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Tangent 2019-03-30 21:46:08 +00:00
parent ecd615a6b0
commit ed61955b1c

src/main.moon Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
w, h = love.graphics.getDimensions!
local bodies
time, rate = 0, 1/60
scale = 1
G = 100000
dist2 = (a, b) ->
dx = a.x - b.x
dy = a.y - b.y
return dx * dx + dy * dy
gravity = (a, b) ->
dx = a.x - b.x
dy = a.y - b.y
d2 = dx * dx + dy * dy
theta = math.atan2 dy, dx
x = math.cos theta
y = math.sin theta
r2 = (a.r + b.r)^2
if d2 > r2
g = G / d2
a.vx -= b.r * g * x * rate
a.vy -= b.r * g * y * rate
b.vx += a.r * g * x * rate
b.vy += a.r * g * y * rate
-- red on blue collision = win
-- red on anything else collision = fail
-- b orbits a
-- doesn't work, have no idea why
setOrbit = (a, b) ->
dx = a.x - b.x
dy = a.y - b.y
d2 = dx * dx + dy * dy
theta = math.atan2 dy, dx
x = math.cos theta + math.pi / 2
y = math.sin theta + math.pi / 2
g = G / d2
b.vx = a.r * g * x
b.vy = a.r * g * y
class Body
new: (x, y, radius) =>
r = love.math.random! * math.pi * 2
d = love.math.random((w + h)/4)
@x = x or d * math.cos r
@y = y or d * math.sin r
@r = radius or love.math.randomNormal 3, 7
@vx = 0
@vy = 0
@color = {
math.min(1, 1/3 + love.math.random!),
math.min(1, 1/3 + love.math.random!),
math.min(1, 1/3 + love.math.random!),
love.load = ->
bodies = {}
bodies[1] = Body 0, 0, 20
for i = 1, love.math.random 3, 7
-- for i = 1, 1 -- for testing setOrbit in isolation
fail = true
local b
while fail
b = Body!
fail = false
for a = 1, #bodies
if (bodies[a].r + b.r)^2 > dist2 bodies[a], b
fail = true
table.insert bodies, b
bodies[2].color = { 1, 0, 0, 1 }
bodies[1].color = { 0, 0, 1, 1 }
for i = 2, #bodies
setOrbit bodies[1], bodies[i]
love.update = (dt) ->
time += dt
if time >= rate
time -= rate
for a = 1, #bodies - 1
for b = a + 1, #bodies
gravity bodies[a], bodies[b]
for body in *bodies
body.x += body.vx * rate
body.y += body.vy * rate
love.draw = ->
love.graphics.translate w / 2, h / 2
love.graphics.scale scale, scale
for body in *bodies
love.graphics.setColor body.color
love.graphics.circle "fill", body.x, body.y, math.max 1 / scale, body.r
love.wheelmoved = (x, y) ->
if y > 0
scale *= 2
elseif y < 0
scale /= 2
love.keypressed = (key) ->
love.event.quit! if key == "escape"