#!/usr/bin/env luajit local help = [[Usage: video-dl.lua [action] [--file] [action]: What is desired. video (default): Highest quality video (maximum 720p). backup, clone, copy: English subtitles (including automatic subtitles), thumbnail, description, highest quality video (maximum 720p). music, audio: Highest quality audio only. metadata, meta: English subtitles (including automatic subtitles), thumbnail, description. [--file]: is actually a file of URLs to open and execute [action] on each. : Source. YouTube URL expected, but should work with anything yt-dlp works with. ]] if os.execute("where yt-dlp") ~= 0 then error("yt-dlp must be installed and in the path") end local action, url if #arg < 2 then if arg[1]:find("help") then print(help) return false end action = "video" url = arg[1] else action = arg[1] url = arg[2] -- "--file" is handled just before execution end local execute = { backup = function(url) os.execute("yt-dlp --retries 100 --write-sub --write-auto-sub --sub-lang \"en.*\" --write-thumbnail --write-description -f \"bestvideo[height<=720]+bestaudio/best[height<=720]\" \"" .. url .."\"") end, music = function(url) os.execute("yt-dlp --retries 100 -x --audio-quality 0 \"" .. url .."\"") end, metadata = function(url) os.execute("yt-dlp --retries 100 --write-sub --write-auto-sub --sub-lang \"en.*\" --write-thumbnail --write-description --skip-download \"" .. url .."\"") end, video = function(url) os.execute("yt-dlp --retries 100 -f \"bestvideo[height<=720]+bestaudio/best[height<=720]\" \"" .. url .. "\"") end, } execute.clone = execute.backup execute.copy = execute.backup execute.audio = execute.music execute.meta = execute.metadata if execute[action] then if url == "--file" then pcall(function() for line in io.lines(arg[3]) do execute[action](line) end end) else execute[action](url) end else print("Invalid [action]") print("Received:", "action", action, "url", url) return false end