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synced 2024-12-13 17:24:21 +00:00
366 lines
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366 lines
12 KiB
local tester = require "tester"
package.path = "../?.lua;" .. package.path
local lume = require "lume"
local tests = {}
local testeq = tester.test.equal
-- lume.clamp
tests["lume.clamp"] = function()
testeq( lume.clamp(8, 5, 10), 8 )
testeq( lume.clamp(12, 5, 10), 10 )
testeq( lume.clamp(-1, 5, 10), 5 )
testeq( lume.clamp(-1, -10, 10), -1 )
testeq( lume.clamp(-100, -10, 10), -10 )
testeq( lume.clamp(13, 8, 8), 8 )
testeq( lume.clamp(3, 8, 8), 8 )
-- lume.round
tests["lume.round"] = function()
testeq( lume.round(.5), 1 )
testeq( lume.round(-.5), -1 )
testeq( lume.round(2.4), 2 )
testeq( lume.round(123, 10), 120 )
testeq( lume.round(129, 64), 128 )
testeq( lume.round(-123.45, .1), -123.5 )
testeq( lume.round(0), 0 )
-- lume.sign
tests["lume.sign"] = function()
testeq( lume.sign(-10), -1 )
testeq( lume.sign(10), 1 )
testeq( lume.sign(0), 1 )
-- lume.lerp
tests["lume.lerp"] = function()
testeq( lume.lerp(100, 200, .5), 150 )
testeq( lume.lerp(100, 200, .25), 125 )
testeq( lume.lerp(100, 200, 2), 200 )
testeq( lume.lerp(100, 200, -2), 100 )
-- lume.smooth
tests["lume.smooth"] = function()
testeq( lume.smooth(100, 200, .5), 150 )
testeq( lume.smooth(100, 200, 0), 100 )
testeq( lume.smooth(100, 200, 1), 200 )
testeq( lume.smooth(100, 200, 2), 200 )
testeq( lume.smooth(100, 200, -2), 100 )
-- lume.pingpong
tests["lume.pingpong"] = function()
testeq( lume.pingpong(0), 0 )
testeq( lume.pingpong(1.5), .5 )
testeq( lume.pingpong(-.2), .2 )
testeq( lume.pingpong(-1.6), .4 )
testeq( lume.pingpong(1.8), .2 )
-- lume.distance
tests["lume.distance"] = function()
testeq( lume.distance(15, 20, 15, 20), 0 )
testeq( lume.distance(13, 44, 156, 232), 236.205419074 )
testeq( lume.distance(-23, 66, -232, 123), 216.633330769 )
local x = lume.distance(13, 15, -2, 81)
testeq( lume.distance(13, 15, -2, 81, true), x * x )
-- lume.angle
tests["lume.angle"] = function()
testeq( lume.angle(10, 10, 10, 10), math.rad(0) )
testeq( lume.angle(10, 10, 20, 10), math.rad(0) )
testeq( lume.angle(10, 10, 5, 10), math.rad(180) )
testeq( lume.angle(10, 10, 20, 20), math.rad(45) )
testeq( lume.angle(10, 10, 10, 30), math.rad(90) )
-- lume.random
tests["lume.random"] = function()
testeq( type(lume.random()), "number" )
testeq( type(lume.random(1)), "number" )
testeq( type(lume.random(1, 2)), "number" )
-- lume.randomchoice
tests["lume.randomchoice"] = function()
local t = {}
for i = 0, 1000 do
t[lume.randomchoice({"a", "b", "c", "d"})] = true
testeq( t.a and t.b and t.c and t.d, true )
testeq( lume.randomchoice({true}), true )
-- lume.weightedchoice
tests["lume.weightedchoice"] = function()
testeq( lume.weightedchoice( {a = 1} ), "a" )
testeq( lume.weightedchoice( {a = 0, b = 1} ), "b" )
tester.test.error( lume.weightedchoice, {} )
tester.test.error( lume.weightedchoice, { a = 0, b = 0 } )
tester.test.error( lume.weightedchoice, { a = 1, b = -1 } )
-- lume.shuffle
tests["lume.shuffle"] = function()
local t = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
testeq( t, {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} )
testeq( lume.shuffle({}), {} )
-- lume.array
tests["lume.array"] = function()
local t = lume.array(pairs({a=0, b=0, c=0}))
testeq( t, {"a", "b", "c"} )
testeq( lume.array(ipairs({0, 0, 0})), {1, 2, 3} )
-- lume.each
tests["lume.each"] = function()
local acc = 1
lume.each({1, 2, 3}, function(x) acc = acc + x end)
testeq( acc, 7 )
local acc = 1
local f = function(o, x) acc = acc + x end
local f2 = function() end
local t = {a = {f = f}, b = {f = f}, c = {f = f2}}
lume.each(t, "f", 10)
testeq( acc, 21 )
-- lume.map
tests["lume.map"] = function()
testeq( lume.map({1, 2, 3}, function(x) return x * 2 end), {2, 4, 6} )
testeq( lume.map({a=2,b=3}, function(x) return x * 2 end), {a=4,b=6} )
-- lume.all
tests["lume.all"] = function()
testeq( lume.all({true, true, false, true}), false )
testeq( lume.all({true, true, true, true}), true )
testeq( lume.all({2, 3, 4, 5}, function(x) return x % 2 == 0 end), false )
testeq( lume.all({2, 4, 6, 8}, function(x) return x % 2 == 0 end), true )
-- lume.any
tests["lume.any"] = function()
testeq( lume.any({true, true, false, true}), true )
testeq( lume.any({false, false, false}), false )
testeq( lume.any({2, 3, 4, 5}, function(x) return x % 2 == 0 end), true )
testeq( lume.any({1, 3, 5, 7}, function(x) return x % 2 == 0 end), false )
-- lume.reduce
tests["lume.reduce"] = function()
local concat = function(a, b) return a .. b end
local add = function(a, b) return a + b end
testeq( lume.reduce({"cat", "dog"}, concat, ""), "catdog" )
testeq( lume.reduce({"cat", "dog"}, concat, "pig"), "pigcatdog" )
testeq( lume.reduce({"me", "ow"}, concat), "meow" )
testeq( lume.reduce({1, 2, 3, 4}, add), 10 )
testeq( lume.reduce({1, 2, 3, 4}, add, 5), 15 )
testeq( lume.reduce({1}, add), 1 )
testeq( lume.reduce({}, concat, "potato"), "potato" )
-- lume.set
tests["lume.set"] = function()
testeq( lume.set({}), {} )
local t = lume.set({1, 2, 3, 2, 5, 6, 6})
testeq( t, {1, 2, 3, 5, 6} )
local t = lume.set({"a", "b", "c", "b", "d"})
testeq( t, {"a", "b", "c", "d"} )
-- lume.filter
tests["lume.filter"] = function()
local t = lume.filter({1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, function(x) return x % 2 == 0 end )
testeq( t, {2, 4} )
local t = lume.filter({a=1, b=2, c=3}, function(x) return x == 2 end, true)
testeq( t, {b=2} )
-- lume.merge
tests["lume.merge"] = function()
testeq( lume.merge({1, 2, 3}, {8, 9, 0}), {1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 0} )
testeq( lume.merge({a=1, b=2}, {b=3, c=4}, true), {a=1, b=3, c=4} )
-- lume.find
tests["lume.find"] = function()
testeq( lume.find({"a", "b", "c"}, "b"), 2 )
testeq( lume.find({"a", "b", "c"}, "c"), 3 )
testeq( lume.find({a=1, b=5, c=7}, 5), "b" )
-- lume.slice
tests["lume.slice"] = function()
testeq( lume.slice({"a", "b", "c", "d", "e"}, 2, 4), {"b", "c", "d"} )
testeq( lume.slice({"a", "b", "c", "d", "e"}, 2, -2), {"b", "c", "d"} )
testeq( lume.slice({"a", "b", "c", "d", "e"}, 3, -1), {"c", "d", "e"} )
testeq( lume.slice({"a", "b", "c", "d", "e"}, 3), {"c", "d", "e"} )
testeq( lume.slice({"a", "b", "c", "d", "e"}, 4), {"d", "e"} )
testeq( lume.slice({"a", "b", "c", "d", "e"}, 1, 1), {"a"} )
testeq( lume.slice({"a", "b", "c", "d", "e"}, 2, 1), {} )
testeq( lume.slice({"a", "b", "c", "d", "e"}, -3, -2), {"c", "d"} )
testeq( lume.slice({"a", "b", "c", "d", "e"}, -3, 1), {} )
testeq( lume.slice({"a", "b", "c", "d", "e"}, 0, 1), {"a"} )
testeq( lume.slice({"a", "b", "c", "d", "e"}, 0, 0), {} )
testeq( lume.slice({"a", "b", "c", "d", "e"}, -3), {"c", "d", "e"} )
-- lume.invert
tests["lume_invert"] = function()
testeq( lume.invert({}), {} )
testeq( lume.invert{a = "x", b = "y"}, {x = "a", y = "b"} )
testeq( lume.invert{a = 1, b = 2}, {"a", "b"} )
testeq( lume.invert(lume.invert{a = 1, b = 2}), {a = 1, b = 2} )
-- lume.clone
tests["lume.clone"] = function()
local t = {6, 7, 4, 5}
testeq( lume.clone(t) ~= t, true )
testeq( lume.clone(t), {6, 7, 4, 5} )
testeq( lume.clone({x=2, y="a"}), {x=2, y="a"} )
-- lume.fn
tests["lume.fn"] = function()
local f = lume.fn(function(a, b) return a + b end, 10)
testeq( f(5), 15 )
-- lume.once
tests["lume.once"] = function()
local f = lume.once(function(a, b) return a + b end, 10)
testeq( f(5), 15 )
testeq( f(5), nil )
-- lume.combine
tests["lume.combine"] = function()
local acc = 0
local a = function(x, y) acc = acc + x + y end
local b = function(x, y) acc = acc + x * y end
local fn = lume.combine(a, b)
fn(10, 20)
testeq( acc, 230 )
-- lume.time
tests["lume.time"] = function()
local t, a, b, c = lume.time(function(x) return 50, 60, x end, 70)
testeq( type(t), "number" )
testeq( {a, b, c}, {50, 60, 70} )
-- lume.lambda
tests["lume.lambda"] = function()
testeq( lume.lambda "x->x*x"(10), 100 )
testeq( lume.lambda "x->x*x"(20), 400 )
testeq( lume.lambda "x,y -> 2*x+y"(10,5), 25 )
testeq( lume.lambda "a, b -> a / b"(1, 2), .5 )
testeq( lume.lambda "a -> 'hi->' .. a"("doggy"), "hi->doggy" )
testeq( lume.lambda "A1,_->A1.._"("te","st"), "test" )
testeq( lume.lambda "->"(1,2,3), nil )
tester.test.error( lume.lambda, "abc" )
tester.test.error( lume.lambda, "" )
tester.test.error( lume.lambda, "a,b->a->b" )
tester.test.error( lume.lambda, "(a),b->a+b" )
-- lume.serialize / lume.deserialize
tests["lume.serialize, lume.deserialize"] = function()
local t = { 1, 2, 3, 4, true, false, "cat", "dog", {1, 2, 3} }
local s = lume.serialize(t)
testeq( lume.deserialize(s), t )
-- lume.split
tests["lume.split"] = function()
testeq( lume.split("cat dog pig"), {"cat", "dog", "pig"} )
testeq( lume.split("cat,dog,pig", ","), {"cat", "dog", "pig"} )
testeq( lume.split("cat,dog;pig", ";"), {"cat,dog", "pig"} )
testeq( lume.split("cat,dog,,pig", ","), {"cat", "dog", "", "pig"} )
testeq( lume.split(";;;cat;", ";"), {"", "", "", "cat", ""} )
testeq( lume.split("cat.dog", "."), {"cat", "dog"} )
testeq( lume.split("cat%dog", "%"), {"cat", "dog"} )
testeq( lume.split("1<>2<>3", "<>"), {"1", "2", "3"} )
tester.test.error( lume.split, "abc", "" )
-- lume.trim
tests["lume.trim"] = function()
testeq( lume.trim(" hello world "), "hello world" )
testeq( lume.trim("-=-hello-world===", "-="), "hello-world" )
testeq( lume.trim("***hello world*-*", "*"), "hello world*-" )
testeq( lume.trim("...hello world.", "."), "hello world" )
testeq( lume.trim("^.hello world]^", "^.]"), "hello world" )
-- lume.format
tests["lume.format"] = function()
local str = lume.format("a {a} in a {b}", {a = "mouse", b = "house"})
testeq( str, "a mouse in a house" )
testeq( lume.format("number {num}", {num = 13}), "number 13" )
testeq( lume.format("{missing} {keys}", {}), "{missing} {keys}" )
testeq( lume.format("A {missing} table"), "A {missing} table" )
testeq( lume.format("{1} idx {2}", {"an", "test"}), "an idx test" )
testeq( lume.format("bad idx {-1}", {"x"}), "bad idx {-1}" )
testeq( lume.format("empty {}", {"idx"}), "empty {}" )
-- lume.trace
tests["lume.trace"] = function()
local oldprint = print
local file, line, msg
print = function(x)
file, line, msg = x:match("%[(.-):(.-)%] (.*)")
lume.trace("Hi world", 123.456, 1)
print = oldprint
testeq( file:match(".lua$"), ".lua" )
testeq( tonumber(line) ~= nil, true )
testeq( msg, "Hi world 123.46 1" )
-- lume.dostring
tests["lume.dostring"] = function()
testeq( lume.dostring([[return "hello!"]]), "hello!" )
testeq( lume.dostring([[return 12345]]), 12345 )
-- lume.hotswap
tests["lume.hotswap"] = function()
local ok, err = lume.hotswap("bad_module_name")
testeq( ok, nil )
testeq( type(err), "string" )
-- lume.rgba
tests["lume.rgba"] = function()
local r, g, b, a = lume.rgba(0x12345678)
testeq( a, 0x12 )
testeq( r, 0x34 )
testeq( g, 0x56 )
testeq( b, 0x78 )