lapis = require "lapis" config = require("lapis.config").get! import respond_to, json_params from require "lapis.application" import hmac_sha1, hmac_sha256 from require "lapis.util.encoding" import encode from require "cjson" import GithookLogs from require "models" import locate, autoload, registry from require "locator" import settings from autoload "utility" import execute from locate "" import insert, concat from table const_compare = (string1, string2) -> local fail, dummy for i = 1, math.max #string1, #string2, 100 if string1\sub(i,i) ~= string2\sub(i,i) fail = true else dummy = true -- attempting to make execution time equal return not fail hex_dump = (str) -> len = string.len str hex = "" for i = 1, len hex ..= string.format( "%02x", string.byte( str, i ) ) return hex run_update = (branch) -> exit_codes, logs = {}, {} failure = false commands = registry.githook_commands branch, config._name unless commands commands = { {"git checkout #{branch} 2> /dev/stdout"} {"git pull origin 2> /dev/stdout"} {"git submodule init 2> /dev/stdout"} {"git submodule update 2> /dev/stdout"} {"code=0\nfor file in $(find . -type f -name \"*.moon\"); do moonc \"$file\" 2> /dev/stdout\ntmp=$?\nif [ ! $tmp -eq 0 ]; then code=$tmp\nfi; done\necho $code", false} {"lapis migrate #{config._name} 2> /dev/stdout"} {"lapis build #{config._name} 2> /dev/stdout"} } for cmd in *commands code, output = execute unpack cmd insert exit_codes, code insert logs, cmd[1] insert logs, " #{output\gsub "\n", "\n "}" if code != 0 failure = true break log = concat logs, "\n" if failure if settings["githook.save_logs"] GithookLogs\create { success: false exit_codes: encode exit_codes :log } return status: 500, json: { status: "failure" message: "a subprocess returned a non-zero exit code" :log :exit_codes } else if settings["githook.save_logs"] and settings["githook.save_on_success"] GithookLogs\create { exit_codes: encode exit_codes :log } elseif settings["githook.save_logs"] GithookLogs\create! -- we still record WHEN there was a success return status: 200, json: { status: "success" message: "server updated to latest version of '#{branch}'" :log :exit_codes } ignored = (branch) -> return status: 200, json: { status: "success" message: "ignored push (looking for updates to '#{branch}')" } unauthorized = -> return status: 401, json: { status: "unauthorized", message: "invalid credentials or no credentials were sent" } invalid = (reason) -> return status: 400, json: { status: "invalid request" message: reason } class extends lapis.Application [githook: "/githook"]: respond_to { before: => @branch = config.githook_branch or settings["githook.branch"] or "master" GET: => unless settings["githook.allow_get"] return status: 405, json: { status: "method not allowed", message: "Githook is not accepting GET requests." } unless settings["githook.run_without_auth"] return unauthorized! @results = run_update(@branch) return render: locate "views.githook_get" POST: json_params => secret = config.githook_secret or settings["githook.secret"] if secret ngx.req.read_body! if body = ngx.req.get_body_data! local authorized if github_hash = @req.headers["X-Hub-Signature"] authorized = const_compare "sha1=#{hex_dump hmac_sha1 secret, body}", github_hash elseif gogs_hash = @req.headers["X-Gogs-Signature"] authorized = const_compare gogs_hash, hex_dump hmac_sha256 secret, body elseif @params.secret authorized = const_compare @params.secret, secret unless authorized return unauthorized! if @params.ref == "refs/heads/#{@branch}" return run_update(@branch) elseif @params.ref == nil return invalid "'ref' not defined in request body" else return ignored(@branch) else return invalid "no request body" elseif settings["githook.run_without_auth"] if @params.ref == "refs/heads/#{@branch}" return run_update(@branch) else return ignored(@branch) else return unauthorized! }