function os.command(command) local file = assert(io.popen(command, 'r')) local output = assert(file:read('*a')) file:close() return output end function string.trim6(s) return s:match'^()%s*$' and '' or s:match'^%s*(.*%S)' end print("---") -- local home = os.command("echo %userprofile%") -- home = string.trim6(home) -- print(home) -- local dolphin_cheese = os.command("wsl -- ollama run dolphin-mixtral \"Say only the word 'cheese'.\"") -- local dolphin_cheese = os.command("wsl") -- os.execute("C:\\Windows\\System32\\wsl.exe") -- local dolphin_cheese = os.command("echo %path%") -- local dolphin_cheese = os.command("where wsl") -- print(dolphin_cheese) -- print(os.command("bash -c \"$PATH\"")) -- os.execute("bash -c \"ollama help\"") -- runs but doesn't return anything? -- local dolphin_cheese = os.command("pwsh -Command wsl -- ollama run dolphin-mixtral \"Say only the word 'cheese'.\"") -- print(dolphin) -- os.execute("pwsh -Command wsl -- ollama run dolphin-mixtral \"Say only the word 'cheese'.\"") -- this will output to file in the correct place :D os.execute("pwsh -Command wsl --exec \"ollama run dolphin-mixtral \\\"Say only the word 'cheese'.\\\"\" > test-output-file.txt") print("---")