more wip docs

This commit is contained in:
Paul Liverman III 2018-04-24 22:59:07 -07:00
parent 4fed9880a0
commit 80036f0b9e

View File

@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ class Docs_1 extends Widget
style -> raw "h3 { font-family: monospace; }"
a name: "top"
ol style: "font-family: monospace;", ->
li ->
a href: "#endpoints", "Endpoints"
@ -76,6 +77,7 @@ class Docs_1 extends Widget
a href: "#errors", "Errors"
text " below for more info on that."
a href: "#top", "back to top"
a name: "auth"
h2 "Authorization"
@ -96,6 +98,7 @@ class Docs_1 extends Widget
a href: @url_for("index"), "the web interface"
text " to get started. You can also delete existing API keys there."
a href: "#top", "back to top"
a name: "tasks"
h2 "Tasks"
@ -126,6 +129,7 @@ class Docs_1 extends Widget
a href: "#top", "back to top"
a name: "new"
h3 "/new"
@ -135,7 +139,7 @@ class Docs_1 extends Widget
text " string with valid authorization and a new task item will be returned. Here's an example response:"
blockquote ->
code style: "white-space: normal;", '{ "success": true,\n "task": { "id": 4, "user_id": 2, "content": "Get a new API key.", "done": false, "created_at": "2018-04-25 04:27:47", "updated_at": "2018-04-25 04:27:47" } \n}'
code style: "white-space: normal;", '{ "success": true, "task": { "id": 4, "user_id": 2, "content": "Get a new API key.", "done": false, "created_at": "2018-04-25 04:27:47", "updated_at": "2018-04-25 04:27:47" } }'
p ->
text "This same format is used to return any task, whether it is as a response to these simple queries, or as part of an array returned by "
@ -144,42 +148,126 @@ class Docs_1 extends Widget
code "/random"
text "."
a href: "#top", "back to top"
a name: "get"
h3 "/get"
p ->
text "Select a task by its "
code "id"
text " (an integer), or its "
code "content"
text " (a string). Example request:"
blockquote ->
code '{ "id": 5 }'
p ->
text "See "
a href: "#new", "/new"
text " for an example response."
a href: "#top", "back to top"
a name: "do"
h3 "/do"
p "Marks a task as done. Returns success even if the task was already marked done. Example request:"
blockquote ->
code '{ "content": "that one thing you need to remember to do" }'
p ->
text "See "
a href: "#new", "/new"
text " for an example response."
a href: "#top", "back to top"
a name: "undo"
h3 "/undo"
p ->
text "Marks a task as not done. Returns success even if the task was already marked not done. See "
a href: "#new", "/new"
text " for an example response."
a href: "#top", "back to top"
a name: "delete"
h3 "/delete"
p ->
text "Deletes a task. Just returns "
code '{ "success": true }'
text " if successful."
a href: "#top", "back to top"
a name: "list"
h3 "/list"
p ->
text "Returns an array of task objects (see "
a href: "#new", "/new"
text " for an example task object). All arguments are optional:"
element "table", ->
thead ->
tr ->
th "Argument"
th "Type"
th "Default"
tbody ->
tr ->
td -> code "count"
td "integer"
td 50
tr ->
td -> code "done"
td "boolean"
td "returns ALL tasks if not set"
tr ->
td -> code "page"
td "integer"
td 1
tr ->
td -> code "order"
td "'asc'/'desc'"
td "'asc' (oldest first)"
p ->
text "If you request a page beyond the number of pages available, the last page will be returned. "
code "page"
text " is specified in the response, so you will know if you have received a different page than requested. Additionally, "
code "pages"
text " is defined in all requests to "
code "/list"
text ". Example response (with tasks trimmed out):"
blockquote ->
code '{ "success": true, page: 5, pages: 10, tasks: [ /* task list omitted */ ] }'
a href: "#top", "back to top"
a name: "random"
h3 "/random"
a href: "#top", "back to top"
a name: "keys"
h2 "API Keys"
a href: "#top", "back to top"
a name: "new-key"
h3 "/key/new"
a href: "#top", "back to top"
a name: "delete-key"
h3 "/key/delete"
a href: "#top", "back to top"
a name: "errors"
h2 "Errors"
a href: "#top", "back to top"
a name: "rate-limit"
h2 "Rate Limiting"
p "At this time there is no rate limiting. This will be developed when needed, and the API documentation updated to reflect that, with at least 2 months' warning."
-- /list { count: #, done: bool, page: #, order: asc/desc } (if done not specified, returns all,
-- default count is 50, default page is 1, default order is latest first
-- also returns page: #, pages: #, tasks: []
-- /random { count: #, done: bool } (both args optional, defaults count 1, done false)