-- TO USE, PUT THE INTERIOR OF THIS FUNCTION IN YOUR FILE -- this only works if that file is in the same directory as this one - but works no matter where it was called from local function _example_load() local success, utility = pcall(function() return dofile((arg[0]:match("@?(.*/)") or arg[0]:match("@?(.*\\)")) .. "utility-functions.lua") end) if not success then print("\n\n" .. tostring(utility)) error("\n\nThis script may be installed improperly. Follow instructions at:\n\thttps://github.com/TangentFoxy/.lua-files#installation\n") end end math.randomseed(os.time()) local utility = {} if package.config:sub(1, 1) == "\\" then utility.OS = "Windows" utility.path_separator = "\\" utility.recursive_remove_command = "rmdir /s /q " else utility.OS = "UNIX-like" utility.path_separator = "/" utility.recursive_remove_command = "rm -r " end utility.path = arg[0]:match("@?(.*/)") or arg[0]:match("@?(.*\\)") -- inspired by discussion in https://stackoverflow.com/q/6380820 -- always uses outputting to a temporary file to guarantee safety function os.capture_safe(command, tmp_file_name) local file_name = tmp_file_name or utility.tmp_file_name() os.execute(command .. " > " .. file_name) local file = io.open(file_name, "r") local output = file:read("*all") file:close() os.execute("rm " .. file_name) -- NOTE may not work on all systems, I have a version somewhere that always does return output end function os.capture(command) if io.popen then local file = assert(io.popen(command, 'r')) local output = assert(file:read('*all')) file:close() return output else print("WARNING: io.popen not available, using a temporary file to receive output from:\n", command) return os.capture_safe(command) end end -- trim6 from Lua users wiki (best all-round pure Lua performance) function string.trim(s) return s:match'^()%s*$' and '' or s:match'^%s*(.*%S)' end function string.enquote(s) return "\"" .. s .. "\"" end local function escape_special_characters(s) local special_characters = "[()%%.[^$%]*+%-?]" if s == nil then return end return (s:gsub(special_characters, "%%%1")) end function string.gsplit(s, delimiter) delimiter = delimiter or "," if s:sub(-#delimiter) ~= delimiter then s = s .. delimiter end return s:gmatch("(.-)" .. escape_special_characters(delimiter)) end function string.split(s, delimiter) local result = {} for item in s:gsplit(delimiter) do result[#result + 1] = item end return result end utility.require = function(name) local success, package_or_err = pcall(function() return dofile((arg[0]:match("@?(.*/)") or arg[0]:match("@?(.*\\)")) .. name .. ".lua") end) if success then return package_or_err else print("\n\n" .. tostring(package_or_err)) error("\n\nThis script may be installed improperly. Follow instructions at:\n\thttps://github.com/TangentFoxy/.lua-files#installation\n") end end -- errors if specified program isn't in the path utility.required_program = function(name) local command if utility.OS == "Windows" then command = "where " -- NOTE: This will print a path when it works. :\ Windows, am I right? else command = "which " end -- TODO verify this works on Linux / macOS if os.execute(command .. tostring(name)) ~= 0 then error("\n\n" .. tostring(name) .. " must be installed and in the path\n") end end -- modified from my fork of lume utility.uuid = function() local fn = function(x) local r = math.random(16) - 1 r = (x == "x") and (r + 1) or (r % 4) + 9 return ("0123456789abcdef"):sub(r, r) end return (("xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"):gsub("[xy]", fn)) end utility.tmp_file_name = function() return "." .. utility.uuid() .. ".tmp" end utility.make_safe_file_name = function(file_name) file_name = file_name:gsub("[%\"%:%\\%!%@%#%$%%%^%*%=%{%}%|%;%<%>%?%/]", "") -- everything except the & file_name = file_name:gsub(" %&", ",") -- replacing & with a comma works for 99% of things file_name = file_name:gsub("%&", ",") -- replacing & with a comma works for 99% of things file_name = file_name:gsub("[%s+]", " ") -- more than one space in succession should be a single space return file_name end -- io.open, but errors are immediately thrown, and the file is closed for you utility.open = function(file_name, mode, custom_error_message) local file, err = io.open(file_name, mode) if not file then error(custom_error_message or err) end return function(fn) local success, result_or_error = pcall(function() return fn(file) end) file:close() if success then return result_or_error else error(result_or_error) end end end utility.escape_quotes = function(input) -- the order of these commands is important and must be preserved input = input:gsub("\\", "\\\\") input = input:gsub("\"", "\\\"") return input end -- Example, print all items in this directory: utility.ls(".")(print) utility.ls = function(path) local command if utility.OS == "Windows" then command = "dir /w /b" else command = "ls -1" end if path then command = command .. " \"" .. path .. "\"" end local tmp_file_name = utility.tmp_file_name() local output = os.capture_safe(command, tmp_file_name) return function(fn) for line in output:gmatch("[^\r\n]+") do -- thanks to https://stackoverflow.com/a/32847589 if line ~= tmp_file_name then -- exclude temporary file name fn(line) end end end end return utility