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<title>jQuery plugin: Tablesorter 2.0 - Sort2Hash Widget (Beta)</title>
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<script id="js">$(function() {
$( 'table' ).tablesorter({
theme: 'blue',
widgets: [ 'zebra', 'sort2Hash' ],
widgetOptions : {
// hash prefix
sort2Hash_hash : '#',
// don't '#' or '=' here
sort2Hash_separator : ',',
// this option > table ID > table index on page
sort2Hash_tableId : null,
// if true, show header cell text instead of a zero-based column index
sort2Hash_useHeaderText : false,
// allow processing of text if sort2Hash_useHeaderText: true
sort2Hash_processHeaderText : null, // function( text, config, columnIndex ) {},
// direction text shown in the URL e.g. [ 'asc', 'desc' ]
sort2Hash_directionText : [ 0, 1 ], // default values
// if true, override saveSort widget sort, if used & stored sort is available
sort2Hash_overrideSaveSort : true // default = false
<div id="banner">
<h2>Sort2Hash Widget (Beta)</h2>
<h3>Flexible client-side table sorting</h3>
<a href="index.html">Back to documentation</a>
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<h3><a href="#">Notes</a></h3>
<li>Added <span class="version">v2.22.4</span>. Instead of using the <a href="example-widget-savesort.html">saveSort</a> widget, this widget updates the hash tag to allow saving &amp; sharing a sort applied to a tablesorter table.</li>
<li>Sort the tables in the demo below. Notice the changes made to the location hash, then reload the page to have the hash applied to the tables.</li>
<li>This widget requires jQuery version 1.7+.</li>
<li>This widget does NOT work with tablesorter v2.0.5.</li>
<h3><a href="#">Options</a></h3>
<h3>Sort2Hash widget default options (added inside of tablesorter <code>widgetOptions</code>)</h3>
<div class="tip">
<span class="label label-info">TIP!</span> Click on the link in the option column to reveal full details (or <a href="#" class="toggleAll">toggle</a>|<a href="#" class="showAll">show</a>|<a href="#" class="hideAll">hide</a> all) or double click to update the browser location.
<table class="tablesorter-blue options">
<tr><th>Option</th><th>Default</th><th class="sorter-false">Description</th></tr>
<tr id="sort2hash_hash">
<td><span class="permalink">sort2hash_hash</span></td>
The hash should always be there. This option was added to allow setting extra hash parameters and/or hashbang or whatever.
<tr id="sort2hash_separator">
<td><a href="#" class="permalink">sort2Hash_separator</a></td>
Change the hash separator using this option. There are some limitations.
<div class="collapsible">
In the location hash, the sort parameters are added as <code>&tableID=column,direction, ... ,column,direction</code> (no spaces). This option allows changing the column-direction separator, a comma by default, into the chosen separator.
<p><span class="label alert">*NOTE*</span> Do not set this option to use a hash (<code>#</code>), ampersand (<code>&</code>) or equal sign (<code>=</code>) as it will interfere with how the hash parameters are set up.</p>
<tr id="sort2hash_tableid">
<td><a href="#" class="permalink">sort2Hash_tableId</a></td>
Set an ID here to override the table id attribute.
<div class="collapsible">
In the location hash, the sort parameters are added as <code>&tableID=column,direction, ... ,column,direction</code> (no spaces). The <code>tableID</code> is set by this option.
<p>This option setting is prioritized over the actual table ID attribute. If neither are set, the <code>tableID</code> will be set as the table's zero-based index on the page.</p>
<pre class="prettyprint">sort2Hash_tableID &gt; attribute &gt; table index</pre>
<tr id="sort2hash_useheadertext">
<td><a href="#" class="permalink">sort2Hash_useHeaderText</a></td>
If <code>true</code>, text from the header is used instead of a zero-based column index.
<div class="collapsible">
Please be aware that if the column text contains spaces or special characters, they will be encoded in the URL. So, <code>"First &#xa3;$&#x20ac;&#x00a4;&#x00a5;&#xa2; Name"</code> will become <code>"First%20%C2%A3$%E2%82%AC%C2%A4%C2%A5%C2%A2%20Name"</code>. This would make the hash very difficult to read.
<p>Further processing of this header cell text can be done using the <code>sort2Hash_processHeaderText</code> function.</p>
<tr id="sort2hash_processheadertext">
<td><a href="#" class="permalink">sort2Hash_processHeaderText</a></td>
If the <code>sort2Hash_useHeaderText</code> option is <code>true</code>, a function here will further process the header cell text.
<div class="collapsible">
Use this function to perform any processing on the header cell text, as desired.
<p>At this point, the header cell text has not been encoded.</p>
<p>Here is one example:</p>
<pre class="prettyprint lang-js">sort2Hash_processHeaderText : function( text, config, columnIndex ) {
// remove all non-alphanumeric characters (including spaces)
return text.replace( /[^a-z0-9]/gi, '' );
Another example:
<pre class="prettyprint lang-js">sort2Hash_processHeaderText : function( text, config, columnIndex ) {
// completely custom text to use for the hash
// this method assumes that the table layout is constant
// (i.e. columns are not added, removed or rearranged)
return [ 'first', 'last', 'age', 'total', 'disc', 'date' ][ columnIndex ];
<tr id="sort2hash_directiontext">
<td><a href="#" class="permalink">sort2Hash_directionText</a></td>
<td><code>[ 0, 1 ]</code></td>
Set the direction text shown in the URL.
<div class="collapsible">
Only the first two values will be used from this array. The first value is assigned to ascending sorts and the second is assigned to descending sorts.
<p>Use the option as follows:</p>
<pre class="prettyprint lang-js">sort2Hash_directionText : [ 'asc', 'desc' ]</pre>
<span class="label warning">*NOTE*</span> When converting the hash into a value, if the direction hash does not match the second value (<code>'desc'</code> in the example above), it will fallback to an ascending sort no matter what text in contained within the first value.
<tr id="sort2hash_overridesavesort">
<td><span class="permalink">sort2Hash_overrideSaveSort</span></td>
<td>if <code>true</code>, the hash sort will override any stored sort (saveSort widget).</td>
<div id="demo"><table>
<th>First Name</th>
<th>Last Name</th>
<tr><td>Peter</td><td>Parker</td><td>28</td><td>$9.99</td><td>20%</td><td>Jul 6, 2006 8:14 AM</td></tr>
<tr><td>John</td><td>Hood</td><td>33</td><td>$19.99</td><td>25%</td><td>Dec 10, 2002 5:14 AM</td></tr>
<tr><td>Clark</td><td>Kent</td><td>18</td><td>$15.89</td><td>44%</td><td>Jan 12, 2003 11:14 AM</td></tr>
<tr><td>Bruce</td><td>Almighty</td><td>45</td><td>$153.19</td><td>44%</td><td>Jan 18, 2001 9:12 AM</td></tr>
<tr><td>Bruce</td><td>Evans</td><td>22</td><td>$13.19</td><td>11%</td><td>Jan 18, 2007 9:12 AM</td></tr>
<table id="second">
<th>First Name</th>
<th>Last Name</th>
<tr><td>Peter</td><td>Parker</td><td>28</td><td>$9.99</td><td>20%</td><td>Jul 6, 2006 8:14 AM</td></tr>
<tr><td>John</td><td>Hood</td><td>33</td><td>$19.99</td><td>25%</td><td>Dec 10, 2002 5:14 AM</td></tr>
<tr><td>Clark</td><td>Kent</td><td>18</td><td>$15.89</td><td>44%</td><td>Jan 12, 2003 11:14 AM</td></tr>
<tr><td>Bruce</td><td>Almighty</td><td>45</td><td>$153.19</td><td>44%</td><td>Jan 18, 2001 9:12 AM</td></tr>
<tr><td>Bruce</td><td>Evans</td><td>22</td><td>$13.19</td><td>11%</td><td>Jan 18, 2007 9:12 AM</td></tr>
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