# The name of the resulting executables. packageName="LovePackagingExample" # User-friendly package name. friendlyPackageName="$packageName" # Who made this? (Yes, change this to your name.) author="Guard13007" # Copyright year (ex 2014-2015 or 2015) copyrightYear="2014" # A unique identifier for your package. # (It should be fine to leave this as its default.) identifier="com.$author.$packageName" # Current version (of your program) version="0.1" ###### Important! ONLY USE ABSOLUATE PATHS ###### # Where to place the resulting executables. outputDir="$(pwd)/builds" # Where the source code is. (This should be where your main.lua file is.) sourceDir="$(pwd)/src" # Files to include in ZIP packages. (ReadMe's, licenses, etc.) includes="$(pwd)/includes" # Where unzipped executables to make packages out of will be kept # (This is also where LOVE executables will be kept before modifications to make your packages) win32Dir="$outputDir/win32src" win64Dir="$outputDir/win64src" osx10Dir="$outputDir/osx10src" # Remove old packages? removeOld=false # Allow overwrite? NOT IMPLEMENTED # If this is false, LovePackaging will quit if you try to build with the same version number twice. allowOverwrite=false # Auto-number builds? NOT IMPLEMENTED # An "-buildN" will be added to the end of ZIP package names, with N being the Nth time this project was built. autoNumberBuilds=false # Use curl or wget? # (One of these lines should be commented out, the other not) #download="curl -o" download="wget --progress=bar:force -O"