local lg = love.graphics local pop local debugDraw = false function love.load() pop = require "pop" ---[[ local c = pop.box():align("center", "center"):setSize(300, 300) pop.box(c, {255, 0, 0, 255}):setSize(100, 50) pop.box(c, {0, 255, 0, 255}):align("center"):setSize(100, 100) pop.box(c, {0, 0, 255, 255}):align("right"):setSize(50, 100) pop.box(c, {100, 100, 100, 255}):align("center", "center"):setSize(500, 100) pop.box(c):align("center"):setSize(50, 500):move(0, -100) pop.box(c, {255, 255, 0, 255}):align(false, "bottom"):setSize(100, 100) pop.box(c, {255, 150, 0, 255}):align("center", "bottom"):setSize(100, 50) pop.box(c, {0, 255, 255}):align("right", "bottom"):setSize(50, 100):move(-50) pop.text(nil, "Here's some test text\n(with newlines)\nin the top left corner!") pop.text(nil, "Here's some test text in the bottom right corner!"):align("right", "bottom") pop.skin(pop.text("Here's easier-to-code test text in the center!"):align("center", "center", true)) -- 'true' means align to pixel! w = pop.box(nil, {255, 255, 255, 255}):align(false, "bottom"):setSize(150, 150) b = pop.box(w, {0, 0, 0, 255}):setMargin(5):setSize(100, 100) --]] --c:move(100) --[[ w2 = pop.window(nil, "Window") w2:move(100, 100) w2:setWidth(500) w2:move(-50, 80) w2:setHeight(500) w2:move(0, -175) w2.child[2]:align("center") --w2:align("center") --w2:setAlignment("center"):align("center") --w2.child[1]:setBackground {100, 100, 100, 255} --w2.child[3]:setBackground {160, 140, 40, 255} --]] local test = lg.newImage("test.png") G = pop.element():align("right"):move(-2, 2) a = pop.box(G, test):align("right") b = pop.box(G, test):align("right"):move(-25):setWidth(40) c = pop.box(G, test):align("right"):move(0, 25):setHeight(40) print(a.horizontal, a.vertical) print(b.horizontal, b.vertical) print(c.horizontal, c.vertical) --TODO make rounding to nearest pixel DEFAULT BEHAVIOR --TODO make debugDraw better end function love.update(dt) pop.update(dt) end function love.draw() pop.draw() if debugDraw then pop.debugDraw() --w2:debugDraw() end end function love.mousepressed(x, y, button) pop.mousepressed(x, y, button) end function love.mousereleased(x, y, button) pop.mousereleased(x, y, button) end function love.keypressed(key) local handled = pop.keypressed(key) if (key == "d") and (not handled) then debugDraw = not debugDraw end if (key == "escape") and (not handled) then love.event.quit() end end function love.keyreleased(key) pop.keyreleased(key) end function love.textinput(text) pop.textinput(text) end