var DATABASE = ` UPDATE ME TYPE : link LINK : DONE : true DATE : 2019-12-09 TAGS : memex Example NDTL File LINK : TAGS : reference, memex DATE : 2019-12-09 TYPE : link DONE : true Utopia For Realists by Rutger Bregman TAGS : nonfiction, readme DONE : false DATE : 2019-12-09 TYPE : book Turing's Cathedral by George Dyson DONE : false DATE : 2019-12-09 TYPE : book TAGS : nonfiction, readme Tape TYPE : tool LINK : NOTE : Might be useful for productivity.. more likely will just use as inspiration. TAGS : productivity, inspiration DATE : 2019-12-09 Neurodiversity as Superpower LINK : QOTE : what if our neurodivergences were superpowers? TAGS : inspiration DATE : 2019-12-09 TYPE : quote Emptiness vs Lonliness QOTE : Many people are afraid of Emptiness, because it reminds them of Loneliness. TYPE : quote DATE : 2019-12-11 TAGS : philosophy Effectiveness, Efficiency QOTE : Effectiveness, is doing the right thing. Efficiency, is doing it the right way. TYPE : quote DATE : 2019-12-11 TAGS : definition Horaire (time-tracking format) LINK : TAGS : xxiivv, productivity TYPE : format NOTE : A format designed to be simple, readable, and easily parsed into infographics. Arvelie (an alternate calendar) LINK : TAGS : xxiivv, inspiration TYPE : format NOTE : 26 months, named after the English alphabet, each of 2 weeks with 7 days. Damoiseau + Canalx by aliceffekt LINK : TAGS : xxiivv TYPE : music 19th month, from Saharaphorest to Duomo by aliceffekt LINK : TAGS : xxiivv TYPE : music DATE : 2019-12-11 The Ehrivevnv Studies (Reissue) by aliceffekt LINK : TAGS : xxiivv TYPE : music Telekinetic by aliceffekt LINK : TAGS : xxiivv TYPE : music disk burn-in testing LINK : TYPE : tool DATE : 2019-12-20 TAGS : sysadmin tmux cheatsheet LINK : TAGS : reference, sysadmin, linux, cli, terminal DATE : 2019-12-20 TYPE : link 6502 LINK : TAGS : readme TYPE : article NOTE : Microprocessor that served as a fundamental introduction to computers for the general public. DATE : 2019-12-21 Supported icon types LINK : TAGS : memex, reference Harmonic resonance model for organization of solar systems LINK : TYPE : article DONE : true TAGS : orbital mechanics DATE : 2019-12-27 Build a direct ascent vehicle for a Duna mission LINK : FILE : 202001-xry9yvix5v741.png TYPE : image TAGS : inspiration, ksp DATE : 2020-01-01 Realistic stock shuttle LINK : FILE : 202001-qglhgq7qwt741.png TYPE : image TAGS : inspiration, ksp DATE : 2020-01-01 A beautiful ring station LINK : TAGS : inspiration, ksp DATE : 2020-01-01 Pretty SSTO LINK : TAGS : inspiration, ksp DATE : 2020-01-01 Drive a semi-truck on Duna TAGS : inspiration, ksp Compiled Works 2018 by Revindth LINK : TYPE : music DONE : false DATE : 2020-01-01 Dispatch TYPE : game LINK : TAGS : itch, scifi, dark Learn Anything TYPE : tool LINK : TAGS : reference, education, learning Wtf is this TYPE : video LINK : DONE : true Hypothetical thrusters NOTE : These are listed by name, regardless of practicality or possibility within reality. TERM > Mach/Woodward Effect Thruster: Field propulsion spacecraft harnessing transient mass fluctuations in an object absorbing internal energy while undergoing proper acceleration. (Impossible!) > Impulse Engine: An engine causing acceleration through creating gravitational potential, not requiring a negative energy gradient, but not allowing relativistic speeds either. (Seems more possible than other things here.) > Wormhole traversal: Theoretically possible with exotic matter / negative energy gradient, also theoretically allows warp travel. > Alcubierre drive: Theoretical model of warp drive, requires more energy than a solar system(citation needed) and negative energy. > Helical Engine: Taking advantage of inertial mass changes in a stream of orbiting particles traveling at relativistic speeds to generate momentum without reaction mass in a closed system. (Impossible!) > Gyroscopic Inertial Thruster: Generates an anomalous thrust vector by pushing on a gyroscope. (Impossible, thoroughly studied.) > Dean drive: Some dude made a drive that actually works by friction, but was reported as a closed system reactionless drive. > Quantum vacuum thruster (QVT): Theoretical system like a plasma thruster, but operating on quantum vacuum fluctuations (aka the zero-point field) instead of a propellant. > Casimir drive: Hypothetical drive pushing off of the zero-point field.. Basically a QVT's alternate name. > Resonant cavity thruster: Akin to the EmDrive, supposedly produces net thrust through resonating an electromagnetic wave through a conical cavity. Closed system, impossible. > VSL drive: A drive that manipulates the speed of light locally to provide faster travel than otherwise possible. (I made this one up.) > Bimetric gravity drive: Made it up. Basically treating gravity as two metric tensors where the speed of light can become variable (hey whaddaya know, it's related to VSL) > FSD (Frameshift Drive): The FTL technology of the Elite universe, adjusts reference frames somehow allowing travel at many relativistic speeds. > Field propulsion drive: A class of drives based on pushing off of fundamental fields (i.e. Higgs field) instead of using propellant. These probably all violate physics. > Semi-inert drive: Fictional drive that partially eliminates inertia, allowing FTL travel. (Skipping infinite inertia buildup on approach to c, and skipping past the limit of c entirely.) > Chromodynamic drive: Made-up name for a drive, inspired by quantum chromodynamics, a real field of research / property of quantum mechanics. I don't remember which. > Belief/Mana/Soul drive: Fictional drive powered by thought, spirituality, or belief in its ability. Pure nonsense in reality, fun for writing perhaps. > Ion engine: I mean, these are real, but imagine a stupidly efficient overpowered one that isn't actually possible. :P Abraham–Minkowski controversy LINK : TYPE : article DONE : false TAGS : readme, science NOTE : Make up a theoretical drive based on this. :P Theories about VSL LINK : TYPE : article DONE : false TAGS : readme, science NOTE : Most likely not at all real, but fun to think about. Bibites (Artificial Life) LINK : TYPE : video DONE : true TAGS : simulation, programming, artificial life NOTE : Neat stuff here, check out his channel too. Awesome prop plane LINK : NOTE : I want to copy the flaps design because it is very pretty. TAGS : inspiration, ksp The Martian spacecraft LINK : TAGS : inspiration, ksp The Martian spacecraft replicated in KSP LINK : TAGS : inspiration, ksp, formatting test NOTE : Also see (link "") Going to all the radar sites would be fun LINK : TAGS : inspiration, ksp Run a web server from within CompuerCraft for the lols? TYPE : idea DATE : 2020-01-02 DONE : false NOTE : Also, what was that idea I had about a host / service just for ComputerCraft? I really need to install NordVPN on my laptop TYPE : todo DONE : false `