#!/usr/bin/env luajit -- The first time this is run (on Windows), a dialog will appear. -- Uncheck the "always show this" thing and click Install. local error_occurred, utility = pcall(function() return dofile(arg[0]:match("@?(.*/)") or arg[0]:match("@?(.*\\)") .. "utility-functions.lua") end) if not error_occurred then error("\n\nThis script is installed improperly. Follow instructions at:\n\thttps://github.com/TangentFoxy/.lua-files#installation\n") end local for_files = utility.ls() os.execute("mkdir 2pdf-output") for_files(function(file_name) local name_sans_extension = file_name:sub(1, -5) -- temporarily hardcoding expectation that the input file has a 3-digit file extension os.execute("pandoc \"" .. file_name .. "\" -o \"2pdf-output/" .. name_sans_extension .. ".pdf\"") end)