2022-01-27 09:15:48 -08:00

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# Pure
A set of small, responsive CSS modules that you can use in every web project.
![Build Status](https://github.com/pure-css/pure/actions/workflows/test.yml/badge.svg)
## Features
Pure is meant to be a starting point for every website or web app. We take care
of all the CSS work that every site needs, without making it look cookie-cutter:
- A responsive grid that can be customized to your needs.
- A solid base built on [Normalize.css][] to fix cross-browser compatibility
- Consistently styled buttons that work with `<a>` and `<button>` elements.
- Styles for vertical and horizontal menus, including support for dropdown
- Useful form alignments that look great on all screen sizes.
- Various common table styles.
- An extremely minimalist look that is super-easy to customize.
- Responsive by default, with a non-responsive option.
- Extremely small file size: **3.7KB minified + gzip**.
## Get Started
Check out the [Get Started][started] page for more information.
## Build From Source
Optionally, you can build Pure from its source on Github. To do this, you'll
need to have Node.js and npm installed. We use [Grunt][] to build Pure.
$ git clone git@github.com:pure-css/pure.git
$ cd pure
$ npm install
$ grunt
### Build Files
Now, all Pure CSS files should be built into the `pure/build/` directory. All
files that are in this build directory are also available on the CDN. The naming
conventions of the files in the `build/` directory follow these rules:
- `[module]-core.css`: The minimal set of styles, usually structural, that
provide the base on which the rest of the module's styles build.
- `[module]-nr.css`: Rollup of `[module]-core.css` + `[module].css` +
`[module]-[feature].css` from the `src/[module]/` dir. This is the
non-responsive version of a module.
- `[module].css`: Rollup of `[module]-nr.css` + `[module]-r.css` from the
`build/` dir. This is the responsive version of a module.
- `*-min.css`: A minified file version of the files of the same name.
- `pure.css`: A rollup of all `[module].css` files in the `build/` dir. This is
a responsive roll-up of everything, non-minified. Note: does not contain responsive grids with @media queries.
- `pure-min.css`: Minified version of `pure.css` that should be used in
- `pure-nr.css`: A Rollup of all modules without @media queries. This is a
non-responsive roll-up of everything, non-minified.
- `pure-nr-min.css`: Minified version of `pure-nr.css` that should be used in
- `grids-responsive.css`: Unminified version of Pure's grid stylesheet which
includes @media queries.
- `grids-responsive-min.css`: Minified version of `grids-responsive.css` that
should be used in production.
## Browser Support and Testing
Pure is tested and works in:
- IE 10+
- Latest Stable: Firefox, Chrome, Safari
- iOS 12+
- Android 6+
## Docs and Website
[Pure's website][pure] is located in the [`site`][pure-site] directory. Please feel free
to open issues or questions in the Issue tab.
## Contributing
See the [CONTRIBUTING file][] for information on how to contribute to Pure.
## License
This software is free to use under the Yahoo! Inc. BSD-3-Clause license.
See the [LICENSE file][] for license text and copyright information.
[grunt]: http://gruntjs.com/
[contributing file]: https://github.com/pure-css/pure/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md
[license file]: https://github.com/pure-css/pure/blob/master/LICENSE
[normalize.css]: http://necolas.github.io/normalize.css/
[pure]: http://purecss.io/
[pure-site]: https://github.com/pure-css/pure/tree/master/site
[started]: https://purecss.io/start/