Make the scope of many local variables smaller.

This commit is contained in:
bakpakin 2015-08-27 14:55:07 -04:00
parent 18270cd60a
commit 5035d2c8a7
2 changed files with 52 additions and 58 deletions

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@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
local GLOBALS = {}
for k, v in pairs(_G) do
GLOBALS[k] = v
local tiny = require "tiny"
local function deep_copy(x)
@ -230,4 +235,8 @@ describe('tiny-ecs:', function()
it("Doesn't pollute the global namespace", function()
assert.are.same(_G, GLOBALS)

View File

@ -235,20 +235,19 @@ end
-- Update function for all Processing Systems.
local function processingSystemUpdate(system, dt)
local entities = system.entities
local preProcess = system.preProcess
local process = system.process
local postProcess = system.postProcess
local entity
if preProcess then
preProcess(system, dt)
if process then
local entities = system.entities
local len = #entities
for i = 1, len do
entity = entities[i]
local entity = entities[i]
process(system, entity, dt)
@ -408,9 +407,8 @@ tiny_addSystem = tiny.addSystem
--- Shortcut for adding multiple Entities and Systems to the World. Returns all
-- added Entities and Systems.
function tiny.add(world, ...)
local obj
for i = 1, select("#", ...) do
obj = select(i, ...)
local obj = select(i, ...)
if obj then
if isSystem(obj) then
tiny_addSystem(world, obj)
@ -442,9 +440,8 @@ tiny_removeSystem = tiny.removeSystem
--- Shortcut for removing multiple Entities and Systems from the World. Returns
-- all removed Systems and Entities
function tiny.remove(world, ...)
local obj
for i = 1, select("#", ...) do
obj = select(i, ...)
local obj = select(i, ...)
if obj then
if isSystem(obj) then
tiny_removeSystem(world, obj)
@ -471,17 +468,15 @@ function tiny_manageSystems(world)
local entities = world.entities
local systems =
local system, index, filter
local entityList, entityIndices, entityIndex, onRemove, onAdd
-- Remove Systems
for i = 1, #s2r do
system = s2r[i]
index = system.index
local system = s2r[i]
local index = system.index
if == world then
onRemove = system.onRemove
local onRemove = system.onRemove
if onRemove then
entityList = system.entities
local entityList = system.entities
for j = 1, #entityList do
onRemove(system, entityList[j])
@ -502,10 +497,10 @@ function tiny_manageSystems(world)
-- Add Systems
for i = 1, #s2a do
system = s2a[i]
local system = s2a[i]
if systems[system.index] ~= system then
entityList = {}
entityIndices = {}
local entityList = {}
local entityIndices = {}
system.entities = entityList
system.indices = entityIndices
if == nil then
@ -513,17 +508,17 @@ function tiny_manageSystems(world)
system.modified = true = world
index = #systems + 1
local index = #systems + 1
system.index = index
systems[index] = system
-- Try to add Entities
onAdd = system.onAdd
filter = system.filter
local onAdd = system.onAdd
local filter = system.filter
if filter then
for entity in pairs(entities) do
if filter(system, entity) then
entityIndex = #entityList + 1
local entityIndex = #entityList + 1
entityList[entityIndex] = entity
entityIndices[entity] = entityIndex
if onAdd then
@ -556,38 +551,36 @@ function tiny_manageEntities(world)
local entities = world.entities
local systems =
local entityCount = world.entityCount
local entity, system, index
local onRemove, onAdd, ses, seis, filter, tmpEntity
-- Change Entities
for i = 1, #e2c do
entity = e2c[i]
local entity = e2c[i]
if entities[entity] then
for j = 1, #systems do
system = systems[j]
ses = system.entities
seis = system.indices
index = seis[entity]
filter = system.filter
local system = systems[j]
local ses = system.entities
local seis = system.indices
local index = seis[entity]
local filter = system.filter
if filter and filter(system, entity) then
if not index then
system.modified = true
index = #ses + 1
ses[index] = entity
seis[entity] = index
onAdd = system.onAdd
local onAdd = system.onAdd
if onAdd then
onAdd(system, entity)
elseif index then
system.modified = true
tmpEntity = ses[#ses]
local tmpEntity = ses[#ses]
ses[index] = tmpEntity
seis[tmpEntity] = index
seis[entity] = nil
ses[#ses] = nil
onRemove = system.onRemove
local onRemove = system.onRemove
if onRemove then
onRemove(system, entity)
@ -599,61 +592,54 @@ function tiny_manageEntities(world)
-- Remove Entities
for i = 1, #e2r do
entity = e2r[i]
local entity = e2r[i]
if entities[entity] then
entities[entity] = nil
entityCount = entityCount - 1
for j = 1, #systems do
system = systems[j]
ses = system.entities
seis = system.indices
index = seis[entity]
local system = systems[j]
local ses = system.entities
local seis = system.indices
local index = seis[entity]
if index then
system.modified = true
tmpEntity = ses[#ses]
local tmpEntity = ses[#ses]
ses[index] = tmpEntity
seis[tmpEntity] = index
seis[entity] = nil
ses[#ses] = nil
onRemove = system.onRemove
local onRemove = system.onRemove
if onRemove then
onRemove(system, entity)
e2r[i] = nil
-- Add Entities
for i = 1, #e2a do
entity = e2a[i]
local entity = e2a[i]
if not entities[entity] then
entities[entity] = true
entityCount = entityCount + 1
for j = 1, #systems do
system = systems[j]
ses = system.entities
seis = system.indices
filter = system.filter
local system = systems[j]
local ses = system.entities
local seis = system.indices
local filter = system.filter
if filter and filter(system, entity) then
system.modified = true
index = #ses + 1
local index = #ses + 1
ses[index] = entity
seis[entity] = index
onAdd = system.onAdd
local onAdd = system.onAdd
if onAdd then
onAdd(system, entity)
e2a[i] = nil
@ -680,23 +666,22 @@ function tiny.update(world, dt, filter)
local systems =
local system, update, interval, onModify
-- Iterate through Systems IN ORDER
for i = 1, #systems do
system = systems[i]
local system = systems[i]
if and ((not filter) or filter(world, system)) then
-- Call the modify callback on Systems that have been modified.
onModify = system.onModify
local onModify = system.onModify
if onModify and system.modified then
onModify(system, dt)
-- Update Systems that have an update method (most Systems)
update = system.update
local update = system.update
if update then
interval = system.interval
local interval = system.interval
if interval then
local bufferedTime = (system.bufferedTime or 0) + dt
while bufferedTime >= interval do
@ -787,7 +772,7 @@ worldMetaTable = {
setSystemIndex = tiny.setSystemIndex
__tostring = function(self)
return "tiny-ecs_World"
return "<tiny-ecs_World>"