# itchy A super simple version checker for use with [LÖVE](https://love2d.org) games published on [itch.io](https://itch.io/). ## Installation Copy `itchy.lua` to where you want in your source. It is recommended that you install [luajit-request](https://github.com/LPGhatguy/luajit-request) as it allows for itchy to use HTTPS connections. ## Usage Start it as a thread with a configuration table. Wait for "itchy" channel to respond with a table of version information. Require itchy, and run `check_version` with a configuration table. Periodically run `new_version` to see if data has been returned yet. ```lua local itchy = require "lib.itchy" -- or wherever you saved it local game = { target = "guard13007/asteroid-dodge", -- target or url must be defined version = "1.0.0" -- optional, config options listed below } itchy:check_version(game) -- somewhere where this will be called periodically local data = itchy:new_version(game) -- passing the game table is not necessary if data then -- easiest usage, just print the message to the user love.graphics.print("Version: 1.0.0 Latest: " .. data.message) end ``` You can cancel it with `itchy:kill_version_checker(game)`, and start a new version checker with `itchy:check_version({})` any time you like. ### Version Information Example Returned data example: ```lua { status = 200, -- nil or status code of an HTTP request body = '{"latest":"0.2.0"}', -- raw result body from the HTTP request version = "0.2.0", -- number/string (if body was parsed correctly) latest = true, -- nil/boolean: your version == latest version? message = "0.2.0, you have the latest version" -- an error or status message } ``` Errors from LuaSocket will be returned as `"socket.http.request error: " .. err` The library tries to parse a response body for valid JSON of the format `{"latest":"VERSION"}` (itch.io's format) and will do basic version comparisons based on this value. If it is unable to extract it or compare, `version` and `latest` will be `nil`. If HTTP status 200 (OK) is encountered or a version is successfully parsed from a response, the script terminates (or moves on to checking on an interval.) Otherwise, it will keep trying with an exponential back-off starting at a 1 second delay, capped at retrying every 10 minutes. ### Configuration Options At minimum a `url` or `target` must be specified. * `url` (string) If you have a different URL to check for the latest version from, you can specify it here. * `target` (string) The target string of your game on itch.io (username/game-slug). * `channel` (string) If you do not specify the channel name to look for on itch.io, it will use `osx` for Mac OS / OS X, `win32` for Windows, `linux` for Linux, `android` for Android, `ios` for iOS, and if any other OS is returned by `love.system.getOS()` it will use that string as-is. * `version` (string/number) Version of the game running right now. * `interval` (number) If specified, a check for the latest version will happen again every `interval` seconds. * `luajit_request` (string) luajit-request is checked for in `.` and `lib/.`, if you have it elsewhere, specify its location here. The following options are available, but generally should be left for itchy to handle itself: * `proxy` (string) An [HTTP proxy](https://github.com/Guard13007/insecure-proxy) is used if luajit-request is unavailable, unless `proxy == false`. By default, `` is used, which is running on a DigitalOcean VPS I own. You can specify a different proxy here. * `thread_channel` (string) itchy uses a channel named `itchy` for version checking. You can call itchy's functions with different data tables and it will use different threads & channels for each. You can also specify a channel name here.