pop = { _VERSION: 'Pop.Box v0.0.0' _DESCRIPTION: 'GUI library for LOVE, designed for ease of use' _URL: 'http://github.com/Guard13007/Pop.Box' _LICENSE: 'The MIT License (MIT)' _AUTHOR: 'Paul Liverman III' } unless love.getVersion error "Pop.Box only supports LOVE versions >= 0.9.1" import filesystem, graphics from love import insert from table import inheritsFromElement from require "#{...}/util" path = ... pop.elements = {} pop.skins = {} pop.screen = false -- initialized in pop.load() pop.focused = false -- loads elements and skins, creates pop.screen (intended to only be called once at the beginning) pop.load = -> elements = filesystem.getDirectoryItems "#{path}/elements" for i = 1, #elements -- only attempt to load lua files unless elements[i]\sub(-4) == ".lua" continue -- load into pop.elements table name = elements[i]\sub 1, -5 pop.elements[name] = require "#{path}/elements/#{name}" if pop.elements[name].load pop.elements[name].load pop print "element loaded: \"#{name}\"" -- create pop.element() wrapper if possible unless pop[name] if pop.elements[name].wrap pop[name] = pop.elements[name].wrap pop else pop[name] = (...) -> return pop.create(name, ...) print "wrapper created: \"pop.#{name}()\"" -- works just like above, except no load calls or wrappers skins = filesystem.getDirectoryItems "#{path}/skins" for i = 1, #skins unless skins[i]\sub(-4) == ".lua" continue name = skins[i]\sub 1, -5 pop.skins[name] = require "#{path}/skins/#{name}" print "skin loaded: \"#{name}\"" -- (again, similar) load extensions by just running them via require extensions = filesystem.getDirectoryItems "#{path}/extensions" for i = 1, #extensions unless extensions[i]\sub(-4) == ".lua" continue name = extensions[i]\sub 1, -5 require "#{path}/extensions/#{name}" print "extension loaded: \"#{name}\"" -- GUI screen area pop.screen = pop.create("element", false)\setSize(graphics.getWidth!, graphics.getHeight!) print "created \"pop.screen\"" -- creates an element (parent is an element, false, or nil (defaults to pop.screen)) pop.create = (element, parent=pop.screen, ...) -> -- if valid parent element if inheritsFromElement parent element = pop.elements[element](parent, ...) insert parent.child, element -- if explicitly no parent elseif parent == false element = pop.elements[element](false, ...) -- else use pop.screen, and "parent" is actually first argument else element = pop.elements[element](pop.screen, parent, ...) insert pop.screen.child, element return element pop.update = (dt, element=pop.screen) -> unless element.excludeUpdate if element.update element\update dt for i = 1, #element.child pop.update dt, element.child[i] pop.draw = (element=pop.screen) -> unless element.excludeDraw if element.draw element\draw! for i = 1, #element.child pop.draw element.child[i] --TODO implement a way for an element to attach itself to mousemoved events pop.mousemoved = (x, y, dx, dy) -> if pop.focused and pop.focused.mousemoved return pop.focused\mousemoved x, y, dx, dy return false pop.mousepressed = (x, y, button, element) -> -- start at the screen, print that we received an event unless element print "mousepressed", x, y, button element = pop.screen -- have we handled the event? handled = false -- if it was inside the current element.. if (x >= element.x) and (x <= element.x + element.w) and (y >= element.y) and (y <= element.y + element.h) -- check its child elements in reverse order, returning if something handles it for i = #element.child, 1, -1 if handled = pop.mousepressed x, y, button, element.child[i] return handled -- if a child hasn't handled it yet unless handled -- if we can handle it and are visible, try to handle it, and set pop.focused if element.mousepressed and (not element.excludeDraw) if handled = element\mousepressed x - element.x, y - element.y, button pop.focused = element -- return whether or not we have handled the event return handled pop.mousereleased = (x, y, button, element) -> -- we are trying to handle a clicked or mousereleased event clickedHandled = false mousereleasedHandled = false -- if we have an element, and are within its bounds if element if (x >= element.x) and (x <= element.x + element.w) and (y >= element.y) and (y <= element.y + element.h) -- check its children in reverse for handling a clicked or mousereleased event for i = #element.child, 1, -1 clickedHandled, mousereleasedHandled = pop.mousereleased x, y, button, element.child[i] if clickedHandled or mousereleasedHandled return clickedHandled, mousereleasedHandled -- if that doesn't work, we try to handle it ourselves unless clickedHandled or mousereleasedHandled -- clicked only happens on visible elements, mousereleased happens either way if element.clicked and (not element.excludeDraw) clickedHandled = element\clicked x - element.x, y - element.y, button if element.mousereleased mousereleasedHandled = element\mousereleased x - element.x, y - element.y, button -- if we clicked, we're focused! if clickedHandled pop.focused = element --NOTE this might cause an error in the above for loop! -- basically, move focused element to front of its parent's child --element.parent\focusChild element --table.insert element.parent, element.parent\removeChild(element), -- else, default to pop.screen to begin! (and print that we received an event) else print "mousereleased", x, y, button pop.mousereleased x, y, button, pop.screen return clickedHandled, mousereleasedHandled pop.keypressed = (key) -> print "keypressed", key -- keypressed events must be on visible elements element = pop.focused if element and element.keypressed and (not element.excludeDraw) return element.keypressed key return false pop.keyreleased = (key) -> print "keyreleased", key -- keyreleased events are always called element = pop.focused if element and element.keyreleased return element.keyreleased key return false pop.textinput = (text) -> print "textinput", text -- textinput events must be on visible elements element = pop.focused if element and element.textinput and (not element.excludeDraw) return element.textinput text return false --TODO rewrite skin system to not rely on knowing internals of elements, -- instead call functions like setColor and setBackground -- skins an element (and its children unless depth == true or 0) -- depth can be an integer for how many levels to go down when skinning -- defaults to pop.screen and the default skin pop.skin = (element=pop.screen, skin=pop.skins.default, depth) -> if element.background and skin.background element.background = skin.background if element.color and skin.color element.color = skin.color if element.font and skin.font element.font = skin.font unless depth or (depth == 0) if depth == tonumber depth for i = 1, #element.child pop.skin element.child[i], skin, depth - 1 else for i = 1, #element.child pop.skin element.child[i], skin, false pop.debugDraw = (element=pop.screen) -> if element.debugDraw element\debugDraw! else graphics.setLineWidth 1 graphics.setLineColor 0, 0, 0, 100 graphics.rectangle "fill", element.x, element.y, element.w, element.h graphics.setColor 150, 150, 150, 150 graphics.rectangle "line", element.x, element.y, element.w, element.h graphics.setColor 200, 200, 200, 255 graphics.print ".", element.x, element.y for i = 1, #element.child pop.debugDraw element.child[i] pop.printElementTree = (element=pop.screen, depth=0) -> cls = element.__class.__name if cls == "text" cls = cls .. " (\"#{element\getText!\gsub "\n", "\\n"}\")" elseif cls == "box" bg = element\getBackground! if type(bg) == "table" bg = "#{bg[1]}, #{bg[2]}, #{bg[3]}, #{bg[4]}" cls = cls .. " (#{bg})" print string.rep("-", depth) .. " #{cls}" for i = 1, #element.child pop.printElementStack element.child[i], depth + 1 pop.load! return pop