Matthias Richter 5c89ba3350 Document camera
2010-08-09 19:23:00 +02:00

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HUMP - Helper Utilities for Massive Progression

HUMP is a small collection of tools for developing games with LÖVE.


  • vector.lua: powerful vector class (pure lua)
  • class.lua: "class" system supporting function inheritance (pure lua)
  • camera.lua: translate-, zoom- and rotatable camera
  • gamestate.lua: class to handle gamestates



A vector class implementing everything you want to do with vectors, and some more.


function vector(x,y)
Creates a new vector. Element access with v.x and v.y.

  • x [number]: x coordinate
  • y [number]: y coordinate

Returns: the vector

function isvector(v)
Tests for vector type.

  • v: variable to test

Returns: true if v is a vector

function Vector:clone()
Clones a vector. Use when you do not want to create references.
Returns: New vector with the same coordinates.

function Vector:unpack()
Unpacks the vector.
Returns: the coordinate tuple x, y


v = vector(1,2)
print(v:unpack()) -- prints "1     2"


Arithmetic (+, -, *, /) and comparative operators (==, <=, <) are defined.

  • + and - only work on vectors. - is also the unary minus (e.g. print(-vector(1,0)) -- prints (-1,0)
  • a * b works on vectors and numbers:
    • If a is a number and b is a vector (or vice versa), the result the scalar multiplication.
    • If a and b both are vectors, then the result is the dot product.
  • a / b is only defined for a being a vector and b being a number. Result is the same as a * 1/b

<= and < sort lexically, i.e. a <= b is true if it holds: a.x < b.x or a.y < b.y if a.x == b.x

Even more!

function vector:permul(other)
Perform element-wise multiplication.

function vector:len()
Get length of vector.

function vector:len2()
Get squared length.

function vector:dist(other)
Get distance to other vector.


a,b = vector(0,1), vector(1,0)
print(a:dist(b)) -- prints 1.4142135623731`

function vector:normalized()
Get normalized vector. The original vector remains unchanged.

function vector:normalize_inplace()
Normalize vector and return it.
Warning: This will change the state of all references to this vector.

function Vector:rotated(phi)
Get rotated vector. The original vector remains unchanged.

  • phi [number]: Rotation angle in radians.

function Vector:rotate_inplace(phi)
Rotate the vector and return it.
Warning: This will change the state of all references to this vector.


Simple class-like system for Lua. Supports definition of class types and inheritance of functions. For an example how to use this, see below.

function Class(constructor)
Creates a new unnamed class. Parameters:

  • (optional) constructor: A function used to construct the class. The first parameter of this function is the object, the others are parameters given upon construction.


Feline = Class(function(self, size, weight)
	self.size = size self.weight = weight

function Feline:stats()
	return string.format("size: %.02f, weight %.02f", self.size, self.weight) 

garfield = Feline(.7, 45)
felix = Feline(.8, 12)

print("Garfield: " .. garfield:stats(), "Felix: " .. felix:stats())

function Class{name = name, constructor}
Create a named class, i.e. define a __tostring metamethod. Parameters are the same as above. Great for debugging. Both name and constructor can be omitted (but why would you want to?)


Feline = Class{name = "Feline", function(self, size, weight)
	self.size = size self.weight = weight

print(Feline) -- prints 'Feline'

function Interface(name)
Shortcut to Class{name = name}, i.e. a possibly named class without constructor.

function Inherit(class, super, ...)
Add functions of super to class. Multiple interfaces can be defined.
super's constructor can be accessed via super.construct(self). See example below.

Example usage

Feline = Class{name = "Feline", function(self, size, weight)
	self.size = size self.weight = weight

function Feline:stats()
	return string.format("size: %.02f, weight %.02f", self.size, self.weight) 

function Feline:speak() print("meow") end

Cat = Class{name = "Cat", function(self, name, size, weight)
	Feline.construct(self, size, weight) = name
Inherit(Cat, Feline)

function Cat:stats()
	return string.format("name: %s, %s",, Feline.stats(self))

Tiger = Class{name = "tiger", function(self, size, weight)
	Feline.construct(self, size, weight)
Inherit(Tiger, Feline)

function Tiger:speak() print("ROAR!") end

felix = Cat("Felix", .8, 12)
hobbes = Tiger(2.2, 68)

print(felix:stats(), hobbes:stats())


Depends on vector.lua

Camera class to display only a certain zoomed and rotated region of the game. You can have multiple cameras in one game.

function Camera(pos, zoom, rotation)
Create a new camera with position pos, zoom zoom and rotation rotation. Parameters:

  • (optional) pos [vector]: Initial position of the camera. Defaults to (0,0).
  • (optional) zoom [number]: Initial zoom. Defaults to 1.
  • (optional) rotation [number]: Initial rotation in radians. Defaults to 0.

Returns: The new camera object.

function camera:rotate(phi)
Rotate camera by phi radians. Same as camera.rot = camera.rot + phi.

function camera:translate(t)
Translate (move) camera by vector t. Same as `camera.pos = camera.pos + t.

function camera:draw(func)
Apply camera transformation to drawings in function func. Shortcut to camera:apply() and camera:deapply() (see below).


cam:draw(function()'fill', -100,-100, 200,200) end)

function camera:apply()
Apply camera transformations to every drawing operation until the next camera:deapply().

function camera:deapply()
Revert camera transformations for the rest of the drawing operations.

Example: (equivalent to the cam:draw() example above)

camera:apply()'fill', -100,-100, 200,200)

function camera:transform(p)
Transform vector p from camera coordinates to world coordinates. You probably won't need this, but it is the basis to camera:mousepos().

function camera:mousepos()
Get mouse position in world coordinates, i.e. the position the users mouse is currently when camera transformations are applied. Use this for any mouse interaction with transformed objects in your game.
