local lg = love.graphics local pop local debugDraw = false function love.load() print(love.getVersion()) pop = require "pop" ---[[ local c = pop.box():align("center", "center"):setSize(300, 300) pop.box(c, {255, 0, 0, 255}):setSize(100, 50) pop.box(c, {0, 255, 0, 255}):align("center"):setSize(100, 100) pop.box(c, {0, 0, 255, 255}):align("right"):setSize(50, 100) pop.box(c, {100, 100, 100, 255}):align("center", "center"):setSize(500, 100) pop.box(c):align("center"):setSize(50, 500):move(0, -100) pop.box(c, {255, 255, 0, 255}):align(false, "bottom"):setSize(100, 100) pop.box(c, {255, 150, 0, 255}):align("center", "bottom"):setSize(100, 50) pop.box(c, {0, 255, 255}):align("right", "bottom"):setSize(50, 100):move(-50) pop.text(nil, "Here's some test text\n(with newlines)\nin the top left corner!") pop.text(nil, "Here's some test text in the bottom right corner!"):align("right", "bottom") pop.skin(pop.text("Here's easier-to-code test text in the center!"):align("center", "center", true)) -- 'true' means align to pixel! w = pop.box(nil, {255, 255, 255, 255}):align(false, "bottom"):setSize(150, 150) b = pop.box(w, {0, 0, 0, 255}):setMargin(5):setSize(100, 100) --]] --c:move(100) pop.box({255, 0, 0, 255}):position(50, 500) -- testing streamlined_get_set extension & optional parents --b:margin(2) -- testing streamlined_get_set extension b:fill() -- testing fill! ---[[ w2 = pop.window(nil, "Window") w2:move(100, 100) w2:setWidth(500) w2:move(-50, 80) w2:setHeight(500) w2:move(0, -175) w2.title:align("center") w2:position(0, 0) --w2:setAlignment("right") w2:size(200, 120):position(90, 70) --w2:align("center") --w2:setAlignment("center"):align("center") --w2.child[1]:setBackground {100, 100, 100, 255} --w2.child[3]:setBackground {160, 140, 40, 255} --]] local test = lg.newImage("test.png") G = pop.element():align("right"):move(-2, 2) a = pop.box(G, test):align("right") b = pop.box(G, test):align("right"):move(-25):setWidth(40) c = pop.box(G, test):align("right"):move(0, 25):setHeight(40) print(a.horizontal, a.vertical) print(b.horizontal, b.vertical) print(c.horizontal, c.vertical) local window = pop.window():align("center", "center"):setTitle("Welcome!") --window:addChild(pop.text("Welcome to Pop.Box()!")) --TODO make debugDraw better end function love.update(dt) pop.update(dt) end function love.draw() pop.draw() if debugDraw then pop.debugDraw() --w2:debugDraw() end end function love.mousemoved(x, y, dx, dy) pop.mousemoved(x, y, dx, dy) end function love.mousepressed(x, y, button) pop.mousepressed(x, y, button) end function love.mousereleased(x, y, button) pop.mousereleased(x, y, button) end function love.keypressed(key) local handled = pop.keypressed(key) if (key == "d") and (not handled) then debugDraw = not debugDraw end if (key == "escape") and (not handled) then love.event.quit() end end function love.keyreleased(key) pop.keyreleased(key) end function love.textinput(text) pop.textinput(text) end