function check(id) { let checkbox = $("#task-" + id); let uri = "/v1/undo"; if (checkbox.prop("checked")) { uri = "/v1/do"; } $.post(uri, {api_key: API_KEY, id: id}, function(data, status) { if (status == "success") { checkbox.prop("checked", data.task.done); } else { console.log(data); // NOTE TEMPORARY (need to handle errors better) } }); } function new_task() { let input = $("#new-task-input"); let template = $("#task-template").html(); template = $(template); $.post("/v1/new", {api_key: API_KEY, content: input.val()}, function(data) { let input = $("input", template); input.prop("id", "task-" +; input.change(function() { check(; }); input.after(" " + data.task.content); }) .fail(function(request) { let input = $("input", template); input.after("ERROR:" + request.responseJSON.errors.join(" ")) .css("background-color", "red") .css("color", "white"); input.remove(); }) .always(function() { $("#new-task").before(template); }); input.val(""); return false; // prevent form submission } function new_api_key() { let template = $("#api-key-template").html(); template = $(template); $.get("/v1/key/new", function(data) { $("code", template).text(data.api_key.key); $("#new-api-key").before(template); }) .fail(function(request) { $("code", template) .css("background-color", "red") .css("color", "white") .text("ERROR: " + request.responseJSON.errors.join(" ")); $("#new-api-key").before(template); }); } function delete_item(e) { e = $(e); while (!"li")) { e = e.parent(); } // TODO here, grab content to delete by (for api_key), send delete request, hide element (delete on success, reappear with red on failure) e.remove(); }