diff --git a/index.html b/index.html index 5a25f92..d5cfa90 100644 --- a/index.html +++ b/index.html @@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ elementary.animate();
The following methods and attributes can be passed in an object as the first argument:
Creature type, to be used later in makeGrid( ) or makeGridWithDistribution( ).
ASCII character used to visually represent a creature.
RGB components of a creature's display color.
How a creature's color is determined at each step.
Conversion ratio of food to energy. Food energy × efficiency = gained energy.
Determines whether a creature should be removed at the beginning of a step.
How a creature moves.
How a creature reproduces.
Percentage of a creature's max energy above which it will reproduce (used in the default process method).
A creature's size; by default, creatures can only eat creatures smaller than them.
Number of visible food sources needed before a creature will eat.
What happens when a creature waits.
Number of cells in the x-direction.
Number of cells in the y-direction.
id assigned to the generated canvas.
Pixel width of each cell.
id of the element to insert the canvas after.
Determines if boundaries wrap around; a creature at the top of a periodic map would see the bottom cells as though they were adjacent.
Defines neighborhood type as either moore
or vonNeumann
Allows for "trails", which visualize system history. A value of 1 shows all past state; trails fade faster as we approach 0.
RGB components of the canvas' background.