
98 lines
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* custom pager controls - beta testing
initialize custom pager script BEFORE initializing tablesorter/tablesorter pager
custom pager looks like this:
1 | 2 … 5 | 6 | 7 … 99 | 100
_ _ _ _ adjacentSpacer
_ _ distanceSpacer
_____ ________ ends (2 default)
_________ aroundCurrent (1 default)
/*jshint browser:true, jquery:true, unused:false, loopfunc:true */
/*global jQuery: false */
"use strict";
$.tablesorter = $.tablesorter || {};
$.tablesorter.customPagerControls = function(settings) {
var defaults = {
table : 'table',
pager : '.pager',
pageSize : '.left a',
currentPage : '.right a',
ends : 2, // number of pages to show of either end
aroundCurrent : 1, // number of pages surrounding the current page
link : '<a href="#">{page}</a>', // page element; use {page} to include the page number
currentClass : 'current', // current page class name
adjacentSpacer : ' | ', // spacer for page numbers next to each other
distanceSpacer : ' &#133; ', // spacer for page numbers away from each other (ellipsis)
addKeyboard : true // add left/right keyboard arrows to change current page
options = $.extend({}, defaults, settings),
$table = $(options.table);
.on('pagerInitialized pagerComplete', function (e, c) {
var indx, pages = $('<div/>'), pageArray = [],
cur = + 1,
start = cur > 1 ? (c.filteredPages - cur < options.aroundCurrent ? -(options.aroundCurrent + 1) + (c.filteredPages - cur) : -options.aroundCurrent) : 0,
end = cur < options.aroundCurrent + 1 ? options.aroundCurrent + 3 - cur : options.aroundCurrent + 1;
for (indx = start; indx < end; indx++) {
if (cur + indx >= 1 && cur + indx < c.filteredPages) { pageArray.push( cur + indx ); }
if (pageArray.length) {
// include first and last pages (ends) in the pagination
for (indx = 0; indx < options.ends; indx++){
if ($.inArray(indx + 1, pageArray) === -1) { pageArray.push(indx + 1); }
if ($.inArray(c.filteredPages - indx, pageArray) === -1) { pageArray.push(c.filteredPages - indx); }
// sort the list
pageArray = pageArray.sort(function(a, b){ return a - b; });
// make links and spacers
$.each(pageArray, function(indx, value){
.append( $(\{page\}/g, value)).toggleClass(options.currentClass, value === cur).attr('data-page', value) )
.append( '<span>' + (indx < pageArray.length - 1 && ( pageArray[ indx + 1 ] - 1 !== value ) ? options.distanceSpacer :
( indx >= pageArray.length - 1 ? '' : options.adjacentSpacer )) + '</span>' );
// set up pager controls
$(options.pager).find(options.pageSize).on('click', function () {
$table.trigger('pageSize', $(this).html());
return false;
.on('click', options.currentPage, function(){
$table.trigger('pageSet', $(this).attr('data-page'));
return false;
// make right/left arrow keys work
if (options.addKeyboard) {
$(document).on('keydown', function(events){
// ignore arrows inside form elements
if (/input|select|textarea/i.test( { return; }
if (events.which === 37) {
// left
$(options.pager).find(options.currentPage).filter('.' + options.currentClass).prevAll(':not(span):first').click();
} else if (events.which === 39) {
// right
$(options.pager).find(options.currentPage).filter('.' + options.currentClass).nextAll(':not(span):first').click();