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<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Tablesorter Testing (WIP)</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="testing/qunit-1.11.0.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="testing/testing.css">
<script src="testing/qunit-1.11.0.js"></script>
<script src="testing/jshint-r12.js"></script>
<script src="testing/jquery-1.8.3.min.js"></script>
<script src="js/jquery.tablesorter.js"></script>
<script src="js/jquery.metadata.js"></script>
<script src="testing/testing.js"></script>
var ts = $.tablesorter,
$table1 = $('.tester:eq(0)'),
$table2 = $('.tester:eq(1)'),
table1 = $table1[0],
table2 = $table2[0],
th0 = $table1.find('th')[0], // first table header cell
init = false,
undef, c1, c2, e, i, l, t;
.bind('tablesorter-initialized', function(){
init = true;
headers: {
0: { sorter: 'text' },
1: { sorter: 'text' },
2: { sorter: false }
JSHint testing
// Run JSHint on main js files
tester.jsHintTest('JSHint core', 'js/jquery.tablesorter.js');
tester.jsHintTest('JSHint widgets', 'js/jquery.tablesorter.widgets.js');
tester.jsHintTest('JSHint pager', 'addons/pager/jquery.tablesorter.pager.js');
test( "tablesorter loaded & initialized", function() {
equal( typeof ts, 'object', "tablesorter loaded");
equal( table1.hasInitialized, true, "tablesorter initialized flag");
equal( init, true, "tablesorter initialized event");
c1 = table1.config;
c2 = table2.config;
check isDigit function
var d = ts.isDigit;
test( "isDigit", function() {
ok( d('-1'), "allow negative (-1)");
ok( d('+1'), "allow plus (+1)");
ok( d('(1)'), "allow parenthesis (1)");
ok( d('123'), "string has numbers ('123')");
ok( d(123), "has numbers (123)");
ok( d('1.2'), "remove decimal (1.2)");
ok( d('1,234'),"remove commas (1,234)");
ok( d("11'"), "remove apostrophe's (11')"); // 11 feet
ok( d('3\'4"'),"remove quotes (3'4\")"); // 3 foot 4 inches
ok( d(' 12 '), "remove spaces ( 12 )");
ok( !d('x'), "non-digit alphabet");
ok( !d('1x'), "digit + alphabet");
ok( !d('x1'), "alphabet + digit");
ok( !d('@'), "non-digit symbols");
ok( !d('1-'), "negative after (1-) not allowed?");
ok( !d('1+'), "plus after (1+) not allowed?");
ok( !d('$2'), "no money; the currency parser will catch these");
check formatFloat function
var ff = function(str) {
return ts.formatFloat(str, table1);
test( "formatFloat", function() {
strictEqual( ff(''), '', 'returns empty string' );
strictEqual( ff(5), 5, 'returns numerical values');
c1.usNumberFormat = false;
strictEqual( ts.formatFloat('1,234,567.89'), 1234567.89, 'use format float without including table - defaults to US number format');
strictEqual( ff('1 234,56'), 1234.56, 'parse non-U.S. (French) number format');
strictEqual( ff('1.234,56'), 1234.56, 'parse non-U.S. (German) number format');
strictEqual( ff('-32,32'), -32.32, 'negative non-U.S. signed numbers');
strictEqual( ff('-1.234,56'), -1234.56, 'negative non-U.S. signed numbers');
strictEqual( ff('(32,32)'), -32.32, 'parenthesis wrapped non-U.S. negative number');
strictEqual( ff(' (32,32) '), -32.32, 'space + parenthesis wrapped non-U.S. negative number');
c1.usNumberFormat = true;
strictEqual( ff('1,234.56'), 1234.56, 'parse U.S. number format');
strictEqual( ff('-32.32'), -32.32, 'negative U.S. signed numbers');
strictEqual( ff('(32.32)'), -32.32, 'parenthesis wrapped U.S. negative number');
strictEqual( ff(' (32.32)'), -32.32, 'space + parenthesis wrapped U.S. negative number');
strictEqual( ff('fred'), 'fred', 'return string if not a number');
strictEqual( ff(' fred '), 'fred', 'return trimmed string if not a number');
strictEqual( ff('fred 12'), 'fred 12', 'return string if number not at beginning');
strictEqual( ff('12fred'), 12, 'parse number + string into number only');
strictEqual( ff('(fred)'), '(fred)', 'leave parenthesis intact on strings');
get data function - jQuery data > meta > headers option > header class name
var gd = function(n){
return ts.getData( c2.$headers[n], c2.headers[n], 'sorter' );
test( "getData", function() {
var txt = [ 'jQuery data', 'meta data', 'headers option', 'header class name' ];
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
equal( gd(i), 'false', txt[i]); // all columns have sorter false set
character equivalent replacement
test( "replace accents", function() {
strictEqual( ts.replaceAccents('\u00e1\u00e0\u00e2\u00e3\u00e4\u0105\u00e5\u00c1\u00c0\u00c2\u00c3\u00c4\u0104\u00c5'), 'aaaaaaaAAAAAAA', "replaced a's");
strictEqual( ts.replaceAccents('\u00e9\u00e8\u00ea\u00eb\u011b\u0119\u00c9\u00c8\u00ca\u00cb\u011a\u0118'), 'eeeeeeEEEEEE', "replaced e's");
strictEqual( ts.replaceAccents('\u00ed\u00ec\u0130\u00ee\u00ef\u0131\u00cd\u00cc\u0130\u00ce\u00cf'), 'iiiiiiIIiII', "replaced i's");
strictEqual( ts.replaceAccents('\u00f3\u00f2\u00f4\u00f5\u00f6\u00d3\u00d2\u00d4\u00d5\u00d6'), 'oooooOOOOO', "replaced o's");
strictEqual( ts.replaceAccents('\u00fa\u00f9\u00fb\u00fc\u016f\u00da\u00d9\u00db\u00dc\u016e'), 'uuuuuUUUUU', "replaced u's");
strictEqual( ts.replaceAccents('\u00e7\u0107\u010d\u00c7\u0106\u010c\u00df\u1e9e'), 'cccCCCssSS', "replaced c & s sharp");
check all default parsers
var p = ts.parsers,
// test by parser
parserTests = 84,
// skipping metadata parser
sample1 = {
'text' : { 'test': 'test', 'TesT': 'test', '\u00e1 test': 'á test' },
'currency' : { '£1': 1, '($2.23)': -2.23, '5€': 5, '(11¤)': -11, '500¥': 500, '25¢': 25, '$1,000.50': 1000.5 },
'ipAddress' : { '': 255255255255, '': 32032032032, '': 1001001001 },
'url' : { '': '', '': '', '': '' },
'isoDate' : { '2012/12/12': 1355292000000, '2012-12/12': 1355292000000, '2013-1-1': 1357020000000, '2013/1/1 12:34:56 AM': 1357022096000 },
'percent' : { '100%': 100, '22%': 22, '%2': 2, '2 %': 2, '(4%)': -4 },
'usLongDate': { 'Feb 23, 1999': 919749600000, 'Feb 23, 1999 12:34': 919794840000, 'Feb 23, 1999 12:34 AM': 919751640000, 'Feb 23, 1999 12:34:56 PM': 919794896000, '01 Jan 2013': 1357020000000 },
'shortDate' : { '1/2/2001': 978415200000, '1 2 2001': 978415200000, '1.2.2001': 978415200000, '1-2-2001': 978415200000, '1/2/2001 12:34 PM' : 978460440000, '1.2.2001 13:34' : 978464040000 },
'time' : { '12:34 AM': 946708440000, '1:00 pm': 946753200000 },
'digit' : { '12': 12, '$23': 23, '&44^': 44, '#(33)': -33, '1,000': 1000, '12.34': 12.34 }
// switch ignoreCase, sortLocalCompare & shortDate "ddmmyyyy"
sample2 = {
'text' : { 'TesT': 'TesT', '\u00e1 test': 'a test' },
'currency' : { '€ 123 456,78': 123456.78, '€ 123.456,78': 123456.78 },
'shortDate' : { '2/1/2001': 978415200000, '2-1-2001': 978415200000, '2 1,2001': 978415200000 }
// shortdate to "yyyymmdd"
sample3 = {
'shortDate' : { '2001/1/2': 978415200000, '2001-1/2': 978415200000, '2001,1.2': 978415200000 }
report = function(s) {
for (i = 0; i < p.length; i++) {
t = p[i].id;
if (s.hasOwnProperty(t)) {
$.each(s[t], function(k,v){
// check "is" and "format" functions
if (p[i].is(k)) {
equal( p[i].format(k, table1, th0, 0), v, t + ' parser: "' + k + '" parsed to ' + v );
} else {
equal( p[i].format(k, table1, th0, 0), v, t + ' parser **NOT DETECTED**: "' + k + '", but returns ' + v );
// test for undefined & null - probably overkill
strictEqual( p[i].format(undef, table1, th0, 0), undef, t + ' parser: will return undefined values properly' );
strictEqual( p[i].format(null, table1, th0, 0), null, t + ' parser: will return null values properly' );
test( "testing parsers", function() {
c1.sortLocaleCompare = true;
c1.ignoreCase = false;
c1.usNumberFormat = false;
th0.shortDateFormat = c1.dateFormat = "ddmmyyyy";
c1.usNumberFormat = true;
th0.shortDateFormat = c1.dateFormat = "yyyymmdd";
// undocumented sortValue
equal( ts.getParserById('metadata').format(null, table1, th0, 0), 'zzz', 'metadata parser found sortValue');
c1.parserMetadataName = 'poe';
equal( ts.getParserById('metadata').format(null, table1, th0, 0), 'nevermore', 'metadata parser found poe');
test parser cache
test( "parser cache; sorton methods", function() {
// lower case because table was parsed before c1.ignoreCase was changed
tester.cacheCompare( table1, [ 'test2', 'x2', 'test1', 'x3', 'test3', 'x1', '', '', 'testb', 'x5', 'testc', 'x4', 'testa', 'x6' ], 'unsorted' );
$table1.trigger('sorton', [[[ 0,0 ]]]);
tester.cacheCompare( table1, [ 'test1', 'x3', 'test2', 'x2', 'test3', 'x1', '', '', 'testa', 'x6', 'testb', 'x5', 'testc', 'x4' ], 'ascending sort' );
$table1.trigger('sorton', [[[ 0,1 ]]]);
tester.cacheCompare( table1, [ 'test3', 'x1', 'test2', 'x2', 'test1', 'x3', '', '', 'testc', 'x4', 'testb', 'x5', 'testa', 'x6' ], 'descending sort' );
test update methods
test( "parser cache; update methods", function() {
c1.ignoreCase = true;
// updateAll
return h.substring(1);
$table1.trigger('updateAll', [false, function(){
c1 = $table1[0].config;
var nw = $table1.find('th:eq(1)')[0],
hc = c1.headerContent[1] === 'num',
hd = c1.$headers[1] === nw,
hl = c1.headerList[1] === nw,
p1 = c1.parsers[1].id === 'digit';
equal(hc && hd && hl && p1, true, 'testing header cache: updateAll - thead');
tester.cacheCompare( table1, [ 'test3', 1, 'test2', 2, 'test1', 3, '', '', 'testc', 4, 'testb', 5, 'testa', 6 ], 'updateAll - tbody' );
// addRows
t = $('<tr class="temp"><td>testd</td><td>7</td></tr>');
$table1.trigger('addRows', [t, true, function(){
tester.cacheCompare( table1, [ 'test3', 1, 'test2', 2, 'test1', 3, '', '', 'testd', 7, 'testc', 4, 'testb', 5, 'testa', 6 ], 'addRows method' );
// updateCell
t = $table1.find('td:contains("testd")');
$table1.trigger('updateCell', [t[0], true, function(){
tester.cacheCompare( table1, [ 'test3', 1, 'test2', 2, 'test1', 3, '', '', 'texte', 7, 'testc', 4, 'testb', 5, 'testa', 6 ], 'updateCell method' );
// update
$table1.trigger('update', [true, function(){
tester.cacheCompare( table1, [ 'test3', 1, 'test2', 2, 'test1', 3, '', '', 'testc', 4, 'testb', 5, 'testa', 6 ], 'update method' );
check header css
test( "testing header css & sortReset method", function(){
t = $(th0);
$table1.trigger('sorton', [[[ 0,1 ]]] );
equal( t.hasClass(c1.cssDesc), true, 'Descending class present' );
$table1.trigger('sorton', [[[ 0,0 ]]] );
equal( t.hasClass(c1.cssAsc), true, 'Ascending class present' );
equal( t.hasClass(c1.cssAsc) || t.hasClass(c1.cssDesc), false, 'Testing sortReset' );
test apply widgets function using zebra widget
var zebra = function(){
t = true;
$table2.find('tbody tr').each(function(){
t = t ? $(this).hasClass('odd') || $(this).hasClass('even') : false;
return t;
test( "apply zebra widget", function(){
equal( zebra(), false, 'zebra not applied' );
c2.widgets = [ 'zebra' ];
equal( zebra(), true, 'zebra is applied' );
check destroy method
test("testing destroy method", function(){
$table2.trigger('sorton', [[[ 0,1 ]]] );
t = $table2.find('th:first');
e = jQuery._data(table2, 'events'); // get a list of all bound events
equal( $.isEmptyObject(e), true, 'no events applied' );
equal( $'tablesorter'), false, 'Data removed' );
equal( $table2.attr('class'), 'tester', 'All table classes removed' );
equal( $table2.find('tr:first').attr('class'), '', 'Header row class removed' );
equal( t.attr('class').match('tablesorter'), null, 'Header classes removed' );
equal( t.children().length, 0, 'Inner wrapper removed' );
equal( typeof ( , 'undefined', 'data-column removed');
<div id="qunit"></div>
<div id="qunit-fixture"></div>
<h3>This is a work-in-progress. It does not yet comprehensively test all sorting methods. The following are on the to do list:</h3>
<ul class="notes">
<li>Core tests:
<li>Test each option, event & callback</li>
<li>Sorting empty cells.</li>
<li>Sorting strings in numeric columns.</li>
<li>Internal rendering, caching &amp; indexing utilities.</li>
<li>Update methods.</li>
<li>All widgets.</li>
<li>Pager plugin.</li>
<li>Include <a href="">natural sort</a> unit tests?</li>
<table class="tester">
<tr><th class="{sortValue:'zzz', poe:'nevermore'}">test-head</th><th>num</th></tr>
<tbody class="tablesorter-infoOnly">
<tr><td colspan="3">Info</td></tr>
<table class="tester">
<tr> <!-- all headers set to sorter false; jQuery data > meta > headers option > header class name -->
<th data-sorter="false" class="{sorter:'digit'} sorter-text">1</th> <!-- jQuery data -->
<th class="{sorter:false} sorter-text">2</th> <!-- metadata -->
<th class="sorter-text">3</th> <!-- headers option -->
<th class="sorter-false">4</th> <!-- class name -->