local tiny = require "tiny" -- Taken from answer at http://stackoverflow.com/questions/640642/how-do-you-copy-a-lua-table-by-value local function deep_copy(o, seen) seen = seen or {} if o == nil then return nil end if seen[o] then return seen[o] end local no if type(o) == 'table' then no = {} seen[o] = no for k, v in next, o, nil do no[deep_copy(k, seen)] = deep_copy(v, seen) end setmetatable(no, deep_copy(getmetatable(o), seen)) else -- number, string, boolean, etc no = o end return no end local entityTemplate1 = { xform = {x = 0, y = 0}, vel = {x = 1, y = 2}, name = "E1", size = 11, description = "It goes to 11.", spinalTap = true } local entityTemplate2 = { xform = {x = 2, y = 2}, vel = {x = -1, y = 0}, name = "E2", size = 10, description = "It does not go to 11.", onlyTen = true } local entityTemplate3 = { xform = {x = 4, y = 5}, vel = {x = 0, y = 3}, name = "E3", size = 8, description = "The smallest entity.", littleMan = true } describe('tiny-ecs:', function() describe('Filters:', function() local entity1, entity2, entity3 before_each(function() entity1 = deep_copy(entityTemplate1) entity2 = deep_copy(entityTemplate2) entity3 = deep_copy(entityTemplate3) end) it("Default Filters", function() local ftap = tiny.requireAll("spinalTap") local fvel = tiny.requireAll("vel") local fxform = tiny.requireAll("xform") local fall = tiny.requireOne("spinalTap", "onlyTen", "littleMan") assert.truthy(fall(entity1)) assert.truthy(ftap(entity1)) assert.falsy(ftap(entity2)) assert.truthy(fxform(entity1)) assert.truthy(fxform(entity2)) assert.truthy(fall(entity1)) assert.truthy(fall(entity2)) assert.truthy(fall(entity3)) end) end) describe('World:', function() local world, entity1, entity2, entity3 local moveSystem = tiny.processingSystem( tiny.requireAll("xform", "vel"), function(e, dt) local xform = e.xform local vel = e.vel local x, y = xform.x, xform.y local xvel, yvel = vel.x, vel.y xform.x, xform.y = x + xvel * dt, y + yvel * dt end ) local timePassed = 0 local oneTimeSystem = tiny.system( function(dt) timePassed = timePassed + dt end ) before_each(function() entity1 = deep_copy(entityTemplate1) entity2 = deep_copy(entityTemplate2) entity3 = deep_copy(entityTemplate3) world = tiny.world(moveSystem, oneTimeSystem, entity1, entity2, entity3) timePassed = 0 end) it("Create World", function() assert.equals(world.entityCount, 3) assert.equals(world.systemCount, 2) end) it("Run simple simulation", function() world:update(1) assert.equals(timePassed, 1) assert.equals(entity1.xform.x, 1) assert.equals(entity1.xform.y, 2) end) it("Remove Entities", function() world:remove(entity1, entity2) world:update(1) assert.equals(timePassed, 1) assert.equals(entity1.xform.x, entityTemplate1.xform.x) assert.equals(entity2.xform.x, entityTemplate2.xform.x) assert.equals(entity3.xform.y, 8) end) it("Remove Systems", function() world:remove(oneTimeSystem, moveSystem) world:update(1) assert.equals(timePassed, 0) assert.equals(entity1.xform.x, entityTemplate1.xform.x) end) end) end)