local filesystem, graphics do local _obj_0 = love filesystem, graphics = _obj_0.filesystem, _obj_0.graphics end local insert insert = table.insert local path = ... local pop = { } pop.elements = { } pop.window = { child = { } } pop.load = function() local elements = filesystem.getDirectoryItems(tostring(path) .. "/elements") for i = 1, #elements do local name = elements[i]:sub(1, -5) pop.elements[name] = require(tostring(path) .. "/elements/" .. tostring(name)) print("loaded element: " .. tostring(name)) if not pop[name] then pop[name] = function(...) return pop.create(name, ...) end print("wrapper created: " .. tostring(name) .. "()") end end pop.window = pop.create("element"):setSize(graphics.getWidth(), graphics.getHeight()) return print("created window") end pop.create = function(elementType, parent, ...) if parent == nil then parent = pop.window end local newElement = pop.elements[elementType](parent, ...) insert(parent.child, newElement) return newElement end pop.update = function(dt, element) if element == nil then element = pop.window end if not element.excludeUpdating then if element.update then element:update(dt) end for i = 1, #element.child do pop.update(dt, element.child[i]) end end end pop.draw = function(element) if element == nil then element = pop.window end if not element.excludeRendering then if element.draw then local _ do local _base_0 = element local _fn_0 = _base_0.draw _ = function(...) return _fn_0(_base_0, ...) end end end for i = 1, #element.child do pop.draw(element.child) end end end pop.mousepressed = function(button, x, y, element) if element == nil then element = pop.window end if (x >= element.x) and (x <= (element.x + element.w)) then if (y >= element.y) and (y <= (element.y + element.h)) then for i = 1, #element.child do if pop.mousepressed(button, x, y, element.child[i]) then return true end end if element.mousepressed then return element:mousepressed(button, x - element.x, y - element.y) else return false end end end end pop.mousereleased = function(button, x, y, element) if element == nil then element = pop.window end end pop.keypressed = function(key) return print("pop.keypressed() is unimplemented.") end pop.keyreleased = function(key) return print("pop.keyreleased() is unimplemented.") end pop.textinput = function(text) return print("pop.textinput() is unimplemented.") end pop.skin = function(element, skin, apply_to_children) if apply_to_children == nil then apply_to_children = true end element.margin = skin.margin if element.background then element.background = skin.background end if element.color then element.color = skin.color end if element.font then element.font = skin.font end if apply_to_children then for i = 1, #element.child do pop.skin(element.child[i], skin) end end end pop.debugDraw = function(element) if element == nil then element = pop.window end if element.debugDraw then element:debugDraw() else graphics.setLineWidth(1) graphics.setColor(0, 0, 0, 100) graphics.rectangle("fill", element.x, element.y, element.w, element.h) graphics.setColor(150, 150, 150, 150) graphics.rectangle("line", element.x, element.y, element.w, element.h) graphics.setColor(200, 200, 200, 255) graphics.print(".", element.x, element.y) end for i = 1, #element.child do pop.debugDraw(element.child[i]) end end pop.load() return pop