var _ = require('./util'); var creatureFactory = require('./creature.js'); var display = require('./display.js'); var dom = require('./dom.js'); function Terrarium(width, height, id, cellSize, insertAfter) { this.width = width; this.height = height; this.cellSize = cellSize || 10; this.grid = []; this.canvas = dom.createCanvasElement(width * cellSize, height * cellSize, id, insertAfter); this.nextFrame = false; } Terrarium.prototype.populate = function (creatures, grid) { function pickCreature(accum, creature) { var percentage = accum + creature[1]; if (!current && percentage > rand) { current = creatureFactory.make(creature[0]); } return percentage; } var current, rand = 0; if (!grid) grid = this.grid; for (var x = this.width; x--;) { grid[x] = []; // populate the array with creatures if provided, // otherwise leave it sparse if (creatures) { for (var y = this.height; y--;) { current = false; rand = _.random(99, true); _.reduce(creatures, pickCreature, 0); grid[x].push(current); } } } }; Terrarium.prototype.step = function(steps) { function copyAndRemoveInner (origCreature) { if (origCreature) { var copy = _.assign(new (origCreature.constructor)(), origCreature); return copy.isDead() ? false : copy; } else return false; } function copyAndRemove (origCols) { return, copyAndRemoveInner); } function zipCoordsWithNeighbors (coords) { return { coords: coords, creature: oldGrid[coords.x][coords.y] }; } function processLoser (loser) { var loserCreature = loser.creature; if (loserCreature) { loserCreature.failureFn(); loserCreature.boundEnergy(); } else { loser.wait(); loser.boundEnergy(); } } function processCreaturesInner (creature, x, y) { if (creature) { var neighbors = _.getNeighborCoords(x, y, gridWidth - 1, gridHeight - 1, creature.actionRadius), zipCoordsWithNeighbors ); var result = creature.queue(neighbors); if (result) { var eigenColumn = eigenGrid[result.x]; if (!eigenColumn[result.y]) eigenColumn[result.y] = []; eigenColumn[result.y].push({ x: x, y: y, creature: result.creature }); } else { processLoser(creature); } } } function processCreatures (column, x) { _.each(column, function (creature, y) { processCreaturesInner(creature, x, y); }); } function pickWinnerInner (superposition, x, y) { if (superposition) { var winner = superposition.splice(_.random(superposition.length - 1), 1)[0]; var winnerCreature = winner.creature; // clear the original creature's square if successFn returns false if (winnerCreature.successFn() === false) { newGrid[winner.x][winner.y] = false; } winnerCreature.boundEnergy(); // put the winner in its rightful place newGrid[x][y] = winnerCreature; // ...and call wait() on the losers. We can do this without // affecting temporal consistency because all callbacks have // already been created with prior conditions _.each(superposition, processLoser); } } function pickWinner (column, x) { _.each(column, function (superposition, y) { pickWinnerInner(superposition, x, y); }); } var gridWidth = this.width; var gridHeight = this.height; var oldGrid = this.grid, newGrid, eigenGrid; if (typeof steps !== 'number') steps = 1; while (steps--) { oldGrid = newGrid ? _.clone(newGrid) : this.grid; // copy the old grid & remove dead creatures newGrid =, copyAndRemove); // create an empty grid to hold creatures competing for the same square eigenGrid = []; this.populate(false, eigenGrid); // Add each creature's intended destination to the eigenGrid _.each(newGrid, processCreatures); // Choose a winner from each of the eigenGrid's superpositions _.each(eigenGrid, pickWinner); } return newGrid; }; Terrarium.prototype.draw = function () { display(this.canvas, this.grid, this.cellSize); }; Terrarium.prototype.animate = function (steps, fn) { function tick () { self.grid = self.step(); self.draw(); if (i++ !== steps) self.nextFrame = requestAnimationFrame(tick); else { self.nextFrame = false; fn(); } } if (!this.nextFrame) { var i = 0; var self = this; self.nextFrame = requestAnimationFrame(tick); } }; Terrarium.prototype.stop = function () { cancelAnimationFrame(this.nextFrame); this.nextFrame = false; }; module.exports = Terrarium;