Paul Liverman III 6255f30fa6 text element, fixed object creation
- inheritsFromElement improved
- fixed a couple bugs in element
- added inspect library
2017-01-10 12:57:02 -08:00

463 lines
16 KiB

--- The Pop.Box GUI itself.
--- @module pop
--- @copyright Paul Liverman III (2015-2016)
--- @license The MIT License (MIT)
--- @release 0.0.0
pop = {
_VERSION: '0.0.0'
_DESCRIPTION: 'GUI library for LOVE, designed for ease of use'
_URL: 'http://github.com/Guard13007/Pop.Box'
_LICENSE: 'The MIT License (MIT)'
_AUTHOR: 'Paul Liverman III'
log = (...) ->
print "[Pop.Box]", ...
unless love.getVersion
error "Pop.Box only supports LOVE versions >= 0.9.1"
path = (...)\gsub "%.", "/"
if (...)\sub(-4) == "init"
path = (...)\sub 1, -5
unless path
path = "."
log "Require path detected: \"#{path}\""
import filesystem, graphics from love
import insert from table
import inheritsFromElement from require "#{path}/util"
import dumps, loads from require "#{path}/lib/bitser/bitser"
--- @table pop
--- @tfield table elements All GUI classes are stored here.
--- @tfield table skins All skins are stored here.
--- @tfield table extensions All extensions are loaded here.
--- @tfield Element screen The top level GUI element. Represents the game
--- screen. Initialized in `pop.load()`
--- @tfield ?Element|false focused The currently focused GUI element (or `false`
--- if none is focused).
--- @see pop.load
--- @see Element
pop.elements = {}
pop.skins = {}
pop.extensions = {}
pop.screen = false
pop.focused = false
pop.log = log
--- Loads elements, skins, extensions, and initializes `pop.screen`.
--- **IMPORTANT**: Intended to only be called once, and is automatically called
--- when you require Pop.Box.
--- @function load
--- @see pop
--- @see Element
pop.load = ->
--@todo @ see Skins
--@todo @ see Extensions
log "Loading elements from \"#{path}/elements\""
elements = filesystem.getDirectoryItems "#{path}/elements"
for i = 1, #elements
-- ignore non-Lua files
unless elements[i]\sub(-4) == ".lua"
log "Ignored non-Lua file \"#{path}/elements/#{elements[i]}\""
-- require into pop.elements table by filename
name = elements[i]\sub 1, -5
log "Requiring \"#{name}\" from \"#{path}/elements/#{name}\""
pop.elements[name] = require "#{path}/elements/#{name}"
-- call the element's load function if it exists
if pop.elements[name].load
pop.elements[name].load pop
log "Element loaded: \"#{name}\""
-- create "pop.element()" function wrapper if possible
unless pop[name]
if pop.elements[name].wrap
pop[name] = pop.elements[name].wrap pop
pop[name] = (...) ->
return pop.create(name, ...)
log "Wrapper created: \"pop.#{name}()\""
skins = filesystem.getDirectoryItems "#{path}/skins"
for i = 1, #skins
-- ignore non-Lua files
unless skins[i]\sub(-4) == ".lua"
log "Ignored non-Lua file \"#{path}/skins/#{skins[i]}\""
-- require into pop.skins table by filename
name = skins[i]\sub 1, -5
log "Requiring \"#{name}\" from \"#{path}/skins/#{name}\""
pop.skins[name] = require "#{path}/skins/#{name}"
-- call the skin's load function if it exists
if pop.skins[name].load
pop.skins[name].load pop
log "Skin loaded: \"#{name}\""
extensions = filesystem.getDirectoryItems "#{path}/extensions"
for i = 1, #extensions
-- ignore non-Lua files
unless extensions[i]\sub(-4) == ".lua"
log "Ignored non-Lua file \"#{path}/extensions/#{extensions[i]}\""
-- require into pop.extensions by filename
name = extensions[i]\sub 1, -5
log "Requiring \"#{name}\" from \"#{path}/extensions/#{name}\""
pop.extensions[name] = require "#{path}/extensions/#{name}"
-- call the extension's load function if it exists
if pop.extensions[name].load
pop.extensions[name].load pop
log "Extension loaded: \"#{name}\""
-- Initialize pop.screen (top element, GUI area)
pop.screen = pop.create("element", false)\setSize(graphics.getWidth!, graphics.getHeight!)
log "Created \"pop.screen\""
--- Creates an element.
--- @function create
--- @tparam string element The element class to use.
--- @tparam ?Element|false|nil parent[opt] The parent element. If `false`, an
--- element is created with no parent. If `nil`, defaults to `pop.screen`.
--- @param ...[opt] Any number of parameters can be passed to the constructor
--- for the element.
--- (**Note**: An element with no parent will not be handled by Pop.Box's event
--- handlers unless you handle it explicitly.)
--- @see pop
--- @see Element
pop.create = (element, parent=pop.screen, data, ...) ->
-- if valid parent element, use it
if inheritsFromElement parent
if type(data) == "table"
element = pop.elements[element](parent, data, ...)
element = pop.elements[element](parent, {}, data, ...)
insert parent.child, element
insert parent.data.child, element.data
--element.parent = parent
element.data.parent = parent.data
-- if explicitly no parent, just create the element
elseif parent == false
if type(data) == "table"
element = pop.elements[element](false, data, ...)
element = pop.elements[element](false, {}, data, ...)
element.parent = false
element.data.parent = false
-- else use pop.screen (and "parent" is actually the first argument)
if type(parent) == "table" -- then parent must be data table
element = pop.elements[element](pop.screen, parent, data, ...)
else -- parent must be an argument
element = pop.elements[element](pop.screen, {}, parent, data, ...)
--if type(data) == "table"
-- element = pop.elements[element](pop.screen, parent, data, ...)
-- element = pop.elements[element](pop.screen, parent, {}, data, ...)
insert pop.screen.child, element
insert pop.screen.data.child, element.data
--element.parent = pop.screen
element.data.parent = pop.screen.data
return element
--- Event handler for `love.update()`.
--- @function update
--- @tparam number dt The amount of time passed since the last call to update,
--- in seconds.
--- @tparam Element element[opt] The element to update (will update all its
--- children as well). Defaults to `pop.screen`.
--- @see Element
pop.update = (dt, element=pop.screen) ->
--- @todo Define Elements and @ see that documentation from here. Generic documentation, not specifically element!
-- data.update boolean controls an element and its children being updated
if element.data.update
if element.update
element\update dt
for i = 1, #element.child
pop.update dt, element.child[i]
--- Event handler for `love.draw()`.
--- @function draw
--- @tparam Element element[opt] The element to draw (will draw all its children
--- as well). Defaults to `pop.screen`.
--- @see Element
pop.draw = (element=pop.screen) ->
-- data.draw boolean controls an element and its children being drawn
if element.data.draw
if element.draw
for i = 1, #element.child
pop.draw element.child[i]
--- Event handler for `love.mousemoved()`. (LÖVE >= 0.10.0)
--- @function mousemoved
--- @tparam integer x The x coordinate of the mouse.
--- @tparam integer y The y coordinate of the mouse.
--- @tparam number dx The distance on the x axis the mouse was moved.
--- @tparam number dy The distance on the y axis the mouse was moved.
--- @treturn boolean Was the event handled?
pop.mousemoved = (x, y, dx, dy) ->
--- @todo Implement a way for an element to attach itself to `love.mousemoved()` events?
if pop.focused and pop.focused.mousemoved
return pop.focused\mousemoved x - pop.focused.data.x, y - pop.focused.data.y, dx, dy
return false
--- Event handler for `love.mousepressed()`.
--- @function mousepressed
--- @tparam integer x The x coordinate of the mouse press.
--- @tparam integer y The y coordinate of the mouse press.
--- @tparam ?string|integer button The mouse button pressed. (Type varies by
--- LÖVE version.)
--- @tparam Element element[opt] The element to check for event handling (will
--- check its children as well). Defaults to `pop.screen`.
--- @treturn boolean Was the event handled?
--- @see Element
pop.mousepressed = (x, y, button, element) ->
-- start at the screen, print that we received an event
unless element
log "mousepressed", x, y, button
element = pop.screen
-- have we handled the event?
handled = false
-- if it is inside the current element..
if (x >= element.data.x) and (x <= element.data.x + element.data.w) and (y >= element.data.y) and (y <= element.data.y + element.data.h)
-- check its child elements in reverse order, returning if something handles it
for i = #element.child, 1, -1
if handled = pop.mousepressed x, y, button, element.child[i]
return handled
-- if a child hasn't handled it yet (note: this check doesn't seem neccessary)
unless handled
-- if we can handle it and are visible, try to handle it, and set pop.focused
if element.mousepressed and element.data.draw
if handled = element\mousepressed x - element.data.x, y - element.data.y, button
pop.focused = element
-- return whether or not we have handled the event
return handled
--- Event handler for `love.mousereleased()`.
--- @function mousereleased
--- @tparam integer x The x coordinate of the mouse release.
--- @tparam integer y The y coordinate of the mouse release.
--- @tparam ?string|integer button The mouse button released. (Type varies by
--- LÖVE version.)
--- @tparam Element element[opt] The element to check for event handling (will
--- check its children as well). Defaults to `pop.screen`.
--- @treturn boolean Was a click handled?
--- @treturn boolean Was a mouse release handled?
--- @see Element
pop.mousereleased = (x, y, button, element) ->
-- we are trying to handle a clicked or mousereleased event
clickedHandled = false
mousereleasedHandled = false
-- if we have an element, and are within its bounds
if element
if (x >= element.data.x) and (x <= element.data.x + element.data.w) and (y >= element.data.y) and (y <= element.data.y + element.data.h)
-- check its children in reverse for handling a clicked or mousereleased event
for i = #element.child, 1, -1
clickedHandled, mousereleasedHandled = pop.mousereleased x, y, button, element.child[i]
if clickedHandled or mousereleasedHandled
return clickedHandled, mousereleasedHandled
-- if that doesn't work, we try to handle it ourselves (note: again, this check seems unneccessary)
unless clickedHandled or mousereleasedHandled
-- clicked only happens on visible elements, mousereleased happens either way
if element.clicked and element.data.draw
clickedHandled = element\clicked x - element.data.x, y - element.data.y, button
if element.mousereleased
mousereleasedHandled = element\mousereleased x - element.data.x, y - element.data.y, button
-- if we clicked, we're focused!
if clickedHandled
pop.focused = element
--- @todo Figure out how to bring a focused element to the front of view (aka the first element in its parent's children).
--- (If I do it right here, the for loop above may break! I need to test/figure this out.)
--NOTE this might cause an error in the above for loop!
-- basically, move focused element to front of its parent's child
--element.parent\focusChild element
--table.insert element.parent, element.parent\removeChild(element),
-- else, default to pop.screen to begin! (and print that we received an event)
log "mousereleased", x, y, button
pop.mousereleased x, y, button, pop.screen
return clickedHandled, mousereleasedHandled
--- Event handler for `love.keypressed()`.
--- @function keypressed
--- @tparam string key The key that was pressed.
--- @treturn boolean Was the event handled?
pop.keypressed = (key) ->
log "keypressed", key
-- keypressed events must be on visible elements
element = pop.focused
if element and element.keypressed and element.data.draw
return element.keypressed key
return false
--- Event handler for `love.keyreleased()`.
--- @function keyreleased
--- @tparam string key The key that was released.
--- @treturn boolean Was the event handled?
pop.keyreleased = (key) ->
log "keyreleased", key
-- keyreleased events are always called
element = pop.focused
if element and element.keyreleased
return element.keyreleased key
return false
--- Event handler for `love.textinput()`.
--- @function textinput
--- @tparam string text The text that was typed.
--- @treturn boolean Was the text input handled?
pop.textinput = (text) ->
log "textinput", text
-- textinput events must be on visible elements
element = pop.focused
if element and element.textinput and element.data.draw
return element.textinput text
return false
--- @todo doc me
pop.import = (data, parent=pop.screen) ->
local element
if type(data) == "string"
data = loads(data)
element = pop.create(data.type, parent, data)
element = pop.elements[data.type](parent, data)
insert parent.child, element
for i = 1, #data.child
pop.import data.child[i], element
--- @todo doc me
pop.export = (element=pop.screen) ->
return dumps(element.data)
--- Draws simple rectangle outlines to debug placement of elements.
--- @function debugDraw
--- @tparam Element element[opt] The element to draw (will draw its children as
--- well). Defaults to `pop.screen`.
--- @see Element
pop.debugDraw = (element=pop.screen) ->
--@todo Make this better in the future when different element types have been created and whatnot.
if element.debugDraw
graphics.setLineWidth 1
graphics.setColor 0, 0, 0, 100
graphics.rectangle "fill", element.data.x, element.data.y, element.data.w, element.data.h
graphics.setColor 150, 150, 150, 150
graphics.rectangle "line", element.data.x, element.data.y, element.data.w, element.data.h
graphics.setColor 200, 200, 200, 255
graphics.print ".", element.data.x, element.data.y
for i = 1, #element.child
pop.debugDraw element.child[i]
--- Prints a basic structure of GUI elements with minimal info.
--- @function printElementTree
--- @tparam Element element[opt] The element to start at. Defaults to
--- `pop.screen`.
--- @see Element
pop.printElementTree = (element=pop.screen, depth=0) ->
--- @todo Correct this once elements are reimplemented if it needs correction.
cls = element.__class.__name
if cls == "text"
cls = cls .. " (\"#{element\getText!\gsub "\n", "\\n"}\")"
elseif cls == "box"
bg = element\getBackground!
if type(bg) == "table"
bg = "#{bg[1]}, #{bg[2]}, #{bg[3]}, #{bg[4]}"
cls = cls .. " (#{bg})"
log string.rep("-", depth) .. " #{cls}"
for i = 1, #element.child
pop.printElementTree element.child[i], depth + 1
-- finally, load is called and pop returned
return pop