorting
.bind('pagerComplete' + namespace, function() {
ts.bindEvents(table, $stickyThead.children().children('.' + ts.css.header));
// add stickyheaders AFTER the table. If the table is selected by ID, the original one (first) will be returned.
$table.after( $stickyWrap );
// onRenderHeader is defined, we need to do something about it (fixes #641)
if (c.onRenderHeader) {
$t = $stickyThead.children('tr').children();
len = $t.length;
for ( index = 0; index < len; index++ ) {
// send second parameter
c.onRenderHeader.apply( $t.eq( index ), [ index, c, $stickyTable ] );
// make it sticky!
.unbind( ('scroll resize '.split(' ').join( namespace )).replace(/\s+/g, ' ') )
.bind('scroll resize '.split(' ').join( namespace ), function( event ) {
scrollSticky( event.type === 'resize' );
.unbind('stickyHeadersUpdate' + namespace)
.bind('stickyHeadersUpdate' + namespace, function(){
scrollSticky( true );
if (wo.stickyHeaders_addResizeEvent) {
// look for filter widget
if ($table.hasClass('hasFilters') && wo.filter_columnFilters) {
// scroll table into view after filtering, if sticky header is active - #482
$table.bind('filterEnd' + namespace, function() {
// $(':focus') needs jQuery 1.6+
var $td = $(document.activeElement).closest('td'),
column = $td.parent().children().index($td);
// only scroll if sticky header is active
if ($stickyWrap.hasClass(ts.css.stickyVis) && wo.stickyHeaders_filteredToTop) {
// scroll to original table (not sticky clone)
window.scrollTo(0, $table.position().top);
// give same input/select focus; check if c.$filters exists; fixes #594
if (column >= 0 && c.$filters) {
c.$filters.eq(column).find('a, select, input').filter(':visible').focus();
ts.filter.bindSearch( $table, $stickyCells.find('.' + ts.css.filter) );
// support hideFilters
if (wo.filter_hideFilters) {
ts.filter.hideFilters(c, $stickyTable);
remove: function(table, c, wo) {
var namespace = c.namespace + 'stickyheaders ';
.unbind( ('pagerComplete filterEnd stickyHeadersUpdate '.split(' ').join(namespace)).replace(/\s+/g, ' ') )
.next('.' + ts.css.stickyWrap).remove();
if (wo.$sticky && wo.$sticky.length) { wo.$sticky.remove(); } // remove cloned table
.unbind( ('scroll resize '.split(' ').join(namespace)).replace(/\s+/g, ' ') );
ts.addHeaderResizeEvent(table, false);
})(jQuery, window);
/*! Widget: resizable - updated 11/4/2015 (v2.24.3) */
/*jshint browser:true, jquery:true, unused:false */
;(function ($, window) {
'use strict';
var ts = $.tablesorter || {};
$.extend(ts.css, {
resizableContainer : 'tablesorter-resizable-container',
resizableHandle : 'tablesorter-resizable-handle',
resizableNoSelect : 'tablesorter-disableSelection',
resizableStorage : 'tablesorter-resizable'
// Add extra scroller css
var s = '<style>' +
'body.' + ts.css.resizableNoSelect + ' { -ms-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: -moz-none;' +
'-khtml-user-select: none; -webkit-user-select: none; user-select: none; }' +
'.' + ts.css.resizableContainer + ' { position: relative; height: 1px; }' +
// make handle z-index > than stickyHeader z-index, so the handle stays above sticky header
'.' + ts.css.resizableHandle + ' { position: absolute; display: inline-block; width: 8px;' +
'top: 1px; cursor: ew-resize; z-index: 3; user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; }' +
ts.resizable = {
init : function( c, wo ) {
if ( c.$table.hasClass( 'hasResizable' ) ) { return; }
c.$table.addClass( 'hasResizable' );
var noResize, $header, column, storedSizes, tmp,
$table = c.$table,
$parent = $table.parent(),
marginTop = parseInt( $table.css( 'margin-top' ), 10 ),
// internal variables
vars = wo.resizable_vars = {
useStorage : && wo.resizable !== false,
$wrap : $parent,
mouseXPosition : 0,
$target : null,
$next : null,
overflow : $parent.css('overflow') === 'auto' ||
$parent.css('overflow') === 'scroll' ||
$parent.css('overflow-x') === 'auto' ||
$parent.css('overflow-x') === 'scroll',
storedSizes : []
// set default widths
ts.resizableReset( c.table, true );
// now get measurements!
vars.tableWidth = $table.width();
// attempt to autodetect
vars.fullWidth = Math.abs( $parent.width() - vars.tableWidth ) < 20;
// Hacky method to determine if table width is set to 'auto'
if ( !vars.fullWidth ) {
tmp = $table.width();
$header = $table.wrap('<span>').parent(); // temp variable
storedSizes = parseInt( $table.css( 'margin-left' ), 10 ) || 0;
$table.css( 'margin-left', storedSizes + 50 );
vars.tableWidth = $header.width() > tmp ? 'auto' : tmp;
$table.css( 'margin-left', storedSizes ? storedSizes : '' );
$header = null;
if ( vars.useStorage && vars.overflow ) {
// save table width c.table, 'tablesorter-table-original-css-width', vars.tableWidth );
tmp = c.table, 'tablesorter-table-resized-width' ) || 'auto';
ts.resizable.setWidth( $table, tmp, true );
wo.resizable_vars.storedSizes = storedSizes = ( vars.useStorage ? c.table, ts.css.resizableStorage ) :
[] ) || [];
ts.resizable.setWidths( c, wo, storedSizes );
ts.resizable.updateStoredSizes( c, wo );
wo.$resizable_container = $( '<div class="' + ts.css.resizableContainer + '">' )
.css({ top : marginTop })
.insertBefore( $table );
// add container
for ( column = 0; column < c.columns; column++ ) {
$header = c.$headerIndexed[ column ];
tmp = ts.getColumnData( c.table, c.headers, column );
noResize = ts.getData( $header, tmp, 'resizable' ) === 'false';
if ( !noResize ) {
$( '<div class="' + ts.css.resizableHandle + '">' )
.appendTo( wo.$resizable_container )
'data-column' : column,
'unselectable' : 'on'
.data( 'header', $header )
.bind( 'selectstart', false );
ts.resizable.setHandlePosition( c, wo );
ts.resizable.bindings( c, wo );
updateStoredSizes : function( c, wo ) {
var column, $header,
len = c.columns,
vars = wo.resizable_vars;
vars.storedSizes = [];
for ( column = 0; column < len; column++ ) {
$header = c.$headerIndexed[ column ];
vars.storedSizes[ column ] = $':visible') ? $header.width() : 0;
setWidth : function( $el, width, overflow ) {
// overflow tables need min & max width set as well
'width' : width,
'min-width' : overflow ? width : '',
'max-width' : overflow ? width : ''
setWidths : function( c, wo, storedSizes ) {
var column, $temp,
vars = wo.resizable_vars,
$extra = $( c.namespace + '_extra_headers' ),
$col = c.$table.children( 'colgroup' ).children( 'col' );
storedSizes = storedSizes || vars.storedSizes || [];
// process only if table ID or url match
if ( storedSizes.length ) {
for ( column = 0; column < c.columns; column++ ) {
// set saved resizable widths
ts.resizable.setWidth( c.$headerIndexed[ column ], storedSizes[ column ], vars.overflow );
if ( $extra.length ) {
// stickyHeaders needs to modify min & max width as well
$temp = $extra.eq( column ).add( $col.eq( column ) );
ts.resizable.setWidth( $temp, storedSizes[ column ], vars.overflow );
$temp = $( c.namespace + '_extra_table' );
if ( $temp.length && !ts.hasWidget( c.table, 'scroller' ) ) {
ts.resizable.setWidth( $temp, c.$table.outerWidth(), vars.overflow );
setHandlePosition : function( c, wo ) {
var startPosition,
hasScroller = ts.hasWidget( c.table, 'scroller' ),
tableHeight = c.$table.height(),
$handles = wo.$resizable_container.children(),
handleCenter = Math.floor( $handles.width() / 2 );
if ( hasScroller ) {
tableHeight = 0;
c.$table.closest( '.' + ts.css.scrollerWrap ).children().each(function(){
var $this = $(this);
// center table has a max-height set
tableHeight += $this.filter('[style*="height"]').length ? $this.height() : $this.children('table').height();
// subtract out table left position from resizable handles. Fixes #864
startPosition = c.$table.position().left;
$handles.each( function() {
var $this = $(this),
column = parseInt( $this.attr( 'data-column' ), 10 ),
columns = c.columns - 1,
$header = $ 'header' );
if ( !$header ) { return; } // see #859
if ( !$':visible') ) {
} else if ( column < columns || column === columns && wo.resizable_addLastColumn ) {
display: 'inline-block',
height : tableHeight,
left : $header.position().left - startPosition + $header.outerWidth() - handleCenter
// prevent text selection while dragging resize bar
toggleTextSelection : function( c, wo, toggle ) {
var namespace = c.namespace + 'tsresize';
wo.resizable_vars.disabled = toggle;
$( 'body' ).toggleClass( ts.css.resizableNoSelect, toggle );
if ( toggle ) {
$( 'body' )
.attr( 'unselectable', 'on' )
.bind( 'selectstart' + namespace, false );
} else {
$( 'body' )
.removeAttr( 'unselectable' )
.unbind( 'selectstart' + namespace );
bindings : function( c, wo ) {
var namespace = c.namespace + 'tsresize';
wo.$resizable_container.children().bind( 'mousedown', function( event ) {
// save header cell and mouse position
var column,
vars = wo.resizable_vars,
$extras = $( c.namespace + '_extra_headers' ),
$header = $( ).data( 'header' );
column = parseInt( $header.attr( 'data-column' ), 10 );
vars.$target = $header = $header.add( $extras.filter('[data-column="' + column + '"]') ); = column;
// if table is not as wide as it's parent, then resize the table
vars.$next = event.shiftKey || wo.resizable_targetLast ?
$header.parent().children().not( '.resizable-false' ).filter( ':last' ) :
$header.nextAll( ':not(.resizable-false)' ).eq( 0 );
column = parseInt( vars.$next.attr( 'data-column' ), 10 );
vars.$next = vars.$next.add( $extras.filter('[data-column="' + column + '"]') ); = column;
vars.mouseXPosition = event.pageX;
ts.resizable.updateStoredSizes( c, wo );
ts.resizable.toggleTextSelection(c, wo, true );
$( document )
.bind( 'mousemove' + namespace, function( event ) {
var vars = wo.resizable_vars;
// ignore mousemove if no mousedown
if ( !vars.disabled || vars.mouseXPosition === 0 || !vars.$target ) { return; }
if ( wo.resizable_throttle ) {
clearTimeout( vars.timer );
vars.timer = setTimeout( function() {
ts.resizable.mouseMove( c, wo, event );
}, isNaN( wo.resizable_throttle ) ? 5 : wo.resizable_throttle );
} else {
ts.resizable.mouseMove( c, wo, event );
.bind( 'mouseup' + namespace, function() {
if (!wo.resizable_vars.disabled) { return; }
ts.resizable.toggleTextSelection( c, wo, false );
ts.resizable.stopResize( c, wo );
ts.resizable.setHandlePosition( c, wo );
// resizeEnd event triggered by scroller widget
$( window ).bind( 'resize' + namespace + ' resizeEnd' + namespace, function() {
ts.resizable.setHandlePosition( c, wo );
// right click to reset columns to default widths
.bind( 'columnUpdate' + namespace, function() {
ts.resizable.setHandlePosition( c, wo );
.find( 'thead:first' )
.add( $( c.namespace + '_extra_table' ).find( 'thead:first' ) )
.bind( 'contextmenu' + namespace, function() {
// $.isEmptyObject() needs jQuery 1.4+; allow right click if already reset
var allowClick = wo.resizable_vars.storedSizes.length === 0;
ts.resizableReset( c.table );
ts.resizable.setHandlePosition( c, wo );
wo.resizable_vars.storedSizes = [];
return allowClick;
mouseMove : function( c, wo, event ) {
if ( wo.resizable_vars.mouseXPosition === 0 || !wo.resizable_vars.$target ) { return; }
// resize columns
var column,
total = 0,
vars = wo.resizable_vars,
$next = vars.$next,
tar = vars.storedSizes[ ],
leftEdge = event.pageX - vars.mouseXPosition;
if ( vars.overflow ) {
if ( tar + leftEdge > 0 ) {
vars.storedSizes[ ] += leftEdge;
ts.resizable.setWidth( vars.$target, vars.storedSizes[ ], true );
// update the entire table width
for ( column = 0; column < c.columns; column++ ) {
total += vars.storedSizes[ column ];
ts.resizable.setWidth( c.$table.add( $( c.namespace + '_extra_table' ) ), total );
if ( !$next.length ) {
// if expanding right-most column, scroll the wrapper
vars.$wrap[0].scrollLeft = c.$table.width();
} else if ( vars.fullWidth ) {
vars.storedSizes[ ] += leftEdge;
vars.storedSizes[ ] -= leftEdge;
ts.resizable.setWidths( c, wo );
} else {
vars.storedSizes[ ] += leftEdge;
ts.resizable.setWidths( c, wo );
vars.mouseXPosition = event.pageX;
// dynamically update sticky header widths
stopResize : function( c, wo ) {
var vars = wo.resizable_vars;
ts.resizable.updateStoredSizes( c, wo );
if ( vars.useStorage ) {
// save all column widths c.table, ts.css.resizableStorage, vars.storedSizes ); c.table, 'tablesorter-table-resized-width', c.$table.width() );
vars.mouseXPosition = 0;
vars.$target = vars.$next = null;
// will update stickyHeaders, just in case, see #912
// this widget saves the column widths if
// $ function is included
// **************************
id: 'resizable',
priority: 40,
options: {
resizable : true, // save column widths to storage
resizable_addLastColumn : false,
resizable_widths : [],
resizable_throttle : false, // set to true (5ms) or any number 0-10 range
resizable_targetLast : false,
resizable_fullWidth : null
init: function(table, thisWidget, c, wo) {
ts.resizable.init( c, wo );
remove: function( table, c, wo, refreshing ) {
if (wo.$resizable_container) {
var namespace = c.namespace + 'tsresize';
c.$table.add( $( c.namespace + '_extra_table' ) )
.children( 'thead' )
.unbind( 'contextmenu' + namespace );
ts.resizable.toggleTextSelection( c, wo, false );
ts.resizableReset( table, refreshing );
$( document ).unbind( 'mousemove' + namespace + ' mouseup' + namespace );
ts.resizableReset = function( table, refreshing ) {
$( table ).each(function(){
var index, $t,
c = this.config,
wo = c && c.widgetOptions,
vars = wo.resizable_vars;
if ( table && c && c.$headerIndexed.length ) {
// restore the initial table width
if ( vars.overflow && vars.tableWidth ) {
ts.resizable.setWidth( c.$table, vars.tableWidth, true );
if ( vars.useStorage ) { table, 'tablesorter-table-resized-width', 'auto' );
for ( index = 0; index < c.columns; index++ ) {
$t = c.$headerIndexed[ index ];
if ( wo.resizable_widths && wo.resizable_widths[ index ] ) {
ts.resizable.setWidth( $t, wo.resizable_widths[ index ], vars.overflow );
} else if ( !$t.hasClass( 'resizable-false' ) ) {
// don't clear the width of any column that is not resizable
ts.resizable.setWidth( $t, '', vars.overflow );
// reset stickyHeader widths
c.$table.triggerHandler( 'stickyHeadersUpdate' );
if ( && !refreshing ) { this, ts.css.resizableStorage, {} );
})( jQuery, window );
/*! Widget: saveSort - updated 10/31/2015 (v2.24.0) *//*
* Requires tablesorter v2.16+
* by Rob Garrison
;(function ($) {
'use strict';
var ts = $.tablesorter || {};
// this widget saves the last sort only if the
// saveSort widget option is true AND the
// $ function is included
// **************************
id: 'saveSort',
priority: 20,
options: {
saveSort : true
init: function(table, thisWidget, c, wo) {
// run widget format before all other widgets are applied to the table
thisWidget.format(table, c, wo, true);
format: function(table, c, wo, init) {
var stored, time,
$table = c.$table,
saveSort = wo.saveSort !== false, // make saveSort active/inactive; default to true
sortList = { 'sortList' : c.sortList };
if (c.debug) {
time = new Date();
if ($table.hasClass('hasSaveSort')) {
if (saveSort && table.hasInitialized && { table, 'tablesorter-savesort', sortList );
if (c.debug) {
console.log('saveSort widget: Saving last sort: ' + c.sortList + ts.benchmark(time));
} else {
// set table sort on initial run of the widget
sortList = '';
// get data
if ( {
stored = table, 'tablesorter-savesort' );
sortList = (stored && stored.hasOwnProperty('sortList') && $.isArray(stored.sortList)) ? stored.sortList : '';
if (c.debug) {
console.log('saveSort: Last sort loaded: "' + sortList + '"' + ts.benchmark(time));
$table.bind('saveSortReset', function(event) {
event.stopPropagation(); table, 'tablesorter-savesort', '' );
// init is true when widget init is run, this will run this widget before all other widgets have initialized
// this method allows using this widget in the original tablesorter plugin; but then it will run all widgets twice.
if (init && sortList && sortList.length > 0) {
c.sortList = sortList;
} else if (table.hasInitialized && sortList && sortList.length > 0) {
// update sort change
ts.sortOn( c, sortList );
remove: function(table, c) {
// clear storage
if ( { table, 'tablesorter-savesort', '' ); }
return $.tablesorter;