var DATABASE = ` UPDATE ME TYPE : link LINK : DONE : true DATE : 2019-12-09 Example NDTL File LINK : TAGS : reference DATE : 2019-12-09 TYPE : link DONE : true Utopia For Realists by Rutger Bregman TAGS : nonfiction, readme DONE : false DATE : 2019-12-09 TYPE : book Turing's Cathedral by George Dyson DONE : false DATE : 2019-12-09 TYPE : book TAGS : nonfiction Tape TYPE : tool LINK : NOTE : Might be useful for productivity.. more likely will just use as inspiration. TAGS : productivity, inspiration DATE : 2019-12-09 Neurodiversity as Superpower LINK : QOTE : what if our neurodivergences were superpowers? TAGS : inspiration DATE : 2019-12-09 TYPE : quote Emptiness vs Lonliness QOTE : Many people are afraid of Emptiness, because it reminds them of Loneliness. TYPE : quote DATE : 2019-12-11 TAGS : philosophy Effectiveness, Efficiency QOTE : Effectiveness, is doing the right thing. Efficiency, is doing it the right way. TYPE : quote DATE : 2019-12-11 Horaire (time-tracking format) LINK : TAGS : xxiivv, productivity NOTE : A format designed to be simple, readable, and easily parsed into infographics. TYPE : format Arvelie (an alternate calendar) LINK : TAGS : xxiivv, inspiration NOTE : 26 months, named after the English alphabet, each of 2 weeks with 7 days. TYPE : format `