2018-04-11 18:58:11 +01:00

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layout title published introduction long_introduction color name icon icon_regular
post New field element (for better controls) true A new versatile container for form controls <p>The <code>.control</code> element has been a very versatile container for form controls. But it came at a cost: it was difficult to combine its <strong>block</strong> characteristics with its <strong>inline</strong> variations.</p> success Field element square true

TL;DR: there's a new .field container, and .control has been re-purposed.

Since the beginning, the .control has been a very versatile element that allowed:

  • to space controls vertically
  • to include an icon alongside inputs, buttons, textareas...
  • to append a loading spinner
  • to create horizontal forms
  • to create control addons
  • to create control groups

The problem

The .control element acted as both a block container (for spacing, for other controls in a horizontal form), but also an inline container (for adding an icon, a loader, an addon, and grouping). It led to issues where you couldn't:

  • add a help text horizontally
  • add multiple icons or loaders in a group of controls
  • add a different icon on addons

The solution

The new .field element becomes the block container for .control elements. As a result, it inherits the .has-addons, .is-grouped, and .is-horizontal modifiers.

Furthermore .control element can only contain a .button, .input, .select, or .textarea, and eventually a .icon. It can no longer contain a .help element or other .control.

But it allows more elaborate designs.

{% highlight sass %} // Before .control .has-addons .has-icon .is-grouped .is-horizontal .is-loading

// After .control .has-icon .is-loading .field .has-addons .is-grouped .is-horizontal .field-label .field-body {% endhighlight %}

{% highlight html %}


This username is available


This username is available

{% endhighlight %}


Addons with multiple icons or states.

Horizontal form with help text


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