2015-03-02 01:36:10 -05:00

262 lines
8.1 KiB

var _ = require('./util');
var factory = require('./creature.js');
var display = require('./display.js');
var dom = require('./dom.js');
* Terrarium constructor function
* @param {int} width number of cells in the x-direction
* @param {int} height number of cells in the y-direction
* @param {object} options
* @param {string} id id assigned to the generated canvas
* @param {int} cellSize pixel width of each cell (default 10)
* @param {string} insertAfter id of the element to insert the canvas after
* @param {float} trails a number from [0, 1] indicating whether trails should
* be drawn (0 = no trails, 1 = neverending trails)
* "background" option is required if trails is set
* @param {array} background an RGB triplet for the canvas' background
function Terrarium (width, height, options) {
var cellSize, neighborhood;
// cast width and height to integers
width = Math.ceil(width);
height = Math.ceil(height);
// set default options
options = options || {};
cellSize = options.cellSize || 10;
neighborhood = options.neighborhood || options.neighbourhood;
if (typeof neighborhood === 'string') neighborhood = neighborhood.toLowerCase();
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
this.cellSize = cellSize;
this.trails = options.trails;
this.background = options.background;
this.canvas = dom.createCanvasElement(width, height, cellSize, options.id, options.insertAfter, this.background);
this.grid = [];
this.nextFrame = false;
this.hasChanged = false;
this.getNeighborCoords = _.getNeighborCoordsFn(width, height, neighborhood === 'vonneumann', options.periodic);
* Create a grid and fill it by using a function, 2-d array, or uniform type
* @param {*} content if function, fill grid according to fn(x, y)
* if array, fill grid cells with the corresponding creatureType
* if string, fill grid with that creatureType
* otherwise, create empty grid
* @return {grid} a grid adhering to the above rules
Terrarium.prototype.makeGrid = function (content) {
var grid = [], type = typeof content;
for (var x = 0, _w = this.width; x < _w; x++) {
for (var y = 0, _h = this.height; y < _h; y++) {
type === 'function' ? content(x, y) :
type === 'object' && content.length ? (content[y] || [])[x] :
type === 'string' ? content :
} return grid;
* Create a grid and fill it randomly with a set creature distribution
* @param {array} distribution an array of arrays of the form [string 'creatureName', float fillPercent]
Terrarium.prototype.makeGridWithDistribution = function (distribution) {
var current, rand = 0, grid = [];
for (var x = 0, _w = this.width; x < _w; x++) {
for (var y = 0, _h = this.height; y < _h; y++) {
} return grid;
* Returns the next step of the simulation
* @param {} steps the number of steps to run through before returning
* @return {grid} a new grid after <steps> || 1 steps
Terrarium.prototype.step = function (steps) {
function copyAndRemoveInner (origCreature) {
if (origCreature) {
var copy = _.assign(new (origCreature.constructor)(), origCreature);
var dead = copy && copy.isDead();
if (dead && !self.hasChanged) self.hasChanged = true;
return !dead ? copy : false;
} else return false;
function copyAndRemove (origCols) {
return _.map(origCols, copyAndRemoveInner);
// TODO: Switch coords to just x and y to be consistent w/ pickWinnerInner
function zipCoordsWithNeighbors (coords) {
return {
coords: coords,
creature: oldGrid[coords.x][coords.y]
function processLoser (loser) {
var loserCreature = loser.creature;
if (loserCreature) {
} else {
function processCreaturesInner (creature, x, y) {
if (creature) {
var neighbors = _.map(
self.getNeighborCoords(x, y, creature.actionRadius),
var result = creature.process(neighbors, x, y);
if (typeof result === 'object') {
var eigenColumn = eigenGrid[result.x];
var returnedCreature = result.creature;
var returnedY = result.y;
if (!eigenColumn[returnedY]) eigenColumn[returnedY] = [];
x: x,
y: y,
creature: returnedCreature
if (!self.hasChanged && result.observed) self.hasChanged = true;
} else {
if (result && !self.hasChanged) self.hasChanged = true;
function processCreatures (column, x) {
_.each(column, function (creature, y) { processCreaturesInner(creature, x, y); });
function pickWinnerInner (superposition, x, y) {
if (superposition) {
var winner = superposition.splice(_.random(superposition.length - 1), 1)[0];
var winnerCreature = winner.creature;
// clear the original creature's square if successFn returns false
if (!winnerCreature.successFn()) {
newGrid[winner.x][winner.y] = false;
// TODO: so many calls to this. Can we just run it once at the start of a step?
// put the winner in its rightful place
newGrid[x][y] = winnerCreature;
// ...and call wait() on the losers. We can do this without
// affecting temporal consistency because all callbacks have
// already been created with prior conditions
_.each(superposition, processLoser);
function pickWinner (column, x) {
_.each(column, function (superposition, y) { pickWinnerInner(superposition, x, y); });
var self = this;
var gridWidth = this.width;
var gridHeight = this.height;
var oldGrid = this.grid, newGrid, eigenGrid;
if (typeof steps !== 'number') steps = 1;
while (steps--) {
this.hasChanged = false;
oldGrid = newGrid ? _.clone(newGrid) : this.grid;
// copy the old grid & remove dead creatures
newGrid = _.map(oldGrid, copyAndRemove);
// create an empty grid to hold creatures competing for the same square
eigenGrid = this.makeGrid();
// Add each creature's intended destination to the eigenGrid
_.each(newGrid, processCreatures);
// Choose a winner from each of the eigenGrid's superpositions
_.each(eigenGrid, pickWinner);
if (!this.hasChanged) return false;
return newGrid;
* Updates the canvas to reflect the current grid
Terrarium.prototype.draw = function () {
display(this.canvas, this.grid, this.cellSize, this.trails, this.background);
* Starts animating the simulation. Can be called with only a function.
* @param {int} steps the simulation will stop after <steps> steps if specified
* @param {Function} fn called as a callback once the animation finishes
Terrarium.prototype.animate = function (steps, fn) {
function tick () {
var grid = self.step();
if (grid) {
self.grid = grid;
if (++i !== steps) return self.nextFrame = requestAnimationFrame(tick);
} // if grid hasn't changed || reached last step
self.nextFrame = false;
if (fn) fn();
if (typeof steps === 'function') {
fn = steps;
steps = null;
if (!this.nextFrame) {
var i = 0;
var self = this;
self.nextFrame = requestAnimationFrame(tick);
* Stops a currently running animation
Terrarium.prototype.stop = function () {
this.nextFrame = false;
* Stops any currently running animation and cleans up the DOM
Terrarium.prototype.destroy = function () {
var canvas = this.canvas;
module.exports = Terrarium;