2015-10-30 15:28:32 -05:00

486 lines
17 KiB

/* Widget: columnSelector (responsive table widget) - updated 8/23/2015 (v2.23.2) *//*
* Requires tablesorter v2.8+ and jQuery 1.7+
* by Justin Hallett & Rob Garrison
/*jshint browser:true, jquery:true, unused:false */
/*global jQuery: false */
'use strict';
var ts = $.tablesorter,
namespace = '.tscolsel',
tsColSel = ts.columnSelector = {
queryAll : '@media only all { [columns] { display: none; } } ',
queryBreak : '@media all and (min-width: [size]) { [columns] { display: table-cell; } } ',
init: function(table, c, wo) {
var $t, colSel;
// abort if no input is contained within the layout
$t = $(wo.columnSelector_layout);
if (!$t.find('input').add( $t.filter('input') ).length) {
if (c.debug) {
console.error('ColumnSelector: >> ERROR: Column Selector aborting, no input found in the layout! ***');
// unique table class name
c.$table.addClass( c.namespace.slice(1) + 'columnselector' );
// build column selector/state array
colSel = c.selector = { $container : $(wo.columnSelector_container || '<div>') };
colSel.$style = $('<style></style>').prop('disabled', true).appendTo('head');
colSel.$breakpoints = $('<style></style>').prop('disabled', true).appendTo('head');
colSel.isInitializing = true;
tsColSel.setUpColspan(c, wo);
tsColSel.setupSelector(c, wo);
if (wo.columnSelector_mediaquery) {
tsColSel.setupBreakpoints(c, wo);
colSel.isInitializing = false;
if (colSel.$container.length) {
tsColSel.updateCols(c, wo);
} else if (c.debug) {
console.warn('ColumnSelector: >> container not found');
.off('refreshColumnSelector' + namespace)
/* $('table').trigger('refreshColumnSelector', arguments ); showing arguments below
undefined = refresh current settings (update css hiding columns)
'selectors' = update container contents (replace inputs/labels)
[ [2,3,4] ] = set visible columns; turn off "auto" mode.
[ 'columns', [2,3,4] ] = set visible columns; turn off "auto" mode.
[ 'auto', [2,3,4] ] = set visible columns; turn on "auto" mode.
true = turn on "auto" mode.
.on('refreshColumnSelector' + namespace, function( e, optName, optState ){
// make sure we're using current config settings
tsColSel.refreshColumns( this.config, optName, optState );
refreshColumns: function( c, optName, optState ) {
var i, arry,
isArry = $.isArray(optState || optName),
wo = c.widgetOptions;
// see #798
if (typeof optName !== 'undefined' && c.selector.$container.length) {
// pass "selectors" to update the all of the container contents
if ( optName === 'selectors' ) {
tsColSel.setupSelector(c, wo);
tsColSel.setupBreakpoints(c, wo);
// if optState is undefined, maintain the current "auto" state
if ( typeof optState === 'undefined' ) {
optState =;
// pass an array of column zero-based indexes to turn off auto mode & toggle selected columns
if (isArry) {
arry = optState || optName;
// make sure array contains numbers
$.each(arry, function(i, v){
arry[i] = parseInt(v, 10);
for (i = 0; i < c.columns; i++) {
.find('input[data-column=' + i + ']')
.prop('checked', $.inArray( i, arry ) >= 0 );
// if passing an array, set auto to false to allow manual column selection & update columns
// refreshColumns( c, 'auto', true ) === refreshColumns( c, true );
.updateAuto( c, wo, c.selector.$container.find('input[data-column="auto"]')
.prop('checked', optState === true || optName === true || optName === 'auto' && optState !== false) );
} else {
tsColSel.updateBreakpoints(c, wo);
tsColSel.updateCols(c, wo);
tsColSel.adjustColspans( c, wo );
setupSelector: function(c, wo) {
var index, name, $header, priority, col, colId,
colSel = c.selector,
$container = colSel.$container,
useStorage = wo.columnSelector_saveColumns &&,
// get stored column states
saved = useStorage ? c.table, 'tablesorter-columnSelector' ) : [],
state = useStorage ? c.table, 'tablesorter-columnSelector-auto') : {};
// initial states = $.isEmptyObject(state) || $.type( !== 'boolean' ? wo.columnSelector_mediaqueryState :;
colSel.states = [];
colSel.$column = [];
colSel.$wrapper = [];
colSel.$checkbox = [];
// populate the selector container
for ( index = 0; index < c.columns; index++ ) {
$header = c.$headerIndexed[ index ];
// if no data-priority is assigned, default to 1, but don't remove it from the selector list
priority = $header.attr(wo.columnSelector_priority) || 1;
colId = $header.attr('data-column');
col = ts.getColumnData( c.table, c.headers, colId );
state = ts.getData( $header, col, 'columnSelector');
// if this column not hidable at all
// include getData check (includes 'columnSelector-false' class, data attribute, etc)
if ( isNaN(priority) && priority.length > 0 || state === 'disable' ||
( wo.columnSelector_columns[colId] && wo.columnSelector_columns[colId] === 'disable') ) {
continue; // goto next
// set default state; storage takes priority
colSel.states[colId] = saved && typeof saved[colId] !== 'undefined' ?
saved[colId] : typeof wo.columnSelector_columns[colId] !== 'undefined' ?
wo.columnSelector_columns[colId] : (state === 'true' || state !== 'false');
colSel.$column[colId] = $(this);
// set default col title
name = $header.attr(wo.columnSelector_name) || $header.text();
if ($container.length) {
colSel.$wrapper[colId] = $(wo.columnSelector_layout.replace(/\{name\}/g, name)).appendTo($container);
colSel.$checkbox[colId] = colSel.$wrapper[colId]
// input may not be wrapped within the layout template
.find('input').add( colSel.$wrapper[colId].filter('input') )
.attr('data-column', colId)
.toggleClass( wo.columnSelector_cssChecked, colSel.states[colId] )
.prop('checked', colSel.states[colId])
.on('change', function(){
// ensure states is accurate
var colId = $(this).attr('data-column');
c.selector.states[colId] = this.checked;
tsColSel.updateCols(c, wo);
setupBreakpoints: function(c, wo) {
var colSel = c.selector;
// add responsive breakpoints
if (wo.columnSelector_mediaquery) {
// used by window resize function
colSel.lastIndex = -1;
tsColSel.updateBreakpoints(c, wo);
.off('updateAll' + namespace)
.on('updateAll' + namespace, function(){
tsColSel.updateBreakpoints(c, wo);
tsColSel.updateCols(c, wo);
if (colSel.$container.length) {
// Add media queries toggle
if (wo.columnSelector_mediaquery) {
colSel.$auto = $( wo.columnSelector_layout.replace(/\{name\}/g, wo.columnSelector_mediaqueryName) ).prependTo(colSel.$container);
// needed in case the input in the layout is not wrapped
.find('input').add( colSel.$auto.filter('input') )
.attr('data-column', 'auto')
.toggleClass( wo.columnSelector_cssChecked, )
.on('change', function(){
tsColSel.updateAuto(c, wo, $(this));
// Add a bind on update to re-run col setup
c.$'update' + namespace).on('update' + namespace, function() {
tsColSel.updateCols(c, wo);
updateAuto: function(c, wo, $el) {
var colSel = c.selector; = $el.prop('checked') || false;
$.each( colSel.$checkbox, function(i, $cb){
if ($cb) {
$cb[0].disabled =;
if (wo.columnSelector_mediaquery) {
tsColSel.updateBreakpoints(c, wo);
tsColSel.updateCols(c, wo);
// copy the column selector to a popup/tooltip
if (c.selector.$popup) {
.html( colSel.$container.html() )
var indx = $(this).attr('data-column');
$(this).prop( 'checked', indx === 'auto' ? : colSel.states[indx] );
if (wo.columnSelector_saveColumns && { c.$table[0], 'tablesorter-columnSelector-auto', { auto : } );
tsColSel.adjustColspans( c, wo );
// trigger columnUpdate if auto is true (it gets skipped in updateCols()
if ( {
addSelectors: function( prefix, column ) {
var array = [],
temp = ' col:nth-child(' + column + ')';
array.push(prefix + temp + ',' + prefix + '_extra_table' + temp);
temp = ' tr th:nth-child(' + column + ')';
array.push(prefix + temp + ',' + prefix + '_extra_table' + temp);
temp = ' tr td:nth-child(' + column + ')';
array.push(prefix + temp + ',' + prefix + '_extra_table' + temp);
return array;
updateBreakpoints: function(c, wo) {
var priority, col, column, breaks,
isHidden = [],
colSel = c.selector,
prefix = c.namespace + 'columnselector',
mediaAll = [],
breakpts = '';
if (wo.columnSelector_mediaquery && ! {
colSel.$breakpoints.prop('disabled', true);
colSel.$style.prop('disabled', false);
if (wo.columnSelector_mediaqueryHidden) {
// add columns to be hidden; even when "auto" is set - see #964
for ( column = 0; column < c.columns; column++ ) {
col = ts.getColumnData( c.table, c.headers, column );
isHidden[ column + 1 ] = ts.getData( c.$headerIndexed[ column ], col, 'columnSelector' ) === 'false';
if ( isHidden[ column + 1 ] ) {
// hide columnSelector false column (in auto mode)
mediaAll = mediaAll.concat( tsColSel.addSelectors( prefix, column + 1 ) );
// only 6 breakpoints (same as jQuery Mobile)
for (priority = 0; priority < 6; priority++){
/*jshint loopfunc:true */
breaks = [];
c.$headers.filter('[' + wo.columnSelector_priority + '=' + (priority + 1) + ']').each(function(){
column = parseInt($(this).attr('data-column'), 10) + 1;
// don't reveal columnSelector false columns
if ( !isHidden[ column ] ) {
breaks = breaks.concat( tsColSel.addSelectors( prefix, column ) );
if (breaks.length) {
mediaAll = mediaAll.concat( breaks );
breakpts += tsColSel.queryBreak
.replace(/\[size\]/g, wo.columnSelector_breakpoints[priority])
.replace(/\[columns\]/g, breaks.join(','));
if (colSel.$style) {
colSel.$style.prop('disabled', true);
if (mediaAll.length) {
.prop('disabled', false)
.html( tsColSel.queryAll.replace(/\[columns\]/g, mediaAll.join(',')) + breakpts );
updateCols: function(c, wo) {
if (wo.columnSelector_mediaquery && || c.selector.isInitializing) {
var column,
colSel = c.selector,
styles = [],
prefix = c.namespace + 'columnselector';
if (!this.checked) {
column = parseInt( $(this).attr('data-column'), 10 ) + 1;
styles = styles.concat( tsColSel.addSelectors( prefix, column ) );
$(this).toggleClass( wo.columnSelector_cssChecked, this.checked );
if (wo.columnSelector_mediaquery){
colSel.$breakpoints.prop('disabled', true);
if (colSel.$style) {
colSel.$style.prop('disabled', false).html( styles.length ? styles.join(',') + ' { display: none; }' : '' );
if (wo.columnSelector_saveColumns && { c.$table[0], 'tablesorter-columnSelector', colSel.states );
tsColSel.adjustColspans( c, wo );
setUpColspan: function(c, wo) {
var index, span, nspace,
$window = $( window ),
hasSpans = false,
$cells = c.$table
.add( $(c.namespace + '_extra_table') )
.children('thead, tfoot')
.children('th, td'),
len = $cells.length;
for ( index = 0; index < len; index++ ) {
span = $cells[ index ].colSpan;
if ( span > 1 ) {
hasSpans = true;
$cells.eq( index )
.addClass( c.namespace.slice( 1 ) + 'columnselectorHasSpan' )
.attr( 'data-col-span', span );
// only add resize end if using media queries
if ( hasSpans && wo.columnSelector_mediaquery ) {
nspace = c.namespace.slice( 1 ) + 'columnselector';
// Setup window.resizeEnd event
.off( nspace )
.on( 'resize' + nspace, ts.window_resize )
.on( 'resizeEnd' + nspace, function() {
// IE calls resize when you modify content, so we have to unbind the resize event
// so we don't end up with an infinite loop. we can rebind after we're done.
$ 'resize' + nspace, ts.window_resize );
tsColSel.adjustColspans( c, wo );
$window.on( 'resize' + nspace, ts.window_resize );
adjustColspans: function(c, wo) {
var index, cols, col, span, end,
colSel = c.selector,
autoModeOn =,
$colspans = $( c.namespace + 'columnselectorHasSpan' ),
len = $colspans.length;
if ( len ) {
for ( index = 0; index < len; index++ ) {
col = parseInt( $colspans.eq(index).attr('data-column'), 10 );
span = parseInt( $colspans.eq(index).attr('data-col-span'), 10 );
end = col + span;
for ( cols = col; cols < end; cols++ ) {
if ( !autoModeOn && colSel.states[ cols ] === false ||
autoModeOn && c.$headerIndexed[ cols ] && !c.$headerIndexed[ cols ].is(':visible') ) {
if ( span ) {
$colspans.eq(index).show()[0].colSpan = span;
} else {
attachTo : function(table, elm) {
table = $(table)[0];
var colSel, wo, indx,
c = table.config,
$popup = $(elm);
if ($popup.length && c) {
if (!$popup.find('.tablesorter-column-selector').length) {
// add a wrapper to add the selector into, in case the popup has other content
$popup.append('<span class="tablesorter-column-selector"></span>');
colSel = c.selector;
wo = c.widgetOptions;
.html( colSel.$container.html() )
var indx = $(this).attr('data-column'),
isChecked = indx === 'auto' ? : colSel.states[indx];
.toggleClass( wo.columnSelector_cssChecked, isChecked )
.prop( 'checked', isChecked );
colSel.$popup = $popup.on('change', 'input', function(){
// data input
indx = $(this).toggleClass( wo.columnSelector_cssChecked, this.checked ).attr('data-column');
// update original popup
colSel.$container.find('input[data-column="' + indx + '"]')
.prop('checked', this.checked)
/* Add window resizeEnd event (also used by scroller widget) */
ts.window_resize = function() {
if ( ts.timer_resize ) {
clearTimeout( ts.timer_resize );
ts.timer_resize = setTimeout( function() {
$( window ).trigger( 'resizeEnd' );
}, 250 );
id: 'columnSelector',
priority: 10,
options: {
// target the column selector markup
columnSelector_container : null,
// column status, true = display, false = hide
// disable = do not display on list
columnSelector_columns : {},
// remember selected columns
columnSelector_saveColumns: true,
// container layout
columnSelector_layout : '<label><input type="checkbox">{name}</label>',
// data attribute containing column name to use in the selector container
columnSelector_name : 'data-selector-name',
/* Responsive Media Query settings */
// enable/disable mediaquery breakpoints
columnSelector_mediaquery: true,
// toggle checkbox name
columnSelector_mediaqueryName: 'Auto: ',
// breakpoints checkbox initial setting
columnSelector_mediaqueryState: true,
// hide columnSelector false columns while in auto mode
columnSelector_mediaqueryHidden: false,
// responsive table hides columns with priority 1-6 at these breakpoints
// see
// *** set to false to disable ***
columnSelector_breakpoints : [ '20em', '30em', '40em', '50em', '60em', '70em' ],
// data attribute containing column priority
// duplicates how jQuery mobile uses priorities:
columnSelector_priority : 'data-priority',
// class name added to checked checkboxes - this fixes an issue with Chrome not updating FontAwesome
// applied icons; use this class name (input.checked) instead of input:checked
columnSelector_cssChecked : 'checked',
// event triggered when columnSelector completes
columnSelector_updated : 'columnUpdate'
init: function(table, thisWidget, c, wo) {
tsColSel.init(table, c, wo);
remove: function(table, c, wo, refreshing) {
if (refreshing) { return; }
var csel = c.selector;
if (csel.$popup) { csel.$popup.empty(); }
c.$'updateAll' + namespace + ' update' + namespace);