mirror of
synced 2024-11-15 23:54:22 +00:00
Added "compare" & "selected" options to add a comparison dropdown Added "endOfDay" option for datepicker Filter resets now sets the default values instead of an empty string Saved filter searches now properly apply
174 lines
4.7 KiB
174 lines
4.7 KiB
var $t, t, v, animate, clicked,
cleanupCode = function(code){
return code.replace(/[<>\"\'\t\n]/g, function(m) { return {
'<' : '<',
'>' : '>',
"'" : ''',
'"' : '"',
'\t': ' ',
'\n': '<br/>' // needed for IE
$("a.external").each(function(){this.target = '_new';});
// get javascript source
if ($("#js").length) {
$("#javascript pre").addClass('mod').html( cleanupCode( $("#js").html() ) );
if ($("#css").length) {
$("pre.lang-css").addClass('mod').html( cleanupCode( $("#css").html() ) );
if ($("#demo").length) {
$("#html pre").addClass('mod').html( cleanupCode( $("#demo").html() ) );
// apply to already pre-formatted blocks to add <br> for IE
$t = $(this);
$t.html( cleanupCode( $t.html() ) );
if (typeof prettyPrint !== 'undefined') { prettyPrint(); }
// hide child rows
$('#root .tablesorter-childRow').hide();
// toggle child row content, not hiding the row since we are using rowspan
$('#root .toggle').click(function(){
return false;
animating = false;
clicked = false;
var $el = $(this);
if (!animating && !clicked) {
animating = true;
setTimeout(function(){ animating = false; }, 200);
}, 200);
return false;
clicked = true;
window.location.hash = '#' + $(this).closest('tr')[0].id;
setTimeout(function(){ clicked = false; }, 500);
return false;
$('.toggleAll, .showAll, .hideAll').click(function(){
t = $.trim($(this).text());
return false;
// update version number
$t = $('.current-version');
if ($t.length) {
// add high visibility tags for newest versions (just grab the major revision number 2.10.0 -> 10
t = $.tablesorter.version.replace(/(v|version|\+)/g, '').split('.');
v = [ parseInt(t[0], 10) || 1, parseInt(t[1], 10) || 0 ];
var i;
$t = $(this);
i = $t.text().replace(/(v|version|\+)/g, '').split('.');
t = [ parseInt(i[0], 10) || 1, parseInt(i[1], 10) || 0 ];
if (t[0] === v[0] && t[1] >= v[1] - 1 ) {
$t.prepend('<span class="label ' + ( t[0] === v[0] && t[1] < v[1] ? ' label-default' : ' label-success' ) +
'">'+ ($t.hasClass('updated') ? 'Updated' : 'New') + '</span> ');
$t = $('.accordion');
if ($t.length) {
var hashId = 0;
if (window.location.hash) {
var txt = $(this).find('a').text().toLowerCase().replace(/\s+/g,'_').replace(/[()\"]/g,'');
this.id = txt;
if (txt === window.location.hash.slice(1)) {
hashId = i;
active: hashId,
animate: false,
heightStyle: 'content',
collapsible: true,
create: function( event, ui ) {
this.id = $(this).find('a').text().toLowerCase().replace(/\s+/g,'_').replace(/[()\"]/g,'');
$(this).before('<a class="accordion-link link" data-index="' + i + '" href="#' + this.id + '"></a>');
$t.accordion( "option", "active", $(this).data('index') );
function showProperty(){
var prop, $t, h = window.location.hash;
if (h) {
prop = $(h);
if (prop.length && !/a|table/i.test(prop[0].tagName)) {
if (h === '#csschildrow') {
$('#root .tablesorter-childRow').show();
// move below sticky header; added delay as there could be some lag
$t = prop.closest('table');
h = $t[0].config.widgetOptions.$sticky.height() || 27;
if ($t.hasClass('options') || $t.hasClass('api')) {
$('body').scrollTop( prop.position().top - h );
}, 200);
if ($('#root').length) {
$(window).bind('hashchange', function(){
// append hidden parsed value to cell
// used by feet-inch-fraction & metric parser demos
var addParsedValues = function($t, cols, format){
var i, j, r,
$r = $t.find('tbody tr'),
c = $t[0].config.cache[0].normalized,
l = c.length - 1;
r = this;
$.each(cols, function(v,j){
r.cells[j].innerHTML += ' <span class="val hidden removeme">(<span class="results">' + (format ? format(c[i][j]) : c[i][j]) + '</span>)</span>';
$('.toggleparsedvalue').on('click', function(){
return false;