-- require this and use it in a REPL to modify the JSON database local cjson = require("cjson") local music = {} function music.normalize(str) return str:gsub("%W", ""):lower() end function music.name(name) local entry = music.data[music.normalize(name)] if entry then return entry.names[1] else return nil end end function music.load(force, file_name) if music.data and not force then print("Music library was already loaded, use 'music.load(true)' to force load.") return false end local file, err = io.open(file_name or "music.json", "r") if not file then error(err) end music.data = cjson.decode(file:read("*a")) file:close() print("Music library loaded.") return true end function music.save(file_name) local str = cjson.encode(music.data) local file, err = io.open(file_name or "music.json", "w") if not file then error(err) end file:write(str) file:close() print("Music library saved.") return true end function music.find(str) str = music.normalize(str) local matches = {} for key in pairs(music.data) do if key:find(str) then table.insert(matches, key) end end print(#matches .. " matches returned.") return matches end -- count is maximum number of returned names, defaults to 1 -- match can be nil, a name, or a list of names -- include is a table of key-value pairs that must exist -- exclude is a table of key-value pairs that must not exist -- 'true' values mean non-false keys, any other value must match exactly -- example: music.random(5, nil, {url = true}, {downloaded = true}) will return -- 5 random tracks that have a url, but have not been downloaded function music.random(count, match, include, exclude) local matches, results = {}, {} if not music.seed then music.seed = os.time() math.randomseed(music.seed) end count = math.floor(tonumber(count) or 1) local function filter(match, include, exclude) local matches = {} for _, name in ipairs(match) do local valid = true local compare = music.data[name] for k,v in pairs(include) do if v == true then if not compare[k] then valid = false break end else if compare[k] ~= v then valid = false break end end end for k,v in pairs(exclude) do if v == true then if compare[k] then valid = false break end else if compare[k] == v then valid = false break end end end if valid then table.insert(matches, name) end end return matches end if type(match) == "table" then for _, v in ipairs(match) do table.insert(matches, music.normalize(v)) end elseif type(match) == "string" then matches[1] = music.normalize(match) else for k in pairs(music.data) do table.insert(matches, k) end end matches = filter(matches, include or {}, exclude or {}) while count > 0 and #matches > 0 do for i = #matches, 1, -1 do if math.random() > 0.5 then table.insert(results, table.remove(matches, i)) count = count - 1 end if count < 1 then break end end end return results end function music.add(name) local normalized = music.normalize(name) local entry = music.data[normalized] if entry then for _, existing_name in ipairs(entry.names) do if existing_name == name then print("Already in library.") return false end end table.insert(entry.names, name) print("Already in library (normalized to: '" .. normalized .. "'). Added as alternate name of '" .. entry.names[1] .. "'") return true else music.data[normalized] = { names = { name } } print("Track added (normalized to: '" .. normalized .. "')") return true end end function music.add_file(file_name) local file, err = io.open(file_name, "r") if not file then error(err) end for track in file:lines() do if #track > 0 then music.add(track) end end file:close() return true end function music.remove(name) local normalized = music.normalize(name) if music.data[normalized] then music.data[normalized] = nil return true end return false end -- match is a name or a list of names, info is a table of key-value pairs to be set function music.set(match, info) if type(match) == "table" then for _, value in ipairs(match) do music.set(value, info) end return true end tab = music.data[music.normalize(match)] if not tab then print("'" .. tab .. "' does not exist!") return false end for key, value in pairs(info) do tab[key] = value end return true end -- returns a list of all tracks with a `url` key but no `downloaded` key. -- function music.generate_needed_downloads() -- print("To be written.") -- end music.load() return music