169 lines
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169 lines
6.3 KiB
import Application from require "lapis"
import assert_valid from require "lapis.validate"
import unescape from require "lapis.util"
import APIKeys, Users, Tasks from require "models"
import locate from require "locator"
import request, abort, assert_model from locate "helpers.api"
-- import random from locate "calc"
-- import escape_similar_to from locate "db"
get_task = =>
unless @params.content or tonumber @params.id
@params.content = unescape(@params.id)
@params.id = nil
if @params.id
assert_valid @params, {
{"id", exists: true, min_length: 1, "Attempted to select by task id, but no id specified."}
{"id", is_integer: true, "Task id specified is not an integer."}
@task = assert_model Tasks\find id: tonumber(@params.id), user_id: @user.id
elseif @params.content
assert_valid @params, {
{"content", exists: true, min_length: 1, "Attempted to select by task content, but no content specified."}
@task = assert_model Tasks\find content: @params.content, user_id: @user.id
abort "Task id or content not specified."
abort 404, "Invalid task specified." unless @task
set_bool = (name) =>
if @params[name] == "true"
@params[name] = true
elseif @params[name] == "false"
@params[name] = false
if @params[name] != nil and "boolean" != type @params[name]
abort "#{name} must be true/false only."
send_task = =>
@write json: { success: true, task: @task }
class API extends Application
@path: "/v1"
@name: "api_"
@before_filter( request =>
return if @user
if auth = @req.headers["authorization"]
if auth\len! > 0
@params.api_key = auth
abort "Auth: api_key not specified." unless @params.api_key
@api_key = APIKeys\find key: @params.api_key
abort "Auth: Invalid api_key." unless @api_key
@user = Users\find id: @api_key.user_id
abort "Auth: Invalid api_key." unless @user -- NOTE this should also delete the api_key and error (this should never happen!)
[action: "/:action(/:id)"]: request =>
switch @params.action
when "new"
unless @params.content or tonumber @params.id
@params.content = unescape(@params.id)
assert_valid @params, { {"content", exists: true, min_length: 1, "Task content not specified."} }
@task = assert_model Tasks\create user_id: @user.id, content: @params.content
when "get", "do", "undo", "edit", "delete"
abort "Invalid action: #{@params.action}"
switch @params.action
when "do"
@task = assert_model @task\update done: true
when "undo"
@task = assert_model @task\update done: false
when "edit"
assert_valid @params, {
{"new_content", exists: true, min_length: 1, optional: true, "Cannot set no content on a task."}
set_bool(@, "done")
@task = assert_model @task\update content: @params.new_content, done: @params.done
when "delete"
if @task\delete!
return json: { success: true }
abort 500, "Error deleting task."
[list: "/list"]: request =>
assert_valid @params, {
{"count", exists: true, is_integer: true, optional: true, "Count is not an integer."}
{"done", exists: true, one_of: {true, false}, optional: true, "Done is not a boolean."}
{"page", exists: true, is_integer: true, optional: true, "Page is not an integer."}
{"order", exists: true, one_of: {"asc", "desc"}, optional: true, "Invalid order. (Must be 'asc' or 'desc'.)"}
@params.count = tonumber @params.count
@params.count or= 50
@params.page = tonumber @params.page
@params.page or= 1
@params.order or= "asc"
@params.page = 1 if @params.page < 1
local Paginator
if @params.done == nil
Paginator = Tasks\paginated "WHERE user_id = ? ORDER BY created_at #{@params.order}", @user.id, per_page: @params.count
set_bool(@, "done")
Paginator = Tasks\paginated "WHERE user_id = ? AND done = ? ORDER BY created_at #{@params.order}", @user.id, @params.done, per_page: @params.count
num_pages = Paginator\num_pages!
if num_pages < @params.page
@params.page = num_pages
tasks = Paginator\get_page(@params.page)
-- returns page in case it returned a different page than you asked for! (in the case you ask for an out-of-range page)
return json: { success: true, page: @params.page, pages: num_pages, :tasks }
[random: "/random"]: request =>
-- assert_valid @params, {
-- {"count", exists: true, is_integer: true, optional: true, "Count is not an integer."}
-- {"done", exists: true, one_of: {true, false}, optional: true, "Done is not a boolean."}
-- }
-- @params.count or= 1
-- @params.done = false if @params.done == nil
abort 501, "Not implemented."
-- possibly need to store how many items each user has and use a different strategy for users with low amounts vs high amounts
-- key = get_key(@)
-- local tasks
-- if @params.done
-- offset = random Tasks\count "user_id = ? AND done = ? ORDER BY id ASC", key.user_id, @params.done
-- tasks = Tasks\select "WHERE user_id = ? AND done = ? ORDER BY id ASC OFFSET ? LIMIT 1", key.user_id, @params.done, offset
-- else
-- offset = random Tasks\count "user_id = ? ORDER BY id ASC", key.user_id
-- tasks = Tasks\select "WHERE user_id = ? ORDER BY id ASC OFFSET ? LIMIT 1", key.user_id, offset
-- if tasks and #tasks == 1
-- return json: { success: true, task: tasks[1] }
-- else
-- abort!
[new_key: "/key/new"]: request =>
api_key = assert_model APIKeys\create(@user)
return json: { success: true, :api_key }
[delete_key: "/key/delete(/:key)"]: request =>
if @params.id
abort "api_key IDs do not exist anymore (sorry!)." -- no one should ever run into this
elseif @params.key
assert_valid @params, {
{"key", exists: true, min_length: 32, max_length: 32, "Invalid api_key specified."}
@key_to_delete = assert_model APIKeys\find key: @params.key, user_id: @user.id
abort "No api_key specified."
abort 404, "Invalid api_key specified." unless @key_to_delete
if @key_to_delete\delete!
return json: { success: true }
abort 500, "Error deleting api_key."