--[[ Copyright (c) 2016 Calvin Rose Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ]] --- @module tiny-ecs -- @author Calvin Rose -- @license MIT -- @copyright 2016 local tiny = {} -- Local versions of standard lua functions local tinsert = table.insert local tremove = table.remove local tsort = table.sort local setmetatable = setmetatable local type = type local select = select -- Local versions of the library functions local tiny_manageEntities local tiny_manageSystems local tiny_addEntity local tiny_addSystem local tiny_add local tiny_removeEntity local tiny_removeSystem local tiny_remove --- Filter functions. -- A Filter is a function that selects which Entities apply to a System. -- Filters take two parameters, the System and the Entity, and return a boolean -- value indicating if the Entity should be processed by the System. -- -- Filters must be added to Systems by setting the `filter` field of the System. -- Filter's returned by tiny-ecs's Filter functions are immutable and can be -- used by multiple Systems. -- -- local f1 = tiny.requireAll("position", "velocity", "size") -- local f2 = tiny.requireAny("position", "velocity", "size") -- -- local e1 = { -- position = {2, 3}, -- velocity = {3, 3}, -- size = {4, 4} -- } -- -- local entity2 = { -- position = {4, 5}, -- size = {4, 4} -- } -- -- local e3 = { -- position = {2, 3}, -- velocity = {3, 3} -- } -- -- print(f1(nil, e1), f1(nil, e2), f1(nil, e3)) -- prints true, false, false -- print(f2(nil, e1), f2(nil, e2), f2(nil, e3)) -- prints true, true, true -- -- Filters can also be passed as arguments to other Filter constructors. This is -- a powerful way to create complex, custom Filters that select a very specific -- set of Entities. -- -- -- Selects Entities with an "image" Component, but not Entities with a -- -- "Player" or "Enemy" Component. -- filter = tiny.requireAll("image", tiny.rejectAny("Player", "Enemy")) -- -- @section Filter -- A helper function to compile filters. local filterJoin -- A helper function to filters from string local filterBuildString do local loadstring = loadstring or load local function getchr(c) return "\\" .. c:byte() end local function make_safe(text) return ("%q"):format(text):gsub('\n', 'n'):gsub("[\128-\255]", getchr) end local function filterJoinRaw(prefix, seperator, ...) local accum = {} local build = {} for i = 1, select('#', ...) do local item = select(i, ...) if type(item) == 'string' then accum[#accum + 1] = ("(e[%s] ~= nil)"):format(make_safe(item)) elseif type(item) == 'function' then build[#build + 1] = ('local subfilter_%d_ = select(%d, ...)') :format(i, i) accum[#accum + 1] = ('(subfilter_%d_(system, e))'):format(i) else error 'Filter token must be a string or a filter function.' end end local source = ('%s\nreturn function(system, e) return %s(%s) end') :format( table.concat(build, '\n'), prefix, table.concat(accum, seperator)) local loader, err = loadstring(source) if err then error(err) end return loader(...) end function filterJoin(...) local state, value = pcall(filterJoinRaw, ...) if state then return value else return nil, value end end local function buildPart(str) local accum = {} local subParts = {} str = str:gsub('%b()', function(p) subParts[#subParts + 1] = buildPart(p:sub(2, -2)) return ('\255%d'):format(#subParts) end) for invert, part, sep in str:gmatch('(%!?)([^%|%&%!]+)([%|%&]?)') do if part:match('^\255%d+$') then local partIndex = tonumber(part:match(part:sub(2))) accum[#accum + 1] = ('%s(%s)') :format(invert == '' and '' or 'not', subParts[partIndex]) else accum[#accum + 1] = ("(e[%s] %s nil)") :format(make_safe(part), invert == '' and '~=' or '==') end if sep ~= '' then accum[#accum + 1] = (sep == '|' and ' or ' or ' and ') end end return table.concat(accum) end function filterBuildString(str) local source = ("return function(_, e) return %s end") :format(buildPart(str)) local loader, err = loadstring(source) if err then error(err) end return loader() end end --- Makes a Filter that selects Entities with all specified Components and -- Filters. function tiny.requireAll(...) return filterJoin('', ' and ', ...) end --- Makes a Filter that selects Entities with at least one of the specified -- Components and Filters. function tiny.requireAny(...) return filterJoin('', ' or ', ...) end --- Makes a Filter that rejects Entities with all specified Components and -- Filters, and selects all other Entities. function tiny.rejectAll(...) return filterJoin('not', ' and ', ...) end --- Makes a Filter that rejects Entities with at least one of the specified -- Components and Filters, and selects all other Entities. function tiny.rejectAny(...) return filterJoin('not', ' or ', ...) end --- Makes a Filter from a string. Syntax of `pattern` is as follows. -- -- * Tokens are alphanumeric strings including underscores. -- * Tokens can be separated by |, &, or surrounded by parentheses. -- * Tokens can be prefixed with !, and are then inverted. -- -- Examples are best: -- 'a|b|c' - Matches entities with an 'a' OR 'b' OR 'c'. -- 'a&!b&c' - Matches entities with an 'a' AND NOT 'b' AND 'c'. -- 'a|(b&c&d)|e - Matches 'a' OR ('b' AND 'c' AND 'd') OR 'e' -- @param pattern function tiny.filter(pattern) local state, value = pcall(filterBuildString, pattern) if state then return value else return nil, value end end --- System functions. -- A System is a wrapper around function callbacks for manipulating Entities. -- Systems are implemented as tables that contain at least one method; -- an update function that takes parameters like so: -- -- * `function system:update(dt)`. -- -- There are also a few other optional callbacks: -- -- * `function system:filter(entity)` - Returns true if this System should -- include this Entity, otherwise should return false. If this isn't specified, -- no Entities are included in the System. -- * `function system:onAdd(entity)` - Called when an Entity is added to the -- System. -- * `function system:onRemove(entity)` - Called when an Entity is removed -- from the System. -- * `function system:onModify(dt)` - Called when the System is modified by -- adding or removing Entities from the System. -- * `function system:onAddToWorld(world)` - Called when the System is added -- to the World, before any entities are added to the system. -- * `function system:onRemoveFromWorld(world)` - Called when the System is -- removed from the world, after all Entities are removed from the System. -- * `function system:preWrap(dt)` - Called on each system before update is -- called on any system. -- * `function system:postWrap(dt) - Called on each system in reverse order -- after update is called on each system. The idea behind `preWrap` and -- `postWrap` is to allow for systems that modify the behavior of other systems. -- Say there is a DrawingSystem, which draws sprites to the screen, and a -- PostProcessingSystem, that adds some blur and bloom effects. In the preWrap -- method of the PostProcessingSystem, the System could set the drawing target -- for the DrawingSystem to a special buffer instead the screen. In the postWrap -- method, the PostProcessingSystem could then modify the buffer and render it -- to the screen. In this setup, the PostProcessingSystem would be added to the -- World after the drawingSystem (A similar but less flexible behavior could -- be accomplished with a single custom update function in the DrawingSystem). -- -- For Filters, it is convenient to use `tiny.requireAll` or `tiny.requireAny`, -- but one can write their own filters as well. Set the Filter of a System like -- so: -- system.filter = tiny.requireAll("a", "b", "c") -- or -- function system:filter(entity) -- return entity.myRequiredComponentName ~= nil -- end -- -- All Systems also have a few important fields that are initialized when the -- system is added to the World. A few are important, and few should be less -- commonly used. -- -- * The `world` field points to the World that the System belongs to. Useful -- for adding and removing Entities from the world dynamically via the System. -- * The `active` flag is whether or not the System is updated automatically. -- Inactive Systems should be updated manually or not at all via -- `system:update(dt)`. Defaults to true. -- * The `entities` field is an ordered list of Entities in the System. This -- list can be used to quickly iterate through all Entities in a System. -- * The `interval` field is an optional field that makes Systems update at -- certain intervals using buffered time, regardless of World update frequency. -- For example, to make a System update once a second, set the System's interval -- to 1. -- * The `index` field is the System's index in the World. Lower indexed -- Systems are processed before higher indices. The `index` is a read only -- field; to set the `index`, use `tiny.setSystemIndex(world, system)`. -- * The `indices` field is a table of Entity keys to their indices in the -- `entities` list. Most Systems can ignore this. -- * The `modified` flag is an indicator if the System has been modified in -- the last update. If so, the `onModify` callback will be called on the System -- in the next update, if it has one. This is usually managed by tiny-ecs, so -- users should mostly ignore this, too. -- -- There is another option to (hopefully) increase performance in systems that -- have items added to or removed from them often, and have lots of entities in -- them. Setting the `nocache' field of the system might improve performance. -- It is still experimental. There are some restriction to systems without -- caching, however. * There is no `entities` table. * Callbacks such onAdd, -- onRemove, and onModify will never be called * Noncached systems cannot be -- sorted (There is no entities list to sort). -- -- @section System -- Use an empty table as a key for identifying Systems. Any table that contains -- this key is considered a System rather than an Entity. local systemTableKey = { "SYSTEM_TABLE_KEY" } -- Checks if a table is a System. local function isSystem(table) return table[systemTableKey] end -- Update function for all Processing Systems. local function processingSystemUpdate(system, dt) local preProcess = system.preProcess local process = system.process local postProcess = system.postProcess if preProcess then preProcess(system, dt) end if process then if system.nocache then local entities = system.world.entityList local filter = system.filter if filter then for i = 1, #entities do local entity = entities[i] if filter(system, entity) then process(system, entity, dt) end end end else local entities = system.entities for i = 1, #entities do process(system, entities[i], dt) end end end if postProcess then postProcess(system, dt) end end -- Sorts Systems by a function system.sortDelegate(entity1, entity2) on modify. local function sortedSystemOnModify(system, dt) local entities = system.entities local indices = system.indices local sortDelegate = system.sortDelegate if not sortDelegate then local compare = system.compare sortDelegate = function(e1, e2) return compare(system, e1, e2) end system.sortDelegate = sortDelegate end tsort(entities, sortDelegate) for i = 1, #entities do indices[entities[i]] = i end end --- Creates a new System or System class from the supplied table. If `table` is -- nil, creates a new table. function tiny.system(table) table = table or {} table[systemTableKey] = true return table end --- Creates a new Processing System or Processing System class. Processing -- Systems process each entity individual, and are usually what is needed. -- Processing Systems have three extra callbacks besides those inheritted from -- vanilla Systems. -- -- function system:preProcess(dt) -- Called before iteration. -- function system:process(entity, dt) -- Process each entity. -- function system:postProcess(dt) -- Called after iteration. -- -- Processing Systems have their own `update` method, so don't implement a -- a custom `update` callback for Processing Systems. -- @see system function tiny.processingSystem(table) table = table or {} table[systemTableKey] = true table.update = processingSystemUpdate return table end --- Creates a new Sorted System or Sorted System class. Sorted Systems sort -- their Entities according to a user-defined method, `system:compare(e1, e2)`, -- which should return true if `e1` should come before `e2` and false otherwise. -- Sorted Systems also override the default System's `onModify` callback, so be -- careful if defining a custom callback. However, for processing the sorted -- entities, consider `tiny.sortedProcessingSystem(table)`. -- @see system function tiny.sortedSystem(table) table = table or {} table[systemTableKey] = true table.onModify = sortedSystemOnModify return table end --- Creates a new Sorted Processing System or Sorted Processing System class. -- Sorted Processing Systems have both the aspects of Processing Systems and -- Sorted Systems. -- @see system -- @see processingSystem -- @see sortedSystem function tiny.sortedProcessingSystem(table) table = table or {} table[systemTableKey] = true table.update = processingSystemUpdate table.onModify = sortedSystemOnModify return table end --- World functions. -- A World is a container that manages Entities and Systems. Typically, a -- program uses one World at a time. -- -- For all World functions except `tiny.world(...)`, object-oriented syntax can -- be used instead of the documented syntax. For example, -- `tiny.add(world, e1, e2, e3)` is the same as `world:add(e1, e2, e3)`. -- @section World -- Forward declaration local worldMetaTable --- Creates a new World. -- Can optionally add default Systems and Entities. Returns the new World along -- with default Entities and Systems. function tiny.world(...) local ret = setmetatable({ -- List of Entities to add entitiesToAdd = {}, -- List of Entities to remove entitiesToRemove = {}, -- List of Entities to change entitiesToChange = {}, -- List of Entities to add systemsToAdd = {}, -- List of Entities to remove systemsToRemove = {}, -- Set of Entities entities = {}, -- List of Entities entityList = {}, -- Number of Entities in World entityCount = 0, -- List of Systems systems = {} }, worldMetaTable) tiny_add(ret, ...) tiny_manageSystems(ret) tiny_manageEntities(ret) return ret, ... end --- Adds an Entity to the world. -- Also call this on Entities that have changed Components such that they -- match different Filters. Returns the Entity. function tiny.addEntity(world, entity) if world.entities[entity] then local e2c = world.entitiesToChange e2c[#e2c + 1] = entity else local e2a = world.entitiesToAdd e2a[#e2a + 1] = entity end return entity end tiny_addEntity = tiny.addEntity --- Adds a System to the world. Returns the System. function tiny.addSystem(world, system) assert(system.world == nil, "System already belongs to a World.") local s2a = world.systemsToAdd s2a[#s2a + 1] = system system.world = world return system end tiny_addSystem = tiny.addSystem --- Shortcut for adding multiple Entities and Systems to the World. Returns all -- added Entities and Systems. function tiny.add(world, ...) for i = 1, select("#", ...) do local obj = select(i, ...) if obj then if isSystem(obj) then tiny_addSystem(world, obj) else -- Assume obj is an Entity tiny_addEntity(world, obj) end end end return ... end tiny_add = tiny.add --- Removes an Entity to the World. Returns the Entity. function tiny.removeEntity(world, entity) local e2r = world.entitiesToRemove e2r[#e2r + 1] = entity return entity end tiny_removeEntity = tiny.removeEntity --- Removes a System from the world. Returns the System. function tiny.removeSystem(world, system) assert(system.world == world, "System does not belong to this World.") local s2r = world.systemsToRemove s2r[#s2r + 1] = system return system end tiny_removeSystem = tiny.removeSystem --- Shortcut for removing multiple Entities and Systems from the World. Returns -- all removed Systems and Entities function tiny.remove(world, ...) for i = 1, select("#", ...) do local obj = select(i, ...) if obj then if isSystem(obj) then tiny_removeSystem(world, obj) else -- Assume obj is an Entity tiny_removeEntity(world, obj) end end end return ... end tiny_remove = tiny.remove -- Adds and removes Systems that have been marked from the World. function tiny_manageSystems(world) local s2a, s2r = world.systemsToAdd, world.systemsToRemove -- Early exit if #s2a == 0 and #s2r == 0 then return end world.systemsToAdd = {} world.systemsToRemove = {} local worldEntityList = world.entityList local systems = world.systems -- Remove Systems for i = 1, #s2r do local system = s2r[i] local index = system.index local onRemove = system.onRemove if onRemove and not system.nocache then local entityList = system.entities for j = 1, #entityList do onRemove(system, entityList[j]) end end tremove(systems, index) for j = index, #systems do systems[j].index = j end local onRemoveFromWorld = system.onRemoveFromWorld if onRemoveFromWorld then onRemoveFromWorld(system, world) end s2r[i] = nil -- Clean up System system.world = nil system.entities = nil system.indices = nil system.index = nil end -- Add Systems for i = 1, #s2a do local system = s2a[i] if systems[system.index or 0] ~= system then if not system.nocache then system.entities = {} system.indices = {} end if system.active == nil then system.active = true end system.modified = true system.world = world local index = #systems + 1 system.index = index systems[index] = system local onAddToWorld = system.onAddToWorld if onAddToWorld then onAddToWorld(system, world) end -- Try to add Entities if not system.nocache then local entityList = system.entities local entityIndices = system.indices local onAdd = system.onAdd local filter = system.filter if filter then for j = 1, #worldEntityList do local entity = worldEntityList[j] if filter(system, entity) then local entityIndex = #entityList + 1 entityList[entityIndex] = entity entityIndices[entity] = entityIndex if onAdd then onAdd(system, entity) end end end end end end s2a[i] = nil end end -- Adds, removes, and changes Entities that have been marked. function tiny_manageEntities(world) local e2a = world.entitiesToAdd local e2r = world.entitiesToRemove local e2c = world.entitiesToChange -- Early exit if #e2a == 0 and #e2r == 0 and #e2c == 0 then return end world.entitiesToChange = {} world.entitiesToAdd = {} world.entitiesToRemove = {} local entities = world.entities local entityList = world.entityList local systems = world.systems local entityCount = world.entityCount -- Change Entities for i = 1, #e2c do local entity = e2c[i] if entities[entity] then for j = 1, #systems do local system = systems[j] if not system.nocache then local ses = system.entities local seis = system.indices local index = seis[entity] local filter = system.filter if filter and filter(system, entity) then if not index then system.modified = true index = #ses + 1 ses[index] = entity seis[entity] = index local onAdd = system.onAdd if onAdd then onAdd(system, entity) end end elseif index then system.modified = true local tmpEntity = ses[#ses] ses[index] = tmpEntity seis[tmpEntity] = index seis[entity] = nil ses[#ses] = nil local onRemove = system.onRemove if onRemove then onRemove(system, entity) end end end end end e2c[i] = nil end -- Remove Entities for i = 1, #e2r do local entity = e2r[i] e2r[i] = nil local listIndex = entities[entity] if listIndex then -- Remove Entity from world state local lastEntity = entityList[#entityList] entities[lastEntity] = listIndex entities[entity] = nil entityList[listIndex] = lastEntity entityList[#entityList] = nil entityCount = entityCount - 1 -- Remove from cached systems for j = 1, #systems do local system = systems[j] if not system.nocache then local ses = system.entities local seis = system.indices local index = seis[entity] if index then system.modified = true local tmpEntity = ses[#ses] ses[index] = tmpEntity seis[tmpEntity] = index seis[entity] = nil ses[#ses] = nil local onRemove = system.onRemove if onRemove then onRemove(system, entity) end end end end end end -- Add Entities for i = 1, #e2a do local entity = e2a[i] if not entities[entity] then local listIndex = #entityList + 1 entities[entity] = listIndex entityList[listIndex] = entity entityCount = entityCount + 1 for j = 1, #systems do local system = systems[j] if not system.nocache then local ses = system.entities local seis = system.indices local filter = system.filter if filter and filter(system, entity) then system.modified = true local index = #ses + 1 ses[index] = entity seis[entity] = index local onAdd = system.onAdd if onAdd then onAdd(system, entity) end end end end end e2a[i] = nil end -- Update Entity count world.entityCount = entityCount end --- Manages Entities and Systems marked for deletion or addition. Call this -- before modifying Systems and Entities outside of a call to `tiny.update`. -- Do not call this within a call to `tiny.update`. function tiny.refresh(world) tiny_manageSystems(world) tiny_manageEntities(world) local systems = world.systems for i = 1, #systems do local system = systems[i] if system.active then local onModify = system.onModify if onModify and system.modified then onModify(system, 0) end system.modified = false end end end --- Updates the World by dt (delta time). Takes an optional parameter, `filter`, -- which is a Filter that selects Systems from the World, and updates only those -- Systems. If `filter` is not supplied, all Systems are updated. Put this -- function in your main loop. function tiny.update(world, dt, filter) tiny_manageSystems(world) tiny_manageEntities(world) local systems = world.systems -- Iterate through Systems IN REVERSE ORDER for i = #systems, 1, -1 do local system = systems[i] local preWrap = system.preWrap if preWrap and system.active and ((not filter) or filter(world, system)) then preWrap(system, dt) end end -- Iterate through Systems IN ORDER for i = 1, #systems do local system = systems[i] if system.active and ((not filter) or filter(world, system)) then -- Call the modify callback on Systems that have been modified. local onModify = system.onModify if onModify and system.modified then onModify(system, dt) end -- Update Systems that have an update method (most Systems) local update = system.update if update then local interval = system.interval if interval then local bufferedTime = (system.bufferedTime or 0) + dt while bufferedTime >= interval do bufferedTime = bufferedTime - interval if update then update(system, interval) end end system.bufferedTime = bufferedTime else update(system, dt) end end system.modified = false end end -- Iterate through Systems IN ORDER AGAIN for i = 1, #systems do local system = systems[i] local postWrap = system.postWrap if postWrap and system.active and ((not filter) or filter(world, system)) then postWrap(system, dt) end end end --- Removes all Entities from the World. function tiny.clearEntities(world) local el = world.entityList for i = 1, #el do tiny_removeEntity(world, el[i]) end end --- Removes all Systems from the World. function tiny.clearSystems(world) local systems = world.systems for i = #systems, 1, -1 do tiny_removeSystem(world, systems[i]) end end --- Gets number of Entities in the World. function tiny.getEntityCount(world) return world.entityCount end --- Gets number of Systems in World. function tiny.getSystemCount(world) return #(world.systems) end --- Gets the index of the System in the World. -- A simpler alternative is `system.index`. function tiny.getSystemIndex(world, system) return system.index end --- Sets the index of a System in the World, and returns the old index. Changes -- the order in which they Systems processed, because lower indexed Systems are -- processed first. Returns the old system.index. function tiny.setSystemIndex(world, system, index) local oldIndex = system.index local systems = world.systems if index < 0 then index = tiny.getSystemCount(world) + 1 + index end tremove(systems, oldIndex) tinsert(systems, index, system) for i = oldIndex, index, index >= oldIndex and 1 or -1 do systems[i].index = i end return oldIndex end -- Construct world metatable. worldMetaTable = { __index = { add = tiny.add, addEntity = tiny.addEntity, addSystem = tiny.addSystem, remove = tiny.remove, removeEntity = tiny.removeEntity, removeSystem = tiny.removeSystem, refresh = tiny.refresh, update = tiny.update, clearEntities = tiny.clearEntities, clearSystems = tiny.clearSystems, getEntityCount = tiny.getEntityCount, getSystemCount = tiny.getSystemCount, getSystemIndex = tiny.getSystemIndex, setSystemIndex = tiny.setSystemIndex }, __tostring = function(self) return "" end } return tiny