local nine = { _VERSION = 'patchy.lua v2.0.0', _DESCRIPTION = 'Simple 9patch library for LÖVE', _URL = 'https://github.com/excessive/patchy/tree/master/patchy.lua', _LICENSE = [[ The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2015 Pablo Mayobre, Colby Klein, Landon Manning Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ]] } local function vertical(state, x, w, sx, row, first) local function add(state, x, y, w, h, sx, sy, row, col) state.areas[#state.areas + 1] = { x = x, -- start x y = y, -- start y w = w, -- end x h = h, -- end y sx = sx, -- scale on x (bool) sy = sy, -- scale on y (bool) row = row, -- row number col = col, -- col number } end local scale_y = state.scale_y local current_pixel = 0 local col = 0 for i=1, #scale_y do if scale_y[i].y > current_pixel then col = col + 1 add(state, x, current_pixel, w, scale_y[i].y - current_pixel, sx, false, row, col) if first then state.static.y = state.static.y + scale_y[i].y - current_pixel end current_pixel = scale_y[i].y end if scale_y[i].y == current_pixel then col = col + 1 add(state, x, scale_y[i].y, w, scale_y[i].h, sx, true, row, col) current_pixel = scale_y[i].y + scale_y[i].h else error("The start of the vertical line "..i.." comes before another line finishes", 2) end end if current_pixel < state.dimensions.h then col = col + 1 add(state, x, current_pixel, w, state.dimensions.h - current_pixel, sx, false, row, col) if first then state.static.y = state.static.y + state.dimensions.h - current_pixel end end end local function horizontal(state) local scale_x = state.scale_x local current_pixel = 0 local row = 0 for i=1, #scale_x do -- If scale area is after current pixel if scale_x[i].x > current_pixel then row = row + 1 -- If first scale area if i == 1 then vertical(state, current_pixel, scale_x[i].x - current_pixel, false, row, true) else vertical(state, current_pixel, scale_x[i].x - current_pixel, false, row) end -- calculate non-scaled area state.static.x = state.static.x + scale_x[i].x - current_pixel -- set current pixel to start of scale area current_pixel = scale_x[i].x end -- If current pixel is the beginning of scale area if scale_x[i].x == current_pixel then row = row + 1 -- If first scale area and first scale area begins at 0 (no corner piece) if i == 1 and row == 1 then vertical(state, scale_x[i].x, scale_x[i].w, true, row, true) else vertical(state, scale_x[i].x, scale_x[i].w, true, row) end -- set current pixel to end of scale area current_pixel = scale_x[i].x + scale_x[i].w else error(string.format("The start of the horizontal line %d comes before another line finishes", i), 2) end end -- If current pixel is less than total size of image if current_pixel < state.dimensions.w then row = row + 1 vertical(state, current_pixel, state.dimensions.w - current_pixel, false, row) state.static.x = state.static.x + state.dimensions.w - current_pixel end end -- Content Box (border - padding) local function get_content_box(p, x, y, w, h, preprocessed) if not preprocessed then x, y = (x or 0), (y or 0) w = math.max((w or 0) - p.static.x, 0) + p.static.x h = math.max((h or 0) - p.static.y, 0) + p.static.y end return x + p.pad[4], y + p.pad[1], w - p.pad[2] - p.pad[4] + p.static.x, h - p.pad[1] - p.pad[3] + p.static.y end -- Border Box (content + padding) local function get_border_box(p, x, y, w, h, preprocessed) if not preprocessed then x, y = (x or 0), (y or 0) w, h = (w or 0), (h or 0) end x, y, w, h = x - p.pad[4], y - p.pad[1], w + p.pad[2] + p.pad[4], h + p.pad[1] + p.pad[3] if not preprocessed then w = math.max(w - p.static.x, 0) + p.static.x h = math.max(h - p.static.y, 0) + p.static.x end return x, y, w, h end local function draw(p, x, y, w, h, content_box) local skip_update = false -- If all args match previous draw, no need to update the batch. if p.last_args then local ox, oy, ow, oh, ocontent_box = unpack(p.last_args) if x == ox and y == oy and w == ow and h == oh and content_box == ocontent_box then skip_update = true else p.last_args[1] = x p.last_args[2] = y p.last_args[3] = w p.last_args[4] = h p.last_args[5] = content_box end else p.last_args = { x, y, w, h, content_box } end -- Box Size x, y = (x or 0), (y or 0) w, h = (w or 0), (h or 0) if content_box then -- Content box model x, y, w, h = get_border_box(p, x, y, w, h, true) end w = math.max(w - p.static.x, 0) h = math.max(h - p.static.y, 0) -- Content Box local cx, cy, cw, ch = get_content_box(p, x, y, w, h, true) if not skip_update then -- Divide size by scale area local pax, pay = x, y local sax, say = w / p.dynamic.x, h / p.dynamic.y local row, col = 1, 1 for i=1, #p.areas do if p.areas[i].row > row then row = p.areas[i].row pax = pax + p.areas[i - 1].w * (p.areas[i - 1].sx and sax or 1) end if p.areas[i].col > col then col = p.areas[i].col pay = pay + p.areas[i - 1].h * (p.areas[i - 1].sy and say or 1) elseif p.areas[i].col == 1 then col = p.areas[i].col pay = y end if p.areas[i].id then p.batch:set(p.areas[i].id, p.areas[i].quad, pax, pay, 0, p.areas[i].sx and sax or 1, p.areas[i].sy and say or 1) end end end love.graphics.draw(p.batch) if debug_draw then love.graphics.setColor(255, 0, 0, 255) love.graphics.rectangle("line", get_border_box(p, cx, cy, cw, ch)) --Fixes debug_draw drawing the box littler than how it was love.graphics.setColor(0, 255, 0, 255) love.graphics.rectangle("line", cx, cy, cw, ch) love.graphics.setColor(255, 255, 255, 255) end -- return content box for lazy people who don't want to call get_content_box again return cx, cy, cw, ch end local function dump (state, filename, save_image) --Dumb serialization local str = [[local metadata = function () return { type = "9patch", areas = {]] for _, area in ipairs(state.areas) do str = str..[[ { x = ]]..tostring(area.x)..[[, y = ]]..tostring(area.y)..[[, w = ]]..tostring(area.w)..[[, h = ]]..tostring(area.h)..[[, sx = ]]..tostring(area.sx)..[[, sy = ]]..tostring(area.sy)..[[, row = ]]..tostring(area.row)..[[, col = ]]..tostring(area.col)..[[, },]] end str = str:sub(1, -2) .. [[ }, dimensions = {w = ]] .. tostring(state.dimensions.w) .. ", h = ".. tostring(state.dimensions.h) .. [[}, dynamic = {x = ]] .. tostring(state.dynamic.x) .. ", y = " .. tostring(state.dynamic.y) .. [[}, static = {x = ]] .. tostring(state.static.x) .. ", y = ".. tostring(state.static.y) .. [[}, pad = {]] for _, padding in ipairs(state.pad) do str = str .. tostring(padding) .. "," end str = str:sub(1, -2) .. [[} } end return metadata]] --Save the data in a file love.filesystem.write(filename or "", str or "") --Also save the image if required if save_image then local filename = (filename:match("(.-)%..-$") or "image")..".png" --Maybe this should be ".9.png" ? local data = state.image:getData() data:encode(filename) end return str end local function postprocess(state) if #state.areas < 1 then error("There are no areas in this patch", 2) else for _, area in ipairs(state.areas) do if area.w and area.w > 0 and area.h and area.h > 0 then area.quad = love.graphics.newQuad(area.x, area.y, area.w, area.h, state.dimensions.w, state.dimensions.h) area.id = state.batch:add(area.quad) end end end state.draw = draw state.get_border_box = get_border_box state.get_content_box = get_content_box state.dump = dump return state end local function process(patch) local image = patch.image if not image then error("No images for this patch", 2) end local _w, _h = image:getDimensions() local state = { type = "9patch", image = image, batch = patch.batch, pad = patch.pad, scale_x = patch.scale_x, scale_y = patch.scale_y, areas = {}, static = {x = 0, y = 0}, dimensions = {w = _w, h = _h}, } horizontal(state) state.dynamic = { x = state.dimensions.w - state.static.x, y = state.dimensions.h - state.static.y, } state.scale_x, state.scale_y = nil, nil return postprocess(state) end function nine.load(img, metadata) -- *.9.png if type(img) == "string" then img = love.graphics.newImage(img) end local data = img:getData() local w, h = img:getDimensions() local aw, ah = img:getWidth()-2, img:getHeight()-2 local asset = love.image.newImageData(aw, ah) asset:paste(data, 0, 0, 1, 1, aw, ah) local srgb = select(3, love.window.getMode()).srgb local image = love.graphics.newImage(asset, srgb and "srgb" or nil) if type(metadata) == "string" then metadata = love.filesystem.load(metadata) if not metadata then error("Invalid metadata file passed to 'import'",2) end metadata = metadata() end if type(metadata) == "function" then metadata = metadata() end if metadata and metadata.type == "9patch" then metadata.image = image return nine.import(image, metadata) end -- 9patch data local scale_x, scale_y = {{}}, {{}} local fill_x, fill_y = {}, {} -- Scan horizontal rows for 9patch data for i=0, w - 1 do -- Top row, scale local r, g, b, a = data:getPixel(i, 0) -- If we are currently in a scale stream, check to see if we leave it (not black) if scale_x[#scale_x].x then if not scale_x[#scale_x].w and (r ~= 0 or g ~=0 or b ~= 0 or a ~= 255) then scale_x[#scale_x].w = (i - 1) - scale_x[#scale_x].x end else -- If we are not in a scale stream, check to see if we are starting one (black) if r == 0 and g == 0 and b == 0 and a == 255 then scale_x[#scale_x].x = i - 1 end end -- Bottom row, fill local r, g, b, a = data:getPixel(i, h - 1) -- If we are in a fill stream, check to see if we leave it (not black) if fill_x.x then if not fill_x.w and (r ~= 0 or g ~= 0 or b ~= 0 or a ~= 255) then fill_x.w = (i - 1) - fill_x.x end else -- If we are not in a fill stream, check to see if we are starting one (black) if r == 0 and g == 0 and b == 0 and a == 255 then fill_x.x = i - 1 end end -- stahp if scale_x[#scale_x].w then scale_x[#scale_x + 1] = {} end end -- if the last table is empty (stahp) if not scale_x[#scale_x].x then -- if there is only one table, no 9patch data if #scale_x == 1 then error("Invalid 9-patch image, it doesnt contain an horizontal line", 2) else scale_x[#scale_x] = nil end end -- staaaaahp if not scale_x[#scale_x].w then scale_x[#scale_x].w = (w - 1) - scale_x[#scale_x].x end --same as above, but for height! for i=0, h - 1 do local r, g, b, a = data:getPixel(0, i) if scale_y[#scale_y].y then if not scale_y.h and (r ~= 0 or g ~=0 or b ~= 0 or a ~= 255) then scale_y[#scale_y].h = (i - 1) - scale_y[#scale_y].y end else if r == 0 and g == 0 and b == 0 and a == 255 then scale_y[#scale_y].y = i - 1 end end local r, g, b, a = data:getPixel(w - 1, i) if fill_y.y then if not fill_y.h and (r ~= 0 or g ~= 0 or b ~= 0 or a ~= 255) then fill_y.h = (i - 1) - fill_y.y end else if r == 0 and g == 0 and b == 0 and a == 255 then fill_y.y = i - 1 end end if scale_y[#scale_y].h then scale_y[#scale_y + 1] = {} end end if not scale_y[#scale_y].y then if #scale_y == 1 then error("Invalid 9-patch image, it doesnt contain a vertical line",2) else scale_y[#scale_y] = nil end end if not scale_y[#scale_y].h then scale_y[#scale_y].h = (h - 1) - scale_y[#scale_y].y end -- maaaaath local scale_w = scale_x[#scale_x].x + scale_x[#scale_x].w - scale_x[1].x local scale_h = scale_y[#scale_y].y + scale_y[#scale_y].h - scale_y[1].y fill_x.w = fill_x.x and (fill_x.w and fill_x.w or (w - 1 - fill_x.x)) or scale_w fill_y.h = fill_y.y and (fill_y.h and fill_y.h or (h - 1 - fill_y.y)) or scale_h fill_x.x = fill_x.x and fill_x.x or scale_x[1].x fill_y.y = fill_y.y and fill_y.y or scale_y[1].y local pad = { - fill_y.y + scale_y[1].y, - (scale_x[1].x + scale_w) + (fill_x.x + fill_x.w), - (scale_y[1].y + scale_h) + (fill_y.y + fill_y.h), - fill_x.x + scale_x[1].x, } -- Dear Positive, -- ?????????????????????????? -- Sincerely, me. local patch = { image = image, batch = love.graphics.newSpriteBatch(image, (#scale_x * 2 + 1) * (#scale_y * 2 + 1)), pad = pad, scale_x = scale_x, scale_y = scale_y, } return process(patch) end function nine.import (image, metadata) if type(metadata) == "string" then metadata = love.filesystem.load(metadata) if not metadata then error("Invalid metadata file passed to 'import'",2) end metadata = metadata() end if type(metadata) == "function" then metadata = metadata() end if type(metadata) ~= "table" then error("bad argument #2 to 'import' (table expected, got "..type(metadata)..")", 2) end -- *.9.png if type(image) == "string" then image = love.graphics.newImage(image) end if not image or not image.type or image:type() ~= "Image" then error("bad argument #1 to 'import' (Image expected, got "..(image.type and image:type() or type(image))..")", 2) end metadata.image = image metadata.batch = love.graphics.newSpriteBatch(image, #metadata.areas) return postprocess(metadata) end return nine