This commit is contained in:
Paul Liverman III 2019-03-07 13:15:06 -08:00
commit cd6c5af141
5 changed files with 315 additions and 0 deletions

.gitignore vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

I am a piece of shit.txt Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
Cloaking Device
Flight Deck
Cargo Space
Maintenance Supplies
Engineering Section
Main Engineering
Medical Hall
Hospital Section
Cryogenic Storage System
Cryogenic Transport Module
Terraforming Module

ideas.notes.txt Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
J3 Cloaking Device
Mk.4 Experimental Ventilator (that would be life support/medical)
J-class Deflector (type of shielding or engine/nav equipment)
Type B2 Coil (weapon? sensor? battery?)
Class 6 Uranium Containment System
S-Type Nuclear Generator
ECM Computer Mark 7
"Intrepid" Warp Manifold
Kelvin-class Reactor
"Machinator" Destructor
AK-Type Radio Sensor
Type Yg Thermal Radiation Disperser
Insulator #423-J
Metallic Compound 7 (armor)
Use a more broad form of generator, then assign properties based on their name.

src/main.moon Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
G = {}
G.split = (str, pattern=".") ->
tab = {}
for i in string.gmatch str, pattern
table.insert tab, i
grammar = {
brand: { "Intrepid", "Chakra", "Kelvin", "Lotus", "Sovereign", "Chad" }
numeral: { "{digit}", "{digit}{digit}", "{digit}{digit}{digit}" }
Seq: { "{capital}", "{capital}{capital}", "{capital}{letter}", "{capital}{digit}" }
seq: { "{Seq}", "{numeral}" }
mark_: { "Mk.", "Mark ", "Class ", "Type " }
_mark: { "-class", "-Type" }
unique: {
sensor_: {
"Geometric", "Geographic", "Planteoid", "Surface", "Heat", "Thermal",
"Energy", "Higgs", "Gravity", "G", "Boson", "EM", "Electronic", "Dust",
"Electromagnetic", "Mag", "Radio", "Microwave", "UV", "Infrared", "Gas",
_sensor: { "Detector", "Sensor", "Scanner" }
sensor: { "Magnometer", "{sensor_}{_sensor}", "Spectrometer" }
fn_: {
"Cloaking", "Medical", "Ventilation", "Warp", "Containment"--, "Charge"
-- _device: { "Device" }
auto: { "Automated", "Automatic", "Computerized" }
adj_: {
"Nuclear", "Experimental", "Augmented", "Emergency", "Active"--, "{auto}"
"Main", "Hardened", "Battle", "Support", "Secondary", "Backup"--, "Lithium"
_fn: {
"Generator", "Thruster", "Deflector", "Shield"--, "Hospital", "Infirmary",
"Reactor", "Charger", "Battery", "Capacitor"
_suffix: {
"Bay", "Module", "Deck", "Section", "Hall"--, "System"
ship: { "Fighter", "Shuttle", "Ship", "Craft", "Parasite", "Pod" }
content_: {
"Uranium", "Radioactive", "Fuel", "Thorium", "Hydrogen", "Helium",
"Deuterium", "Oxygen", "Lithium", "Metallic"
item: { "Coil", "Manifold", "Compound" }
classes = {
Supply, Colonization, Support, Manufacture, Offense, Command, Recon
-- old system had module prefixes and suffixes
ECM Computer #
# Destructor
# # Radiation Disperser
Insulator #
"hanger suffix": { "Hanger", G.unpack "module suffix" }
"{hanger prefix} {hanger suffix}"
"{module prefix} {hanger prefix} {hanger suffix}"
"sickbay prefix": { "Medical", "Hospital", "Infirmary" }
"sickbay": {
props: { support: true }
blacklist: { "Hospital Facility", "Infirmary Facility"}
"Sickbay": 0.05
"{sickbay prefix} {module suffix}"
"{module prefix} Sickbay": 0.05
"{module prefix} {sickbay prefix} {module suffix}"
"{module prefix} Infirmary"
"{module prefix} Hospital"
"engineering": {
props: { support: true }
"Engineering {module suffix}", "Maintenance {module suffix}",
"{module prefix} Engineering", "{module prefix} Maintenance {module suffix}"
"tankage": {
"Fuel Tank", "{module prefix} Fuel Tank"
"cargo": {
"Cargo {module suffix}", "Cargo Handling {module suffix}",
"{module prefix} Cargo {module suffix}"
"quarters prefix": { "Troop Transport", "Troop Quarters", "Crew Quarters", "Cryogenic" }
"quarters": {
props: { supply: true, colonization: true }
"{quarters prefix}": 0.1
"{quarters prefix} {module suffix}"
"Troop {module suffix}", "{module prefix} Troop {module suffix}"
"{module prefix} Transport", "Transport {module suffix}"
"{module prefix} {quarters prefix}"
"{module prefix} Crew {module suffix}"
"Crew {module suffix}"
"magazine type": { "Missile", "Ballistic", "Shell" }
"magazine": {
"{magazine type} Magazine", "{module prefix} Magazine"
"{module prefix} {magazine type} Magazine"
"Magazine {module suffix}", "{module prefix} Magazine {module suffix}"
"{module prefix} {magazine type} Magazine {module suffix}"
"geosensor": {
props: { colonization: true, scouting: true }
"{geosensor type} Sensor", "{geosensor type} Sensor {module suffix}"
"{module prefix} {geosensor type} Sensor"
"{module prefix} {geosensor type} Sensor {module suffix}"
"terraforming": {
props: { colonization: true }
"Terraforming {module suffix}"
"{module prefix} Terraforming {module suffix}"
"Terraforming System": 0.05
"Terraforming Systems {module suffix}"
"Atmospheric Processing {module suffix}"
"Atmospheric Processing System": 0.05
"Atmospheric Processor"
-- continue: cloak, c&c, etc
-- these generics should be available built-ins
"letter": G.split "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
"capital": G.split "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"\upper!
digit: G.split "0123456789"
symbol: "!@#$%^&*()_+-=[]{}\\|~`'\";:<>,./?"

src/original.moon Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
G = {}
G.split = (str, pattern=".") ->
tab = {}
for i in string.gmatch str, pattern
table.insert tab, i
local grammar
grammar = {
"module prefix": { "Automated", "Emergency", "Advanced", "Main", "Hardened" }
"module suffix": { "Bay", "Deck", "Module", "Facility", "Section" }
"hanger prefix": { "Hanger", "Flight", "Parasite", "Fighter", "Ship", "Craft", "Shuttle" }
"hanger suffix": { "Hanger", G.unpack "module suffix" }
"hanger": {
props: { support: true } -- depending on mode, either requires this or sets this
-- TODO replace these w a default blacklist removing duplicated words
blacklist: { "Hanger Hanger", "Module Module" } -- if appears anywhere in results, it will be regenerated
{ -- assigning individual probabilities (numbered keys are divided among remaining probability)
"{hanger prefix} {hanger suffix}"
"{hanger prefix} {hanger suffix} Module": 0.05
"{hanger prefix} Module"
"{module prefix} {hanger prefix} {hanger suffix}"
"{module prefix} {hanger prefix} {hanger suffix} Module": 0.05
"{module prefix} {hanger prefix} Module"
"sickbay prefix": { "Medical", "Hospital", "Infirmary" }
"sickbay": {
props: { support: true }
blacklist: { "Hospital Facility", "Infirmary Facility"}
"Sickbay": 0.05
"{sickbay prefix} {module suffix}"
"{module prefix} Sickbay": 0.05
"{module prefix} {sickbay prefix} {module suffix}"
"{module prefix} Infirmary"
"{module prefix} Hospital"
"engineering": {
props: { support: true }
"Engineering {module suffix}", "Maintenance {module suffix}",
"{module prefix} Engineering", "{module prefix} Maintenance {module suffix}"
"tankage": {
props: { supply: true }
"Fuel Tank", "{module prefix} Fuel Tank"
"cargo": {
props: { supply: true }
"Cargo {module suffix}", "Cargo Handling {module suffix}",
"{module prefix} Cargo {module suffix}"
"quarters prefix": { "Troop Transport", "Troop Quarters", "Crew Quarters", "Cryogenic" }
"quarters": {
props: { supply: true, colonization: true }
"{quarters prefix}": 0.1
"{quarters prefix} {module suffix}"
"Troop {module suffix}", "{module prefix} Troop {module suffix}"
"{module prefix} Transport", "Transport {module suffix}"
"{module prefix} {quarters prefix}"
"{module prefix} Crew {module suffix}"
"Crew {module suffix}"
"magazine type": { "Missile", "Ballistic", "Shell" }
"magazine": {
props: { supply: true }
"{magazine type} Magazine", "{module prefix} Magazine"
"{module prefix} {magazine type} Magazine"
"Magazine {module suffix}", "{module prefix} Magazine {module suffix}"
"{module prefix} {magazine type} Magazine {module suffix}"
"geosensor type": { "Geometric", "Geographic", "Planteoid", "Surface" }
"geosensor": {
props: { colonization: true, scouting: true }
"{geosensor type} Sensor", "{geosensor type} Sensor {module suffix}"
"{module prefix} {geosensor type} Sensor"
"{module prefix} {geosensor type} Sensor {module suffix}"
"terraforming": {
props: { colonization: true }
"Terraforming {module suffix}"
"{module prefix} Terraforming {module suffix}"
"Terraforming System": 0.05
"Terraforming Systems {module suffix}"
"Atmospheric Processing {module suffix}"
"Atmospheric Processing System": 0.05
"Atmospheric Processor"
"thermal words": { "Heat", "Thermal", "Energy" }
"thermalsensor": {
props: { scouting: true }
"{thermal words} Sensor"
"{thermal words} Sensor {module suffix}"
"{module prefix} {thermal words} Sensor"
"{module prefix} {thermal words} Sensor {module suffix}"
"gravity words": { "Higgs", "Gravity", "G", "Boson" }
"gravsensor": {
props: {scouting: true }
"{gravity words} Sensor"
"{gravity words} Sensor {module suffix}"
"{module prefix} {gravity words} Sensor"
"{module prefix} {gravity words} Sensor {module suffix}"
"em words": { "EM", "Electronic", "Electromagnetic", "Mag" }
"emsensor": {
props: { scouting: true }
"{em words} Sensor"
"{em words} Sensor {module suffix}"
"{module prefix} {em words} Sensor"
"{module prefix} {em words} Sensor {module suffix}"
-- continue: cloak, c&c, etc
-- these generics should be available built-ins
"letter": G.split "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
"capital": G.split "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"\upper!
digit: G.split "0123456789"
symbol: "!@#$%^&*()_+-=[]{}\\|~`'\";:<>,./?"