2016-01-10 18:00:36 -06:00

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<title>jQuery tablesorter 2.0 - Writing custom widgets</title>
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<script src="../js/jquery.tablesorter.js"></script>
<!-- Tablesorter: optional -->
<script src="../addons/pager/jquery.tablesorter.pager.js"></script>
<script id="js">$(function() {
// add new widget called repeatHeaders
// updated v2.18.0 (works in nested tables)
// *****************************************
id: "repeatHeaders",
priority: 10,
options: {
rowsToSkip : 4
// format is called on init and when a sorting has finished
format: function(table, c, wo) {
var h = '', i, $tr, l, skip;
// cache and collect all TH headers
if (!wo.repeatHeaders) {
// "remove-me" class was added in case the table needs to be updated, the "remove-me" rows will be
// removed prior to the update to prevent including the rows in the update - see "selectorRemove" option
h = '<tr class="repeated-header remove-me">';
$.each(c.headerContent, function(i,t) {
// table.config.headerContent stores the original table HTML (as text), but it is the HTML before
// the headerTemplate option is applied to each header cell; and before the `onRender` callbacks are
// executed
h += '<th>' + t + '</th>';
wo.repeatHeaders = h + '</tr>';
// number of rows to skip
skip = wo && wo.rowsToSkip || 4;
// remove appended headers by classname
// only find visible rows (may be filtered)
$tr = c.$tbodies.children('tr:visible');
l = $tr.length;
// loop all tr elements and insert a copy of the "headers"
for (i = skip; i < l; i += skip) {
// insert a copy of the table head every X rows
// this remove function is called when using the refreshWidgets method or when destroying the tablesorter plugin
// this function only applies to tablesorter v2.4+
remove: function(table, c){
// call the tablesorter plugin and assign widgets with id "zebra" (Default widget in the core) and the newly created "repeatHeaders"
theme: 'blue',
// apply both widgets
widgets: ['zebra', 'repeatHeaders'],
widgetOptions : {
rowsToSkip : 4
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<h2>Writing custom widgets</h2>
<h3>Flexible client-side table sorting</h3>
<a href="index.html">Back to documentation</a>
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<div class="tip">
Notes about the <code>addWidget</code> template:
<li>The <code>id</code> block:
<li>The widget id, or name, must be unique!</li>
<li>The id, or name, can contain special characters and/or spaces.</li>
<li>This setting is required.</li>
<li>The <code>priority</code> block (added <span class="version">v2.9</span>):
<li>Set the widget priority using any number; think of it like setting the css z-index.</li>
<li>This tells the plugin the order in which to run the widgets, lowest number priority first.</li>
<li>The default widgets have priorities set in intervals of 10 (see the <a href="index.html#Widget-options"> widget priority table</a>), so to run your custom widget before a specific widget, set your widget priority to less than that number.</li>
<li>This block is <strong>not supported in older versions</strong>!</li>
<li>This setting is optional, but if no priority is specified, it defaults to <code>10</code>.</li>
<li>The <code>options</code> block (added <span class="version">v2.8</span>):
<li>Include any widget options to be automatically be extended with any set widgetOptions (from <code>table.config.widgetOptions</code>).</li>
<li>As of v2.8, no included widgets will be using this to maintain backwards compatibility with older versions. This changed when v2.9 was released.</li>
<li>This block is <strong>not supported in older versions</strong>!</li>
<li>This block is optional.</li>
<li>The <code>init</code> block (added v2.0.28):
<li>This code is called only after tablesorter has initialized, but before initial sort and before <strong>any</strong> of the widgets are applied (via the <code>format</code> block); it is only run once.</li>
<li>Since, v2.0.28, only the saveSort widget uses this block to ensure that the stored sort is applied before; but some of the newer widgets (post v2.9) are using this code block.</li>
<li>This block is <strong>not supported in older versions</strong>.</li>
<li>This block is optional.</li>
<li>The <code>format</code> block (modified v2.0.23):
<li>This block is part of the original <code>addWidget</code> template and is required.</li>
<li>In the original template, only the <code>table</code> parameter is provided. After v2.0.28, <code>config</code> and <code>widgetOptions</code> were provided as additional parameters (sorry the previous docs were incorrect).</li>
<li>The <code>initFlag</code> is correctly set in v2.8+.</li>
<li>The <code>remove</code> block (added v2.4):
<li>In <span class="version">v2.19.0</span> the <code>refreshing</code> parameter was added:
<li>It is a parameter used to indicate that the <a href="index.html#refreshwidgets"><code>refreshWidgets</code></a> method was triggered.</li>
<li>When widgets are refreshed, the <code>remove</code> method is called, then the widget <code>init</code> function is immediately called to reapply the widget.</li>
<li>In this update, this parameter is used by the filter widget to retain filtered rows and prevent a "flash" of showing all rows, then returning to its previous state after applying the filter again.</li>
<li>This code is called when either the <a href="index.html#refreshwidgets"><code>refreshWidgets</code></a> or <a href="index.html#destroy"><code>destroy</code></a> methods are called.</li>
<li>The code contained within this block must remove all additional content/elements added by the widget. Also, any rows or content that is hidden must be restored.</li>
<li>If additional rows are added to the table, make sure to include the class name within the <a href="index.html#selectorremove"><code>selectorRemove</code></a> option.</li>
<li>This block was added in v2.4, and <strong>not supported in older versions</strong>.</li>
<li>This block is optional.</li>
<h3>addWidget Template</h3>
<pre class="prettyprint lang-javascript">// addWidget Template
// *******************
// parameters:
// table = table object (DOM)
// config = config object (from table.config)
// widgetOptions = all widget options (from table.config.widgetOptions)
id: 'myWidget',
// set the priority of the widget (optional)
priority: 10,
// widget options (added v2.8) - added to table.config.widgetOptions
options: {
myWidget_option1 : 'setting1',
myWidget_option2 : 'setting2'
// The init function (added v2.0.28) is called only after tablesorter has
// initialized, but before initial sort & before any of the widgets are applied.
init: function(table, thisWidget, config, widgetOptions){
// widget initialization code - this is only *RUN ONCE*
// but in this example, only the format function is called to from here
// to keep the widget backwards compatible with the original tablesorter
thisWidget.format(table, config, widgetOptions, true);
format: function(table, config, widgetOptions, initFlag) {
// widget code to apply to the table *AFTER EACH SORT*
// set the initFlag to true when this format is called from the init
// function above otherwise initFlag is undefined
// * see the saveSort widget for a full example *
remove: function(table, config, widgetOptions, refreshing){
// do what ever needs to be done to remove stuff added by your widget
// unbind events, restore hidden content, etc.
// refreshing flag is true when the refreshWidgets method is triggered, meaning
// the widget will be removed, then immediately reapplied
<table class="tablesorter">
<h3>Repeat Headers Widget</h3>
<div id="javascript">
<pre class="prettyprint lang-javascript"></pre>
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Next up: <a href="example-pager.html">Pager plugin &rsaquo;&rsaquo;</a>