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# Serpent
Lua serializer and pretty printer.
## Features
* Human readable:
* Provides single-line and multi-line output.
* Nested tables are properly indented in the multi-line output.
* Numerical keys are listed first.
* Keys are (optionally) sorted alphanumerically.
* Array part skips keys (`{'a', 'b'}` instead of `{[1] = 'a', [2] = 'b'}`).
* `nil` values are included when expected (`{1, nil, 3}` instead of `{1, [3]=3}`).
* Keys use short notation (`{foo = 'foo'}` instead of `{['foo'] = 'foo'}`).
* Shared references and self-references are marked in the output.
* Machine readable: provides reliable deserialization using `loadstring()`.
* Supports deeply nested tables.
* Supports tables with self-references.
* Shared tables and functions stay shared after de/serialization.
* Supports function serialization using `string.dump()`.
* Supports serialization of global functions.
* Escapes new-line `\010` and end-of-file control `\026` characters in strings.
* Configurable with options and custom formatters.
## Usage
local serpent = require("serpent")
local a = {1, nil, 3, x=1, ['true'] = 2, [not true]=3}
a[a] = a -- self-reference with a table as key and value
print(serpent.dump(a)) -- full serialization
print(serpent.line(a)) -- single line, no self-ref section
print(serpent.block(a)) -- multi-line indented, no self-ref section
local fun, err = loadstring(serpent.dump(a))
if err then error(err) end
local copy = fun()
## Functions
Serpent provides three functions that are shortcuts to the same
internal function, but set different options by default:
* `dump(a[, {...}])` -- full serialization; sets `name`, `compact` and `sparse` options
* `line(a[, {...}])` -- single line, no self-ref section; sets `sortkeys` and `comment` options
* `block(a[, {...}])` -- multi-line indented, no self-ref section; sets `indent`, `sortkeys`, and `comment` options
## Options
* name (string) -- name; triggers full serialization with self-ref section
* indent (string) -- indentation; triggers long multi-line output
* comment (true/False/maxlevel) -- provide stringified value in a comment (up to maxlevel of depth)
* sortkeys (true/False) -- sort keys
* sparse (true/False) -- force sparse encoding (no nil filling based on #t)
* compact (true/False) -- remove spaces
* fatal (true/False) -- raise fatal error on non-serilizable values
* nocode (true/False) -- disable bytecode serialization for easy comparison
* nohuge (true/False) -- disable checking numbers against undefined and huge values
* maxlevel (number) -- specify max level up to which to expand nested tables
* ignore (table) -- allows to specify a list of values to ignore (as keys)
* custom (function) -- provide custom output for tables
These options can be provided as a second parameter to Serpent functions.
block(a, {fatal = true})
line(a, {nocode = true, ignore = {[arrayToIgnore] = true}})
function todiff(a) return dump(a, {nocode = true, indent = ' '}) end
## Formatters
Serpent supports a way to provide a custom formatter that allows to fully
customize the output. For example, the following call will apply
`Foo{bar} notation to its output (used by Metalua to display ASTs):
print((require "serpent").block(ast, {comment = false, custom =
local out = head..body..tail
if tag:find('^lineinfo') then
out = out:gsub("\n%s+", "") -- collapse lineinfo to one line
elseif tag == '' then
body = body:gsub('%s*lineinfo = [^\n]+', '')
local _,_,atag = body:find('tag = "(%w+)"%s*$')
if atag then
out = "`"..atag..head.. body:gsub('%s*tag = "%w+"%s*$', '')..tail
out = out:gsub("\n%s+", ""):gsub(",}","}")
else out = head..body..tail end
return tag..out
## Limitations
* Doesn't handle userdata (except filehandles in `io.*` table).
* Threads, function upvalues/environments, and metatables are not serialized.
## Performance
A simple performance test against `serialize.lua` from metalua, `pretty.write`
from Penlight, and `tserialize.lua` from lua-nucleo is included in `t/bench.lua`.
These are the results from one of the runs:
* nucleo (1000): 0.256s
* metalua (1000): 0.177s
* serpent (1000): 0.22s
* serpent (1000): 0.161s -- no comments, no string escapes, no math.huge check
* penlight (1000): 0.132s
Serpent does additional processing to escape `\010` and `\026` characters in
strings (to address,
which is already fixed in Lua 5.2) and to check all numbers for `math.huge`.
The seconds number excludes this processing to put it on an equal footing
with other modules that skip these checks (`nucleo` still checks for `math.huge`).
## Author
Paul Kulchenko (
## License
See LICENSE file.
## History
Sep 12 2012 v0.17
- Fixed an issue with serializing userdata that doesn't provide tostring().
Aug 28 2012 v0.16
- Removed confusing --[[err]] comment from serialized results.
- Added a short comment to serialized functions when the body is skipped.
Jun 17 2012 v0.15
- Added `ignore` option to allow ignoring table values.
- Added `comment=num` option to set the max level up to which add comments.
- Changed all comments (except math.huge) to be controlled by `comment` option.
Jun 13 2012 v0.14
- Fixed an issue with string keys with numeric values `['3']` getting mixed
with real numeric keys (only with `sortkeys` option set to `true`).
- Fixed an issue with negative and real value numeric keys being misplaced.
Jun 13 2012 v0.13
- Added `maxlevel` option.
- Fixed key sorting such that `true` and `'true'` are always sorted in
the same order (for a more stable output).
- Removed addresses from names of temporary variables (for stable output).
Jun 12 2012 v0.12
- Added options to configure serialization process.
- Added `goto` to the list of keywords for Lua 5.2.
- Changed interface to dump/line/block methods.
- Changed `math.huge` to 1/0 for better portability.
- Replaced \010 with \n for better readability.
Jun 03 2012 v0.10
- First public release.