a new approach to shadows and normals

This commit is contained in:
Tim Anema 2014-12-19 10:14:24 -05:00
parent 8cbb10f80d
commit 147d5bc55a
5 changed files with 116 additions and 95 deletions

View File

@ -33,7 +33,8 @@ local light_world = class()
light_world.blurv = love.graphics.newShader(_PACKAGE.."shaders/blurv.glsl")
light_world.blurh = love.graphics.newShader(_PACKAGE.."shaders/blurh.glsl")
light_world.shadowShader = love.graphics.newShader(_PACKAGE.."/shaders/shadow.glsl")
light_world.normalShader = love.graphics.newShader(_PACKAGE.."shaders/normal.glsl")
light_world.shineShader = love.graphics.newShader(_PACKAGE.."shaders/shadow.glsl")
light_world.refractionShader = love.graphics.newShader(_PACKAGE.."shaders/refraction.glsl")
light_world.reflectionShader = love.graphics.newShader(_PACKAGE.."shaders/reflection.glsl")
@ -53,8 +54,10 @@ function light_world:init(options)
self.glowDown = false
self.normalInvert = false
self.disableGlow = false
self.disableMaterial = false
self.disableMaterial = true
self.disableNormals = true
self.disableShadows = false
self.disableGlow = true
self.disableReflection = true
self.disableRefraction = true
@ -69,15 +72,11 @@ function light_world:refreshScreenSize(w, h)
self.w, self.h = w, h
self.render_buffer = love.graphics.newCanvas(w, h)
self.normal = love.graphics.newCanvas(w, h)
self.normal2 = love.graphics.newCanvas(w, h)
self.normalMap = love.graphics.newCanvas(w, h)
self.shadowMap = love.graphics.newCanvas(w, h)
self.glowMap = love.graphics.newCanvas(w, h)
self.glowMap2 = love.graphics.newCanvas(w, h)
self.refractionMap = love.graphics.newCanvas(w, h)
self.reflectionMap = love.graphics.newCanvas(w, h)
self.reflectionMap2 = love.graphics.newCanvas(w, h)
self.post_shader:refreshScreenSize(w, h)
@ -98,7 +97,8 @@ function light_world:draw(cb)
util.drawto(self.render_buffer, self.l, self.t, self.s, function()
cb( self.l,self.t,self.w,self.h,self.s)
_ = self.disableMaterial or self:drawMaterial( self.l,self.t,self.w,self.h,self.s)
self:drawShadows( self.l,self.t,self.w,self.h,self.s)
_ = self.disableNormals or self:drawNormalShading( self.l,self.t,self.w,self.h,self.s)
_ = self.disableShadows or self:drawShadows( self.l,self.t,self.w,self.h,self.s)
_ = self.disableGlow or self:drawGlow( self.l,self.t,self.w,self.h,self.s)
_ = self.disableRefraction or self:drawRefraction( self.l,self.t,self.w,self.h,self.s)
_ = self.disableReflection or self:drawReflection( self.l,self.t,self.w,self.h,self.s)
@ -106,19 +106,15 @@ function light_world:draw(cb)
self.post_shader:drawWith(self.render_buffer, self.l, self.t, self.s)
function light_world:drawBlur(blendmode, blur, canvas, canvas2, l, t, w, h, s)
if blur <= 0 then
function light_world:drawBlur(blendmode, blur, canvas, l, t, w, h, s)
if blur <= 0 then return end
self.blurv:send("steps", blur)
self.blurh:send("steps", blur)
util.drawCanvasToCanvas(canvas, canvas2, {shader = self.blurv, blendmode = blendmode})
util.drawCanvasToCanvas(canvas2, canvas, {shader = self.blurh, blendmode = blendmode})
util.process(canvas, {shader = self.blurv, blendmode = blendmode})
util.process(canvas, {shader = self.blurh, blendmode = blendmode})
-- draw normal shading
function light_world:drawShadows(l,t,w,h,s)
function light_world:drawNormalShading(l,t,w,h,s)
-- create normal map
util.drawto(self.normalMap, l, t, s, function()
@ -128,48 +124,58 @@ function light_world:drawShadows(l,t,w,h,s)
self.normalShader:send('NormalMap', self.normalMap)
self.normalShader:send('AmbientColor',{self.ambient[1] / 255,
self.ambient[2] / 255,
self.ambient[3] / 255,
for i = 1, #self.lights do
local light = self.lights[i]
if light:isVisible() then
-- create shadow map for this light
util.drawto(self.shadowMap, l, t, s, function()
for k = 1, #self.bodies do
if self.bodies[k]:isInLightRange(light) and self.bodies[k]:isVisible() then
local angle = math.pi - light.angle / 2.0
love.graphics.setColor(0, 0, 0)
love.graphics.arc("fill", light.x, light.y, light.range, light.direction - angle, light.direction + angle)
-- draw scene for this light using normals and shadowmap
self.shadowShader:send('shadowMap', self.shadowMap)
self.shadowShader:send('lightColor', {light.red / 255.0, light.green / 255.0, light.blue / 255.0})
self.shadowShader:send("lightPosition", {(light.x + l/s) * s, (h/s - (light.y + t/s)) * s, (light.z * 10) / 255.0})
self.shadowShader:send('lightRange', light.range * s)
self.shadowShader:send("lightSmooth", light.smooth)
self.shadowShader:send("lightGlow", {1.0 - light.glowSize, light.glowStrength})
self.shadowShader:send("invert_normal", self.normalInvert)
util.drawCanvasToCanvas(self.normalMap, self.normal2, {
self.normalShader:send('LightColor', {light.red / 255.0, light.green / 255.0, light.blue / 255.0, 1})
self.normalShader:send("LightPos", {(light.x + l/s) * s, (h/s - (light.y + t/s)) * s, (light.z * 10) / 255.0})
self.normalShader:send('Falloff', {light.glowSize, light.smooth, light.range})
util.process(self.render_buffer, {
blendmode = 'additive',
shader = self.shadowShader
shader = self.normalShader
-- draw normal shading
function light_world:drawShadows(l,t,w,h,s)
for i = 1, #self.lights do
local light = self.lights[i]
if light:isVisible() then
self.shineShader:send('lightColor', {light.red / 255.0, light.green / 255.0, light.blue / 255.0})
self.shineShader:send("lightPosition", {(light.x + l/s) * s, (h/s - (light.y + t/s)) * s, (light.z * 10) / 255.0})
self.shineShader:send('lightRange', light.range * s)
self.shineShader:send("lightSmooth", light.smooth)
self.shineShader:send("lightGlow", {1.0 - light.glowSize, light.glowStrength})
self.shineShader:send('AmbientColor',{self.ambient[1] / 255, self.ambient[2] / 255, self.ambient[3] / 255, 0.2})
util.process(self.shadowMap, {
blendmode = 'additive',
shader = self.shineShader,
istencil = function()
love.graphics.translate(l, t)
for k = 1, #self.bodies do
if self.bodies[k]:isInLightRange(light) and self.bodies[k]:isVisible() then
local angle = math.pi - light.angle / 2.0
love.graphics.setColor(0, 0, 0)
love.graphics.arc("fill", light.x, light.y, light.range, light.direction - angle, light.direction + angle)
-- add in ambient color
util.drawCanvasToCanvas(self.normal2, self.normal)
util.drawto(self.normal, 0, 0, 1, function()
love.graphics.setColor({self.ambient[1], self.ambient[2], self.ambient[3]})
love.graphics.rectangle("fill", 0, 0, w,h)
light_world:drawBlur("alpha", self.shadowBlur, self.normal, self.normal2, l, t, w, h, s)
util.drawCanvasToCanvas(self.normal, self.render_buffer, {blendmode = "multiplicative"})
light_world:drawBlur("alpha", self.shadowBlur, self.shadowMap, l, t, w, h, s)
util.drawCanvasToCanvas(self.shadowMap, self.render_buffer, {blendmode = "multiplicative"})
-- draw material
@ -206,7 +212,7 @@ function light_world:drawGlow(l,t,w,h,s)
if has_glow then
light_world:drawBlur("alpha", self.glowBlur, self.glowMap, self.glowMap2, l, t, w, h, s)
light_world:drawBlur("alpha", self.glowBlur, self.glowMap, l, t, w, h, s)
util.drawCanvasToCanvas(self.glowMap, self.render_buffer, {blendmode = "additive"})

lib/shaders/normal.glsl Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
extern Image NormalMap; //normal map
extern vec3 LightPos; //light position, normalized, div x/res
extern vec4 LightColor; //light RGBA -- alpha is intensity
extern vec4 AmbientColor;//ambient RGBA -- alpha is intensity
extern vec3 Falloff; //attenuation coefficients
vec4 effect(vec4 vColor, Image u_texture, vec2 vTexCoord, vec2 screen_coords) {
//RGBA of our diffuse color
vec4 DiffuseColor = Texel(u_texture, vTexCoord);
//RGB of our normal map
vec4 normal = Texel(NormalMap, vTexCoord);
if(normal.a == 0.0) {
return vec4(0.0);
//The delta position of light
vec3 LightDir = vec3((LightPos.xy - screen_coords.xy)/love_ScreenSize.xy, LightPos.z);
//Correct for aspect ratio
LightDir.x *= love_ScreenSize.x / love_ScreenSize.y;
//Determine distance (used for attenuation) BEFORE we normalize our LightDir
float D = length(LightDir);
//normalize our vectors
vec3 N = normalize(normal.rgb * 2.0 - 1.0);
vec3 L = normalize(LightDir);
//Pre-multiply light color with intensity
//Then perform "N dot L" to determine our diffuse term
vec3 Diffuse = (LightColor.rgb * LightColor.a) * max(dot(N, L), 0.0);
//pre-multiply ambient color with intensity
vec3 Ambient = AmbientColor.rgb * AmbientColor.a;
float Attenuation = 1.0 / ( Falloff.x + (Falloff.y*D) + (Falloff.z*D*D) );
vec3 Intensity = Ambient + Diffuse * Attenuation;
return vec4(DiffuseColor.rgb * Intensity, DiffuseColor.a);

View File

@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
Copyright (c) 2014 Tim Anema
light shadow, shine and normal shader all in one
extern Image shadowMap; //a canvas containing shadow data only
extern vec3 lightPosition; //the light position on the screen(not global)
extern vec3 lightColor; //the rgb color of the light
extern float lightRange; //the range of the light
extern float lightSmooth; //smoothing of the lights attenuation
extern vec2 lightGlow = vec2(0.5, 0.5); //how brightly the light bulb part glows
extern bool invert_normal = false; //if the light should invert normals
vec4 effect(vec4 color, Image texture, vec2 texture_coords, vec2 pixel_coords) {
vec4 pixelColor = Texel(texture, texture_coords);
float dist = distance(lightPosition, vec3(pixel_coords, 1.0));
//if the pixel is within this lights range
if(dist > lightRange) {
return vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
//calculater attenuation of light based on the distance
float att = clamp((1.0 - dist / lightRange) / lightSmooth, 0.0, 1.0);
// if not on the normal map draw attenuated shadows
if(pixelColor.a == 0.0) {
vec3 pixel = lightColor * pow(att, lightSmooth) + pow(smoothstep(lightGlow.x, 1.0, att), lightSmooth) * lightGlow.y;
//If on the shadow map add the shadow color
vec4 shadowColor = Texel(shadowMap, texture_coords);
if(shadowColor.a > 0.0) {
pixel.rgb = pixel.rgb * shadowColor.rgb;
return vec4(pixel, 1.0);
} else {
//on the normal map, draw normal shadows
vec3 lightDir = vec3((lightPosition.xy - pixel_coords.xy) / love_ScreenSize.xy, lightPosition.z);
lightDir.x *= love_ScreenSize.x / love_ScreenSize.y;
vec3 normal = normalize(vec3(pixelColor.r,(invert_normal ? 1 - pixelColor.g : pixelColor.g), pixelColor.b) * 2.0 - 1.0);
vec3 diffuse = lightColor * max(dot(normalize(normal), normalize(lightDir)), 0.0);
//return the light that is effected by the normal and attenuation
return vec4(diffuse * att, 1.0);

lib/shaders/shine.glsl Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
Copyright (c) 2014 Tim Anema
extern vec3 lightPosition; //the light position on the screen(not global)
extern vec3 lightColor; //the rgb color of the light
extern float lightRange; //the range of the light
extern float lightSmooth; //smoothing of the lights attenuation
extern vec2 lightGlow = vec2(0.5, 0.5); //how brightly the light bulb part glows
extern vec4 AmbientColor; //ambient RGBA -- alpha is intensity
vec4 effect(vec4 color, Image texture, vec2 texture_coords, vec2 pixel_coords) {
float dist = distance(lightPosition, vec3(pixel_coords, 1.0));
//if the pixel is within this lights range
//calculater attenuation of light based on the distance
float att = clamp((1.0 - dist / lightRange) / lightSmooth, 0.0, 1.0);
// if not on the normal map draw attenuated shadows
vec3 Ambient = AmbientColor.rgb * AmbientColor.a;
vec3 pixel = lightColor * pow(att, lightSmooth) + pow(smoothstep(lightGlow.x, 1.0, att), lightSmooth) * lightGlow.y;
return vec4(Ambient + pixel, 1.0);

View File

@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
local util = {}
function util.process(canvas, options)
util.drawCanvasToCanvas(canvas, canvas, options)
function util.drawCanvasToCanvas(canvas, other_canvas, options)
options = options or {}