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tablesorter is a jQuery plugin for turning a standard HTML table with THEAD and TBODY tags into a sortable table without page refreshes.
tablesorter can successfully parse and sort many types of data including linked data in a cell.
### [Documentation](
* See the [full documentation](
* All of the [original document pages]( have been included.
* Information from my blog post on [undocumented options]( and lots of new demos have also been included.
* Change log moved from included text file into the [wiki documentation](
### Demos
* [Basic alpha-numeric sort Demo](
* Links to demo pages can be found within the main [documentation](
* More demos & playgrounds - updated in the [wiki pages](
### Features
* Multi-column alphanumeric sorting.
* Multi-tbody sorting - see the [options]( table on the main document page.
* Parsers for sorting text, alphanumeric text, URIs, integers, currency, floats, IP addresses, dates (ISO, long and short formats) & time. [Add your own easily](
* Support for ROWSPAN and COLSPAN on TH elements.
* Support secondary "hidden" sorting (e.g., maintain alphabetical sort when sorting on other criteria).
* Extensibility via [widget system](
* Cross-browser: IE 6.0+, FF 2+, Safari 2.0+, Opera 9.0+.
* Small code size.
* Works with jQuery 1.2.6+ (jQuery 1.4.1+ needed with some widgets).
* Works with jQuery 1.9+ ($.browser.msie was removed; needed in the original version).
### Licensing
* Copyright (c) 2007 Christian Bach.
* Original examples and docs at: [](
* Dual licensed under the [MIT]( and [GPL]( licenses.
### Special Thanks
* Big shout-out to [Nick Craver]( for getting rid of the `eval()` function that was previously needed for multi-column sorting.
* Also big thanks to [thezoggy]( for helping with code, themes and providing valuable feedback.
* And, thanks to everyone else that has contributed, and continues to contribute to this forked project!
### Change Log
View the [complete listing here](
#### Version 2.8.2 (3/28/2013)
* Updated the "ignore-leads" parser:
* Renamed the parser to "ignore-articles"
* Added language support and a few languages
* Added a method to add custom articles.
* Please see the [updated demo]( (also renamed)
* Thanks for [thezoggy]( for feedback.
* Fixed a bug in the grouping widget demo:
* The "priority (letter)" column was incorrectly parsing the data which, for some reason, worked in some browsers.
* Thanks again to [thezoggy]( for reporting [this issue](
#### Version 2.8.1 (3/27/2013)
* Added `customAjaxUrl` option to the pager:
* This function is called after all processing has been applied to the `ajaxUrl` string.
* Use this function to make any other string modifications, as desired.
* Thanks to [Cthulhu59]( for contributing. See [pull request #256](
#### Version 2.8 (3/27/2013)
* Added an `updateAll` method
* This method allows you to update the cache with data from both the `thead` and `tbody` of the table.
* The `update` method only updates the cache from the `tbody`.
* This fixes [issue #262](
* Added a grouping rows widget:
* It only works in tablesorter 2.8+ and jQuery v1.7+.
* This widget was added to a subfolder named `widgets` within the `js` directory.
* A group header is added, after sorting a column, which groups rows that match the selector.
* Selectors include whole words, letters, numbers and dates (year, month, day, weekday and time).
* Check out [the demo]( and get more details on how to use the widget there.
* Thanks to [Brian Ghidinelli]( for sharing his custom widget code.
* Added multiple parsers
* [Month](
* [Two digit year]( (mmddyy, ddmmyy and yymmdd)
* [Weekday](
* [Date library]( (sugar & datejs)
* ISO 8601 date by [Sean Ellingham]( (no demo, yet)
* [Metric prefixes](
* [Ignore leads]( parser (ignores "A", "An" and "The" in titles)
* [Inputs, checkbox and select parsers]( These parsers automatically update on element changes, but requires jQuery 1.7+.
* Tablesorter's "update" method now checks if a column sort has been enabled or disabled:
* Please note that the sorter precendence (order of priority) is still inforced ([reference](
* So, for example, if you add a "sorter-false" class name to the header, it will disable the column sort if **no** jQuery data, metadata, headers option or other `"sorter-{some parser}" class name is already in place.
* To make sure a column becomes disabled, set it's jQuery data, then update:
$('th:eq(0)').data('sorter', false);
* Thanks to dibs76 for asking about this on [StackOverflow](
* This is also related to [issue #262](
* Custom parsers detection now has higher priority over default parsers:
* If your custom parser just has an `is()` check that only returns false, nothing will change. You can still set the parser using jQuery data, metadata, the `headers` option or header class name as usual (in this [order of priority](
* What this means is that if you wrote a custom parser with an `is()` check (which tests the string and returns a boolean where `true` shows a match for your parser), it would have previously been checked after all of the default parsers were checked.
* Now the automatic parser detection works in reverse, from newest (custom parsers) to oldest (default parsers). So the default text and digit parsers will always be checked last.
* The `addWidget` method will now extend an included `options` object into the widget options (`table.config.widgetOptions`).
* Default widgets will not use this functionality until version 3.0, to keep them backwards compatible.
* Include any widget options, when writing a new widget, as follows:
// *******************
// parameters:
// table = table object (DOM)
// c = config object (from table.config)
// wo = all widget options (from table.config.widgetOptions)
id: 'myWidget',
// widget options (added v2.8) - added to table.config.widgetOptions
options: {
myWidget_option1 : 'setting1',
myWidget_option2 : 'setting2'
// The init function (added v2.0.28) is called only after tablesorter has
// initialized, but before initial sort & before any of the widgets are applied.
init: function(table, thisWidget, c, wo){
// widget initialization code - this is only *RUN ONCE*
// but in this example, only the format function is called to from here
// to keep the widget backwards compatible with the original tablesorter
thisWidget.format(table, config, widgetOptions, true);
format: function(table, c, wo, initFlag) {
// widget code to apply to the table *AFTER EACH SORT*
// the initFlag is true when this format is called from the init
// function above otherwise initFlag is undefined
// * see the saveSort widget for a full example *
// access the widget options as follows:
if (wo.myWidget_option1 === 'setting1') {
remove: function(table, c, wo){
// do what ever needs to be done to remove stuff added by your widget
// unbind events, restore hidden content, etc.
* Updated the demo showing how you can write your own widget
* Updated all methods to stop event propagation past the table. This prevents sorted inner tables from also sorting the outer table. Fixes [issue #263](
* Updated filter widget to restore previous search after an update. Fixes [issue #253](
* Updated bower manifest file, thanks to [joyvuu-dave]( for the [pull request #252](
* Updated several public methods that require a table element:
* These methods will now accept either a <em>table DOM element</em> or a <em>jQuery object</em>; previously it would only accept a DOM element.
* Modified these `$.tablesorter` functions: `isProcessing`, `clearTableBody`, `destroy`, `applyWidget` and `refreshWidgets`.
* Example: `$.tablesorter.destroy( document.getElementById('myTable') );` or `$.tablesorter.destroy( $('#myTable') );`
* See [issue #243](
* Updated Bootstrap from version 2.1.1 to 2.3.1.
* Fixed issue with bootstrap demo not working in IE7. It was a silly trailing comma. Fixes [issue #265](
* Fixed the filter widget to work properly across tbodies. It now leaves non-sortable tbodies intact. Fixes [issue #264](
* Fixed the `updateCell` method which would cause a javascript error when spammed. It would try to resort the table while the tbody was detached.
* Fixed `shortDate` parser so that it no longer detects semantic version numbers (e.g. "1.0.0").
* Fixed the internal `getData()` function to properly get dashed class names; e.g. `"sorter-my-custom-parser"` will look for a parser with an id of `"my-custom-parser"`.
* Fixed IE code examples all appearing in line.
* Did some general code cleanup and rearranging.
#### Version 2.7.12 (3/1/2013)
* Fixed hiding filter rows when using filter_formatter elements. See [issue #250](
* Fixed an issue with `updateCell` method not removing extra table rows before computing the row index of the cell that was just updated.
* Added an `exactMatch` option to the html5color filter_formatter function.
* Added missing documentation for the `updateCell` callback method. It's been there for a while!
#### Version 2.7.11 (2/24/2013)
* Fixed several javascript errors:
* Empty cells in a numeric column should no longer cause an error - fixes [issue #246](
* The tablesorter storage function should no longer cause an error when provided an undefined key - fixes [issue #244](
* Added `saveSortReset` method to clear any saved sorts for a specific table. Use it as follows:
* Added `delayed` options to several filter formatter functions.
* Selectors that can be changed quickly - uiSlider, uiRange, uiSpinner, html5Range and html5Number - will now execute the filter query after a short delay.
* The filter delay time is set in the filter function option `filter_searchDelay`. The default delay is 300 milliseconds.
#### Version 2.7.10 (2/22/2013)
* Updated widget storage function to ensure no invalid strings are passed to the `$.parseJSON` function.
* Thanks to [andriijas]( for the code suggestion :)
* Fixes [issue #240]( &amp; [issue #244](
* Updated filter widget:
* When cell content contains quotes and the filter select is added, the quotes are now properly processed to be included within the options. Fixes [issue #242](
* Empty cells are no longer added to the options. If you want to include empty cells, add the following (see [this StackOverflow question](
<span style="display:none">{empty}</span>
Then you'll get a select dropdown showing `{empty}` allowing you to select empty content.
#### Version 2.7.9 (2/20/2013)
* Fixed an issue with the pager targetting an incorrect page when the table starts out empty.
* Get the correct number of columns when `widthFixed` is `true` and the first row contains a table. See [issue #238](