import create_table, types, create_index, add_column, drop_column from require "lapis.db.schema" import make_migrations, autoload from require "locator" import settings from autoload "utility" make_migrations { [1524503851]: => create_table "tasks", { {"id", types.serial primary_key: true} {"user_id", types.foreign_key} {"content", types.text} {"done", types.boolean default: false} {"created_at", types.time} {"updated_at", types.time} } create_table "api_keys", { {"user_id", types.foreign_key} {"key", types.varchar unique: true} {"created_at", types.time} {"updated_at", types.time} } create_index "api_keys", "user_id" create_index "api_keys", "key" create_index "tasks", "id" create_index "tasks", "user_id" create_index "tasks", "user_id", "done" -- botched migration [1524517478]: => settings["simplex.key-increment"] = 0 [1524517479]: => settings.set "simplex.key-increment", 0 [1524605427]: => add_column "api_keys", "id", types.serial primary_key: true -- technically there should be a migration here to wipe out the api_keys table -- due to a strange bug with how adding an id to api_keys works (I think) [1524607145]: => settings.set "simplex.key-increment", 100 -- I had been accidentally deleting this key over and over again [1525245815]: => drop_column "api_keys", "id" }