let DATABASE = ` AGAINST BEAUTY IN PHYSICS PERS : faun SRCE : Merveilles LINK : http://rationallyspeakingpodcast.org/show/rs-211-sabine-hossenfelder-on-the-case-against-beauty-in-phy.html TYPE : podcast DATE : 12018-07-03 TAGS : philosophy, science QOTE : 'It hit me pretty hard. Some of this stuff is really philosophically potent in a way that's easy to overlook.' - faun DONE : true REVI : true HACKETY HACK PERS : cblgh SRCE : Merveilles LINK : https://vimeo.com/5047563 TYPE : lecture DATE : 12018-07-03 TAGS : code QOTE : 'It's super inspiring in general, but he also presents a game he made to teach programming without the players realizing until it's too late and they're already wizards' - cblgh DONE : true FOR AND AGAINST EDU PERS : neauoire SRCE : Merveilles LINK : https://80000hours.org/podcast/episodes/bryan-caplan-case-for-and-against-education/ TYPE : podcast DATE : 12018-07-03 TAGS : philosophy NOTE : Testing anti school sentiments DONE : false OCCAM'S RAZOR LINK : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Occam%27s_razor TYPE : article TAGS : philosophy DATE : 12018-07-03 DONE : false NEAUOIRE AESTHETICS PERS : neauoire SRCE : Merveilles LINK : https://wiki.xxiivv.com/#aesthetics TYPE : article TAGS : philosophy, design, inspiration DATE : 12018-07-03 DONE : true REVI : true SQUARING THE TRIANGLE PERS : cblgh SRCE : Merveilles LINK : http://www.aaronsw.com/weblog/squarezooko TYPE : article TAGS : p2p DATE : 12018-07-03 QOTE : 'Secure, Decentralized, Human-Readable Names' DONE : false SETHIAN GLYPH RUNE GAME PERS : rezmason SRCE : Merveilles LINK : https://gqul.itch.io/sethian TYPE : game DATE : 12018-07-03 NOTE : Glyph / rune game DONE : false LIFE WITHOUT PLASTIC PERS : neauoire SRCE : Merveilles LINK : https://www.lifewithoutplastic.com/store/ TYPE : list TAGS : env DATE : 12018-07-03 DONE : false THOREAU JOURNAL PERS : neauoire SRCE : Merveilles LINK : https://www.walden.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/Chapter1.pdf TYPE : article DATE : 12018-07-03 DONE : false CLOCK OF THE LONG NOW LINK : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clock_of_the_Long_Now TYPE : article DATE : 12018-07-03 TAGS : time DONE : true REVI : true PROJ : Dastime GAMEDEV TOOLS + LINK : https://www.slideshare.net/KatharineNeil/game-design-tools-for-when-spreadsheets-and-flowcharts-arent-enough TYPE : lecture DATE : 12018-07-03 TAGS : gamedev DONE : false MOD SUPPORT IN UNITY LINK : http://nihilocrat.tumblr.com/post/157890290188/mod-support-in-unity TYPE : article DATE : 12018-07-03 TAGS : gamedev, unity3d DONE : false PSALM 46 LINK : http://ludix.com/moriarty/psalm46.html TYPE : lecture DATE : 12018-07-03 TAGS : gamedev DONE : true REVI : true C# GC LINK : http://benbowen.blog/post/three_garbage_examples/ TYPE : article DATE : 12018-07-03 TAGS : gamedev, code, unity3d DONE : true REVI : true DECIDE TO MAKE LINK : http://www.gdcvault.com/play/1023135/Deciding-What-to-Make-A TYPE : lecture DATE : 12018-07-03 TAGS : gamedev NOTE : Deciding what to make. DONE : false ALT WAD EXPLAINED PERS : Phil James LINK : https://unwinnable.com/2013/10/24/lost-worlds-a-l-t/ TYPE : article DATE : 12018-07-03 TAGS : gamedev, game NOTE : 'ALT' an original Doom level pack collab DONE : true PROG : Finish playing it. Level 7? PROC GEN RESEARCH LINK : http://pcgbook.com/ TYPE : book TAGS : gamedev QOTE : 'generation in games - a textbook and an overview of current research' DONE : false DATE : 12018-07-03 TYPOGRAPHY FOR UI LINK : https://viljamis.com/2016/typography-for-user-interfaces/ TYPE : article TAGS : ux DONE : true DATE : 12018-07-03 EARLY ACCESS STUDY LINK : https://www.gamasutra.com/view/news/275719/7_successful_Early_Access_games_that_all_developers_should_study.php TYPE : article DATE : 12018-07-03 TAGS : gamedev DONE : true CYCLIC DUNGEON LINK : http://ctrl500.com/tech/handcrafted-feel-dungeon-generation-unexplored-explores-cyclic-dungeon-generation/ TYPE : article DATE : 12018-07-03 TAGS : gamedev, game DONE : false NOTE : 'Unexplored' game GENERATE GREAT DUNGEONS LINK : https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2017/03/10/how-unexplored-generates-great-roguelike-dungeons/ TYPE : article DATE : 12018-07-03 TAGS : gamedev, game DONE : false NOTE : 'Unexplored' game TECHNOLOGIST CLIMATE LINK : http://worrydream.com/ClimateChange/ TYPE : article DATE : 12018-07-03 TAGS : advice, env DONE : true NETWORKED PHYSICS LINK : https://gafferongames.com/post/introduction_to_networked_physics/ TYPE : article DATE : 12018-07-03 TAGS : gamedev DONE : true MEAT LINK : http://www.terrybisson.com/page6/page6.html TYPE : article DATE : 12018-07-03 QOTE : 'Meat. They're made out of meat.' DONE : true TAGS : fiction ENCRYPT LIFE LINK : https://medium.freecodecamp.org/tor-signal-and-beyond-a-law-abiding-citizens-guide-to-privacy-1a593f2104c3 TYPE : article DATE : 12018-07-03 TAGS : privacy DONE : true INTERACTION DESIGN FUTURE LINK : http://worrydream.com/ABriefRantOnTheFutureOfInteractionDesign/ TYPE : article DATE : 12018-07-03 TAGS : ux, design DONE : true MAGIC INK LINK : http://worrydream.com/MagicInk/ TYPE : article DATE : 12018-07-03 TAGS : ux, design DONE : true PROCEDURAL NARRATIVES LINK : https://www.gamasutra.com/blogs/JoshGe/20161116/285647/Weaving_Narratives_into_Procedural_Worlds.php TYPE : article DATE : 12018-07-03 TAGS : gamedev DONE : false SIGNAL TOLVA LINK : https://killscreen.com/articles/quick-look-landscape-art-signal-tolva/ TYPE : article DATE : 12018-07-03 TAGS : gamedev, game QOTE : 'I would have been even more cryptic if I thought I could get away with it' DONE : false NOTE : 'Signal From Tolva' FOLDED LEVEL DESIGN LINK : http://critical-gaming.com/blog/2008/8/5/folded-level-design.html TYPE : article DATE : 12018-07-03 TAGS : gamedev, inspiration QOTE : 'I want to focus on a type of level design that is like climbing a tall tree to rescue a cat; going one way provides one kind of challenge (ie. climbing a tree), and getting back is a different challenge that builds upon the original challenge by adding a layer of depth/complexity (ie. climbing down a tree with a cat in one hand). I call this kind of level design folded level design.' DONE : false STEAM CONTROLLER LARS LINK : https://www.gamasutra.com/blogs/LarsDoucet/20170125/289904/The_Steam_Controller_Configurators_Untapped_Power.php TYPE : article DATE : 12018-07-03 TAGS : gamedev DONE : true COST DISEASE LINK : http://slatestarcodex.com/2017/02/09/considerations-on-cost-disease/ TYPE : article DATE : 12018-07-03 DONE : false RV BATTERY RANT LINK : https://handybobsolar.wordpress.com/the-rv-battery-charging-puzzle-2/ TYPE : article DATE : 12018-07-03 TAGS : offgrid NOTE : Rant DONE : true PROJ : Van HYPER LIGHT DIFFICULTY LINK : https://www.gamasutra.com/view/news/269957/How_Hyper_Light_Drifter_balances_difficulty_with_fairness.php TYPE : article DATE : 12018-07-03 TAGS : gamedev, game DONE : false NOTE : 'Hyper Light Drifter' CAVE ALLEGORY LINK : http://www.historyguide.org/intellect/allegory.html TYPE : article DATE : 12018-07-03 TAGS : philosohpy DONE : false NEWCOMB'S PARADOX PERS : faun SRCE : Merveilles LINK : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newcomb's_paradox TYPE : article DATE : 12018-07-04 TAGS : philosohpy, paradox DONE : true REVI : true GNOSTICISM PERS : faun SRCE : Merveilles LINK : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gnosticism TYPE : article DATE : 12018-07-04 TAGS : philosohpy DONE : true REVI : true KOAN PERS : faun SRCE : Merveilles LINK : http://www.ashidakim.com/zenkoans/zenindex.html TYPE : list DATE : 12018-07-04 TAGS : philosohpy, paradox DONE : true REVI : true TERM > Koan: 'A paradoxical anecdote or riddle without a solution, used in Zen Buddhism to demonstrate the inadequacy of logical reasoning and provoke enlightenment.' NOTE : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K%C5%8Dan GERMANY POST WW LINK : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DJUf8MxbcdA TYPE : video DATE : 12018-07-04 TAGS : politics DONE : true NOTE : Not endorsement. Wondering how this happened. TAGS : history, war DECISIONS THAT MATTER LINK : https://www.dropbox.com/s/6axk95bl2htagt5/Matthias_Worch_Decisions_That_Matterv101.pdf TYPE : lecture DATE : 12018-07-04 TAGS : gamedev DONE : true THE FRANKFURT SCHOOL SERIES LINK : http://philosophizethis.org/frankfurt-school-intro/ TYPE : podcast DATE : 12018-07-05 TAGS : philosophy DONE : true REVI : true NOTE : The Frankfurt School ART AS A TOOL FOR LIBERATION LINK : http://philosophizethis.org/art-as-a-tool-for-liberation/ TYPE : podcast DATE : 12018-07-05 TAGS : philosophy DONE : true REVI : true NOTE : The Frankfurt School METAPHYSICS AND LOVE LINK : http://philosophizethis.org/schopenhauer-pt-1/ TYPE : podcast DATE : 12018-07-05 TAGS : philosophy DONE : true REVI : true NOTE : Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860) PHENOMENOLOGY AND DASEIN LINK : http://philosophizethis.org/heidegger-dasein/ TYPE : podcast DATE : 12018-07-05 TAGS : philosophy DONE : true REVI : true NOTE : Martin Heidegger (1889-1976) A LOOK AT SUFFERING PERS : neauoire SRCE : Merveilles LINK : http://philosophizethis.org/a-look-at-suffering/ TYPE : podcast DATE : 12018-07-05 TAGS : philosophy DONE : true REVI : true NOTE : Fyodor Dostoyevsky (1821–1881) NIETZSCHE LINK : http://philosophizethis.org/god-is-dead-and-so-is/ TYPE : podcast DATE : 12018-07-05 TAGS : philosophy DONE : true REVI : true NOTE : Friedrich Nietzsche (1844–1900) SARTRE AND CAMUS FREEDOM LINK : http://philosophizethis.org/sartre-on-freedom/ TYPE : podcast DATE : 12018-07-05 TAGS : philosophy DONE : true REVI : true NOTE : Jean-Paul Sartre (1905–1980) EFFECTIVE ALTRUISM PERS : neauoire SRCE : Merveilles LINK : http://philosophizethis.org/peter-singer/ TYPE : podcast DATE : 12018-07-05 TAGS : philosophy DONE : true REVI : true NOTE : Peter Singer (1946-present) ROUSSEAU LINK : http://philosophizethis.org/rousseau-government/ TYPE : podcast DATE : 12018-07-05 TAGS : philosophy DONE : true REVI : true NOTE : Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778) PHILANTHROPY ANALYSIS PERS : neauoire SRCE : Merveilles LINK : https://80000hours.org/podcast/episodes/holden-karnofsky-open-philanthropy/ TYPE : podcast DATE : 12018-07-05 TAGS : research QOTE : "It’s basically a 'transhumanistic vegan sci-fi' podcast" - neauoire DONE : true THE INTELLECTUAL DARK WEB PERS : anand SRCE : Merveilles LINK : https://integrallife.com/the-intellectual-dark-web-an-integral-view/ TYPE : video DATE : 12018-07-05 TAGS : philosophy, psychology DONE : true NOTE : Wtf 'Spiral Dynamics Integral' TRUMP AND A POST-TRUTH WORLD PERS : anand SRCE : Merveilles LINK : https://integrallife.com/trump-post-truth-world/ TYPE : article DATE : 12018-07-05 TAGS : philosophy, psychology, politics DONE : false LONG-TERM MEMORY PERS : alx SRCE : Merveilles LINK : http://augmentingcognition.com/ltm.html TYPE : article DATE : 12018-07-06 TAGS : psychology TERM > Anki: memory tool/app. Manually entered questions and answers. The app repeatedly asks you every question, every time you know the answer the duration it waits before asking that question again doubles. If you forget an answer then the wait duration resets to one day. > Memex: external memory tool. 'Data storage and retrieval system'. DONE : true INDEPENDENCE IN CYBERSPACE PERS : ark SRCE : Merveilles LINK : https://www.eff.org/cyberspace-independence TYPE : article DATE : 12018-07-06 TAGS : philosophy DONE : true CURATOR MIND DESIGN LINK : https://medium.com/@lintropy/murat-pak-designing-the-mind-of-an-online-curator-5785e373127d TYPE : article DATE : 12018-07-06 TAGS : philosophy, design DONE : true THE CANCER IN BITCOIN LINK : https://www.yours.org/content/the-cancer-in-bitcoin-e75381d0fd75 TYPE : article DATE : 12018-07-06 TAGS : bitcoin DONE : false DIY WRISTWATCH PERS : nomand SRCE : Merveilles LINK : http://blog.zakkemble.co.uk/diy-digital-wristwatch/ TYPE : article DATE : 12018-07-06 TAGS : time, diy DONE : true REVI : true NOTE : https://github.com/zkemble/NWatch PROJ : Dastime BITCOIN HOT-WIRED FOR SETTLEMENT LINK : https://medium.com/@jgarzik/bitcoin-is-being-hot-wired-for-settlement-a5beb1df223a TYPE : article DATE : 12018-07-06 TAGS : bitcoin DONE : false BITCOIN CONSPIRACY LINK : https://np.reddit.com/r/BitcoinMarkets/comments/6rxw7k/informative_btc_vs_bch_articles/dl8v4lp/ TYPE : article DATE : 12018-07-06 TAGS : bitcoin DONE : true NEWWEB LINK : https://blog.plan99.net/what-should-follow-the-web-8dcbbeaccd93 TYPE : article DATE : 12018-07-06 TAGS : web, design, code, newweb DONE : true OVERWHELM LINK : https://store.steampowered.com/app/785880/OVERWHELM/ TYPE : game DATE : 12018-07-06 DONE : true NOTE : Stylish pixel platformer NOTE : 'Overwhelm' COMPASS PERS : faun SRCE : Merveilles LINK : https://dlareme.bandcamp.com/album/compass TYPE : music DATE : 12018-07-06 DONE : true REVI : true TAGS : inspiration TOP SLATE STAR CODEX PERS : neauoire SRCE : Merveilles LINK : http://slatestarcodex.com/top-posts/ TYPE : list DATE : 12018-07-06 DONE : false REVI : true TAGS : inspiration, psychology, society, research, philosophy UNDER THE SKIN: J PETERSON LINK : https://youtu.be/r2S58rH0PAw?t=1h1m38s TYPE : podcast Date : 12018-07-06 DONE : true REVI : false TAGS : society, psychology, philosophy QOTE > The good quote is 'The proper exchange of ideas between free individuals keeps tyranny at bay.' & ...however media centralization and widely popular material escapism distorts societal discourse. > A the related quote is: '...the problem with hierarchies is that people stack up at the bottom and that they tilt toward tyranny across time'. > Fuller context: 'If you're going to values some things more than others then hierarchies are inevitable. You have to value some things more than others or you don't have anything valuable." "Like beauty or strength or something." "Or competence. ...whatever it happens to be. The ability to play the flute. It doesn't matter what it is. Obviously if you value music you are going to value some musicians more than others because some are better. So you have to value things in order to more forward in life, and you have to value things in order to have something valuable to produce. But if you play out the value in a social landscape you produce a hierarchy. The problem with producing a hierarchy is that a small number of people are going to be more successful than the majority, and a very large number of people are not going to be successful at all - at that particular thing. It's inevitable. & ...So you say "we have to put up with that because we need to pursue things of value". OK fine, so that is the right wing perspective - the hierarchies are justifiable and necessary. & The left wing perspective is 'yeah but wait a minute, the problem with hierarchies is that people stack up at the bottom and that they tilt toward tyranny across time' and that's also true. & You need that dialect in society between the right wing that says you know "we need the hierarchies and they are useful and you should be grateful for them, they structure you and give you form and provide value" & and the left that says "yeah but they exclude people, people stack up at the bottom and that is dangerous to the hierarchy itself, it means that people might not have opportunity" and you have to say yes to that (too). & The problem comes -and this is the situation we are in right now- where the radical left-ists (and this is mostly a problem that really permeates the Universities) say "Yeah but all hierarchies are just tyrannical power", it's like oh no their not. Hierarchies are based on competence in a functioning society and mostly our society functions... ...That doesn't mean that hierarchies don't tilt toward self interest and tyranny across time but that's a bad thing. Even a bad thing from a conservative perspective. There's room for the left because the poor will always be with us and the dispossessed need a voice, not least because there are talented people among the dispossessed and if they are stuck at zero everyone suffers because we don't have access to their talents. It's bad use of resources. On the right its like "no, we need the damn value hierarchies, we need to be grateful for our traditions and structures because they stop us from degenerating into chaos."' JAPANESE POST-WAR DESIGN LINK : https://www.disegnodaily.com/article/the-story-of-design-japanese-post-war-design TYPE : article DATE : 12018-07-06 DONE : false TAGS : design SCP FOUNDATION LINK : http://www.scp-wiki.net/ TYPE : list DATE : 12018-07-06 DONE : true REVI : true TAGS : fiction TENDRILS OF MESS IN OUR BRAINS LINK : https://www.ribbonfarm.com/2017/01/05/tendrils-of-mess-in-our-brains/ TYPE : article DATE : 12018-07-06 DONE : false TAGS : psychology RIBBONFARM 2017 LINK : https://www.ribbonfarm.com/2017/12/21/complete-2017-roundup/ TYPE : list DATE : 12018-07-06 DONE : false REVI : true TAGS : inspiration, psychology, society, research, philosophy THE BATTLE FOR PSYCHOLOGY LINK : https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/GpkoTHJzsAAJx7c5T/the-battle-for-psychology TYPE : article DATE : 12018-07-06 DONE : false TAGS : psychology CIRCULAR ECONOMY LINK : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Circular_economy TYPE : article DATE : 12018-07-06 DONE : true TAGS : society, economics TERM > Circular economy: 'is a regenerative system in which resource input and waste, emission, and energy leakage are minimised by slowing, closing, and narrowing energy and material loops. This can be achieved through long-lasting design, maintenance, repair, reuse, remanufacturing, refurbishing, and recycling. This is in contrast to a linear economy which is a "take, make, dispose" model of production.' SPACESHIP EARTH ECONOMICS LINK : http://arachnid.biosci.utexas.edu/courses/THOC/Readings/Boulding_SpaceshipEarth.pdf TYPE : article DATE : 12018-07-06 DONE : false TAGS : society, economics FILE : 12018-07-06_Boulding_SpaceshipEarth.pdf FUNGI FROM YUFFOTH LINK : http://www.hplovecraft.com/writings/texts/poetry/p289.aspx TYPE : article DATE : 12018-07-06 DONE : false FILE : 12018-07-06_FungiFromYuggoth_byHP.pdf TAGS : fiction TWO ENVELOPE PROBLEM PERS : neauoire SRCE : Merveilles LINK : https://brilliant.org/wiki/two-envelope-paradox/ TYPE : article DATE : 12018-07-06 DONE : true TAGS : paradox WIKTOPHER PERS : Rekka LINK : https://wiktopher.kokorobot.ca/ TYPE : book DATE : 12018-07-06 DONE : true REVI : true TAGS : fiction JAN VERWOERT 2017-11-09 PERS : Phil James LINK : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VlyLQFcoFP0 TYPE : video DATE : 12018-07-06 DONE : false TAGS : art, philosophy SELF AUTHORING LINK : https://selfauthoring.com/ TYPE : lecture DATE : 12018-07-06 DONE : true REVI : true TAGS : psychology FRANKFURT SCHOOL LINK : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frankfurt_School TYPE : article DATE : 12018-07-06 DONE : false TAGS : philosophy POLITCAL CORRECTNESS DEBATE LINK : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GxYimeaoea0 TYPE : video DATE : 12018-07-06 DONE : true QOTE : "Fuck political correctness, resist, fight. If you have a point of view, fight for it in the proper manner." - Stephen Fry TAGS : politics BORROWED TIME PERS : neauoire SRCE : Merveilles NOTE : "Marcus Aurelius - Meditation - Book 3" TYPE : quote QOTE > "The average person lives about 75 years. Now then, I multiplied 75 times 52 and came up with 3,900, which is the number of Saturdays that the average person has in his lifetime. It took me until I was 55 years old to think about this in any detail, and by that time I had lived through over 2,800 Saturdays." & "Now let me tell you one last thought before I sign off and take my lovely wife out to breakfast. This morning, I took the very last marble out of the container. I figure if I make it until next Saturday, then I have been given a little extra time." DATE : 12018-07-08 TAGS : philosophy PROJ : Dastime DONE : true WIDSOM CALENDAR PERS : neauoire SRCE : Merveilles LINK : https://a-calendar-of-wisdom.blogspot.com/ TYPE : article QOTE : "You can read it online, it’s 'not that great' — I pointed this out more like an example of tooling, rather than content." DATE : 12018-07-08 DONE : false SULLIVAN PERS : alx SRCE : Merveilles LINK : http://ep.yimg.com/ty/cdn/paulgraham/sullivan.html TYPE : article DONE : false DATE : 12018-07-08 TASTE FOR MAKERS PERS : alx SRCE : Merveilles LINK : http://www.paulgraham.com/taste.html TYPE : article DONE : false DATE : 12018-07-08 TAGS : design MIND THE GAP PERS : neaoire SRCE : Merveilles LINK : http://www.paulgraham.com/gap.html TYPE : article DONE : false DATE : 12018-07-08 TAGS : society, economics PYTHON PARADOX PERS : neaoire SRCE : Merveilles LINK : http://www.paulgraham.com/pypar.html TYPE : article DONE : false DATE : 12018-07-08 TAGS : code, paradox VANILLA JS PERS : alx SRCE : Merveilles LINK : http://vanilla-js.com/ TYPE : article DONE : true DATE : 12018-07-08 TAGS : funny GREENSPACE PERS : alx SRCE : Merveilles LINK : https://www.uea.ac.uk/about/-/it-s-official-spending-time-outside-is-good-for-you TYPE : article TERM > Greenspace: 'open, undeveloped land with natural vegetation as well as urban greenspaces, which include urban parks and street greenery.' DONE : true DATE : 12018-07-08 TAGS : psychology, economics, env CLIENT SIDE ROUTING PERS : james SRCE : Merveilles LINK : http://krasimirtsonev.com/blog/article/deep-dive-into-client-side-routing-navigo-pushstate-hash TYPE : article DONE : false DATE : 12018-07-09 TAGS : web METHOD OF LOCI LINK : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Method_of_loci TYPE : article DONE : false REVI : true NOTE : Memory palace DATE : 12018-07-09 TAGS : psychology, philosophy TERM > Memory Palace: 'the subject memorizes the layout of some building, or the arrangement of shops on a street, or any geographical entity which is composed of a number of discrete loci. When desiring to remember a set of items the subject 'walks' through these loci in their imagination and commits an item to each one by forming an image between the item and any feature of that locus. Retrieval of items is achieved by 'walking' through the loci, allowing the latter to activate the desired items.' MALICK'S OBSESSIONS PERS : dormin SRCE : Merveilles LINK : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5f6rpDlfX5A TYPE : video DONE : true DATE : 12018-07-09 TAGS : film ARCANE ALGO ARCHIVE PERS : alx SRCE : Merveilles LINK : https://www.algorithm-archive.org/ TYPE : list DONE : true DATE : 12018-07-10 TAGS : code INCREMENTALISM LINK : http://freakonomics.com/podcast/in-praise-of-incrementalism-rebroadcast/ TYPE : podcast DONE : true DATE : 12018-07-10 NOTE - Social movement advice (Linda Hershman): - 1) Put your own interest first - 2) Take the moral highground - 3) Have weekly meetings TAGS : society SEE IN EVERYTHING QOTE : Miyamoto Musashi — 'If you know the way broadly you will see it in everything.' TYPE : quote DATE : 12018-07-10 AZOLLA PERS : alx SRCE : Merveilles LINK : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Azolla_event TYPE : article DONE : true DATE : 12018-07-11 TAGS : time INCORRECT USE TERM AI PERS : alx SRCE : Merveilles LINK : https://becominghuman.ai/are-you-using-the-term-ai-incorrectly-911ac23ab4f5 TYPE : article DONE : true DATE : 12018-07-11 TAGS : etymology, ai CEPHALOPOD INTELLIGENCE PERS : alx SRCE : Merveilles LINK : https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cephalopod_intelligence TYPE : article DATE : 12018-07-11 DONE : true TAGS : psychology, animal REINFORCEMENT LEARNING FLAW PERS : alif SRCE : Merveilles LINK : https://thegradient.pub/why-rl-is-flawed/ TYPE : article DONE : false DATE : 12018-07-11 TAGS : ai GLOBAL 1% QOTE : "You need just $34,000 USD annual income to be in the global elite... half the world's richest people live in the U.S." TYPE : quote DATE : 12018-07-11 DISCOURSE CHEATSHEET PERS : Neauoire SRCE : Merveilles LINK : https://wiki.xxiivv.com/#discourse TYPE : article DONE : true REVI : true DATE : 12018-07-11 TAGS : etymology, psychology ARGUMENT VARIETIES PERS : Neauoire SRCE : Merveilles LINK : http://slatestarcodex.com/2018/05/08/varieties-of-argumentative-experience/ TYPE : article DONE : false REVI : true DATE : 12018-07-11 TAGS : etymology, psychology DISAGREE PERS : Neauoire SRCE : Merveilles LINK : http://www.paulgraham.com/disagree.html TYPE : article DONE : false REVI : true DATE : 12018-07-11 TAGS : etymology, psychology THREE TIER MIND PERS : Neauoire SRCE : Merveilles LINK : https://www.pftq.com/blabberbox/?page=Three_Tiers_of_Mind TYPE : article DONE : false REVI : true DATE : 12018-07-11 TAGS : etymology, psychology JORDAN PETERSON JRE 1139 LINK : http://jrecompanion.com/jordan-peterson-jre-1139/ TYPE : podcast NOTE : Incrementalism in position and trajectory QOTE : "The spoken word is now as powerful as the written word, thats never happen before in human history." 2:34:XX DATE : 12018-07-11 DONE : true SKEPTOID APE SIGN LANGUAGE PERS : faun SRCE : Merveilles LINK : https://skeptoid.com/episodes/4630 TYPE : podcast TAGS : animal, psychology DONE : false BLINDSIGHT PERS : tttlllrrr SRCE : Merveilles LINK : http://www.rifters.com/real/shorts/PeterWatts_Blindsight.pdf TYPE : book DATE : 12018-07-12 FILE : 12018-07-12_PeterWatts_Blindsight.pdf TAGS : fiction DONE : false ZEIT STATIC HOSTING PERS : atteinmos SRCE : Merveilles LINK : https://zeit.co/ TYPE : tool TAGS : web DATE : 12018-07-12 NOTE : Web hosting DONE : true PRIVACY POSSUM PERS : alx SRCE : Merveilles LINK : https://github.com/cowlicks/privacypossum TYPE : tool TAGS : web DATE : 12018-07-12 DONE : false KNOWLEDGE NOTES LINK : https://github.com/yoshuawuyts/knowledge TYPE : encyclopedia DONE : false REVI : true DATE : 12018-07-13 NOTE : Notes on everything TAGS : inspiration, research WONDERBOOK PERS : stephen SRCE : Merveilles LINK : http://wonderbooknow.com/ TYPE : book NOTE : "The Illustrated Guide to Creating Imaginative Fiction." DATE : 12018-07-13 DONE : false TAGS : art, design WORRYDREAM REFERENCES PERS : neauoire SRCE : Merveilles LINK : http://worrydream.com/refs/ TYPE : list DATE : 12018-07-13 FILE : 12018-07-13_WDR_* TAGS : philosophy, design, inspiration, science, research, society, code, ai, psychology DONE : false REVI : true HELLO LINK : https://www.wnycstudios.org/story/hello TYPE : podcast DATE : 12018-07-13 TAGS : philosophy, science, society, psychology, animal DONE : true REVI : true 5till L1 Complex PERS : Phil James LINK : https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/Ports/0-9/5l1c TYPE : game FILE : 12018-07-14_5l1c.zip TAGS : gamedev, game DONE : false DATE : 12018-07-14 NOTE : '5till L1 Complex' a large custom Doom level. BLADE RUNNER 2049 DESIGN LINK : https://www.engadget.com/2017/10/20/designing-the-technology-of-blade-runner-2049/ TYPE : article TAGS : design, film DATE : 12018-07-14 DONE : false REACTIVE PROGRAMMING INTRO LINK : https://gist.github.com/staltz/868e7e9bc2a7b8c1f754 TYPE : article TAGS : code DATE : 12018-07-14 DONE : false REVI : true FRACTAL FILM CGI LINK : https://www.fxguide.com/featured/the-fractal-nature-of-guardians-of-the-galaxy-vol-2/ TYPE : article TAGS : fractal, film DATE : 12018-07-14 DONE : false VORTICAL + FRACTAL MACHINES LINK : https://www.fxguide.com/featured/suicide-squad-vortical-flows-and-fractal-machines/ TYPE : article TAGS : fractal, film DATE : 12018-07-14 DONE : false FRACTALS AND ROUGHNESS LINK : https://www.ted.com/talks/benoit_mandelbrot_fractals_the_art_of_roughness TYPE : video TAGS : fractal, research DATE : 12018-07-14 DONE : false AI IN A BOX LINK : https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/c5GHf2kMGhA4Tsj4g/the-ai-in-a-box-boxes-you TYPE : article TAGS : philosophy, ai, paradox DATE : 12018-07-14 DONE : true LEARNING SHADERS LINK : https://www.alanzucconi.com/category/shader/ TYPE : list TAGS : gamedev, code DATE : 12018-07-14 DONE : false REVI : true ACID BODHISATTVA LINK : http://acid.kommak.ch/en.php TYPE : article TAGS : psychedelics, psychology, philosophy DATE : 12018-07-14 DONE : false REVI : true THE DOORS OF PERCEPTION LINK : https://www.erowid.org/psychoactives/writings/huxley_doors.shtml TYPE : article TAGS : psychedelics, psychology, philosophy DATE : 12018-07-14 DONE : false REVI : true FILE : 12018-07-14_TheDoorsOfPerception_byAldousHuxley.pdf VULTR LINK : https://www.vultr.com TYPE : tool TAGS : web DATE : 12018-07-14 NOTE : Web hosting DONE : true WW1 BY WEEK LINK : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLB2vhKMBjSxOb_127vxjaRRC7yu2TJlJX TYPE : video TAGS : history, war DATE : 12018-07-14 NOTE : Week by week history of WW1. DONE : false PROG : Week 7 SOLARPUNK REFERENCES LINK : https://medium.com/solarpunks/solarpunk-a-reference-guide-8bcf18871965 TYPE : article TAGS : solarpunk, env DATE : 12018-07-14 DONE : false SYSTEMS ARE EVERYWHERE LINK : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gelpn4mksXQ TYPE : video TAGS : gamedev DATE : 12018-07-14 DONE : false NZ EXCHANGE LINK : https://www.tokenroom.co.nz/ TYPE : tool TAGS : bitcoin DATE : 12018-07-14 DONE : true PRINCETON CRYPTO LECTURES LINK : https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/7il1sx/sixty_free_lectures_from_princeton_on_bitcoin_and/ TYPE : list TAGS : bitcoin DATE : 12018-07-14 DONE : false PILANESBERY DELINQUENTS LINK : https://www.kotafoundation.org/the-delinquents-in-pilanesberg/ TYPE : article TAGS : psychology, animals DATE : 12018-07-14 DONE : false FIND PASSION BAD ADVICE PERS : alx SRCE : Merveilles LINK : https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2018/07/find-your-passion-is-terrible-advice/564932/ TYPE : article TAGS : psychology DATE : 12018-07-14 DONE : false THE EMPIRE LINK : http://www.duncantrussell.com/episodes/2018/7/10/abby-martin TYPE : podcast DATE : 12018-07-14 DONE : true TAGS : politics TARYN SOUTHERN DTFH LINK : http://www.duncantrussell.com/episodes/2018/7/12/taryn-southern TYPE : podcast TERM > Horseshit problem: a problem that seems existentially bad but is later solved trivially/indirectly by technology. The name refers to horse manue starting to be a major problem when horses were extensively used for transport, their manure ending up everywhere - poisoning water wells etc. When the car was invented and mass adopted it was suddenly no longer an issue. DATE : 12018-07-14 DONE : true TAGS : politics TUDOR MONASTERY FARM PERS : faun SRCE : Merveilles LINK : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t1ERDYjsHBg TYPE : video DATE : 12018-07-14 DONE : true TAGS : history PROJ : Swordy CLIMATE CHANGE IN POST TRUTH LINK : https://medium.com/@christinelariviere/the-fisher-king-solving-climate-change-in-a-post-truth-world-7b18c8eafd53 TYPE : article DATE : 12018-07-15 DONE : false TAGS : env JIM CRAWFORD INTERVIEW LINK : https://pokyfriends.com/blog/36/an-interview-with-jim-crawford-frog-fractions-2-and-zzt TYPE : article DATE : 12018-07-15 DONE : false TAGS : gamedev, game NOTE : 'Frog Fractions 2' TARN ADAMS INTERVIEW LINK : https://www.pcgamer.com/dwarf-fortress-creator-tarn-adams-talks-about-simulating-the-most-complex-magic-system-ever/ TYPE : article DATE : 12018-07-15 DONE : false TAGS : gamedev, game NOTE : 'Dwarf Fortress' WHISTLE BLOWING LINK : https://theintercept.com/2016/05/03/edward-snowden-whistleblowing-is-not-just-leaking-its-an-act-of-political-resistance/ TYPE : article DATE : 12018-07-15 DONE : false TAGS : political TACTICAL SEMIOTICS LINK : https://d.rip/mikerugnetta/posts/RHJvcFBvc3QtMzM0NA== TYPE : article DATE : 12018-07-15 DONE : true TAGS : design SAD POSTING LINK : http://humaniterations.net/2018/05/22/sadposting TYPE : article DATE : 12018-07-15 DONE : false TAGS : psychology CHANNELING ARCHTECTURE LINK : http://viewzone2.com/archeosoundx.html TYPE : article DATE : 12018-07-15 DONE : false TAGS : architecture, history TERM > 111hz: '...Findings of MRI scans suggest that at exactly 111hz, the brain switches off the prefrontal cortex, deactivating the language center, and temporaryly switches from left to right-sided dominance, that is responsible for intuition, creativity, holistic processing, inducing a state of meditation or a trance. Further research directed by Prof. Robert Jahn has tested acoustic behaviour in megalithic sites in the UK, showing that they sustained a strong resonance at a sound frequency between 95 and 120 heartz.' ...can't find source of the 'MRI' studies. Prof. Robert Jahn seems controversial. None-the-less interesting. FILE : 12018-07-15_AcousticalResonancesOfAssortedAncientStructures.pdf PROJ : Swordy THE PSYCHOLOGY OF MONEY LINK : http://www.collaborativefund.com/blog/the-psychology-of-money/ TYPE : article DATE : 12018-07-15 DONE : false TAGS : economics, psychology FRACTAL CONSCIOUSNESS LINK : http://nautil.us/issue/47/consciousness/is-consciousness-fractal TYPE : article DATE : 12018-07-15 DONE : false TAGS : philosophy, psychology HIGH DIMENSIONAL SPACE LINK : https://marckhoury.github.io/counterintuitive-properties-of-high-dimensional-space/ TYPE : article DATE : 12018-07-15 DONE : false TAGS : philosophy SEXAGESIMAL SYSTEM LINK : https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/tranquility/the-sexagesimal-system-t4647.html TYPE : article DATE : 12018-07-15 DONE : false TAGS : time FILE : 12018-07-15_TheSexagesimalSystem-IntoInfinity.pdf PROJ : Dastime ZOMBIES REDACTED LINK : https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/7DmA3yWwa6AT5jFXt/zombies-redacted TYPE : article DATE : 12018-07-15 DONE : false TAGS : philosophy TERM > Zombie: 'in the philosophical usage of the term, is putatively a being that is exactly like you in every respect—identical behavior, identical speech, identical brain; every atom and quark in exactly the same position, moving according to the same causal laws of motion—except that your zombie is not conscious.' KREMLIN MEDIA LINK : https://meduza.io/en/feature/2015/08/13/this-is-how-russian-internet-censorship-works TYPE : article DATE : 12018-07-15 DONE : false TAGS : politics FILE : 12018-07-15_KremlinMedia.pdf FUNDAMENTAL MISCONCEPTIONS LINK : http://mwil.co/articles/03/ TYPE : article DATE : 12018-07-15 DONE : false TAGS : bitcoin FILE : 12018-07-15_FundamentalMisconceptions.pdf CALENDAR REFORM LINK : http://myweb.ecu.edu/mccartyr/eastman.html TYPE : article DATE : 12018-07-15 DONE : false TAGS : time PROJ : Dastime NON EUCLIDEAN ROOM LINK : http://ludumdare.com/compo/2016/12/23/non-euclidean-room-postmortem/ TYPE : article DATE : 12018-07-15 DONE : false TAGS : gamedev FILE : 12018-07-15_NonEuclideanRoom.pdf SAN JUAN ISLANDS LINK : https://arachnoid.com/sailbook/Chapter_1_--_Introduction,_San_Juan_Islands.html TYPE : article DATE : 12018-07-15 DONE : false FILE : 12018-07-15_SanJuanIslands.pdf PROGRAMMERS KNOW FEELINGS LINK : https://medium.com/enspiral-tales/good-programmers-know-more-about-feelings-than-computers-fa19f62495ae TYPE : article DATE : 12018-07-15 DONE : false TAGS : code FILE : 12018-07-15_GoodProgrammersKnowMoreAboutFeelingsThanComputers.pdf THE EMPIRE FILES LINK : http://theempirefiles.tv/ TYPE : list DATE : 12018-07-15 DONE : false TAGS : politics PRODUCTIVE DISTORTIONS PERS : alx SRCE : Merveilles LINK : https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/presentation/1a59/7a9ca8b03d86ae9a2f86dd90e7bbff481fab.pdf TYPE : article DATE : 12018-07-15 DONE : false TAGS : psychology KILLED GREEN SCREEN PERS : goldbuick SRCE : Merveilles LINK : https://vimeo.com/264282403 TYPE : video DATE : 12018-07-15 DONE : false CLIENT SIDE ROUTING LINK : https://blog.risingstack.com/writing-a-javascript-framework-client-side-routing/ TYPE : article DATE : 12018-07-16 DONE : false TAGS : web, code PROJ : Memex NOON GUEST LINK : https://aliceffekt.bandcamp.com/album/noon-guest TYPE : music DATE : 12018-07-16 DONE : true TAGS : game SECRETS OF THE CASTLE LINK : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jWZWTwJ_5Ag TYPE : video DATE : 12018-07-16 DONE : true TAGS : history NOTE : Modern day 25 year project to build a castle with traditional methods and tools. PROJ : Swordy VICTORIAN FARM LINK : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BodKsqkZk2Q TYPE : video DATE : 12018-07-16 DONE : true TAGS : history TERM > Shoddy: 'a type of woollen yarn produced by tearing old woollen rags into shreds and weaving the strands.' PROJ : Swordy LOW TECH MAGAZINE PERS : josh SRCE : Merveilles LINK : http://www.lowtechmagazine.com/ TYPE : list DATE : 12018-07-16 DONE : false TAGS : history, solarpunk, env, offgrid GWERN PERS : neauoire SRCE : Merveilles LINK : http://www.gwern.net/ TYPE : encyclopedia DATE : 12018-07-16 DONE : false TAGS : inspiration, history, psychology, science, ai, bitcoin, code, psychedelics, env MANSONRY GRID LIB LINK : https://masonry.desandro.com/ TYPE : tool DATE : 12018-07-17 DONE : true TAGS : code, web PROJ : Memex ISOTOPE GRID LIB LINK : https://isotope.metafizzy.co/ TYPE : tool DATE : 12018-07-17 DONE : true TAGS : code, web PROJ : Memex MEASURED ITERATION QOTE : 'The most important thing you can do is to get into an iteration cycle where you can measure the impact of your work, have a hypothesis about how making changes will affect those variables, and ship changes regularly. It doesn't even matter that much what the content is - it's the iteration of hypothesis, changes, and measurement that will make you better at a faster rate than anything else we have seen.' - Gabe Newell LINK : https://www.reddit.com/r/The_Gaben/comments/5olhj4/hi_im_gabe_newell_ama/ DATE : 12018-07-17 DONE : true REVI : true TAGS : gamedev TYPE : quote ENVIRONMENT INFLUENCE QOTE > 'Our environment, architecture influences how we think' > 'What is without becomes within' > 'We build the tools and the tools build us' > 'Our thoughts shape out spaces, and our spaces return the favor' NOTE : Rat park cocaine. Heroin Vietnam. LINK : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nH9IPpDrVTs DATE : 12018-07-17 DONE : true REVI : true TAGS : env, design TYPE : quote BREATH QOTE : 'Keep breathing' DATE : 12018-07-17 DONE : true TAGS : philosophy TYPE : quote LIVE QOTE : 'Life should be lived to the point of tears' DATE : 12018-07-17 DONE : true TAGS : philosophy TYPE : quote ZOO QOTE : 'Zoos are animal prisons that operate for profit. It’s not education, it’s "entertainment".' DATE : 12018-07-17 DONE : true TAGS : philosophy, env TYPE : quote SEE QOTE : 'Do you yearn to defend your own beliefs or to see the world as clearly as you possibly can?' DATE : 12018-07-17 DONE : true TAGS : philosophy TYPE : quote MARRIAGE QOTE >'Child of divorce, professional who dealt with divorcing couples for many years, Adult who went through a divorce, remarried and volunteer counseling/mentoring for couples today. & Here are the most common mistakes I've seen (my own as well as collectively) in the failed and struggling marriages I've seen: & One or both spouses have unresolved childhood baggage issues that will rear its head in their adult relationships. Examples of these include (but not limited to) physical or emotional abuse/neglect in the home; sexual abuse; one or both parents had substance abuse/addiction issues; one or both partners came from a divorced or single parent household. Among the many reasons why this is such a significant factor is if you grow up in a dysfunctional environment, you have no idea how dysfunctional and unhealthy it really is. To you, its normal, it is all you've ever known. So if Mom and Dad resolved conflict by getting drunk, yelling at each other and then not speaking for days, guess what you have a chance of modeling as an adult in your own relationships? & Understanding what "marriage as a priority" really means. When you get married, your marriage has to be the main priority in your life. Not your career, not your spouse (i.e. don't put them on a pedestal), not your kids, not your hobbies or your personal fitness. The fact is, when you get married, you no longer get to call all of the shots. Gotten used to staying up all night playing XBOX with your boys on weekends? Not going to work in a marriage for an extended period of time. You're going to have to accept the fact that if you want to have a healthy marriage, compromise is your new word of the day. In some cases you may have to give things up entirely, or learn to say "no for now." While this often tends to be more of a struggle for men, women can also struggle with this issue. I'm not saying that getting married means giving up you completely, or kiss all of your favorite activities goodbye. What I am saying is, if you want your marriage to be healthy, you now have someone else in your life who gets an equal (not dominant--equal) say in how you spend your free time. & Poor communication skills. A shockingly high number of adults lack basic healthy communication skills and conflict resolution skills. Its heart breaking to have conversations with struggling couples who won't speak to each other with a kind word for any reason. Both spouses should feel that their marriage is the one safe place in the world for each other. Unfortunately, in many instances, it is the last place a spouse can go for emotional safety. If you don't feel your partner is your first friend, your best friend, your most trusted friend, then something is broken in your communications with each other. & Vastly different backgrounds. Don't get me wrong. Anyone can be successfully married to someone else if both people are committed to it and willing to work on it. But most of the time, that's just not the case. Societal/familial pressures are real, and it is important to assess them if you find yourself in a relationship that is impacted by them. Are you dating a trust fund baby/very wealthy child and you are the Jack Dawson? Tread carefully. It makes a great movie, but statistically, Rose winds up marrying Cal far more often than running off with Jack, because she doesn't want to deal with the family pressure or get cut off financially. Sorry, that's reality, not the movies. & Similar to different backgrounds, different motivations in life. Do you know what your partner wants out of life? Do they aspire to be an artist who welds clown sculptures out of mufflers? That's great, but will it support the two of you, and if it won't, will you be okay supporting them while they're making Pennywise the Dual Exhaust Killer? Do they want to be a stay at home parent? Are you okay being the sole breadwinner? What if it is the reverse? & One. Union. Combined. Together. This notion is one that I see a lot of guys--especially high wage earners who are the sole income for the family--stumble over. Whether you are religious or not, the fact is when you get married you are no longer two individuals. You're one. The law sees you that way, the tax code (at least in the US) sees you that way, and society sees you that way. There is no such thing as "mine and yours" in a marriage. There is only "ours." The faster you get that concept nailed down, the better off you'll be. I've seen many marriages collapse just over this issue alone. & Marriage is not an event, its a journey. So many couples stop trying to pursue each other after the wedding day. Guys and girls do this. Stereotypically/historically, men tend to focus on their careers/making money; women tend to focus on raising the children and/or managing the household. (I realize not in every situation) Both spouses stop taking time to compliment each other, appreciate each other, go out on dates, weekend getaways, or generally just spending time chasing after each other. They take each other for granted and begin to drift apart. "We just fell out of love" is one of the most common phrases I hear in couples struggling, and the sad thing is, its one of the easiest traps to avoid. & Friends and family around the marriage. This is especially hard for people who come from dysfunctional families. When you get married, your new spouse automatically gets moved to the front of the line. In front of your parents, siblings, lifelong besties, etc. They're great to have in your life, but all of them have to take a distant back seat to your new spouse. If you're a guy who has had a doting mother all your life and she's told you what to do, who to marry, where to go to college, etc, you have a tough job ahead of you. The Monster-In-Law stereotype exists for a reason. If your new wife turns pale when your Mom's number pops up on your cellphone, you need to talk to your wife and find out what boundaries she'd like to have installed. If you are Daddy's little girl and nobody has ever been good enough in your Dad's eyes, its time for you to tell Dad that you're so grateful for his love and support, but Jim is more than good enough in your eyes, so you need him to be in his eyes, too. And sadly, if you have friends or family members who are toxic to you or your marriage, you may be forced to make a very difficult decision in your life. Anyone who sits around bitching about how much they hate their life, their spouse, their kids or how you're going to eventually feel the same way about yours--put distance between you as fast as you possibly can. We tend to adopt the attitudes of the company we keep. So if you spend all your time with negative people...guess where you're going to be mentally? & Date to establish trust. Time is actually your friend, not your enemy. Do not ignore ANY red flag you see in a relationship. Examine it for what it is, then determine if it is something you can work through with the other person, or is it something they refuse to acknowledge or deal with? If you're dating someone who is selfish and they refuse to see it, they will not magically become unselfish because you were kind enough to marry them. Red Flags ignored in dating will become the rocks upon which your marriage boat smashes in the coming storms. If there are multiple red flags and they won't talk to you about any of them, walk away. It doesn't matter if you've already moved in, share the bank account, the dog, and a car. Get out now. If they're not willing to work on things that impact the security of a relationship today, you can count on them not working on them after you get married. & Marriage is not easy. It requires a lot of work sometimes, even when you are both on the same page, have great communication, great sex (which will happen very easily if the rest of the relationship is healthy by the way) and great chemistry. People get sick, they get laid off, their family members die, children get sick, get hurt in accidents, friends have affairs, get divorced...life is challenging and it impacts our relationships, sometimes in ways we're not expecting or prepared for. If you're not willing to value your marriage above everything else in your life, its going to be really hard for it to survive the day in and day out challenges of living.' LINK : https://np.reddit.com/r/AskMen/comments/52h1h8/whats_the_most_common_mistake_people_make_when/d7kyny9?context=3 DATE : 12018-07-17 DONE : true TAGS : psychology TYPE : quote GROWTH QOTE : 'Growth for the sake of growth is the ideology of the cancer cell.' - Edward Abbey NOTE : The Journey Home: Some Words in Defense of the American West DATE : 12018-07-17 DONE : true TAGS : philosophy TYPE : quote EDUCATION QOTE : 'Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.' - Malcom X DATE : 12018-07-17 DONE : true TAGS : philosophy TYPE : quote CODEX LINK : https://github.com/uonai/Codex TYPE : encyclopedia QOTE > 'If someone contacts you, always respond.' > 'Elevate the stories of the exiles.' > 'Support your partner in all forms of growth.' > 'Make time for yourself.' > 'Don't idealize a future. Be there in the present.' > 'Computers are difficult and struggling with technology means you're learning.' > 'Programming languages are for building things. The more things you build, the more programming languages will make sense.' > 'All technologists are both designers and developers.' > 'Social media is a form of gambling. Treat it with caution.' > 'Running away from technology is pointless. Build something better on top of existing technology.' > 'Optimize for skills, not pay grade.' DATE : 12018-07-17 DONE : true REVI : true TAGS : inspiration, philosophy, code, psychology LET'S ENCRYPT LINK : https://letsencrypt.org/ TYPE : tool DATE : 12018-07-17 DONE : true TAGS : code, web NOTE : Free encryption ssl cert LIGAND PERS : deuveir SRCE : Merveilles LINK : https://ultimae.bandcamp.com/album/ligand-24bit TYPE : music DATE : 12018-07-17 DONE : true NOTE : Ambient COMPRO PERS : deuveir SRCE : Merveilles LINK : https://iliantape.bandcamp.com/album/itlp04-skee-mask-compro TYPE : music DATE : 12018-07-17 DONE : true NOTE : Ambient UNYT PERS : deuveir SRCE : Merveilles LINK : https://ultimae.bandcamp.com/album/unyt-24bit TYPE : music DATE : 12018-07-17 DONE : false JS PROTOTYPE LINK : https://medium.freecodecamp.org/prototype-in-js-busted-5547ec68872 TYPE : article DATE : 12018-07-17 DONE : false TAGS : web, code PROJ : memex INTERNAL FLIGHTS LINK : https://estastonne.bandcamp.com/album/internal-flight-2013-guitar-version TYPE : music DATE : 12018-07-17 DONE : true REVI : true NOTE : Amaze LICENSE ZERO PERS : cblgh SRCE : Merveilles LINK : https://licensezero.com/ TYPE : tool DATE : 12018-07-17 TAGS : code, web DONE : true CATASTROPHE JOURNAL PERS : cblgh SRCE : Merveilles LINK : https://seths.blog/2018/07/a-catastrophe-journal/ TYPE : article DATE : 12018-07-17 TAGS : philosophy, psychology DONE : true ZERO CARBON BILL SUB LINK : https://blog.greens.org.nz/2018/06/22/guide-making-submission-zero-carbon-bill/ TYPE : tool DATE : 12018-07-17 TAGS : env DONE : true FILE : 12018-07-17_zeroCarbonBill-DiscussionDocument.pdf SKY INTERVIEW LINK : http://shareaslicepodcast.com/2016/11/16/sky/ TYPE : podcast DATE : 12018-07-17 DONE : true LITTLE SOUND DJ LINK : https://www.littlesounddj.com TYPE : tool DATE : 12018-07-17 DONE : true COVOX DUBSLIDE LINK : https://www.littlesounddj.com/lsd/sounds/covox_-_dubslide.mp3 TYPE : music DATE : 12018-07-17 DONE : true NOTE : Made with LSDJ THE POT COVER LINK : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8zfYO9sZjrE TYPE : music DATE : 12018-07-17 DONE : true NOTE : Four trumpeteers, a drummer, guitarist, saxman and epic Sophia Urista cover 'The Pot' OVEN NOTE > Oven close to bed, then bench with sink can be cut diagonal & Build right to edge (including counter lip) & & ENO & Height (400 - 470) & Width (504 - 517) & Depth (410 - 418) & & GAS & Height (470) & Width (530) & Depth (310) PROJ : Van DATE : 12018-07-17 DONE : false MISE EN BAG PERS : cblgh SRCE : Merveilles LINK : https://miseenbag.com/ TYPE : article DATE : 12018-07-18 DONE : true TAGS : food NOTE : Guerilla cooking backpack PRELUDIO A COLON PERS : Symbol SRCE : Merveilles LINK : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lOihGnn6HoE TYPE : music DATE : 12018-07-18 DONE : true NOTE : Julián Carrillo EDWARDIAN FARM LINK : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDJIWiwfNABlM7J0d3e63sZ6U2bwg_hMX TYPE : video DATE : 12018-07-18 DONE : false TAGS : history CSS VARIABLES LINK : https://css-tricks.com/difference-between-types-of-css-variables/ TYPE : article DATE : 12018-07-18 DONE : true TAGS : web, code PROJ : Memex SLIDE DATE : 12018-05-03 FILE : 12018-05-03_slide.jpg TYPE : image DONE : true WIDE : true TAGS : log, hamish VAN DATE : 12017-01-20 FILE : 12017-01-20_van.jpg TYPE : image PROJ : Van TAGS : log DONE : true FPV MOD DATE : 12018-03-20 FILE : 12018-03-20_fpvMod.jpg TYPE : image PROJ : Drone TAGS : log, kor DONE : true NOTE : Diy modified large battery and record module onto drone fpv headset SWITCH PANEL DATE : 12018-03-20 FILE : 12018-07-10_switchPanel.jpg TYPE : image PROJ : Van TAGS : arduino, log, hamish, kor DONE : true LINK : https://github.com/kormyen/VNS NOTE : Self built light/fan/mode switch panel for RV IoT system. APPLIED MINIMALISM PERS : Symbol SRCE : Merveilles LINK : https://vimeo.com/13617755 DATE : 12018-07-18 TYPE : music DONE : true VELADYA CHAPMAN VANLIFE LINK : http://shareaslicepodcast.com/2018/07/16/vanlife/ DATE : 12018-07-18 TYPE : podcast DONE : true PROJ : Van AMISH ATHEIST LINK : http://shareaslicepodcast.com/2018/05/09/copp1/ DATE : 12018-07-18 TYPE : podcast DONE : true JOHN LAW LINK : http://shareaslicepodcast.com/2017/10/24/dada/ NOTE : DADA, Burning Man, Cacophony Society & Suicide Club DATE : 12018-07-18 TYPE : podcast DONE : true WHITE DATE : 12018-07-19 FILE : 12018-07-19_white.jpg TYPE : image TAGS : hamish, test BLACK DATE : 12018-07-19 FILE : 12018-07-19_black.jpg TYPE : image TAGS : hamish, test TALL CUT SHORT DATE : 12018-07-19 FILE : 12018-07-19_tall.jpg TYPE : image TAGS : hamish, test RANGITOTO DATE : 12018-07-19 FILE : 12018-07-19_wide.jpg TYPE : image WIDE : true TAGS : log MQTT PERS : autophagy SRCE : Merveilles LINK : http://mqtt.org/ TYPE : tool DATE : 12018-07-19 TAGS : code, web TERM > MQTT: 'MQTT is a machine-to-machine (M2M)/"Internet of Things" connectivity protocol. It was designed as an extremely lightweight publish/subscribe messaging transport. It is useful for connections with remote locations where a small code footprint is required and/or network bandwidth is at a premium.' CHART.JS PERS : autophagy SRCE : Merveilles LINK : https://www.chartjs.org/ TYPE : tool DATE : 12018-07-19 TAGS : code, web CSS UTIL CLASSES PERS : stephen SRCE : Merveilles LINK : https://adamwathan.me/css-utility-classes-and-separation-of-concerns/ TYPE : article DATE : 12018-07-19 TAGS : code, web SIBYLLINE BOOKS PERS : neauoire SRCE : Merveilles QUOTE > A long time ago there was a small, but prosperous town in the middle of a great plain. The town saw plenty of foreigners passing through with exotic wears, stopping on their way from the great cities that surely lay far beyond the horizon. As a prominent way-point, the town found itself never in want, not only of the necessities of life, but of many of the luxuries as well. So one can easily imagine their reaction to the unsightly old hag who strode into the town on a bright autumn afternoon carrying a sack full of a dozen dusty books. & "All the knowledge and wisdom of the world," She said, "Only one sack of gold!" The men and women at the marketplace chuckled at the old woman. A whole sack of gold for twelve dusty books? It didn't matter what was in them, that was an outrageous price! Their own books usually sold for a gold piece each, at best, and that only for the highest quality binding and printing. A trading village was no place to sell books, besides, considering how busy everyone is with commerce all the time; most books were bought for show. & The woman tried to peddle her goods all day, but found it impossible to attract the attention of even the most credulous buyer. "Leave me alone," one would say. "I have plenty of books already," said another. "Obviously you don't know everything, or you would have left already" the more snarky in the town would opine. & Finally, as the sun was setting, the woman approached one of the other vendors and bought a bit of firewood. She dug a small pit, placed six of the books in, along with the wood, and started a fire right in the middle of the marketplace. This attracted the Mayor, who scrammed the woman out of the village, but not before the books had burned to ashes. & Winter came, and the town was hit hard by blizzards lasting well into March. They were a frugal lot, however, and always planned for such a contingency, and so they braved the winter well. Summer brought the normal volume of trade, and the town was back to normal by the next autumn, when the old woman returned again. & "Not you again," the Mayor said as she entered the town. "Are you still selling the same nonsense?" & "If by 'nonsense' you mean all the knowledge and wisdom of the world," she replied, "No. I now only have half of it remaining. I have changed the price, however." At this the townspeople nodded at each other sarcastically. Of course she's changed the price, they thought, because she only has six dusty old books left. "The remaining books are only two sacks of gold!" The woman sat down among the merchants and laid the books out in front of her, waiting for any takers. & "You must be joking," A man said, "You can't charge twice as much for half the merchandise! We are a trading town, well-versed in business and exchange. You can't expect us to buy books of such low quality for a price so high!" The woman merely sat there, and when the day ended without any takers - but with considerably more jeering than in the previous year - she repeated her ritual and burned half the books. The morning after the woman left, a few young people from the town ruffled through the dying embers of the fire, searching for an odd page, but all was ashes once again. & Another year passed, and this was a hard one. Again the winter was long, and harvests around the countryside were poor. The summer trading caravans were less frequent than they had been in decades. In the end, the city managed, as it always had, but there were whispers that another hard winter would spell serious trouble. & When the old woman arrived in autumn, she was expected. The Mayor greeted her personally, "Madame, we would like to look at your books. We will not be able to offer you two sacks of gold right away, but we are ready to form a committee to investigate the worth, and, in a few weeks, we will be able to make a suitable offer." & The old woman looked back at him. "These three remaining books contain a quarter of all the knowledge and wisdom in the world, and I cannot part with them for anything less than four sacks of gold." & "Four sacks of gold is out of the question, madame, but if you would consider our offer..." & The old woman simply shook her head, and proceeded to burn two of the three remaining books, leaving the town to fend for itself for another winter. & When she returned again the following year the town was desperate. Trade had all but ceased, and the granaries were less than half full. The winter was just around the corner, and already it was cold and windy, though the summer had only just ended. The whole town anxiously awaited the old woman, ready to swallow their pride and purchase her remaining book. & The woman entered the town cautiously, holding the book in front of her. "Are you now ready to buy my book. It contains one-twelfth of the knowledge and wisdom of the world, and it is exceedingly valuable. I can only part with it for twelve sacks of gold." & The Mayor looked back, "We had only budgeted for six." The woman started digging her fire-pit. "Now hold on," the Mayor said, "We can give you ten, but we need something to get us through next summer's trading season." The woman kept digging. As she placed the book into the pit, along with a little kindling, the Mayor finally gave in. "You win," he said, "We'll give you twelve. It better be worth it." & "It is," the woman replied. "You should have seen the rest of it." NOTE : Douglas Adam’s Last Chance To See. The story of the aquisition of the Sibylline Books ETIDORHPA PERS : neauoire SRCE : Merveilles LINK : http://www.sacred-texts.com/earth/eti/index.htm KNOWLEDGE WIKI PERS : Josh SRCE : Merveilles LINK : https://wiki.nikitavoloboev.xyz TYPE : encyclopedia TAGS : inspiration KNOWLEDGE PERS : neauoire SRCE : Merveilles LINK : http://wiki.xxiivv.com/knowledge TYPE : encyclopedia TAGS : inspiration SAILING RESOURCES PERS : neauoire SRCE : Merveilles LINK : https://100r.co/resources.html TYPE : list A DEPTH OF BEGINNING PERS : sebastian SRCE : Merveilles LINK : http://sebastiansiverand.com/library/NoK.pdf FILE : 12018-07-19_NoK.pdf TYPE : book TAGS : occult NOTE : 'Notes on Kabbalah' - Colin Low UI PATTERN SMART PERS : yoshuawuyts SRCE : knowledge LINK : https://www.awwwards.com/mastering-ui-patterns-for-smarter-design.html DONE : true OCTOBER PERS : alx SRCE : Merveilles NOTE : 'October' - Chine Meiville TYPE : book QOTE > It's very easy to read, extremely lucid & The problem is, it's still a difficult read & At least at the moment, I'm early in the book, so there are a lot of things going on, some of them horrifying & A mix of xenophobes, fascists, and antisemites did some horrible things to toddlers :c & Traditional teaching of the history of the revolution in russia kind of ignores the horrific things that were happening that led up to it & I'm also going through the TTC russian history course ('From Peter the Great to Gorbachev'), and as far as I can tell, they completely pass over the mass protests and the sheer disregard for human life that the previous regime had (edited) & I recommend it, but it's a difficult read for the same sorts of reasons that "Why I don't talk [to white people] about race" is a difficult read BLACK TRUTHS LINK : https://dreamflesh.com/post/2017/black-truths-jordan-peterson/ TYPE : article NOTE : Critique of Jordan Peterson QOTE > Important & "(This is the core of the bill: making sure people aren’t denied employment or housing, for example, because of their gender expression or identity. The pronouns stuff is supplementary, besides being misrepresented by Peterson.)" > Funny & "We should note that Peterson is very comfortable with non-binary approaches to categories he sees as forming the roots of civilisation — when it suits him. In another interview he says:" & "People often ask me if I believe in God. I don’t like that question. First of all, it’s an attempt to box me in, in a sense. The reason it’s an attempt to box me in is because the question is asked so I can be firmly placed on one side of a binary argument. The reason I don’t like to answer it is, (a) I don’t like to be boxed in, and (b) because I don’t know what the person means by ‘believe’ or ‘God’. And they think they know. And the probability that they construe ‘belief’ and construe ‘God’ the same way I do is virtually zero." > Summary & "The root dynamic of the clash here, though, seems to be between the fact that legislation like C-16 is specifically meant to protect a minority who often suffer at the hands of rigid categories that work for the majority, whereas Peterson’s general fight is with the radicalism in postmodernism which seeks to completely dismantle those categories. Peterson sees the latter at work in the former, which I think is a paranoid overstatement." > "In trying to get an easy-to-grasp handle on all this, it’s interesting that Peterson himself supplied me with the crucial tools. As with his opposition to binary ideas of belief in God, it’s testimony to the fact that he’s worth listening to for insight, even if you have to wade through some bile, and make some connections which he doesn’t manage." > "Peterson isn’t intending harm, or intending to undermine people. But — as he’ll be the first to point out in other contexts, e.g. communism — good intent is never enough. One has to pay attention to systemic unintended harms. There’s some truth in what Peterson is saying (alongside the distortions and occasional falsehoods). But even this truth is sometimes — especially in the transgender debate — blackened by a certain blindness." > Conclusion & "There are serious and present threats to stability and social cohesion, but they owe far more to shifts in economics and ecology than to shifts in sexuality and gender. Postmodernism needs critiquing, since, as David Kidner showed, it’s implicated in our ecological crisis. But it needs better, less blind critics than Peterson. And freedom and civilisation need better, more far-sighted champions." DONE : true EGREGORE TERM > Egregore: 'is an occult concept representing a "thoughtform" or "collective group mind", an autonomous psychic entity made up of, and influencing, the thoughts of a group of people. The symbiotic relationship between an egregore and its group has been compared to the more recent, non-occult concepts of the corporation (as a legal entity) and the meme.' 'a kind of group mind that is created when people consciously come together for a common purpose.' NATURE AND PSYCHE TYPE : book LINK : https://dreamflesh.com/review/book/nature-and-psyche/ TAGS : env, politics, psychology LEARN ANYTHING TYPE : tool LINK : https://learn-anything.xyz/ TAGS : research DONE : true REVI : true LIKE A DOG ON A LEASH TYPE : article LINK : https://medium.com/@NikitaVoloboev/like-a-dog-on-a-leash-c0cdb8839079 TAGS : privacy NOTE : Why privacy DONE : true PRIVACY RESPECTING TOOLS TYPE : list LINK : https://github.com/nikitavoloboev/privacy-respecting#readme TAGS : privacy DONE : true PRIVACY TOOLS TYPE : list LINK : https://www.privacytools.io/ TAGS : privacy DONE : true PRISM BREAK TYPE : list LINK : https://prism-break.org/ TAGS : privacy DONE : true PROJECT BASED LEARNING TYPE : article LINK : https://medium.com/@NikitaVoloboev/project-based-learning-e511641869ca TAGS : productivity DONE : true HAIKU DEFINITIONS PERS : alx SRCE : Merveilles TYPE : list LINK : http://simplytom.com/definitions.txl MARCUS MEDITATIONS PERS : neauoire SRCE : Merveilles LINK : http://files.libertyfund.org/files/2133/Aurelius_1464_LFeBk.pdf FILE : 12018-07-20_Aurelius_1464_LFeBk.pdf WORK HURTS < PROCRASTINATION PERS : neauoire SRCE : Merveilles LINK : https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/9o3QBg2xJXcRCxGjS/working-hurts-less-than-procrastinating-we-fear-the-twinge DONE : true TAGS : productivity, psychology JOURNALING NOTES DATE : 12018-07-19 PERS : neauoire SRCE : Merveilles TAGS : productivity NOTE > "do you know the hand-eye relationship?"" & the oscillation between liking what you do and hating it & anyways, there’s this period where you get more critical, your mind’s designer-eye-thing gets wiser, and your hand(skills) have trouble keeping up and you loose your faith in your own skills & so you look at your own work(music, art or writing) and feel like a noob, right? & but then your hand(skills) rise to the challenge, and you get better than your mind’s eye, and you feel happy with your own work & so now keep this in mind & this gets REALLY interesting when you know more than 1 craft & so let’s say you could skip these down hand periods by moving to another media & if you can only ever draw, cannot write music or write. Then you are subject to this graph, with no escape. & "knowing this biorythm is why I started to log, and my plan was to know exactly when I should jump to the next medium" - neauoire & "you chain the highs together by rotating" - sebastian & "there’s value in knowing when precisely you should hop over." - neauoire & I find that for me, music takes a lot of priming to work & If I give in to writing music whenever I feel like writing music, I only acumulate days of lesser focus & but if I wait 3 days after I had the initial urge, I get a day or two of focused music writing. & "ok so, 2 things, acknowledge the hand-eye relationship, and using that intersection to hop on over to the next" > "It's definitely not time, as you can get stuck in the middle of a low and never progress if you don't either persevere through or switch" - heapaepaemnunea > "You should also track other factors that could have an effect on your productivity: weather, diet, hydration, sleep, exercise, etc." - josh > "I think these other factors are going to affect the dynamic range of the curve, but not the curve itself (edited)" - neauoire > "The last time I tried logging (several month stint) I spent too much time doing the logging and ended up despising it... but at the same time of course weather, diet, hydration, sleep, exercise would effect productivity and reviewing that could be valuable T_T" - kor > "classic mistake & after a while, you have so much data, that it doesn’t really need to be so granular & like, my predictions don’t really change that much if I predict the curves from 500 days, or 5000 days back." - neauoire > "The explanation of 'stream switching at lull' makes me regret not starting years ago. The explanation helps *A LOT*. I also wonder if it works the same for everyone." - kor > "so during these lull periods I find it helpful to my "eye" to spend time perusing other art casually. My subconscious does the analyzation and compares my work in the background." - sebastian > "well the best indicator of that is: & while you are doing this other media, let’s say art, when you go back to music you’ll notice an improvement. & @kor I dont think it’s the same for everyone, but wouldn’t it be fun to find out what works for you :)" - neauoire > "Example: Work on music while watching bladerunner in the background. Then when you get exhausted from music, Work on art the next day using inspiration from bladerunner and listen to similar artists in the background. Rinse and repeat." - sebastian > "Also, exercise is a funny one, because you can treat it as a skill as well as a general improver, so you can include it in the routine if that helps practicing it (getting into it and keeping it going), but you probably don't want to push it super high either unless you're going for athlete." - heapaepaemnunea > "i dont do pomodoro because i dont take orders from fucking robots" - floatvoit > "To add to the thread earlier in #the-lobby. The idea of rotating around different creative practices to match your flow and interests rang a bell for me. It reminded me of Jung's explanation of _circumambulation_. "There is no linear evolution; there is only a circumambulation of the self". It's mostly used in a spiritual context of finding enlightenment, and described as an orbit whose center is both the self and the goal. However, some can say that _the self_ is, in fact, partly the art that you are creating. It's an extension of you. And as a multidimensional person who has many different skills and interests, one can be seen as fleshing out the different faces of the self as they orbit through their varying interests. Your interests are different faces of the same object. Every time you make a rotation around the obelisk of _self_, you see a different version of you." - sebastian & "If the psychology can be mapped precisely. You can use the appropriate symbolism in a UI to help guide and prime movements in this metaphysical space and facilitate consistent workflow for users. This is one of my goals." - sebastian EVERYTHING DATE : 12018-07-19 PERS : neauoire SRCE : Merveilles QOTE : 'have you tried writing down everything you know about everything?' - neauoire TYPE : encyclopedia TAGS : inspiration MUSIC THEORY DATE : 12018-07-20 PERS : Symbol SRCE : Merveilles LINK : https://www.youtube.com/user/Rhaptapsody/videos TYPE : list TAGS : music, research GIT IMPERATIVE VERB LINK : https://medium.com/@danielfeelfine/commit-verbs-101-why-i-like-to-use-this-and-why-you-should-also-like-it-d3ed2689ef70 TYPE : article TAGS : code NOTE > Convension for Git commit messages & If applied, this commit will 'YOUR GIT COMMIT MESSAGE' & The first word of your message should always be a common verb: - *Add* some feature - *Remove* class whatever - *Update* dependency x - *Refactor* function y - *Fix* crazy bug LOST WEB LINK : https://github.com/pzwang/lostweb TYPE : article TAGS : web, research, newweb NEVER SHOW FOOLS DATE : 12018-07-20 PERS : josh SRCE : Merveilles QOTE : “Never show fools unfinished work.” — Michael Schrage STATICRYPT DATE : 12018-07-20 PERS : eel SRCE : Merveilles TYPE : tool LINK : http://eelfroth.com/protec.htm NOTE : Link is example. ps: test123 CALM TECH DATE : 12018-07-20 PERS : josh SRCE : Merveilles LINK : https://calmtech.com/ VR LEARNINGS PERS : changbai SRCE : Merveilles LINK : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-UYCZcxKDmy5BF_-IXg1KDtwShJ5imNOch5xGPXzPr0/edit TAGS : gamedev, vr RADICAL MARKETS LINK : http://radicalmarkets.com/chapters/ TYPE : book ARDUSAMBER TIME TYPE : image TAGS : log, kor, arduino FILE : 12018-05-18_ardusamberTimeAndDate.jpg LINK : https://github.com/kormyen/ardusamber NOTE : Arduino experiements with Devine Lu Linvega's time format Desamber. ARDUSAMBER TYPE : image TAGS : log, kor, arduino FILE : 12018-06-04_ardusamber.jpg LINK : https://github.com/kormyen/ardusamber NOTE : Arduino experiements with Devine Lu Linvega's time format Desamber. DASTIME TYPE : image TAGS : log, kor, arduino FILE : 12018-07-04_dastime.jpg NOTE : Self designed/built clock. Shows year, month, day and lunation visually from an overview perspective of Earth. LINK : https://github.com/kormyen/dastime VAN NERVOUS SYSTEM TYPE : image TAGS : log, kor, arduino FILE : 12018-07-05_vns.jpg NOTE : Power distribution unit of self built RV IoT system. LINK : https://github.com/kormyen/VNS VIOLENCE PERS : somnius SRCE : Merveilles LINK : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PL41EXic65g TYPE : music DONE : true ANIMATION DATE : 12018-07-22 TAGS : ux TYPE : note NOTE > For animations for productivity or frequent use: & Translation of self (think rollercoaster) or desired targets (teasing, shifting hitboxes) that the user is not in control of (scrolling is OK) should be avoided. - Subtle translation animation *out* is acceptable. - Translation animation *in* of dense content is not desireable. & eg: Horizontally sliding pages. Translate out and fade out the old content, fade in (no translate) the new content." BRAIN NARRATIVE QOTE > "The human brain needs a narrative, even if that narrative is told through code." > "Writing deletable code is writing good code." LINK : https://kellysutton.com/2017/05/29/deletability.html TYPE : article DATE : 12018-07-22 TAGS : psychology AMOR FATI DATE : 12018-07-22 LINK : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amor_fati TYPE : article TERM > Amor fati: (lit. "love of fate") is a Latin phrase that may be translated as "love of fate" or "love of one's fate". It is used to describe an attitude in which one sees everything that happens in one's life, including suffering and loss, as good or, at the very least, necessary, in that they are among the facts of one's life and existence, so they are always necessarily there whether one likes them or not. Moreover, amor fati is characterized by an acceptance of the events or situations that occur in one's life. TAGS : philosophy CSS MASONRY DATE : 12018-07-23 LINK : https://codeburst.io/how-to-the-masonry-layout-56f0fe0b19df TYPE : article TAGS : code, web THE LAST-BUT-ONE ? DATE : 12018-07-23 PERS : alx SRCE : Merveilles LINK : https://qntm.org/question TYPE : article TAGS : fiction NOTE : "It's a parody of the Issac Asimov story" DAILY LOG DATE : 12018-07-23 LINK : https://github.com/zehfernandes/dailylog/tree/master/2018 TYPE : article REVI : true TAGS : productivity VIOLENT GAMES DATE : 12018-07-23 LINK : http://www.cracked.com/podcast/why-everyone-wrong-about-violent-video-games-your-brain/ TYPE : podcast TAGS : gamedev SEVEN YEAR SHIP DATE : 12018-07-23 LINK : http://www.gamasutra.com/blogs/BenPorter/20180718/322277/How_to_take_7_years_to_ship_a_beta.php TYPE : article TAGS : gamedev ART OF MASTERING DATE : 12018-07-23 LINK : https://www.ableton.com/en/blog/mandy-parnell-art-mastering/ TYPE : video TAGS : audio WEB DIE DATE : 12018-07-23 LINK : https://staltz.com/the-web-began-dying-in-2014-heres-how.html TYPE : article TAGS : web, philosophy THE FOUR DATE : 12018-07-23 LINK : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GWBjUsmO-Lw TYPE : video TAGS : privacy MOSQUITOES DATE : 12018-07-23 LINK : https://100r.co/blog.html#rainy_with_a_chance_of_mosquitoes TYPE : article MORE DATA SIMPLE LOG DATE : 12018-07-23 LINK : https://gist.github.com/neauoire/71f7f63038db0bf24302f44a31027294#file-hannah-md TYPE : article TAGS : productivity QOTE > The hardest thing about logging, is logging itself, and to keep doing it. Optimizing redundant logs, turning them into quick codes, like the fh/ch codes to generate the task/hour made this whole process a lot more fun. Giving instant feedback, through dataviz for instance, was excellent too. > The biggest adjustment to my lifestyle, that I made recently, that yeilded the biggest difference, was to record more data. I've recently pushed this further, and started offloading almost all thought that goes through my mind at all time onto this digital paper. It has slowed time, helped me with focus and mindfulness. LOCAL IGNORE DATE : 12018-07-23 LINK : https://medium.com/@igloude/git-skip-worktree-and-how-i-used-to-hate-config-files-e84a44a8c859 TYPE : code SNIP : git update-index --skip-worktree TAGS : git, code NOTE : Local ignore changes to file TAILWIND DATE : 12018-07-23 LINK : https://tailwindcss.com/docs/what-is-tailwind/ TYPE : tool TAGS : code, web DAY EVAL LINK : https://medium.com/@NikitaVoloboev/day-evaluations-5706f31c9c5e TYPE : article TAGS : productivity `