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synced 2024-11-28 23:54:21 +00:00
Update demo to use tiny-ecs 1.1-6.
This commit is contained in:
-- @author Calvin Rose
-- @license MIT
-- @copyright 2015
local tiny = { _VERSION = "1.1-2" }
local tiny = { _VERSION = "1.1-6" }
-- Local versions of standard lua functions
local tinsert = table.insert
local tremove = table.remove
local tsort = table.sort
local pairs = pairs
local ipairs = ipairs
local setmetatable = setmetatable
local type = type
local select = select
@ -51,8 +50,8 @@ local tiny_remove
-- value indicating if the Entity should be processed by the System.
-- Filters must be added to Systems by setting the `filter` field of the System.
-- Filter's returned by `tiny.requireAll` and `tiny.requireAny` are immutable
-- and can be used by multiple Systems.
-- Filter's returned by tiny-ecs's Filter functions are immutable and can be
-- used by multiple Systems.
-- local f1 = tiny.requireAll("position", "velocity", "size")
-- local f2 = tiny.requireAny("position", "velocity", "size")
@ -88,7 +87,6 @@ local tiny_remove
--- Makes a Filter that selects Entities with all specified Components and
-- Filters.
-- @param ... List of required Components and other Filters.
function tiny.requireAll(...)
local components = {...}
local len = #components
@ -110,7 +108,6 @@ end
--- Makes a Filter that selects Entities with at least one of the specified
-- Components and Filters.
-- @param ... List of required Components and other Filters.
function tiny.requireAny(...)
local components = {...}
local len = #components
@ -132,7 +129,6 @@ end
--- Makes a Filter that rejects Entities with all specified Components and
-- Filters, and selects all other Entities.
-- @param ... List of required Components and other Filters.
function tiny.rejectAll(...)
local components = {...}
local len = #components
@ -154,7 +150,6 @@ end
--- Makes a Filter that rejects Entities with at least one of the specified
-- Components and Filters, and selects all other Entities.
-- @param ... List of required Components and other Filters.
function tiny.rejectAny(...)
local components = {...}
local len = #components
@ -183,10 +178,15 @@ end
-- There are also a few other optional callbacks:
-- * `function system:filter(entity)`
-- * `function system:onAdd(entity)`
-- * `function system:onRemove(entity)`
-- * `function system:onModify(dt)`
-- * `function system:filter(entity)` - Returns true if this System should
-- include this Entity, otherwise should return false. If this isn't specified,
-- no Entities are included in the System.
-- * `function system:onAdd(entity)` - Called when an Entity is added to the
-- System.
-- * `function system:onRemove(entity)` - Called when an Entity is removed
-- from the System.
-- * `function system:onModify(dt)` - Called when the System is modified by
-- adding or removing Entities from the System.
-- For Filters, it is convenient to use `tiny.requireAll` or `tiny.requireAny`,
-- but one can write their own filters as well. Set the Filter of a System like
@ -201,11 +201,20 @@ end
-- system is added to the World. A few are important, and few should be less
-- commonly used.
-- * The `world` field points to the World that the System belongs to. Useful
-- for adding and removing Entities from the world dynamically via the System.
-- * The `active` flag is whether or not the System is updated automatically.
-- Inactive Systems should be updated manually or not at all via
-- `system:update(dt)`. Defaults to true.
-- * The 'entities' field is an ordered list of Entities in the System. This
-- * The `entities` field is an ordered list of Entities in the System. This
-- list can be used to quickly iterate through all Entities in a System.
-- * The `interval` field is an optional field that makes Systems update at
-- certain intervals using buffered time, regardless of World update frequency.
-- For example, to make a System update once a second, set the System's interval
-- to 1.
-- * The `index` field is the System's index in the World. Lower indexed
-- Systems are processed before higher indices. The `index` is a read only
-- field; to set the `index`, use `tiny.setSystemIndex(world, system)`.
-- * The `indices` field is a table of Entity keys to their indices in the
-- `entities` list. Most Systems can ignore this.
-- * The `modified` flag is an indicator if the System has been modified in
@ -219,20 +228,11 @@ end
-- this key is considered a System rather than an Entity.
local systemTableKey = { "SYSTEM_TABLE_KEY" }
-- Check if tables are systems.
-- Checks if a table is a System.
local function isSystem(table)
return table[systemTableKey]
--- Creates a default System.
-- @param table A table to be used as a System, or `nil` to create a new System.
-- @return A new System or System class
function tiny.system(table)
table = table or {}
table[systemTableKey] = true
return table
-- Update function for all Processing Systems.
local function processingSystemUpdate(system, dt)
local entities = system.entities
@ -258,24 +258,45 @@ local function processingSystemUpdate(system, dt)
--- Creates a Processing System.
-- Sorts Systems by a function system.sort(entity1, entity2) on modify.
local function sortedSystemOnModify(system, dt)
local entities = system.entities
local indices = system.indices
local sortDelegate = system.sortDelegate
if not sortDelegate then
local compare = system.compare
sortDelegate = function(e1, e2)
return compare(system, e1, e2)
system.sortDelegate = sortDelegate
tsort(entities, sortDelegate)
for i = 1, #entities do
local entity = entities[i]
indices[entity] = i
--- Creates a new System or System class from the supplied table. If `table` is
-- nil, creates a new table.
function tiny.system(table)
table = table or {}
table[systemTableKey] = true
return table
--- Creates a new Processing System or Processing System class. Processing
-- Systems process each entity individual, and are usually what is needed.
-- Processing Systems have three extra callbacks besides those inheritted from
-- vanilla Systems.
-- A Processing System iterates through its Entities in no particluar order, and
-- updates them individually. It has two important fields:
-- function system:preProcess(entities, dt) -- Called before iteration.
-- function system:process(entities, dt) -- Process each entity.
-- function system:postProcess(entity, dt) -- Called after iteration.
-- * `function system:process(entity, dt)`
-- * `function system:filter(entity)`
-- There are also a few other optional callbacks, including the optional
-- callbacks in `tiny.system`:
-- * `function system:preProcess(entities, dt)`
-- * `function system:postProcess(entities, dt)`
-- @param table A table to be used as a System, or `nil` to create a new
-- Processing System.
-- Processing Systems have their own `update` method, so don't implement a
-- a custom `update` callback for Processing Systems.
-- @see system
-- @return A new Processing System or Processing System class
function tiny.processingSystem(table)
table = table or {}
table[systemTableKey] = true
@ -283,45 +304,31 @@ function tiny.processingSystem(table)
return table
-- Sorts Systems by a function system.sort(entity1, entity2) on modify.
local function sortedSystemOnModify(system, dt)
local entities = system.entities
local entityIndices = system.entityIndices
local sortDelegate = system.sortDelegate
if not sortDelegate then
local compare = system.compare
sortDelegate = function(e1, e2)
compare(system, e1, e2)
system.sortDelegate = sortDelegate
tsort(entities, sortDelegate)
for i = 1, #entities do
local entity = entities[i]
entityIndices[entity] = i
--- Creates a new Sorted System or Sorted System class. Sorted Systems sort
-- their Entities according to a user-defined method, `system:compare(e1, e2)`,
-- which should return true if `e1` should come before `e2` and false otherwise.
-- Sorted Systems also override the default System's `onModify` callback, so be
-- careful if defining a custom callback. However, for processing the sorted
-- entities, consider `tiny.sortedProcessingSystem(table)`.
-- @see system
function tiny.sortedSystem(table)
table = table or {}
table[systemTableKey] = true
table.onModify = sortedSystemOnModify
return table
--- Creates a Sorted Processing System. A Sorted System iterates through its
-- Entities in a specific order, and updates them individually. It has three
-- important methods:
-- * `function system:process(entity, dt)`
-- * `function system:compare(entity1, entity2)`
-- * `function system:filter(entity)`
-- Sorted Systems have the same optitonal callbacks as ProcessingSystems.
-- @param table A table to be used as a System, or `nil` to create a new
-- Sorted System.
--- Creates a new Sorted Processing System or Sorted Processing System class.
-- Sorted Processing Systems have both the aspects of Processing Systems and
-- Sorted Systems.
-- @see system
-- @see processingSystem
-- @return A new Sorted System or Sorted System class
function tiny.sortedSystem(table)
-- @see sortedSystem
function tiny.sortedProcessingSystem(table)
table = table or {}
table[systemTableKey] = true
table.update = processingSystemUpdate
table.onModify = sortedSystemOnModify
table.sort = sortedSystemOnModify
return table
@ -338,11 +345,9 @@ end
local worldMetaTable
--- Creates a new World.
-- Can optionally add default Systems and Entities.
-- @param ... Systems and Entities to add to the World
-- @return A new World
-- Can optionally add default Systems and Entities. Returns the new World along
-- with default Entities and Systems.
function tiny.world(...)
local ret = {
-- List of Entities to add
@ -360,53 +365,43 @@ function tiny.world(...)
-- Set of Entities
entities = {},
-- Number of Entities in World.
-- Number of Entities in World
entityCount = 0,
-- List of System Data. A data element is a table with 4
-- keys: system, indices, entities, and active.
systems = {},
-- Table of Systems to System Indices
systemIndices = {}
-- List of Systems
systems = {}
tiny_add(ret, ...)
return setmetatable(ret, worldMetaTable)
return setmetatable(ret, worldMetaTable), ...
--- Adds an Entity to the world.
-- Also call this on Entities that have changed Components such that they
-- match different Filters.
-- @param world
-- @param entity
-- match different Filters. Returns the Entity.
function tiny.addEntity(world, entity)
local e2a = world.entitiesToAdd
e2a[#e2a + 1] = entity
if world.entities[entity] then
tiny_removeEntity(world, entity)
return entity
tiny_addEntity = tiny.addEntity
--- Adds a System to the world.
-- @param world
-- @param system
--- Adds a System to the world. Returns the System.
function tiny.addSystem(world, system)
local s2a = world.systemsToAdd
s2a[#s2a + 1] = system
return system
tiny_addSystem = tiny.addSystem
--- Shortcut for adding multiple Entities and Systems to the World.
-- @param world
-- @param ... Systems and Entities
-- @see addEntity
-- @see addSystem
--- Shortcut for adding multiple Entities and Systems to the World. Returns all
-- added Entities and Systems.
function tiny.add(world, ...)
local obj
for i = 1, select("#", ...) do
@ -419,32 +414,28 @@ function tiny.add(world, ...)
return ...
tiny_add = tiny.add
--- Removes an Entity to the World.
-- @param world
-- @param entity
--- Removes an Entity to the World. Returns the Entity.
function tiny.removeEntity(world, entity)
local e2r = world.entitiesToRemove
e2r[#e2r + 1] = entity
return entity
tiny_removeEntity = tiny.removeEntity
--- Removes a System from the world.
-- @param world
-- @param system
--- Removes a System from the world. Returns the System.
function tiny.removeSystem(world, system)
local s2r = world.systemsToRemove
s2r[#s2r + 1] = system
return system
tiny_removeSystem = tiny.removeSystem
--- Shortcut for removing multiple Entities and Systems from the World.
-- @param world
-- @param ... Systems and Entities
-- @see removeEntity
-- @see removeSystem
--- Shortcut for removing multiple Entities and Systems from the World. Returns
-- all rmeove Systems and Entities
function tiny.remove(world, ...)
local obj
for i = 1, select("#", ...) do
@ -457,12 +448,12 @@ function tiny.remove(world, ...)
return ...
tiny_remove = tiny.remove
-- Adds and removes Systems that have been marked from the World.
function tiny_manageSystems(world)
local s2a, s2r = world.systemsToAdd, world.systemsToRemove
-- Early exit
@ -470,7 +461,6 @@ function tiny_manageSystems(world)
local systemIndices = world.systemIndices
local entities = world.entities
local systems = world.systems
local system, index, filter
@ -479,8 +469,8 @@ function tiny_manageSystems(world)
-- Remove Systems
for i = 1, #s2r do
system = s2r[i]
index = systemIndices[system]
if index then
index = system.index
if system.world == world then
onRemove = system.onRemove
if onRemove then
entityList = system.entities
@ -488,27 +478,35 @@ function tiny_manageSystems(world)
onRemove(system, entityList[j])
systemIndices[system] = nil
tremove(systems, index)
for j = index, #systems do
systemIndices[systems[j]] = j
systems[j].index = j
s2r[i] = nil
-- Clean up System
system.world = nil
system.entities = nil
system.indices = nil
system.index = nil
-- Add Systems
for i = 1, #s2a do
system = s2a[i]
if not systemIndices[system] then
if systems[system.index] ~= system then
entityList = {}
entityIndices = {}
system.entities = entityList
system.indices = entityIndices
system.active = true
if system.active == nil then
system.active = true
system.modified = true
system.world = world
index = #systems + 1
systemIndices[system] = index
system.index = index
systems[index] = system
-- Try to add Entities
@ -529,12 +527,10 @@ function tiny_manageSystems(world)
s2a[i] = nil
-- Adds and removes Entities that have been marked.
function tiny_manageEntities(world)
local e2a, e2r = world.entitiesToAdd, world.entitiesToRemove
-- Early exit
@ -553,6 +549,7 @@ function tiny_manageEntities(world)
entity = e2r[i]
if entities[entity] then
entities[entity] = nil
entityCount = entityCount - 1
for j = 1, #systems do
system = systems[j]
@ -567,7 +564,6 @@ function tiny_manageEntities(world)
seis[tmpEntity] = index
seis[entity] = nil
ses[#ses] = nil
entityCount = entityCount - 1
onRemove = system.onRemove
if onRemove then
onRemove(system, entity)
@ -580,12 +576,12 @@ function tiny_manageEntities(world)
e2r[i] = nil
-- Add Entities
for i = 1, #e2a do
entity = e2a[i]
if not entities[entity] then
entities[entity] = true
entityCount = entityCount + 1
for j = 1, #systems do
system = systems[j]
@ -597,7 +593,6 @@ function tiny_manageEntities(world)
index = #ses + 1
ses[index] = entity
seis[entity] = index
entityCount = entityCount + 1
onAdd = system.onAdd
if onAdd then
onAdd(system, entity)
@ -612,25 +607,24 @@ function tiny_manageEntities(world)
-- Update Entity count
world.entityCount = entityCount
--- Updates the World.
-- Put this in your main loop.
-- @param world
-- @param dt Delta time
function tiny.update(world, dt)
--- Updates the World by dt (delta time). Takes an optional parameter, `filter`,
-- which is a Filter that selects Systems from the World, and updates only those
-- Systems. If `filter` is not supplied, all Systems are updated. Put this
-- function in your main loop.
function tiny.update(world, dt, filter)
local systems = world.systems
local system, update, onModify, entities
local system, update, interval, onModify
-- Iterate through Systems IN ORDER
for i = 1, #systems do
system = systems[i]
if system.active then
if system.active and ((not filter) or filter(world, system)) then
-- Call the modify callback on Systems that have been modified.
onModify = system.onModify
@ -638,10 +632,22 @@ function tiny.update(world, dt)
onModify(system, dt)
--Update Systems that have an update method (most Systems)
-- Update Systems that have an update method (most Systems)
update = system.update
if update then
update(system, dt)
interval = system.interval
if interval then
local bufferedTime = (system.bufferedTime or 0) + dt
while bufferedTime >= interval do
bufferedTime = bufferedTime - interval
if update then
update(system, interval)
system.bufferedTime = bufferedTime
update(system, dt)
system.modified = false
@ -650,7 +656,6 @@ function tiny.update(world, dt)
--- Removes all Entities from the World.
-- @param world
function tiny.clearEntities(world)
for e in pairs(world.entities) do
tiny_removeEntity(world, e)
@ -658,7 +663,6 @@ function tiny.clearEntities(world)
--- Removes all Systems from the World.
-- @param world
function tiny.clearSystems(world)
local systems = world.systems
for i = #systems, 1, -1 do
@ -667,46 +671,33 @@ function tiny.clearSystems(world)
--- Gets number of Entities in the World.
-- @param world
-- @return An integer
function tiny.getEntityCount(world)
return world.entityCount
--- Gets number of Systems in World.
-- @param world
-- @return An integer
function tiny.getSystemCount(world)
return #(world.systems)
--- Gets the index of a System in the World. Lower indexed Systems are processed
-- before higher indexed systems.
-- @param world
-- @param system
-- @return An integer between 1 and world:getSystemCount() inclusive
--- Gets the index of the System in the World.
-- A simpler alternative is `system.index`.
function tiny.getSystemIndex(world, system)
return world.systemIndices[system]
return system.index
--- Sets the index of a System in the World. Changes the order in
-- which they Systems processed, because lower indexed Systems are processed
-- first.
-- @param world
-- @param system
-- @param index
-- @return Old index
--- Sets the index of a System in the World, and returns the old index. Changes
-- the order in which they Systems processed, because lower indexed Systems are
-- processed first. Returns the old system.index.
function tiny.setSystemIndex(world, system, index)
local systemIndices = world.systemIndices
local oldIndex = systemIndices[system]
local oldIndex = system.index
local systems = world.systems
local system = systems[oldIndex]
tremove(systems, oldIndex)
tinsert(systems, index, system)
for i = oldIndex, index, index >= oldIndex and 1 or -1 do
systemIndices[systems[i]] = i
systems[i].index = i
return oldIndex
@ -720,6 +711,7 @@ worldMetaTable = {
addSystem = tiny.addSystem,
remove = tiny.remove,
removeEntity = tiny.removeEntity,
removeSystem = tiny.removeSystem,
update = tiny.update,
clearEntities = tiny.clearEntities,
clearSystems = tiny.clearSystems,
Reference in New Issue
Block a user