2018-04-09 17:32:12 +01:00

259 lines
7.0 KiB

title: Responsiveness
subtitle: "Bulma is a <strong>mobile-first</strong> framework"
layout: documentation
doc-tab: overview
doc-subtab: responsiveness
- home
- documentation
- overview
- overview-responsiveness
- gap
- tablet
- desktop
- widescreen
- fullhd
{% capture scss_code %}
// Disable the widescreen breakpoint
$widescreen-enabled: false
// Disable the fullhd breakpoint
$fullhd-enabled: false
{% endcapture %}
{% include anchor.html name="Vertical by default" %}
<div class="content">
Every element in Bulma is <strong>mobile-first</strong> and optimizes for <strong>vertical reading</strong>, so by default on mobile:
<li><code>columns</code> are stacked vertically</li>
<li>the <code>level</code> component will show its children stacked vertically</li>
<li>the <code>nav</code> menu will be hidden</li>
<p>For example, you can enforce the <strong>horizontal</strong> layout for both <code>columns</code> or <code>nav</code> by appending the <code>is-mobile</code> modifier.</p>
{% include anchor.html name="Breakpoints" %}
{% assign variables_file_url = "/blob/master/sass/utilities/initial-variables.sass#L46,L57" | prepend: site.data.meta.github %}
{% assign mixins_file_url = "/blob/master/sass/utilities/mixins.sass#L182,L226" | prepend: site.data.meta.github %}
<div class="content">
<p>Bulma has <a href="{{ variables_file_url }}" target="_blank">5 breakpoints</a>:</p>
{% for breakpoint_hash in site.data.breakpoints %}
{% assign breakpoint = breakpoint_hash[1] %}
<li><code>{{ breakpoint.id }}</code>: {% if breakpoint.id == 'mobile' %}up to <code>{{ breakpoint.to }}px</code>{% else %}from <code>{{ breakpoint.from }}px</code>{% endif %}</li>
{% endfor %}
<p>Bulma uses <a href="{{ mixins_file_url }}" target="_blank">9 responsive mixins</a>:</p>
{% for breakpoint_hash in site.data.breakpoints %}
{% assign breakpoint = breakpoint_hash[1] %}
{% case breakpoint.id %}
{% when 'mobile' %}
<code>={{ breakpoint.id }}</code><br>
until <code>{{ breakpoint.to }}px</code>
{% when 'fullhd' %}
<code>={{ breakpoint.id }}</code><br>
from <code>{{ breakpoint.from }}px</code>
{% else %}
<code>={{ breakpoint.id }}</code><br>
from <code>{{ breakpoint.from }}px</code>
<code>={{ breakpoint.id }}-only</code><br>
from <code>{{ breakpoint.from }}px</code> and until <code>{{ breakpoint.to }}px</code>
{% if breakpoint.id == 'tablet' %}
until <code>{{ breakpoint.to }}px</code>
{% endif %}
{% endcase %}
{% endfor %}
<table class="table is-bordered">
{% for breakpoint_hash in site.data.breakpoints %}
{% assign breakpoint = breakpoint_hash[1] %}
<th style="width: 20%;">
{{ breakpoint.name }}<br>
{% if breakpoint.id == 'mobile' %}
Up to <code>{{ breakpoint.to }}px</code>
{% elsif breakpoint.id == 'fullhd' %}
<code>{{ breakpoint.from }}px</code> and above
{% else %}
Between <code>{{ breakpoint.from }}px</code> and <code>{{ breakpoint.to }}px</code>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
<p class="notification is-success">mobile</p>
<td colspan="4">
<p class="notification">-</p>
<p class="notification">-</p>
<td colspan="4">
<p class="notification is-success">tablet</p>
<td colspan="2">
<p class="notification">-</p>
<td colspan="3">
<p class="notification is-success">desktop</p>
<td colspan="3">
<p class="notification">-</p>
<td colspan="2">
<p class="notification is-success">widescreen</p>
<td colspan="4">
<p class="notification">-</p>
<p class="notification is-success">fullhd</p>
<p class="notification">-</p>
<p class="notification is-success">tablet-only</p>
<td colspan="3">
<p class="notification">-</p>
<td colspan="2">
<p class="notification">-</p>
<p class="notification is-success">desktop-only</p>
<td colspan="2">
<p class="notification">-</p>
<td colspan="3">
<p class="notification">-</p>
<p class="notification is-success">widescreen-only</p>
<p class="notification">-</p>
<td colspan="2">
<p class="notification is-success">touch</p>
<td colspan="3">
<p class="notification">-</p>
<td colspan="3">
<p class="notification is-success">until-widescreen</p>
<td colspan="2">
<p class="notification">-</p>
<td colspan="4">
<p class="notification is-success">until-fullhd</p>
<td colspan="1">
<p class="notification">-</p>
{% include anchor.html name="Disabling breakpoints" %}
{% include elements/new-tag.html version="0.6.3" %}
<div class="content">
By default, the <code>$widecreen</code> and <code>$fullhd</code> breakpoints are <strong>enabled</strong>. You can disable them by setting the corresponding Sass boolean to <code>false</code>:
<div class="highlight-full">
{% highlight sass %}{{ scss_code }}{% endhighlight %}
{% include anchor.html name="Variables" %}
<div class="content">
You can use <a href="{{ variables_file_url }}" target="_blank">these variables</a> to <strong>customize</strong> the responsive breakpoints. Simply set one or multiple of these variables <em>before</em> importing Bulma. <a href="{{ site.url }}/documentation/overview/customize/">Learn how</a>.
<table class="table is-bordered">
<th>Default value</th>
<th>Default value</th>
{% for key in page.variables_keys %}
{% assign variable = site.data.variables.utilities.initial-variables.vars[key] %}
<code>{{ variable.name }}</code>
<code>{{ variable.value }}</code>
{% endfor %}